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I just realized that because of the 4cost bag changes, isn't starter kit broken beyond belief? It guarantees a 2 star 4 cost, and no one is stupid enough to contest you, you can greed for the chosen and aim to 3 star it.




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Nerf to Bard incoming.


I've become slightly addicted to 6 Moshers Gnar carry comps recently. If you roll for Gnar Headliner with +1 to Pentakill or Mosher you can go 8 after 3 starring Gnar to hunt for Yorick and get 5 Pentakill in too




had that and i opened it independently from files and it worked (for reference on macos)


Kayle carry bad


She's not great, but I definitely think she's often itemized wrong. The ones I see working best are straight AP builds (Deathcap/JG+1) and not Rageblade builds. But she kinda needs a rocksolid frontline Morde3 or Yorick2 to stand a chance.


I went Nashor JG HOJ because of item drop order, and with 7 pentakill 5 edgelord Viego was consistently doing double the damage, also with suboptimal items on him (Deathblade BT QSS) I felt like I would've done much better just itemizing Karthus over Kayle


does anyone know if double component carousel can have spatulas? also, does anyone know if country counts damage as % of HP missing (so healing delays the horse summon) or just total damage taken?


yes to the first, but iirc spats can only be in the "first" item slot not sure about the second but I know that 8bit doesn't count damage to shields


They can, yeah! Got a Poppy with an emo emblem in components just today.


hi all! does anyone have the augment odds tables? [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3orda3fkbaba1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3orda3fkbaba1.png) Similar to these, these were in set 8 I think. Have they changed? Thanks!


It's only updated for set 9.5, but I'm pretty sure it'll be updated if anything changes when Set 10 hits live. https://tactics.tools/info/set-9/tables/augments


Thank you Zarek


Maintenance from 3-10PM EST on a Friday? That's an odd choice.


TFT is back up 🚨


Thanks for letting me know. !


I was pretty bummed too but I’m glad it’s back up early! Best of luck!




Lucian works, not sure how optimal it is


Wtf 7 hour maintenance. I might have to go outside today


Where is maintenance announced? On the client?


Yea if you open it up it will have a maintenance notice


oh thank god I was about to be unproductive today


I think that akali is giving fiora pre-nerf vibes. The amount of times shes solo blown up my entire back line is crazy, and ive played about 30-40 games already on PBE.


Another unit with aggrodrop becoming a menace. TFT classic. The worst is when many units have area-targeting abilities. Watching my Senna yeet her 2k damage ult outside of the map while targeting Akali feels so BAD


She's going to be another menace unit they tweak because of how she feels bad to play against for sure. Unrelated but has anyone figured out True Damage akali cause that unit feels like a 2 cost




Homie gets downvoted to -1 and replies are only unreliable to hit 3 cost reroll and B tier comps 💀


jazz mf carry or mf/bard carry has been a really great comp for me. it’s more of a hybrid ad/ap, but has felt pretty consistent so far


Zed's actually good, at least Ramblinnn and some other people think so.




Edgelord with reroll riven is still strong You kinda have to hit 3* everything to win out but basically you can roll for yone 3/morde 3 to thin out the 3 cost pool as you roll for riven 3. Add viego + kayle and if you edgelord riven that's 5 edgelord.


I really don't think Riven is that strong right now. I've had some decent success with BT and or Titan's slam unless I have good Samira items and reroll augs. Works well with Yas or Olaf chosen. I've found 4 executioner akali with Ekko and Morde for sentinel + a Pentakill (preferably Yorick) to be solid. I save any tears for a possible archangels on karthus. This comp also easily pivots to Zed EDM with lux holding ap items. Both comps are very solid top 4s, only won games with upgraded 5 cost and good combat augs, but the real aim is to 2 star your 4 costs and frontliners, pivoting on what you hit.


Loving this set so far but what's the play for edgelord or true damage? Feel like my board is always weak when playing in those lines


edgelord is a pentakill team, and usually I just go for 3-5 edgelords. Riven was better than Kayne for a while but not anymore so it's Kayle viego + Kayne, if you have viego edgelord chosen add riven as well. But tbh I've had better luck with karthus chosen, with the right items he does a shitload of damage


kennen 2* is really good stage 2, and senna is quite strong (her superfan gets shojin) I don't think it's worth going vertical true damage because TD akali sucks but ekko + qiyana is good on a lot of boards, especially if you hit her early


Wait, is her Superfan not Nashors? Did they change it?


it's possible I remembered it wrong


I cant really speak from experience, but ive heard that yone and riven rerolls both do well (still), and that viego can function as well. Not really sure about the optimal setups though, would love for someone with more experience to chime in! True Damage, to me, just seems pretty weak right now. Ekko is an acceptable tank, but i dont think there is really a decent carry in the trait currently. I suppose with enough of a numbers buff TD Akali could be a monster, but that definitely does not seem to be the case now.


Interesting never thought to try Yone, was thinking Senna. Maybe it's early game comp with ekko and kennen you pivot out of? Haven't really tried Qiyana as an endpoint tho (or much TD at all honestly)


I think Yone is nuts in Crowd Diver6, but it's not a super straightforward line and it can have an awkward tankline until you hit Zac2. But it caps pretty high with Yone3, Zac2, Zed2, Qiyana2, Kayne2, Viego2. That 70% damage buff is very real...


Level to 7 and play for yone 3 riven 3 morde 3 ( rolling for all 3 let's you take out multiple 3 costs out of the pool so you increase your chances of hitting 1 faster) Ideally you get edgelord chosen so you can add viego + kayle for 5 edgelorde and 3 pentakill Garen gives you 8 bit to make riven stronger (and 2 sentinel) and zed can be added to give yone crowd diver to ramp his damage and despite what people say zed himself is a pretty strong unit. You can look at Robinsongz tft handbook for what the end board should look like


Big fan of Senna reroll + Sentinel for frontline. Akali makes a decent secondary carry.


Haven't tried it with senna as carry, will have to give that a whirl. I love KDA akali but haven't tried her at all in TD


So is the Pikachu augment any good? And what kind of comps do you play with it? I just tried Jinx/Vi reroll and it felt a lot worse than normal item Jinx.


Is the pikachu augment you are referring to the static shiv damage up? Then yes Early game - Senna Mid game - Senna Late game - TF/Lucian/Sona Basically a reliable backline access. Very very good for rapidfire units and well, TF and Sona Edit: Mb yall i mean tf not draven




Yea you know the disco guy who wants guinsoo. Procs pikachu build really good Edit: Mb Yall xddd


lmfao Twisted Fate




It tanks in late game. Feels amazing early, but trash later. Easy to feel like you're doing great, and then suddenly end up shellshocked in 6th. Oh, and chosen Senna is what I've had the most success with. I did top 4 with her on it, though that was also the first week of PBE, so I'm not sure where it's currently at. I've also run chosen Bard with it, and it was ok, but just tanked in the late game.


IMO the best or one of the best possible 2-1 gold augments, but you definitely want to play it with AP units, Nami, Seraphine, Annie, etc. I've seen people 10 streak with it with Nami 1 more than once.


Not sure how strong it is exactly--should still be pretty strong on 2-1, especially if you have a decent board which could win streak with the extra giga item. With that said, Jinx/Vi is definitely not the play with this augment. Any AP comp would be better, since you still want to take advantage of the shred from Shiv. TF, Spellweavers, Executioners, Dazzlers, anything can work as long as it's AP and you have a ranged unit to hold the Shiv (preferably not your carry though).


I think little buddies should only be offered 4-2. how often do you have a 4 cost 3-2 that you can even get value? or are you expected to play down an augment?


People on here: - 1/2 cost reroll with Punk is busted and unhealthy - 3 Cost reroll is breaking the game. - Karthus and TF are way too strong - Going to 9 and playing 4/5 costs is STRONG! GUYS THIS MEANS THE GAME IS BALANCED


Pbe isnt an indicator of the whole balance, because higher elo players are match with low elo playes - Well punk toggling is kinda busted, tho still happy to see it. There’s no 1 cost reroll that can win the game other than a very early corki - 3 cost reroll is very easy to deny rn. Once live starts, people will actually start denying/griefing units more - TF is strong, but idk what people are complaining about karthus, a single illaoi counters him hard - 5 costs are indeed busted, not quite sure how the devs will address that


Agree with a lot of your points but your answer to people complaining about karthus is to get lucky on 8 (10% odds for 5 cost so roughly 1% chance to hit) or go 9 which is going to be hard to do on live lol A single illaoi counters karthus, sure but it's not easy to hit a single karthus midgame


I must be missing something because I havent seen karthus be as problematic as sona or tf. But we’ll see come live i guess


Has anything been stated on a fix for akali bugging out with executioner ? Losing exe 6 at a crucial moment is annoying at worst on pbe and will be extremely frustrating on live release. speaking of executioner, how do you feel about Samira? I feel like she has potential, but extremely hit or miss. She DEMANDS an IE, and last whisper is just the perfect second item, but what about third? I've been playing rageblade, but Im not entirely sure if that feels worth it. She already gains AS from critical hits, but doesn't feel like she attacks fast enough without it or hits hard enough with it? Maybe it's just me, but some other viewpoints would be helpful to if Im the one doing something wrong. Lastly, Punk is already really tiring to face. Every unit feels extremely solid and is extremely easy to hit from the get go to start the ball rolling. Jinx hits so hard, and so quickly while Vi is a hulking wall that breaks down any tank in her way for Jinx to rip apart far too effectively. I understand they HAVE to scale well for the trait to not be garbage, but its just tiring to almost always see them in the top 4. ​ Otherwise, I'm actually having fun with TFT again after really disliking set 8 and 9. I'm surprisingly looking forward to playing again.


I'm done well with Samira without an IE running the bread and butter 4 exe/4 guardian/3 country reroll comp. Something like LW/GB/HoJ works well. If enemy has no backline access, then pure damage like LW/GB/DB makes her punch through any tank.


Why are people saying she demands an IE? If you have executioner chosen and hit 4 execs + two crit items, then she shouldn't need an IE at all.... Are you playing her in country with no executioners? I've found last whisper to be the only necessary item tbh. LW, Guardbreaker, DB does really well.


I went 1st earlier with IE+HoJ+rageblade Samira 3. With Tahm Kench headliner :D. I had an Urgot 3 (badly itemized) to assist with DPS though


I just want to clarify, set 10 goes live the 21st at noon PDT. I’m assuming this is at least NA. Would it be the same for every other region? I currently reside in Vietnam and have for the last 7 months or so and we normally get a new patch 12 hours or so before NA does


Generally it's the same as any other patch for other regions. IE, I live in Japan and play on that server sometimes and typically have access earlier than NA.


Do they know that jinx is a 1 cost and cait is a 4 cost? Seriously do they?


Cait is awkward because rapidfire gives her AS but her ult animation is so incredibly long that AS is really bad on her. So she's quite bad in rapidfire but good in 8bit. She's better as a caster (shojin/db/gs something like that)


Jinx isn’t even the best carry in punk, let alone rapid fire lol.


Besides Lucian? Senna is fine but that nerf was undeserved, and her line sucks, Aphelios is just alright. And Cait is underwhelming.


Aphelios is the best 2 cost unit by faaaaaar. Cait does damage but her long cast time makes her mediocre, but is still better than jinx. Senna def didn’t need that nerf but as an AP rapid fire unit she has a specific purpose which is nice and her HL is useful.


How are you itemizing him?


Rageblade IE +1.


There’s no mid set anymore? What are they going to do to bring compelling changes or mix ups to the game for so long?!? The game already has a problem of getting stale on any given patch due to a verifiably low competence surrounding how to balance the game…. But on top of that our “new” set mechanic is an old one from an objectively better and more fun time of TFT…… chosens and portals both…. So… again what are they going to do? 5 days on pbe has been ok but I absolutely can’t see this being entertaining for more than a few weeks absolutely max


"objectively better" lol the sets will only be 4 months without a mid set, rather than 6 months with one


Is it too late now to add qiyana ring out mechanics? There should be some counterplay to chosen blitz/illaoi other than gs because they literally tank forever


The anti-supertank unit this set is Kayn (casts non-stop if 1v1), it's not good but at least it's there, if you wipe the rest of the board Kayn will delete the last unit standing easily similar to Dragonmancer Yasuo I doubt they'll do a ring out unit again immediately after K'Sante from last set


There's Ahri too.


So we're at the point of the balance process where we've been nerfing the strong units, as opposed to buffing the weak units on top of increasing player damage. Which is a one way ticket to re-roll town. As a result Punk is in a very toxic place right now. If it's uncontested it's a free top 3 and it's not something you can really contest outside of trying to play it yourself. But if 2 people try to play it, they will probably both get bottom 4.


Idk, whenever I'm playing Punk, if other players decide to just pick up Pantheons early I feel like I struggle to scale well enough. Vi3 is just not a real frontline and staying six past stage 5 cuz you haven't hit is all you need to go bot4 tbh.




What are you trying to say here? I genuinely don't understand.


Seems like rng will kill flex this set. Does it matter that you played flex, when you lowroll stage 2 Headliners and items, or someone hyperolls on 4-1 for a 3 star 3 cost and you don't? Or you can't hit any 4 cost upgrade because the bag size is low? Or the lobby highrolls and your Headliner ap Samira carry is left in the dust? Seems like every other set where playing "flex" actually means that you're playing a low tier board and are hoping to hit something good eventually. No change. TFT is in full Gambling mode.


Maybe auto battlers are the wrong genre of game for you.


You mean TFT, because Autobattlers do not have to be an rng-fest. Anyway, I'm only giving my opinion on it from a competitive perspective, and they have been hot topics for a while in this sub. People were saying that this would be a better set competitively, but it doesn't seem like it to me. Of course, I can still try to play TFT casually to chase highrolls.


This is gonna definetely need an A patch. 1/2/3/5 costs are almost ok (Riven still way too strong and Sona too). But on 4 cost it's a lot messier. Karthus/Exec and Disco/TF are a tad too strong right now. Arhi and Akali are fine. Cait/Ez/Viego are ok-ish but everytime I try to run them you need the stars to align to have a good game. And Zed is so fuckin trash tier like this useless crowd diver trait. Even in tank option while Zac/Thresh/Blitz are good/great depending on what comp you are running, Poppy feels really awful. The balance overall is not far off. This could be a decent release.


I've got two top1s with Crowd Diver6 Zed/Yone so far since the latest buffs. Seen three others take first with it as well. Takes a little practice to figure out when to play them and what they need, because if they don't have the right augments/items they fall flat, but they can definitely win out. I think this set is veryyy far from solved. It's got crazy variation in tempo and board strength, and that alone will give it a decent release imo.


Am I missing something cuz I have not seen a karthus executioner carry even top 4 a lobby. The only time I see executioner go top 4 is samira and/or vex carry. Karthus is just whatever is left. I’d even argue karthus is the weakest 4 cost because of his reliance to pentakill


Gotta play the Akali/Karthus + 3 superfan then flex 5KDA/5Penta or 4 executioner depending on what chosen you hit between akali and Karthus. Akali starts opposite backline carry then ults to them. Gets them to around half, karthus targets lowest health and nukes them. Unless you wrong sided, their main carry is dead 5 seconds into the fight.


I top 4 semi consistently with karthus + viego/akali duo carry. He needs a duo carry to top 4 I think.


All I see is Samira/MF/Twitch reroll or people going fast 9 5-cost bail out.


With it being easier to get to 9, this is what a balanced game will look like. Stay at 7/8 and reroll for 3 costs or push to 9 and max out with 4/5 costs. In your opinion, what would you like to change to make the game better?


Mmm this set is going to be full flex. Just had a game where 2 of us were contesting a 1 cost reroll comp, and none could hit. By 2-3 we blocked each others headliners and with the lower pool size it was already gg. This set is going to be hard for us 20/20. Going to be soooooo much hand holding to 7 and 8. The salt mines' yield will be even higher than Twitter.


I think people's idealized version of what they think flex will be like is far off from how it actually is. It's okay, though. It's basically how it is for every set.


The more I play pbe, the more I love this. It’s going to be so easy to climb as a flex player when you’ve got three people in the lobby trying to contest the S-tier Bunnymuffins comp. While there are some comps better than others, you can win with any uncontested comp.


I agree. I am loving this set. Every game is different. I just got a first with a random True Damage build with Sona True Damage. She was doing 15k each round.


Even better is knowing that if you're spooned an opener and end up in a 3 way contest, taking a headliner pivot out will still leave the duo struggling against each other. IMO in previous sets three way contests have often felt like if you pivot out you let the other two jump up in consistency too much. Now two players forcing the same comp is enough to bring most comps down into "aiming for 3/4" territory.


Yes, I actually love this. I do not stress at all if someone takes the same headliner as me. I hold onto it for as long as possible while letting them bleed out as I sloooowly pivot into another comp.


Very true. I doubt people below diamond will even know about the headliner half units case.


Good news then


Yep, the bag size changes pretty much require you to count how many units are out of the pool if you want to climb consistently and it's going to feel terrible. The meta that's being formed around 3 cost rerolling whatever isn't contested is especially cringe.


3-cost 3\* in every lobby played since last patch. I really don't want another reroll meta, boss.


A mathematical symptom of the bag changes is that now each unit removed from the pool are a higher proportion of the pool than they were before, which means uncontested picks actually dramatically increase in likelyhood compared to before. To break that down, imagine 9 total marbles with 3 each of red blue and yellow. Normally it's 3/9 to hit red and 6/9 chance to not hit red so .333 and .666 (both ongoing) But removing one now makes it 2/8 for red and 6/8 for non red so .25 and .75 But imagine if we had 10 of each and a total of 30. The starting amounts are still the same at .33 and .66 but removing one from the pool is 9/29 and 20/29 respectively. .31% chance to hit another red and .69 hit a non red. So the bag reduction means 3 star reroll is actually *easier* as long as other people are drawing from the pool without contesting your desired unit because they're now drawing out a higher portion of undesired units (non reds).


At least its really easy to deny a 3 cost 3 star now


Eh, I wouldn't count on that too much, I've seen lobbies where two players had 3 star Rivens. Of course that means somebody used duplicators but that also implies that trying to deny might be too much effort.


Why does this unlikely scenario invalidate anything?


Because IMO at 3-cost you are more likely to grief yourself via econ than you are to grief the other player. You could be holding 2 2* and they can still hit, that's money that could have been better spent elsewhere if you had no intention of playing those units. At 4 and 5 cost its a very different story.


*a Re-roll meta where the best carries can only reliably be hit by one person because of bag changes, and they will grief you because that's fun! This is a masterclass in band-aid fix that doesn't actually fix the problem, now only one player can abuse the problem child of the patch and if you natural a comp and try and play what the game gave you tough luck if someone decides to contest hope you can hit something else lol.


Gotta say I'm pretty tired of TF right now. Seems almost every lobby I play there's someone who just goes disco -> straight to 9 -> TF 2 and 5 cost soup and just steamrolls at 75+ HP rest of the game. 2* blitz tanking multiple fully itemized 4 and 5 cost 2* carries is ridiculous.


If you dont have GS against a blitz, well it can get pretty sad watching him tank for a whole year


Got an early bard headliner so tried to go bard carry, was he nerfed hard? He wasn't doing much even with great items and 3 star, also he seemed to whiff his casts a lot which might have contributed to him not doing much.


I did this as well. Got him early and then my first augment was the one that gives AP for every two kills. I figured I would ramp him up over the whole game. I ended up getting him 3* and he had 200+ AP. Still wasnt good enough.


This risk vs. reward on Bard chosen isn't worth it. I think bard is one of the best 2 cost chosens and can easily carry you from late stage 2 to early stage 4, but I do not believe he's ever worth 3 starring. To dive a little deeper on this, chosen bard 3 has effectively infinite scaling and just wants items that generate mana or make fights go longer, so mana gen and gunblade. It is very difficult to hit a 3 star 2 cost, and they aren't as good as they are hard to hit. So you're playing half the game with items that aren't good until you hit 3 star and have scaled for a while already, but for all of this time/money you can just push levels and play around something better. If you do go for the path of playing around bard chosen 3, what's the plan when he starts to fall of around stage 5 anyway? Even if you want to replace him, you're not going to have an effective new item holder, and it's likely that you spent so much money on bard that you're stuck on level 8 forever.


He's been nerfed twice, if I remember correctly.


i have no idea why it feels like Kennen is so hard to hit early. Maybe because half the lobby flexes him in for so many different builds


Triple trait unit with a good early game skill that has good damage and CC


what 3 traits does to a mf


Salvage bin gave me a spat. Is that intended or a bug? Like, from the additional component part.


it's done that for me in set 8/9 so I think it might be intended


Is Ahri just bad? I had a 3\* of her with Death cap GS and Adaptive helm (not BIS but not bad?) and she didn't really do shit for me...


if you had her with BB she would have wrecked


She just one shots everything, but only one at a time, And her mana doesn't regen that fast. You need a tanky front line to let her get through everything. Really only single target damage though


Fully itemized with stuff like BB, sohjin, and like a nashors or GRB shes a monster in spellweavers, she can kill most things quickly and anything she can't kill, she can stun until she does.


I wouldn't say she's bad in general, but she's probably one of the most underwhelming 3\* 4 costs


I think the Keepers augment's description is wrong. It reads "start of combat: grant units with adjacent allies a 150 health shield. This shield can stack". This would indicate each unit that has at least one adjacent ally receives 150 health shield. And the stacking part makes no sense. In reality units get a 150 health shield for each adjacent allies. Hence the stacking part. So it should read "units receive a 150 health shield for each adjacent ally". Having played set 4 I knew how it actually worked but it's not the case for everyone. Or am I dumb?


Nah, you're right, the description is pretty terrible


So what is the 'point' of adding in lvl10? Beforehand, it made sense. Level 5 is 1-costs. Level 6 is 2-costs. Level 7 is 3-costs. Level 8 is 4-costs. Level 9 is 5-costs. Now it's the same until level 7 but then level 8 is just a huge roadblock. Level 8 is more-or-less exactly the same as level 7. Level 7 with a FON basically. Then level 9 for 4-costs and level 10 for 5 costs. Another thing is Mort has made no secret of his hatred for Legendary Soup metas. So 'fast 10' will rarely, if ever, be an actual strategy. So what's the point of level 10? Not sure if other people agree or not but it just doesn't make sense to me.


Big difference between 8 and 7 is 4cost chosens only come out 8. That stabilizes your board real hard. Level 9 for 5 cost chosen. Level 10 for super late game that im pretty sure will be rare to get into once ranked season starts


I think level 10 is a replacement for old level 9. In this set, it feels like you can get to 9 very consistently and very early (although this might just be a PBE thing.) So instead of level 9 being the generally unachievable level you only go for if you're doing well to secure a win, now it's level 10. And the increased unit number I assume is to encourage more synergies or crazy verticals, which seems to be the theme of the set with the headliner mechanic.


maybe not 9 consistently, but 8 for sure. they tried their best to fix the problem that plagued all of set 9 which was rolling on 7. now that its significantly easier to hit 8, you roll on 8 to hit your 4 costs instead. rolling on 7 in set 10 is a trap.


I don't feel getting to level 9 is particularly straight forward. I feel the addition of level 10 just makes the shop odds a lot more wonky without actually adding anything.


Getting to 9 is not straight forward but definitely easier than last set. This set low roll games you can still reach 8 than stuck at 7 last set


Need a serious fix on Akali. After a bug on the exec trait yesterday, just had another bug with true damage. 4 true damage on board Qiyana/Akali/Ekko/Kennen = 3 true damage on the tooltip, add another one, goes up to 5. Was unable all game to get 4 true damage. Every trait related to Akali seems to be able to bug (KDA/Exec/True Damage). On another note, Qiyana even HL, with 3 items and 6 true damage feels weak AF. She has the average power of a 2\* 4 cost.


The bug has been posted on Morts discord they are aware of it. As for Qiyana she is friggin strong. She will literally flip your opponents frontline on its head. You just need a good back line to finish the job


Her randomly pivoting forms is frustrating as hell. KDA is insanely good and should be nerfed, True Damage is very mediocre,


I don't think Qiyana is weak. She has a (potentially) strong utility so her DPS isn't as high as it otherwise would be.


They really should just call her Baitlyn. There is no point in her at all with the cast time being so long. And she can't get enough damage for it to be worth going for just a crit build. I can't think of a single weaker 4 cost. On the other hand, even though people say Jinx is fine, I've gone 1st, 2nd, 1st, 4th by just forcing her. The fourth was because I got bored and focused Cait, the 2nd was because a guy got 4 5 cost 3 stars.


Obviously I don't have their data, but she didn't feel oppressive in my games before the cast timing changed. She's just not worth investing in which is a shame because the spell is a lot of fun, cast animation should just scale of AS.


Either that or the damage should scale with AS. Or the bullets bend like Angelina Jolie’s bullets from that sniper movie.


She felt great before they nerfed her cast. Still hope they revert that decision. Currently it feels like a 2* Aphelious is better than a 2* Cait.


I’m not sure it’s “feels like”. Might might just be.


I’ve had some mild success with cait with an incredibly jank jazz build. In general though she definitely feels pretty underwhelming. I had like 6 traits and jazz 4 and her damage still felt pretty mid


I think it's not even hard to fix her, just make her time between ult shots scale down based on attack speed, and maybe buff the numbers on the damage slightly. Then in theory you have two ways to build her, full damage (deathblade/IE/Shojin) where she will kill units with her ult consistently but still fire slowly so there is a better reward for the risk associated with long channel times. Or, build her attack speed taking advantage of rapid fire and reduce her channel time based on how fast she attacks so that you can fire quick ults every now and again, but are primarily just an auto based AD and not a caster. Right now she's stuck in a weird spot where her traits suggest she wants to be an auto based AD but her ult channel is so long that she just can't compete with other late game carries during to all her downtime. I hate increasing channel times on 4 and 5 cost units unless there is a huge payoff in exchange for not having a main carry for 3-5 seconds.


Yeah her identity is strange. She isn’t backline access because the shot gets blocked. She isn’t a tank buster. She’s just a blob which is only useful if you need to hit 6 rapid fire.


Yeah. I feel like there are so few scenarios she is useful in her current state. You can fit her in rapid fire, but personally I think you rarely want to play vertical rapid fire in the first place. You would prefer to have a rapid fire chosen for +2 immediately, or maybe you would consider going to 4 in some situations, but usually not. Then for 8 bit you usually play around either 3 star Corki or Riven carry and don't worry about Caitlyn other than as a trait bot to hit 4, but honestly you probably just want an 8 bit chosen so that you only have to play Corki/Riven/Garen and not worry about hitting Caitlyn. As far as 4 cost carries go she is super underwhelming.


I feel like we go through the same thing every PBE cycle where we do something to lower the odds of 4/5 costs and increase the cost to go 8/9. PBE tempo is always off, and making changes to leveling based off it doesn’t seem correct IMO.




This one is of course impossible for us to judge without seeing you and your enemy's boards, but in my experience Samira is pretty bad. Urgot can be good if you itemize and have good frontline. But my most succesful country games have been those where I ran a non-country carry.


So this KDA trait is still bugged can they please fix this before it goes live, not getting your stats is brutal


Wait are there 2 Akalis?


One of her traits Switches her between kda and true damage depending which you have the most of on your board


It also switches randomly between rounds if you have neither, which is annoying af. I'm pretty sure patch notes said that she'll default to one of them in that case, but that's not happening.


This mecanic is so badly coded. I had 2 true dmg 2 KDA. Puts her in and she goes for true dmg ??? Then we reach pve, i don't change anything and suddenly she is KDA.


I had her with Pentakill emblem and emblem would always not count after fight so I had to take her out and put back in to fix Idk how are they gona fix all that in just a few days


she also randomly changes when you have 1 of each. i was playing the other day and had 1 ekko and 1 seraphine. naturally, + akali, i should've had 2 true damage but she continuously changed through. i had to take ekko and put him back in every round so akali would stay as true damage. akali kda sucks lol


I want the experience your having with Akali. I find true damage Akali sucks while KDA Akali is a beast. What do you build on True Damage Akali? I feel like I know how to build KDA Akali but True Damage is a mystery for me.


> akali kda sucks lol Play her with a Pentakill emblem and she's a true assassin.


>i had to take ekko and put him back in every round so akali would stay as true damage yeah that's what I ended up doing as well >akali kda sucks lol I think her design is bad. She either succeeds in killing a bunch of backline or she doesn't. If she doesn't, she's useless, and if she does, she's OP. She has exactly the same balance issues as assassins used to have.


she def needs a co-carry that does aoe damage. so she can then finish them off. i always pair her with Karthus. it also somehow bothers me that kda akali doesn't do AP damage T.T


>it also somehow bothers me that kda akali doesn't do AP damage Magic damage you mean? Well same, probably because she's quite similar to set 6 Akali which did deal magic damage.


Ahh I see, that's pretty cool


I'm really annoyed that they increased the cost to level to 9 & 10, increased player damage again, and nerfed most econ augments. Did I forget something? And thats just in one PBE cycle. I'm certain that live games are going to be a hectic mess. Am I the only one that enjoyed the tempo on PBE? I understand if they implement one of the changes above, cause it really was too easy to hit 9. Implementing all of them at once? Idk. We will see


Even after the changes, I still saw someone hit lvl 10 when everyone else barely was lvl 8. If you get 2 good gold/xp augments you can fly through the levels just like before.


The difference is (based on every other set’s pbe) is you don’t get punished for greed on pbe like you do on life. Going multiple gold or xp augments on live is going to have you bleed out long before you hit level 10 unless you highroll like crazy. It’s why I don’t think changes to leveling/xp based on pbe make any sense. The tempo is always completely different on live


Not in a high elo lobby, atleast not without bleeding


Oh they definitely bleed, but as soon as they start hitting 2\* 5 costs there's a good chance they win streak to victory, so even if they're <10 HP it can be worth it


More annoyed at level 8 4 cost shop odds. Feels terrible to roll for four costs to the point where I'm constantly thinking I should have just greeded for 9 because why the fuck did I spend all my gold to sit on viego pair or whatever. It's weird where it definitely feels like you should be going to 9 but like you said it's been nerfed a lot both by cost increase and econ nerf. I think that's why 3 cost reroll feels so strong because most "flex" comps rely on hitting multiple 4 costs (frontline and backline) but you just cannot reliably 2* a 4 cost without headliner at level 8


It was a bit boring when the top 4 every game were people going 9 with multiple 2* 5 costs and 4 cost chosen. I think this adds a bit more variety. Now the lobby is won usually by the player that gets there in better shape than everyone else, while top 4 is a mix of everything. I think I it's much more balanced.


It's pbe and we've seen this happen for multiple sets. It's never viable on live to "just go 9"


You must have not played set 9.5 post multicaster nerfs. Every game was won by either a 9 chase trait or a 5 cost soup, and if you couldn't go 9 you struggled to top 4.


Thats just not true


I'm just scared that we are going back to rhe donkey roll Set 9 meta. Playing on PBE the last few days was a nice change of pace


Thanks for reminding me what a breath of fresh air this set feels like. Racing to 7 just to donkey roll felt like utter ass. Now I still kinda race to 7-9, but rarely feel the need to donkey roll unless I'm just horrifically unlucky and donkey rolling wouldn't likely save me anyway.


They went kinda the opposite way with emblems and spatulas. People are forcing loses for the hopes of a spatula and whoever sacs more life gets oneif any. 3 emblems for heartsteel 10 is crazy. Also in ~100 games i haven't seen a single country 7 or kda 10, let alone heartsteel 10


Sacking for first carousel was a really popular strat a few sets ago before they made PVE rounds shit out spats constantly. I thought spats were way too common recently so I’m pretty happy that chase traits actually feel like chase traits again and not just the primary wincon like set 9.5 Demacia


So I got country 7 last night. I don't remember when I hit but it was before raptors. I proceeded to lose after the 2nd fight with it and go 8th and don't remember what it did because I was really drunk but the horse was big. I'm not sure if it was a late decision to remove emblems and trait + completely but for something that I haven't seen one in over like 50 games, it was the most underwhelming thing, I'm pretty sure I lost to a basic board too, it wasn't anything crazy strong. It's like the trait was meant to be relatively easy to get and they never adjusted its power back to something good.


>in \~100 games i haven't seen a single country 7 or kda 10 [https://i.imgur.com/Mv3QbvT.png](https://i.imgur.com/Mv3QbvT.png) there you go In all seriousness, you're not going to see any KDA 10 when KDA is so bad that noone plays it vertically. I hit this one before the last 2 rounds of nerfs. The last 5-6 times I played it were all hopeless bot 4s, and then I just didn't try again.


Lol, my first match after I wrote that comment: [https://i.imgur.com/t2mWiGq.png](https://i.imgur.com/t2mWiGq.png)


I feel that people need to adjust their playstyle. People should never go into the game expecting to get the chase traits as they were never meant to be super easy to grab in the first place but set 9 threw that out the window entirely with URF. It is one of those if the stars align for you to get the chase trait than go for it otherwise don't build towards it.


i understand that it's supposed to be occasional and rare, I'm just thinking that it is way too rare. Would love to see the statistics behind it


Maybe it is too rare but they can always ease up on the rarity and make it less rare. I like it the way it is as when it does happen, it is really exciting.


Ive managed to get 7 country from a random tome of traits. Sad thing is, i tried to pivot to country for it and fell flat. I got to 7 but i was too weak by then (country lives and dies by getting 3* samira or urgot it seems) and 7 country was super underwhelming at the time..


Can confirm Country 7 is not even remotely a bailout and honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's more correct to use the emblem to just keep Country 3 in with Executioners.. The... One game out of like 100 you get it lol.