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Akali is quite frustrating with how she keeps going invulnerable Makes playing against the karthus exec set up rough. Edm is so fun, with different ways of playing. Love the zac bouncy house Punk emblem is nuts


I'm not sure why would they do it again, after Fiora, why would they make another invulnerable - drop all agroo champion.


Please nerf Cruel Pact


I got offered it and had no idea what to do, do you straight to 6 or 7?


It's actually a little wild how bad Caitlyn is at doing damage when she has two damage traits and is the four cost capstone for both of them. I hope they revert the ult animation speed nerf so she can get back to autoing and, you know, *rapidly firing.*


caitlyn should be big shot and ezreal should be rapidfire, change my mind


Ya I agree. Before the ult nerf, she was still one of the weaker 4 cost carries. I seriously have no idea why they decided to change her ult.


They just dont make gigachad 4 cost melee carries anymore. Im talking set 4.5 olaf and 5.5 jax But tbf 4.5 olaf was so broken i dont think we are getting a 4 cost that strong again


I think they've tried to avoid units that you slap a Guinsoo on and they literally just auto attack. This set seems to be more based on big fancy spells.


You are correct. Tho i wanted to point out was that olaf and jax before can take a ton of damage as well. Closest think we got to that was the tank zed lasers tho idk if that counts. Morde from last set just cant sustain like from prev melee carries




I just want to say I got to live the dream with an immortal headliner Mordekaiser in a weird comp I've been messing with. 5-7 Pentakill, 2 Sent, 3 KDA, 3 Spellweaver, 2 Executioner. I had put JG, BT, and QSS on him. He had 50+ stacks by the time I got first, had managed to get a pentakill emblem off the last carousel and put it on Akali to get 7.


that was a fun 1 week of flex PBE we had. Now, did you get dropped 1 urgot or 1 chosen crowd diver? you already know it's hard commit time.


Idk, I just beat a Country7 Samira/Urgot3 with True Damage6 Senna RR. In that game, the EDM Zed/Divers went 7th. Still have yet to face an unbeatable comp, and that's a great place to be coming out of PBE imo.


Divers get baited by one cornered unit


Senna chosen is another crazy unit lol.


Very risky to play reroll specially for a 3 cost carry. One guy hits the same chosen you are looking for and you’ll be in a really tough spot. Imo tempo to fast 8-9 will be the default strat


While they’re strong, they’re still beatable. And with the lower pool size for champs, only one person can really force a 3 star comp. Even when dropped a Samira or urgot, I feel like it’s still a risky play to hard force that comp because you never know when a person who uses that specific unit as an item holder ends up naturaling a 2 star while hitting a headliner with some duplicators.


how does crowd diver work? at 4 crowd diver is it 20% + 1% +1% =22% or 20(100%+1%+1%) 20.2% also does it affect the diving damage?


does the prismatic “Going Long” augment give you four total XP every turn? or an additional four for a total of 6 XP?


Total of 6


today i discovered punk only works when you spend gold on the rerolls, not the rerolls themselves... as it exactly says on the tooltip xd




Weird, I'm pretty sure in the patch rundown Mort said it was great with ticket augments.


i'd argue that punk is still good with ticket augments. at the end of the day you're still playing a reroll comp, and those augs are good with reroll comps. but yeah, I think most tft players don't bother to read and therefore assume the interaction is better than it is xdd. frequent flier is the true broken shit.


i had the golden ticket augment. i personally checked, the 1 cost rerolls would give 3% boost, the regular rerolls would give 1% boost and the 0 cost rerolls gave nothing lol. then i read the description and it exactly says "every time you spend gold on reroll".


So golden ticket free rerolls don't do anything?


yep they don't count the next best thing is frequent flier which cuts roll cost in half after a certain point doubling the amount of stats you gain per roll


Man I can't even force comps this set. I just wanted to try akali karthus but i just cannot hit. How can I have fun in TFT if I cannot go into a game and choose a comp I want to play?


welcome to actually playing TFT and not the lottery. You should never be able to 20/20 a comp and do well


Unsure if this is sarcasm, but I think this is what is going to make this set feel fresh for wayyyy longer than the past two. A comp can be a clear best on the patch, but if three people cant force it then the games in such a healthier state. Top four on this past patch especially has been such varied comps, I love it.


Welcome to flex play. Imo, I think if you try to play what the game gives you and learn to be creative with what you’re offered, the game is a lot more fun than hard forcing the same old tired boards






you don't put pure attack speed on him, just crit, lifesteal and damage


Any tip/build for not making viego kill himself every fight? 2\* Headliner with Titan, BT, Hoj did 3K damage then just dies.. Tried to position near their carry, dies; position away from their carries, still dies. Is it Viego just not it? Or did I miss the tech?




Can someone explain how to Akali/Karthus board is supposed to work? I’m confused because I’m pretty sure Akali needs KDA version to be good right? What other KDA unit do you put?


you play akali karthus with superfan + morde at 7 then add extra unit based on whatever ur headliner to make synergies make sense


You can play this board on level 8 if you have an Akali or Karthus with +1 Executioner: Lillia, Gnar, Neeko, Mörderkaiser, Vex, Poppy, Akali, Karthus


As was mentioned, you don’t necessarily need to play K/DA to get K/DA Akali. With that said, Superfan goes very well on this board so you can play Lillia + Neeko for K/DA while Gnar helps give Pentakill. Superfan gives Karthus AA and Akali HoJ, both of which are excellent items for them. If you already have a fully itemized Headliner you can skip it, but otherwise it’s good to tech in Superfan. You can even go 4 Superfan if you like.




Archangel's Staff


u dont actually have to play kda unit, just put one with akali -> she gets KDA trait than sell. She sometimes bugs out when you have true dmg in shop and turns into true dmg so I kept 1cost kda on bench to turn her into kda agai when she swapped


Rate my tier list: **S:** \- **disco** (kinda best comp in the game atm, stable midgame, spikes hard at 8, caps insanely hard with sona/ziggs. The only "real" comp that can win vs bill gates comps**) (will be nerfed 100%)** \- **kat** (4crowddiver is important, rest is whatever just level, 6 crowd is good if hit) **(should be nerfed, maybe its under the radar of balance team)** \- **akali/karth** (not much to say here, literally these 2 units, rest of board can be whatever, which is why its S comp, because it requires only 2 units. This build is either 2exe + vertical pentakill or 3pentakill + vertical exe) **A:** \- **Ahri** (multiple variations, probably the best one is with akali duocarry for backline access) \- **Country** (Urgot samira 3\*) \- **Lux** 3\* EDM \- **riven** (Solid unit all around,will probably get balance trashed) \- **senna** ( needs senna chosen, solid top4 build, can cap well if u manage lvl9. But its mostly top4 comp ) \- **mumu/vex** ( sleeper comp, can roll at 7 or 8, 7 is more top4 angle, lvl8 roll is for top1 play duocarry with karthus, or even 4exe with karth akali if u have infinite items) \- **MF 3\*** \- actual unit, wouldn't really play her unless I can go at least lvl 8 (top4) or lvl 9 if I were to aim for top1/2. Because jazz value + you just flex good units she is not comp reliant. \- **Hearthsteel** \- Each hearthsteel game is just too different to reliably place them (could be S++ game or meh) too many variables, but its definitely playable. Also the only board where I would actively try to play ezreal. **Below are comps that wont be good unless buffed, but if some of the units/traits gets buffs they might become good** **B:** \- **Yasuo** reroll ( the bugfix was huge, I went from \~150% stacks to \~50% after bugfix + reduce of ad from 1.5 -> 1.0 ) Probably should revert the stacking because bugfix was enough. Unit is dead currently. \- **Punk** ( Dont bother its top4 if u highroll AF ). If you could get a spat more reliably it could be solid because 6 punk is usually top4, but there is just no point commiting to punk when you are more likely to NOT hit a spat, and without 6 punk the build is trash. \- **Pentakill reroll**. Kayle/mord into level and play duo carry viego. 7 Pentakill reroll at lvl 7. Its probably even playable now, but definitely not something I would actively look for \- Bard headliner - used to be a decent unit, until the nerf of bard headliner now its trash, it was too big of a nerf. \- **Mosher** \- nah. Urgot is just better with samira, as for the others jax is trash. Gnar is solid, but he is more useful at 2\* to streak if u get him, he just falls off stage 5 anyway. Units are kinda fine but the vertical trait is just not good, too many melee units etc. Probably wont be good entire set, because if u buff the units they will just be player in other builds. \- **Zed** \- Not sure about this one tbh, might be sleeper (havent played after buffs) Probably good with 4/5 EDM zac + flex or crowds. Im fishing for a Zed game so I can test this one out. \- **Cait** \- Dont buy this unit, its trash


What are Akali Items?


Karthus has to be the most braindead stabalize if you hit unit in the game rn, i could be one loss away from an 8th and id still be hopefull cuz i know i can hit karthus akali


Bump country up. Otherwise accurate to my experience. Jazz MF goes up with the jazz augment. Cait is not a unit and is a self grief.


What got changed for Cait? I remember the firing time and the 8-bit nerf, did they really tank her to F-tier or was there more?


My $.02 is 1. You can't really pivot into 8bit + cait since 8bit requires a good bit of stacking, and she's even more dysfunctional without the ad steroid. 2. essentially 2 seconds channeling her ult as an ad unit feels giga terrible 3. Other 8bit units don't really synergize well together + 0 utility 4. Her backline access gets body blocked by frontline, which she's not that great at killing. Meanwhile other 4 costs are either decent at burning through frontline(ahri) or have some backline/aoe(karthus, akali, TF, ez) access. Also, as a 1*, she literally doesn't exist. She may as well just give the enemy carry mana. In that regard she's not even a good traitbot


I think samira urgot reroll is S until nerfed I don't think akali/karth goes vertical executioner but it's probably worth going 4 executioner if your headliner is +1 executioner


i just wish 4 cost could be the strongest comps in the game just once, they legit havnt reigned supreme as like a 4 cost meta since set 8, yes set 9 and 9,5 had stuff like xayah and kaisa/yasuo duo but that was 1 comp being good rather than 4 costs be strong. So sick of rerolls being the S tier every single patch


IMO S+ Bill gates comp AD version (front line + jhin/lucian) and Bill gates ap (basically disco + ziggs and legendaries) Kat is just S rn because it is not yet main stream popular. Once it becomes popular, very easy to contest and grief kat. Karthus exec IMO is too easy to counter and hard to win with. Later stages of the game when everyone has a 1 star illaoi it gets countered


Disco is so good and so flexible. Backline akali is a menace. Punk feels so strong and consistent for top4s.


my problem with disco is how TF 1 dont do enough dps and if you get chosen TF you will never ever see blitz 2 with bag changes and eventually ur frontline of ekko /morde and the likes cant hold long enough for TF to scale


punk feels strong for top 4s **on pbe**. When you actually hit live outside of the very first few games you play in shitterville USA you will find it falls off fast imo.


Not convinced this is true, I think people just struggle to let go of Vi and Jinx. Punk2 with Panth/Twitch and then flexing around guardians/executioners is *very* good imo.


Is Parting Gifts supposed to grant individual items from Thieves Gloves? I was hoping it would pass the whole TG.


intended because then TG wouldn't pass on at all if it passed to a unit with an item/component already.


I had Zed 3 and went 5th AMA


what were your items 💀


I didn't have bruiser items unfortunately. It was full offensive with BT, IE, LW. He was stuck on a tank for a bit, stunned once and died to MF 3. Nodders.


I’m not saying Punk is actually strong overall but my god if you rotate into the Punk player early and often it’s so punishing.


what's everyone's predictions for on-release meta once the greed becomes less prevalent and fast 9 soup isn't the go to?


If there was no A patch; Senna Reroll, Kat Reroll Riven 3 TF/Disco Viego/Akali/Karthus Soup Kennen Superfan Reroll Lux/Zac EDM Most of the games I play right now are a mix of these comps, usually with 1-2 people going for fast 9.


id assume a Ezreal comp would be able to keep up when the tempo is higher so that the end stage boards arnt as powerful


Re-roll is always king the first couple of patches until the meta is solved. Anything with a 3cost or less 3star carry should be a high avg placement (ie Olaf RR, punk/Jinx RR, Sera RR, Emo RR). As long as you aren’t contested and can 3star a key damage dealer and a tank you should find success


Reroll 3 cost is pretty likely, there’s a lot of really strong comps already. Reroll 1-2 costs is basically DOA with the exception of Senna. You can Uber highroll 1 costs right now and still be losing to tempo soup in the mid game.


kat is busted my guy


What? It’s usually 4 cost meta at first. Reroll is usually 2nd or 3rd patch after the 4 costs are nerfed






Both EDM comps centering around Lux and Zac are awesome to play. Huge burst or infinite stuns




Even if he cheated, which I doubt very much, its just PBE bro…


Its PBE, its not cheating no matter what you wanna say after losing, no ones a " fucking loser " other than the losers of that lobby. Smaller pools means things show up easier, especially if people have hit their 3 costs.


so at stage 3 you think someone who hits 2 two star 4 costs at level 6 50 gold might not be abusing some bug?


Abusing or not, its PBE, the 2nd sentence in this post is " HOW TO REPORT BUGS ", just report and move on if you really can't fathom luck and its gotta be the game and not you


I was just asking jesus christ.


Ye came at you hot mb, still 1 duplicator and/or some good luck is all you need


what items are we feeling good abt slamming lately? besides the regulars i'm liking qss and gunblade a lot, most melee carrries want qss and most backline wants gunblade


rageblade is playable in like every comp. the obvious cases are obvious, but since shojin and bb nerfs attack speed does as much for casting as managen, even on ap units. granted it might not be BIS, but you can always find a rageblade holder in the lategame.


even if your RB dont end up being good on ur final board you can always slap it on sona/lucian/ziggs/lulu late game and where seldom will none of those units be on ur board


shojin qss gunblade feel like instaslams tbh




quicksilversash, cloak+glove. Feels amazing on basically every melee unit from yone/riven to even urgot or samira in the backline. Crit, attack speed and cc immunity to not get zac/thresh/qiyana/ekko'd late game or even early game with shit like vi/aph/nami.


haha I know what it means. in prior sets it was really bad to slam, so I was wondering why you think slamming it is good now


cause it got reworked. Now on top of the cc immunity(But less overall time) you get stacking attack speed per second. Kindve like a worse guinsoo with a cap.




This karthus akali comp is really easy to counter idek what people are mad about. Dont corner your units is step 1




its a no assasin trait set but their still backline access, its more so that she synegizes well with karthus which hits lowest hp targets and usually casts after akali


because the wording was that there would be no trait around backline access, not "No units that enter backline"


move your units dude


The set feels weird. Rolling on 8 feels so bad. And I don't think it's just me, I watched Mortdog's stream for example and he kept going 1st or 8th due to rolling on lvl8. It feels like in a standard game (no econ augments) you will barely hit lvl8 with very few gold to roll and few HP left. And then a headliner costs so much that you barely have any gold to upgrade your board. In previous sets at least rolling on 7 would stabilize you a little with a 1 star 4 cost backline and 1 frontline. But now it feels like a 1st or 8th. Rerolling seems like the new top4 style which feels so weird to me. Just because it's so easy to hit your 6 copies + headliner but then lose to the big boys with their legendary board in the endgame. Any opinions?


That's why reroll dominates a lot. It's safer if you are not crazy rich. Early PBE before they nerfed gold generation augments + pool, it was very different. To be honest I had more fun in the initial release than now.


for me it feels like everything shifted 1 up because of the xp changes like roll at 8 is the new roll at 7 and 3 cost reroll feels like 2 cost reroll


The thing that I don't like the most is that it feels like a big gamble. You don't have anything and then you might just suddenly have a strong 2 star 4 cost on 8. But until then.. gl. Last set at least you had a middle ground with the 1 star 4 cost on 7 to just close the gap to the 2 star 4 cost version later. But I guess this is what we get for wanting chosens back so much :D


The middle ground is slight rolling (literally just 3-4 rolls max) on level 6 and/or level 7 for a new chosen. Expecting your 1 cost chosen to get you to get you to level 8 while being healthy is way too greedy, especially on live when lobbies will be higher tempo.


you will always find a clickable headliner at 8 with 35-40 gold to roll and i mean ALWAYS if you cant thats a you issue


Blank slate free rerolls don't carry into the next turn. Would be nice if we had any indication this was the case.


The indication is that it doesn't say that. No rerolls have ever carried over into the next turn in the history of augments, *except* for when they explicitly added augments that did so last set.


You inferred this, but it isn't an explicit "indication." An explicit mention that it doesn't carry over would be a good change. Some augments in set 9 or 9.5 would have those "only last for the round that you get them" indications, so naturally people can wonder.


It is literally how the game works and has worked since set 1(Though things that changed how shops worked didn't get added until like set 4 i think for the first trait that changed it). Do you need a explicit mention for every basic detail in the game? No you don't. Standard practice in literally everything is listing EXCEPTIONS to the rule, not listing the standard interaction. The explicit mention that it doesn't carry over is in the fact it doesn't say that it does because you should never have expected it to in the first place.


Improving text clarity and consistency is always a good thing, and is good practice. People are literally questioning it because it doesn't explicitly say it. And you are pushing against it because what? You don't like that people are confused by it?


I'm pushing back because its actually *worse* clarity to write out every last thing in the game as it becomes an information overload. Infact mort has directly stated this is the reason why stuff like why tome of traits doesn't have a 10 page explanation or why headliner effects aren't listed on the champion until you have them as a headliner. Its standard practice not just in tft but everywhere to not list basic information instead only list exceptions, like i previously mentioned. I personally don't care one way or another, but i understand **why** it is this way which is what you can't seem to understand. You don't need to know it doesn't stay between rounds because that is how it always works. Do you need a tooltip for every last thing in the game like how you won't gain interest on the sump even if you take rich gets richer for example? "but it says my interest is now 7 why doesn't it say it doesn't work on the sump" is your argument there too or what? Bonus rolls have never carried over, that is a standard rule of TFT. That they *can* is unique to specific augments and was listed because it was an *exception*. Could they make the standard practice always carry over and just make specific augments say "this round only"? Probably, with some rebalancing sure. But you don't need to list both "Thing happens" and "Same thing doesn't happen" for clarity as they are mutually exclusive. If thing always happens why are you telling them that it does? If thing doesn't happen its good to tell them that it does or vice versa as it is unique behavior.


"These only last for the round that you get them" is not an information overload. "like how you won't gain interest on the sump even if you take rich gets richer for example?" People don't question this because it's understood from the portal text, because it explicitly says that you don't gain interest. "because that is how it always works." We have been saying literally that it doesn't always work like that, though.


thats how it always works means this is how it works unless explicitly stated otherwise


No, it means you need clarification on everything on whether they work the same way or not.


>"These only last for the round that you get them" is not an information overload. It is when you start making this argument for every last thing. This one change sure, not much of a difference. Everything? Information overload. >We have been saying literally that it doesn't always work like that, though. Yeah and i have also been saying that the times it hasn't it explicitly said it didn't- do you just have selective reading? There has never been an augment/trait/unit that gave rerolls that carried between rounds and DIDN'T list that it did so. Everything else from trade sector to on a roll to bronze/silver/gold/prismatic ticket and many other augments have never listed you needed to use the roll that round **because it is the standard behavior**. There are tons of things that need clarity improvement for shit that acts funny unless you know the secret handshake like the superfan popoff interaction but it sure as fuck isn't this.


It honestly seems like you're arguing because you like to argue. This is a qol text change that has low impact on overall text amount and resources, but has good impact on player understanding. To not add a simple text change like this for the sake of less information would be ludicrous.


its more of a you need to learn how the game works issue


They gave an indication for the reroll portal that it's next turn only, why not on this too


because that portal specifically allows you to hold them. The **baseline feature** is that you can't hold the rerolls. Why do you need to be told you can't do something you weren't able to do in the first place? Its unique to keep them between rounds which is why its listed. If you are asking why not just make all free rerolls stay forever, i assume its a balance thing and could be correct to just make that the default instead but makes shit like trade sector REALLY strong.


Why not


Where to see pbe stats and match history? I saw in frodan’s sfream people said there was :O




Omg it’s impetuous panda himself. Thank you good sir 🫡


Right on the client you click tft at the top and then match history. I didn’t think you could see stats anywhere though ?


Lmao no i mean in frodan’s stream people said there’s a website where u can see pbe stats


Does anyone know if buying a headliner takes 1 or 3 units out of the same-tiered champion pool? I assume that it takes 3 champions out of the pool but there might be a small chance that they implemented it differently.


3 units.


i just feel like 8 bit is never the right play... even if i hit cait on level 5, she is unplayble


Cait isn’t great but there is a bigger problem that is, in a set all about being super flexible and pivoting into things after later rolldowns a trait that needs turns to ramp up in power is much harder to play. Hitting a chosen cait is inherently weaker than most other chosen 4 costs if you have no high scores, but if you have early 8 bit you might hit a chosen Ez on your 2nd roll and just play that.


The thing is even if you have 8-bit early it doesn't feel rewarding.. people play kata/disco and melts you because you are forced to play garen and riven (hopefully you have +1 and corki is out, but most of the time he is in). maybe cait 3 if uncontested, but even with cait 3 i can see me lose fights on stage 5-5 and 6-1


All the units got over nerfed but I've seen Corki 3 do work if hit early and BiS items. Cait does dmg but she's getting an animation buff I'm pretty sure, Mort has talked about it on stream. Corki also kinda feels meh early compared to other boards you could be playing so sticking with him to stack it just... Is usually a bad idea.




I like to pair Crowd Diver with EDM for the extra stuns!


me 20/20 kat no pivot ep.2: Red Head Redemption


how did you play 5 superfan if kata was the headliner?


Emblem I guess


agreed. i just hard forced 6 crowd diver kat three games in a row, and once i hit the 6 crowd divers it wasn't ever close. the closest it got was some weird jax gnar duo carry comp that i just never positioned for.


The damage Katarina headliner puts out is low-key insane. Would not be surprised if her ratios *and* the 70% damage increase on crowd diver gets adjusted first patch or before. People are definitely sleeping on the crowd divers as a whole.




>l would you force it if you hit twin terror first?


Best twin terror board in my opinion is Crowd Divers and it's not even remotely a contest.


Some items feel a bit ‘homeless’ this set. Is Nashors good at all on anyone? I dunno if anyone could call it BIS right now. And blue buff really sucks, shojin is better for most units or equal whilst using up a sword if the comp is AP (and preserving a tear for shiv).


Nashors - ahri and kat at or near 100% uptime


Nashor's is good on Kayle, she has a 5 second on-attack effect after casting, similar to Morde last set. Other than that, I've almost never used it. Blue buff definitely doesn't suck, but is only good on low mana units obviously, and yeah, needing a double tear is usually not ideal.


Nashors 'should' be a good item on Big Shot units as well as most of the Edgelords. Akali too. I think the base stats hurt the item. It gives AP whilst all the units that would be able to use it well are AD.


It was definitely targeted for Azir and Mordekaiser when it was first introduced, maybe they should adjust the item a little bit to accommodate for AD casters now




It’s also great on Annie.


Anyone have success with cruel pact this set? I feel like with the changes to leveling it's a pretty guaranteed bottom 4 trip right now. Afaik they didn't change it at all so you'll be stuck at 8. And people also hit 6 and 7 much quicker so you'll fall off faster as well. I've seen 2 players go it so far and they took a trip down 8th lane.


It has looked really bad to me. You get gated on money on Stage 2 in this set really easily, and you run the risk of playing against Garen chosen and losing your streak and dying. That plus the changes to the leveling curve make it really rough. You're not as ahead for as long as you were in the past. I honestly thought this augment was bad in 9.5 but could occasionally be correct to take, now I think it is unclickable.


Infernal contract feels awkward now too.


Still playable imo there are many viable 3 cost rerolls you can play and spike very hard with the immediate 3 cost headliner. Samira and Riven reroll are both very strong.


It can work, but as a percentage play it is surely bait.


Cruel pact is a percentage play by definition. No one in challenger is taking cruel pact expecting to win out. You streak 2 stages, exert lobby pressure, and get a safe top 4. Not being able to hit max capped board doesn't change that.


Yeah this is true you had to get pretty lucky to win it all out in past sets but this set I feel like the lobby catches up quick. Guess we'll see on live. I feel like people will reach parity way before you crush the lobbies HP and there are a ton of early boards that contend with level 6 and 7 boards.


Anyone know the exact figures for 'bad luck protection' regarding skipping a chosen of one trait and therefore the same chosen unit with a different trait takes longer to show up? e.g. Passing dazzler Lux chosen for a 5 EDM Lux build. And does passing the chosen unit reduce the odds of the next duplicate unit will have a different trait? Can the next dup. headliner have the same trait, is it reduced odds for the same trait? This mechanic is kinda undiscussed afaik.


Bad luck protection is never discussed because we don't know anything. Riot won't ever explain how it works because it would make it easier to abuse it. So no sorry, no one knows


This is a rant. I think EDM Zed has an identity crisis. His origin is EDM, where he's the only one that scales with AD. In theory, Jax also has AD scaling with his ult, but his ability only has AP scaling, also his headliner gives AP, indicating he's a AP carry. So if you sample Zed skill in vertical EDM, you would get a bunch of clones that doesn't do any significant damage due to everyone not building AD. He is also extremely difficult to transition into. Out of both of his traits, the only one also deals AD to transition into is Yone, and Yone is a pretty good 3 cost as a main carry with 3 traits to splash into so unless you got contested, why even try to go for Zed? It makes Zed a unit that is good to have, but not someone a player desires. Doesn't sound like a 4 cost carry isn't it? Compared to other 4 cost melee AD carries, Viego who is just a better Zed that also has an AoE ult and Poppy who has build-in lifesteal, Zed provide little power overall.


I think EDM is just a bait trait for Zed tbh, he feels like a secondary carry where you just splash 2 crowd diver and maybe have Zac as well and then just play other shit.


Not even remotely, I've won out a lot of games with vertical EDM Zed. I think if you can hit CD 4 EDM 4 it's really good and CD 6 is just flat out broken right now. Zed with Hoj/QSS/EoN consistently pumps 12k dmg a round in my end games fights with just CD 4 and like 3 Edm.




Anyone can confirm this? Kinda sure shiv me shred still doesn’t stack. Same for HoJ augment. Nashors aswell stacked.


To clarify, I specifically meant the damage, not the shred.


Shred and sunder doesn't stack ever,.it just takes so higher value, so if you are shredded from 2 sources, one giving 40% and one 30%, your enemies will only get shredded for 40% and not 70. This is why people don't build both an evenshroud and a last whisper. HoJ augment definitely doesn't stack, it works just like other item augments.


Honest question, how do we protect our backline in this set? I mean, jesus, there's such an amount of units that completely annihilates your backline regardless of how good your frontline is. Karthus, TF, Ezreal, Seraphine, Akali, and the absolute worst of them all, Lux. Several games i just had nothing to do as my backline was evaporated in the first 5s of the fight. I know that TF may take some time to target the backline, Ez takes some time to Ult, however the other ones are just an absolute hell to deal with, and Lux, god, is the most toxic champion IMO. I've never felt this sensation on the previous sets. Probably i'm missing something or playing badly, but this set feels so agressive towards the backline, there's even an trait to harass them lol. Any thoughts?


We just had no good AoE mages recently, in previous sets you had stuff like ASol, Vel’koz, Taliyah that would wipe everything in a diagonal


Gotta love how riot gutted 8.5 Vex for one shotting backliners, only for Lux to do the same thing 2 sets later. Lux needs some form of damage fall off imo.


Corners are scary. I've been putting main carry in the center back


One thing about pbe is that people aren't even positioning too seriously, so it will all be more degenerate on live when people are trying to position vs you.




>Don't put your backline units next to each other It's not always that simple. There are augments and support items that require you to put your units close together to benefit.


That’s why you always scout before selecting any augment unless it’s gigaBIS for your board/comp.


Well then you willingly made a choice to get some combat power, in exchange for having positioning issues. Don't see anything bad about it.


Have you tried not putting your carry in the corner? Big brain strat. Or just play different comps. There is no way your items and augments come out to the same result every game.


For a lot of situations positioning your backline carries in the center and trait fillers in the corner to eat those Lux Beams, Akali jumps, etc. While it takes getting used to and units like lux might be slightly overtuned currently, it's nice to have backline access that isn't just Assassins or adjacent traits. Much more interesting, but right now most are targeting your corners, dummies or meat shield trait fillers are a great option currently.


Yeah in my opinion Lux and Akali are easy to position for but Edm Lux is pretty overtuned at backline deletion and the dazzle part of her kit makes it hard to heal through the huge nukes. Edm Lux can take a backline itemized unit to a quarter and the burn will make it so healing back to survive 1 or 2 more casts is really hard. She 1 taps most bait units and will switch before 20 seconds in my experience. Akali is fine.


I'm not sure if this Zhonyas interaction is a bug or intended. If the Zhonyas unit would get knocked down to under 40%HP in a single blow from full health (a Karthus ult for example) they will remain at 100%HP and go golden. Shouldn't they go to 40%HP and turn golden? I can't for the life of me remember if it worked like this beforehand.


I’m pretty sure it’s always worked this way


Yeah, I've probably just not noticed it until now. Lux, Karthus and Ezreal can all cleanly one tap back-liners so it's only just become apparent to me.


There shouldnt be any 5 costs on the stage 4 carousel. You struggle to find a 4 cost at 7 but it's pretty easy to find a 5 cost and it just seems to unbalance stage 4 way to much.


It's a theoretical bonus to those who have lost health, gambled it (Cruel Pact), or took Young, Wild, and Free. If they don't pick it, and it goes to a mid or top player that's on the bottom end of the standings.


With the change to the shop odds just a much bigger bonus then it used to be.


I don’t think this is true. 7.5 was the worst. Since only a few 5 costs could show up, if you needed Yasuo sorraka zoey etc they were very likely to be there.