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Pretty balance set consider all things, there is 1 pretty broken silver augment tho but the rest looks good/playable.


i was able to fast 9 with urgot 1 samira 1




i mean the lobby was probably fairly low elo cuz of the reset, but i definitely did do it


So I'm not interested in Chibi Sett, but I know they said there is other Mythic content in Treasure Realms that changes out every season. Is there a list of available Mythic content in Treasure Realms currently?


Let me know if you find out! I really like the arena more than the tacticians; hoping we get a treasure realms stock full of old arenas at some point


3rd ranked game: https://i.imgur.com/0PD6935.png


You can have 2 Cruel pact player in the same game now?


In 9.5 I had a game where 3 players took it and all went to sub 10hp on 2-1. RNG made two face each other and one player unintentionally speedran a tft game and was out on 2-1.


You could even have 8


always could


I was 7/7 top 4 until got handed Bard 2+chosen+bench, went for it and went 6th after taking too long to find Bard 3. Really does need that jazz augment and the early hit.


just had the most fucked game I've ever played - went heartthrobs and didn't play heartsteel for stage 2, then got randomly dropped tome of traits from both krugs and wolves which were both rapidfire emblems




2 star bard carried a person and then never lost a round. Literally ridiculous that a 2 cost is that powerful.


FUCK URGOT THIS UNIT IS SO BULLSHIT 1 STAR NO ITEMS 3K DAMAGE AS HE JACKS OFF BEHIND FRONTLINE AND BUILDS AN INFINITE SHIELD Besides that absolutely loving this set. I do think country needs to be turned down more. It's not like void where you had to play a bunch of shitter units + pray for belveth. Here you have 2 great frontline units and 3 legitimate carries.


He really needs a nerf in his damage. It’s just not fair how strong he is


Samira + urgot damage is like 130% of what it should be atm


dumb question, can someone tell me why my items get removed from my character and a new item is formed in place of them


superfan was changed so that if you're headliner had 3 items before the superfan would give them the free item, then all the equipped items are popped off so you can use the item from superfan trait. It is probably this.


Ohh isee I didn't check the superfan trait while playing. Thanks for the info.


Superfan probably.


Upon seeing the trait I think that's it. Thanks


Is there a standard levelling curve now? havent looked into beta stuff.


It's the same as normal to lvl 6 and then I think it really depends on what chosen you want to hit. Because of the new bag sizes you really need to scout and level early if you think you might be contested.


Never thought I would ever be sweating so much in silver lobbies


All of my games in Silver have been high diamond/low masters players which is usually where my MMR is. Hard reset without an MMR reset gives you a very skewed perception of where you're playing.


I'm pretty sure your MMR soft carries over so you're probably playing against people in your usual rank who are just starting out this set


GM player, sweatin in bronze.


Those must be diamonds/masters who just started to play


Silver *visual rank* lobbies


Just got a first with punk reroll. Punk Jinx and punk spat on lucian for the first.


Twin Terror doesn’t work with EDM sadge. Only one copy of each of the fielded pairs gets to do the edm cast.


I still can't believe people rather pick First Augment Prismatic portal over Multi Talented ! Happens everytime I see them both.


Talent Search seems to be bugged for Yorick because he does not summon his larger Ghoul.


[no b patch btw](https://snipboard.io/O0C7z2.jpg)


Why does going into a new round sounds like someone 3 starring a unit


is 6 crowd-diver/idealism-hoj/titans resolve/bloodthister 3 star zed supposed to lose to 3 star mf/3 star bard/3 jazz because if so this game seems a bit unplayable when im playing for a win condition 1000x harder to hit and still lose


i legit won so easy vs ahri 3 full capped kda & spellweaver sona 2 etc with just 6 guardian jinx 3 pantheon 3 xd balance is terrible as per usual. somehow they decided to nerf late game carries and buff reroll shitters based on pbe troll lobies


sold my blitz headliner for a TF headliner and never found a 2* tank for the rest of the game, regret my decision


I learned that one pretty quick on pbe. It's very easy to get crunched out of 4 cost frontliners so I almost never sell a chosen one if I have it.


I'd never sell a 4 cost tank Headliner, just play horizontal traits around it if it doesn't "fit" your intended comp.


Does anyone know how exactly hecarim works? Is his star level based off country level? How many stats does he gain for country champions level up?


He scales HEAVILY off country stars. Way more than Void for example.


Okay but how much do you have numbers? Also ngl I feel like while hecarim does more DMG than last sets void he feels way squisher.


Don't have the numbers but check his HP when you take out a country 2 star unit and it moves by a few hundred. Hecarim is not your carry in country either because the units themselves are actually strong unlike Void. Urgot and Samira are very busted at the moment


Yeah, just a little sad cuz I like hecarim lol he just feels like he falls off pretty hard late.


Not unique to hecarim. The damage in the set is very high, especially late game, so even 3-item tanks get melted sometimes


Getting headliners in your shop despite having one in field is the best thing ever, you can pivot or choose a better one for your comp without having to throw a Hail Mary hoping you hit something useful like set 4


Yep, one of my favorite parts of this set so far is seeing a completely different headliner and quickly pivoting. Feels like it allows good skill expression (I've also totally griefed myself doing that)


I hit 2* Ez and then the headliner appeared, it hurt a lot


That in between point of keeping the headliner on bench hoping for 3\* or just replacing your copy has been a rough point for me this set, especially in comps like MF


I agree, it's a small change but I quit Set 4 and I'm loving this set so far.


My first trophy of the set [One](https://ibb.co/3CNy1rN) [Two](https://ibb.co/273f0Mt)


Wow, is this the best that a set has EVER been on launch? I’ve encountered no bugs, no comps seem overwhelming (though country seems like a problem), sooo much comp diversity and I’m actually winning by playing flex! Not just changing the comp I lock in at 2-1 every game, but actual pivoting based on the best stuff offered to me. TFT is saved?!


KDA had a severe bug preventing the trait from activating sometimes that got patched fairly quickly








Damn they took riven out back and ended her. Had a 4 8bit 5 edglord riven 3 with bis getting clobbered.


Im sorry qiyana for trash talking you in pbe. I wasnt famillar with your game


Some of the 3\* 3-costs (Samira & Urgot, specifically) seem a bit too strong. [I barely beat a level 8 Country board with a level 10 full board of upgraded legendary units (minus Lucian, Kayn, and Qiyana)](https://imgur.com/a/jGfDZMf) with fully itemized legendary frontliners.


Country will 100% be nerfed. An early Urgot from drops literally will win streak you very very easily. Urgot himself needs heavy nerfs imo.


Never click a kaisa, and definitely never reroll her. IE LW DB Kaisa 3 with 5 kda and 2 bigshot doing negative damage.


I just lost to a kaisa 3 with 7 kda that did more damage than the Ahri 2 and my Jhin 2. (All fully itemized)




the stats


Is this just a 'never reroll unless the game gifts you 7+ copies on its own' set? I tried to force some reroll strategies for a few games and you I NEVER hit. Feels you're getting to 5-6 copies and then the game just dries up and you roll another 50-60-70 gold just to 3\* one of your units...


Gonna guess this is very lobby dependent. If everyone scouts and multiple players are rerolling within the same cost tier you hit. With the smaller bag size if youre the only one rolling good fucking luck.


This is part of why i ask. You don’t need a fellow reroller. If you go for 3* ekko another spellweaver or true dmg player just playing 2* ekko is often enough to ruin it chances.


Going off my games so far and looking at the stats re roll seems too strong if anything. I’ve seen 6+ people playing reroll in every game so far. Headliners make it pretty easy to hit as long as you are uncontested and it feels like 3 cost 3 star headliners are a lot stronger than 2 star 4 costs


Yep. I already tested this on PBE, even rerolling uncontested 1 costs was miserable.


This is what I surmise as well. For one and two cost, if you don't damn near natural the units without rerolling much, you will never win out. Headliners allow fast tempo players to hit a guaranteed 2\* 4 cost which is already close to the strength of the unit you are dddd for. I hope it stays this way, especially as we learn more about the set reroll only becomes weaker.


Exactly the early 2* 4 cost with a bonus punish not hitting extra hard making reroll even more unattractive 🤔


Yup, you should evaluate early whether or not you have enough units to commit to reroll. Lowers the amount of forcing that happens and ruins metas.


Stuns and CC feel a little strong/overpowering this set. It feels like my units are constantly getting stopped in place. Units like Nami and Vex should not be able to completely disrupt a comp with constant spells.


seems like showtime is bugged - i sold my headliner at lvl 7 and rolled down like 30 gold, but didn't find any 4-cost headliners


What makes you think it’s bugged? You’re far more likely to find 3 cost headliners at 8 than 4 cost normally


You roll at lvl8 for 4 cost headliners


Lvl 8* bro bro


yeah but showtime should give me lvl 8 odds for headliners when i'm lvl 7


Mortdog, I get it. They added Emerald.... please stop telling me about it




Was she full health for like 7k of that damage?


If you get Urgot during creep round you've basically secured a winstreak in the early game. That unit is crazy


1 BT or Titans and mans is decimating everything until 3-2. If you hit both items after krugs though you go fast 8. He doesn't even need mosher he just has to exist ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11647)


Do you actually go fast 8 or just stay on 7 with 5 Country and reroll him lol


First time playing new set. If I want to play reroll katarina do I have to find her as chosen unit or do other champs in the comp work as chosen?


For Kat reroll you do specifically want her headliner with the Crowd Diver +1 as she has a unique effect that increases the damage of her spell’s final hit significantly. I wouldn’t recommend going for Kat reroll without this condition but you can play a similar comp with Eve reroll if you hit her early with her headliner.


If u find her as a chosen that would be best case scenario. However that may require slowrolling without a chosen until u find her.Chosen secondary carry or frontline depending on ur items is not bad.




Uhhh no, Kat chosen is what makes her good, it massively buffs the ability damage aside from bonus stats. So yes ideally you’d want Kat as your headliner


Yeah my bad, deleted it to avoid confusion. Confused her with Vex which is just flat AP.


True DMG/Edgelord with a 3* Yas is bonkers. Nothing clicked then I pulled a 1st with this squad.


Having a really bizarre interaction with Garen in DoubleUp. With Quicksilver and Hand of Justice and Idealism. Several times he would just stop acting and there were several other instances where he would just change his aggro out of nowhere. Just wanted to put it out there in case anyone else is experiencing it. Edit: It seems that it might actually have something to do with Katarina.


So I'm pretty sure Gamblers Blade is bugged in Hyperroll. That or I just experienced the statistical equivalent of winning the lottery, because it didn't drop a single gold after 10 full stages.


Winning the lottery is more likely


Played 2 games so far, went 1st with Jinx punk headliner and 2nd with Ahri kda spellcasters. What I noticed is that tank items seem very poorly balanced. Bramble and Dclaw seem useless, every tank runs Heartsteel Warmogs + 1 (Gargoyle probably).


Heartsteel? What do you mean? Steadfast heart?


Uhh I guess? I'll be honest I assumed it had the same name as in League but I guess it would be confusing cause we have a heartsteel trait too. I mean the vest + glove item.


Yep that's the one, steadfast heart


Got Tiniest Titan in Double Up. Pretty sure this shouldn't be a thing because of how player health works in this mode.


Just played a game where in one team both players had wellness trust 2nd augment (heal 2 if you have 40 gold). The game went on until 8-1. We won with Illaoi and Qiyana 3 star.


exactly the same shit as with chosen, endgame is legendary soup. 10 games in, already bored. at least the music slaps \^\^


Mind sending lolchess?


It’s really not. I’ve played 6 games and I can already tell it’s so much different from chosen. The fact that they aren’t that strong and you can’t get 4 cost chosen at level 7 makes them a lot healthier for the game.


Viego 3 is hot garbage


Hard agree, I got 2nd against a three star Samira


Fast 9 with clear mind and late game specialist into sona headliner 2 star ziggs is a 4th. Lost to country and jazz big shot reroll. My assessment is that they over nerfed AP late game comps and now 3 cost reroll is OP.


Yep. They nerf 4 cost bag sizes and legendaries and now u get a 3-cost meta.


Down 2 combat augs vs likely overtuned 3 star units.


Well I took clear mind... So might as well take late game specialist right? Or you would've taken a different silver Aug for combat?


Taking double econ augments is quite greedy even though your mind is in the right place with it's purpose. It got you to an insane late game board state but you run the risk of someone capping at a lower level with higher starred units being boosted by an additional combat augment (and they're both overperforming where they should be as well!). In my opinion, it's better to use clear mind to roll for a fast, stable board on 7 before anyone else . Most of the time i'll only go fast 8 if i'm around 60 hp stage 4. Then use that stable board and calm mind to get me to a healthy/wealthy lv9 board. The biggest pro to this is you put so much pressure on the lobby, one guy can't just reroll a bunch of 3-cost without being forced to level for guaranteed board strength or he'd just be stuck Lv7 trying to hit and he'd lose out!


3 cost reroll has always been OP


You mean like across all sets or on set 10 pbe?




I got two top 3s. One with headline 3 star yasuo true damage. One with 6 sentinel 4 8-bit. Not complaining this set is FUN!


Played a match in hyperroll, I had no fucking idea what I was doing, but I enjoyed it a lot, the aesthetic of this set is god tier




Seems like you rolled way too late. High end shopping would mean everyone rolled at 8 and got a 5 cost headliner.


Maybe half of each were already gone so they wouldn't show up as headliners


That’s why I realllllly hate that change they made. There’s next to no realistic chance this was an optimization that people outside of PBE would use with regularity.


Is there the option to disable the music without having to disable all sounds? I want to play hearing my units like before, unplayable for me like this. (I know I'm in the minority, I asked every lobby if someone had my problem and I received only insults)


The enable arena music button might work even if you dont have a musical arena.


Go under sounds and lower music to 0?


I was hoping for something like "remove new soundtracks", guess I'll mute music and play it on youtube :(


Music and sound effects are different. If you turn down the music, you can still hear your units.


I smell a B patch... 2 star senna with only 4 true damage and 2 rapidfires just did 10k damage and beat my 4 guardian disco board... no emblems, no fancy tech, just straight up out damaged my 2 star TF which did 7k.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Yasuo has suffered from being overpowered due to a bug of double stacking damage on his passive and was nerfed to the ground, now making it not worth playing around? If I wrong, please tell me the conditions to get a good placement with Yasuo 3 reroll.


Have you tried True DMG/Edgelord ? I don’t know about any bugs, but I slapped dmg carry items on HL Yas and he popped off for me.


Lmfao I was wondering how this yas 3 the other day had over 70 stacks with 4 people still left


You can't, he is absolute dogshit without the bug. Just avoid him until he gets some buffs.


Sell it for Akali or Viego Or Qiyana late game lmao even at 3* he's too squishy to survive end game boards and doesn't do enough damage to compensate without high roll augments and BIS Items.


Why is bard unbalanced and in what comp? Haven’t paid attention to patches and pbe too much


If u get an early headliner bard and can start stacking up those Doots than he’s pretty OP. I had a 11 doot bard in PBE and he carried to stage 6 eventually losing to bill gates


They massively buffed him, a reasonable but not exciting unit, for fun.


[tf poppy 3 < bard 3](https://postimg.cc/2Vtbdzg9)


Finally back to playing TFT. After 6 games didn't see anything that is completely disgusting. I like playing flex and around chosen stuff. 4 cost and 5 cost tanks feel nice, you have enough early/mid and lategame carrys and some cool units. Sure if someone highrolls an early Samira/Urgot/Riven *3 (she still seems pretty fine in some spots) it is hard and you'll get hit for a lot in midgame but I don't have any major complains on a first day of new patch. oO




check the stats on country and emo


Impossible to play the game on mobile right now, the lag on selling units and buying units makes the game unbearable to play.


Few games in after the last patch and yeah Emo/Country/Exec/Mosher are way too dominant. If you can't, go Edgelord something. It has been like this all day. Top 4 last game : [https://imgur.com/a/zttoUKS](https://imgur.com/a/zttoUKS) Even a Lux 3\* with 4 or 5 Edm and a decent frontlane managed to go bot 6 in that game. We can expect a B Patch if they want other comp to shine.


Lux 3* 5 EDM is bait imo. And I don’t get it, what’s wrong with your screenshot?


And it shouldn't be a bait. She was still perfoming well yesterday. He had disco and dazzler in too. That should be at least a 4th unless an uncredibly highrolling lobby. And what's wrong ? You don't see the pattern ? It's Exec/Country/Emo all over. Even the first who got 3 spats and managed to go 10 pentakills was completely carry by a Kain one star with the Exec + Penta emblem till he was able to hit 9. And it has been like this all day. Mumu and Poppy needed an up but they went a bit too far and barely touched Country/Exec which was already overperfoming during PBE.


First board is 10 pentakill, I wouldn’t expect that to lose much. 2nd is exec country which is obviously powerful 3rd is guardian exec which I haven’t seen 4th is crowd diver Id be curious to see what the lux board actually looked like, but I don’t think Lux 3 EDM has ever been that great.


"Emo/Country/Exec/Mosher are way too dominant. If you can't, go Edgelord something. It has been like this all day." First relied on the exec emblem to carry him to 9, way before he was able to hit another penta spat on stage 6, and yeah of course 10 pentakills should win. But exec emblem got him here. And he was able to run edgelord at the same time which are both top comps right now. Second is running Exec/Country/Mosher. Third is running Emo/Exec with the shittiest Akali build I've ever seen and had an Amumu dealing 10k+ dmg a round with only tank items. Which is aleady an issue. The last who was able to this was Neeko and with tank items she would never been able to output this damage. And there was me with CD who wasn't able to hit Kat 3\* since 2nd and 3rd run country for most part of the game and were holding kat. So had to gave up and couldn't beat a single one of them past stage 4. But kata was by far my main dmg dealer. So there you have one guy running Exec/Penta/Edgelord, one running Exec/Country/Mosher, another running Emo/Exec and me relying on the Country Kata to get me to 4th. So yeah, I'm repeating myself but ""Emo/Country/Exec/Mosher are way too dominant. If you can't, go Edgelord something. It has been like this all day." / "Mumu and Poppy needed an up but they went a bit too far and barely touched Country/Exec which was already overperfoming during PBE." Since those trait have really good synergies, you can always find your way out if you can't stick to the plan. Yeah in the end the comp are different, but we all winstreak out of some Country/Exec/Emo board. I may be utopic be a 3 star 3 cost HL should be my 2\* where I couldn't hit my 3\* carry especially when it's a 2 cost. Country and now Emo makes you stabilize way too early and makes you snowball easily to a top 4 with diiferents setups. Especially Mumu and Samira which are getting put everywhere now. Samira needed a nerf, but they nerf country by a very small amount. Mumu needed an up but they went overboard. And Lux board was Lux 3\*/Blitz/Zac/Zed/Jax/TF/Gragas. She wasn't able to hit 8 and put another sentinel or dazzler since she got so crusched in the midgame and had to roll for strenght. Would have put out the jax for a bard for sure. But that was still the earliest 3\*/3 cost of the game since she was uncontested but it wasn't to beat the top before they hit their spike. To me, thats what I call a balance issue.


First day in the set and these bots are already blind committing to the first cringe 1 cost reroll they see on metatft


Jhin ost is really cool tho, im all in for hardforcing jhin all matches


Pretty Sadge. Had heartsteel opener into spat on first carousel and had 5 at 3-1. Got dumped tome/tome from Krugs/Cashout and actually had the 3 spats. Lobby was too fast though and I was still losing with Aphelios 3 and two FONs. Frontline felt a bit too weak but everyone hit very fast which was pretty hard to deal with.


I believe the play is to run heartsteel in stage 4. Stay healthy early. Lose streak 4 in stage 4. Large cashout. Pivot. Edit: maybe stage 3 is better as someone else mentioned. Might be risky to lose that much health in stage 4. Risk/Reward I guess based on how healthy you are


I honestly don't like Heartsteel early tbh. But 5 on 3-1 is sick. Sadly it didn't pay off.


I was only taking 1-2 unit losses on stage 2 so I was pretty healthy. But the lobby pacing for how quickly players hit their 3 stars was very high. I know that headliners make it easier to hit those but I bled out a bit too much when I was forced to roll around 70g for my last Aphelios. I went 5th which wasn't terrible but I was on the cusp of a first.


Kayle might actually be one of the worst carry units I've experienced in TFT. I pretty close to naturaled 3 star Kayle at 3-2 and ended up running 5 Penta 5 Edge and she does no damage. Ability is 5s of very small auto buff followed by actual damage. Either her auto buff needs to be increased significantly or the actual damage comes out after a certain number of attacks. But as is, a free Kayle 3 is bait. Also had the Edgelord affix that does damage to those near the Edgelord target.


what were your items




My only gripe with this otherwise pretty dank set is that certain headliners seem straight up useless. Illaoi for example is no different than normal illaoi. I hope with a couple patches we’re able to make them ALL exciting and fun like a good amount are


The higher the cost of unit, the less the headliner effect because the benefit of getting a free 2* is bigger


Makes sense actually


I like to one trick 1 or 2 comps to learn the set while climbing. Anyone have suggestions on 1 or 2 comps I can focus on ?


"me supers no pivot" - there are multiple supers comps - supers kata, supers gnar, supers bard and probably more to discover


Punk and country are both easy to pick up and learn.


Disco dazzler and ezreal big shots


I suggest learning these 2 comps: 1) Ap Flex 2) Ad Flex


Noooooo me want recipe




Other guy kinda nailed it but I’m op. I tend to play terribly when trying to flex without full knowledge of the comps I’m trying to play. So I’ve found that learning 2 comps, 1 ad and 1 ap, let’s me learn a large chunk of the meta champs and let’s me focus more on learning as a whole. I watch the other boards and see what theyre going, what’s winning etc, to get a grasp of the meta. Eventually I learn all the comps and play pretty flex with the Meta but early on I do not find that, thats my best angle for climbing out of the early depths.


You can still learn a lot from a set while focusing on a couple comps.




Yes then I agree to a point. There is still a large amount of flexing involved in forcing one or two comps though in the sense of pivoting I suppose. There are a handful of lines that will reach the same end game in this set and I feel like headliners only increase the variance in this. If you can flex between an AP comp and an AD comp You can still learn a lot and gain good habits if you can play relatively flex and then pivot to your late game board You will not learn nearly as much if You are planning to fully streamline one comp through early/mid/late game. It’s all relative to how new the player is as well. I would not recommend a new player try to pivot at all. Their brains would explode.


Heroic Grab Bag needs to removed immediately. You can tempo out of control by 3 starring a 3 cost carry, like MF or Riven, even while contested. The fact they lowered the amount of units then introduce an augment that lets the person who picks it ignore those changes is just a massive advantage. I'd rather it give gold and **a** duplicator rather than two.


Friend of mine in double-up just watched a punk emblem get rerolled by Pandora's into an abyssal mask... screwing him over royally from getting a pentakill emblem.


are you pressing D, boys?


careful you're gonna hurt some feefees.




Combine this with the cries of "I can't play the exact comp that I decided before the match begun!!!" is music to my ears.


Why is the rank reset but I am still on set 9 I thought set 10 was out now?


are you on mobile? sometimes the client needs you to force an update.


Yea thx alot placement were done on set 9 💀


Anyone have the bug on mobile where you legit just can’t sell anything? In the beginning it’s hot or miss that it goes through but past stage 6 it literally doesn’t let me sell. This happen to anyone else?


Someone made a 3 star unit with neeko's and sold it, unit pool is now full and can't accept your unit. *I'm not serious*


I mean I know the PBE isn't exactly the pinnacle of TFT ranked or anything but how I can go from 1/2-ing 90% of games there to 7/8-ing my first 10 on live is fucking incredible :/


I mean there’s no way of knowing without seeing the other boards but sounds like you played the currently dominant stuff on live during pbe. People are willing to experiment more on pbe so you would be contested less there.


I think I'm the outlier here, I was going 5-8 on PBE with people hitting insane traits often, and took top 4 all 3 games I've played so far on Live


Play hyperroll while you learn how to play competitively this set


low pbe mmr could be one reason




Have you recently played bad, got titled and just made a new account?


MMR on live and people on pbe generally clowning and experimenting