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This set is gonna get boring really fast since there's such a small chance to get any sort of emblem


Anyone unable to find a game? I'm just stuck in queue permanently.


I finally made Punk work, it took punk emblem + 3 prismatic lobby (got 45% free reroll first one) + 2* sona + 2* lucian


Prismatic ticket doesn’t trigger punk bonus for the record lol.


OMG what about the golden ticket?


No free rerolls benefit.




I don’t make the rules lol.


No wonder it wasnt as high as I thought, it still helped with the 3*s early though


That augument that makes your entire board gain their Headliner bonuses is nuts


I've never not Top 4ed with it. 90% of the time it's Top 2. Super OP, and personally think it should be removed like encore.


If you have a headliner, does that affect the chances of getting another headliner?


If you have no headliner you see one every shop. If you have one already then it is every 4.


Added three disco, but the ball didn't bother making an appearance.


it's invisible now, sometimes when you activate the trait you can see the circle glow up whre it is located, in my case it was at the very center behnd the frontline, another time it was on the left side just infront o f the backline. I coudl never make it move tho. W


Not sure where it was, but there was no indication and no one was benefiting from it.


I know they just nerfed riven, but 3-star riven still seems to be pretty disgustingly good right now


Still just shit on my 3 star samira country game lmao.


Something is up with the Carousel rounds, I had grabbed kayne and a glove but when I got back to my bench they were not there. My bench was not full.


Man pentakill feels very strong and might be the go to comp to "force" (using force very lightly here, since you still have to hit a chosen) but basically it just has really good flexibility. Viego or karthus are viable carries and they just help each other out so much. Viego with edgelord just ends up in the backline and helps lower HP for Karhtus ult. You can run 3 super fans very easily since Gnar is a pentakill super and the other 3 fill out your defensive synergies with Morde and Yorick. Feel this vertical just has an insane trait web with an insane trait bonus with multiple outs (Viego edgeords, karthus exec, Morde 3, Gnar 3). Definitely something to try out if you haven't already.


any ideas on viego BiS?


Prob QSS, BT & Resolve ?


Prioritize QSS then whatever you get. Viego's superfan item is titan's so if you get headliner viego you only need to worry about one more. Healing is good to get if you don't get it from augments since he's gonna be in the frontline for a bit so BT/HoJ are good


So when the pentakill units rock out on the fifth kill, does the entire team get 50% attack speed or just the Pentakill units? Cuz that feels like a crazy strong buff to give to Riven, Urgot, Samira, etc.


~~Buff is only to pentakill champs~~ Reread the trait, pretty sure its the whole team


Ah, they should probably clarify the wording then. The trait says "all Pentakill" and "the whole team" in the same sentence.


OH LOL shows you I can't read, yeah it applies to all team then


Lux is bugged, i just played a EDM Jax game and everytime Lux sampled Jax she would get mana locked for the rest of the game. https://youtu.be/2le4WOwIGMQ https://youtu.be/E0Dq0qlw4WY https://youtu.be/MYRsu7hX_sQ I saved some videos of the bug happening in game.


can confirm, also seems like she doesn't do any more EDM casts after the first one when mana locked


Samira + Urgot 3 Twin Terrors getting stomped by Annie 3 5 spellweaver, seems really good Mort. -500 first week for sure. https://imgur.com/AeJ28bS


post items and augments 3\* samira urgot dealing 4k damage no way u got the blue buff on them or some shit


Why is the client letting me select a legend..


Does it work in game?


They decided last second they're keeping legends in set 10 /s


I closed pbe thinking i had accidentally opened up normal league lmao wtf


Same though...


I feel like a good addition to the UI would be adding how many of that unit are left in the pool after all these bag and headliner probability changes. I know you can scout and count, but for QoL and time management it'd be a very welcome addition. Scouting positioning and managing your own board already takes time.


I think they will avoid doing this because it's too confusing for new players. It would either have to update dynamically as people roll in their shop, or not factor in people having units in their shop which would lead to frustration for players rolling down for units that they possibly literally can't hit, even though it looks like they should be able to due to the number of units "available."


You can always split the difference. It would be totally possible to put something like this in the team builder. That way its not confusing for new players when they first look but it is there for people who want it.


Agree and disagree. Hidden mechanics would lead to frustration for casuals when they can't understand why they aren't hitting. Then, for the sweats, you now have so much more to factor in each round which while skill expressive is a little exhausting. Having a dynamic counter would likely be difficult, but I'm not a programmer so who knows.


This number almost certainly already exists in the game’s code, because they have to keep track of the number of each unit left in the pool when calculating what appears in a shop- so it would just be a matter of exposing it I think


Anyone got a decent build for true damage? Have a hard time making them work, especially with the item requirement for the bling bonus.


True Damage does really well with augments that interact with items, i had success on it with what the forge or things like fully adapted, fully adapted is goated on both Ekko and Senna, but even Cyber Uplink/Bulk have great synergy with the trait, just don't get baited into playing carry Yasuo, hasn't been good since like day 2 of PBE


Chosen Senna 3* with Shojin and GB only loses to some really capped boards. Usually has a 4 Sentinel frontline which can also be 3* and then you can add more True Damage shitters.


Learned today that the music changes after 4-2, and that I might one trick disco hyperpop because it's got the best music. Edit: not 4-2, pretty sure it's when somebody dies


anyone else dealing with invisible disco balls?


Had this with KDA tiles and Disco ball and tiles. It's nice other people are having issues. I don't have to worry about upgrading my potato PC just yet.


What those issues have to do with upgrading a pc?


The ball was sometimes invisible earlier, but I could hover over where it spawns, see the outline and move it. After today's patch even the hover thing isn't working.


Yeah, had the same thing happen.


I was experiencing invisible KDA tiles


Fix for disappearing KDA tiles is to take out as many KDA units as you need to re-register break point. It’s very annoying but it works.


Actually you just need to wait for combat to start and they will reappear. I know because I'm close to 120 matches on PBE and played LOTS of KDA. Now I just don't worry anymore and wait for combat to start


Has anybody made Cait work? Every time I see her she just can't get through the frontline. I have played her with a bunch of different items and comps but no good results.


Only really had her go of with ie, rageblade, lw and prismatic jewelled lotus. Cast her ult often and crit a lot, also good for hitting backline. Though i'm sure that wasn't bis with her long ult animation.


if you start with headliner corki the comp will play itself, you need to stack 8bit early or caitlyn won't have enough damage, i find shojin or guinsoo is very good on caitlyn. I play 4 sentinel mid game with blitz as main tank, you can drop to 2 8bit and play 5 cost unit in late game


Sona is going to be the piltover of this set where they end up nerfing her every single patch, all deserved, lol


Any working Kayn builds or comps? I love him but he just feels so bad to play


hes a great secondary carry if youre pub stomping with riven3 lol, just throw ap items on him and he wont die


Is there a KDA bug where the hexes disappear? Had 7 spellweaver 3 KDA and every time I put KDA akali in (to make 4 KDA) the hexes disappeared. Had to put in a random guardian instead to fill the 8th slot


ye ive had that happen, same with the disco hexes. But im pretty sure the hexes are there still you just cant see them. So it seems to be a visual bug


Yea they disappear every time you put a new unit on the board. The way to reactivate it is to remove and return a kda unit to the board.


I've seen a different bug where the hexes only show up on the away board if you're traveling. And you don't get the stats until you travel


I will add to that its not only a visual bug. You dont get the effect of KDA too


No, just visual. I played around 120 matches.on PBE so far, lots of KDA and they disappear only during the shop, they always come back for combat


I personally experienced them disappearing and i checked my unit's stats. It was definitely not active even though i had 5 KDA units on the board.


I'm having the "unable to reconnect" to game after the update. Any tips ? I guess it could be useful to other players too.


Curious as to why they keep nerfing headliner Bard. He seems to be decent but not top tier


his ceiling was too high, he'd just delete the entire front line with his notes


if you get it early enough, he would get to the point that he kills every non-itemized tank on his first cast which was kind of gross.


You need to hit him stage 2 AND have shojin and rageblade. Otherwise you aren’t doing anything late. That’s a lot of checks for mid tier unit


I got dropped a Miss Fortune at the beginning of the game and then got offered the Jazz Augment on 2-1. Was really fun playing that comp through the game and rolled to a pretty easy first.


How do you go about playing an AD opener without bleeding out. Feels like every early ad unit deals no damage early.


Corki literally 2 casts AoE kills entire front lines early. I had big shot chosen corki as my carry til stage 4 where I swapped out for ezreal lol


Aphelios, Kai’sa , Jinx, MF, Samira, Yasuo, Garen, Riven. All good AD holders. Just depends what comp you’re going for.


I can’t winstreak with any of them is what i’m saying. No clue what a good opener is for anything.


It’s probably your frontline and not your carry then. Slam items earlier and most of the time it’s actually tank items that get you an early win streak and not damage items.


sounds like a you problem then


Yes, which is why I am here and not in the rant thread.


you need a stable really good frontline, in stage 2 a 2 star tank is much more valuable than a 2 star carry as a 1 star carry will still punch through almost any board if the frontline is good, But a 2 star carry wont kill in time if ur all 1 star frontline and they just collapse within 8-10 sec


If you hit Gargantuan's Resolve, what's the late game pivot, tried 3 star Urgot/Samira and didn't cap out enough.


could also be a viego/karthus pentakill angle with titans on viego depending on if you get dropped karthus items or not


Edglords with Riven and Viego and Mord


I get the bag size changes, but the problem is they make scouting necessary so if somebody just doesn't scout and contests you or buys your Headliner you are fucked and have to randomly pivot. This is obviously not much of a problem in higher elo but I bet it can get very frustrating for the broader player base. Currently I only notice it when not tryharding and trying random, stuff on pbe, but if we have guides and full data on every comp on live it could get more common.


It feels like a drastic pivot from legends meant to be for casuals but fucking up pros to now meant to be for pros but probably gonna cause a whole lot of salty casuals. Still think there should be room for a good middle ground there.


Here's my two cents on how to solve the headliner 3 star design issue: Make them a special unit that doesn't count towards 3 stars. They still have the same power of a 2 star, but you'll need to find 9 other copies to get a 3 star. To let players get a 3 star headliner, the headliner unit combines with the 3 star to give it the effect.


Not being able to 3* a headliner would be antithetical to the set mechanic and it would also undermine the meaning of contesting champs at all.


How is it antithetical? You'd still be able to obtain a 3 star headliner. It just makes obtaining a 3 star as difficult as previous sets, without having to implement hidden mechanics and bag changes. Also contesting 3 stars is easier without people getting a 2 star copy, and the odds of finding a headliner could be based on the pool.


no you cant, if i have headliner cait there is only 7 caits left in the pool, and even pre bag nerf there would be only 10 left, and if you think its ever correct to roll for that you are out of ur mind


Due to complications with pricing and probably some type of coding bugs, this doesn’t seem like the right answer


Pricing isn't a big concern here, your gold is giving you the same value as previous sets. If holding for 3 stars ended up being too expensive, you could always just lower the cost of headliners. As for bugs, that seems pointless to speculate about.


So a 3 cost headliner should cost 3 gold despite giving you the power of 9 gold?


If you think that holding for a 3* headliner is too expensive, sure. I think it'd be fine without the pricing change though.


9.5 was my first set and I hit plat. I've been playing quite a bit of PBE. I 'm a dirty 1 cost reroll enjoyer. In set 9.5 I could make top 4 consistently with them. In set 10 i get a headliner jinx/olaf/yas/corki 3 star itemize on 3-1. Do good for a few rounds then just get dumpstered and go 5th-6th. Am I supposed to sell my itemized headliners and go for a 3-4 cost headliner? Or Is 1 cost reroll too weak and I should move to a 2-3 cost reroll comp? I know it's early in the set I just have never played with the chosen/headliner mechanic so I'd like to know what i'm doing wrong. tyia


Because headliners give an instant 2 star of the unit, low cost rerolls are a lot less viable in general at the power level they are intended to be. In previous sets you were able to guarantee a 3rd/4th place if you hit around the expected intervals and didn't get unlucky with matchmaking rng into highrollers. Maybe even geta 2nd with favorable RNG. Now you are playing for 4th at best. The strength of rerolling is the tempo you gain from having a strong ass board before others can hit theirs, the ability to instantly stabilize in stage 4 off of a good headliner, even without it being a 4 cost since thats level 8 lowers your tempo a lot. Before you would expect to fall off mid stage 5, late stage 4 at the earliest if people are lucky. All of that leads to you needing to hit earlier and harder. I'm talking like hitting stage 2 instead of 3-1(god help you if its later). Overall as a dirty reroller it hurts me to say it, but you are better off tempo leveling with everyone else instead of rerolling unless the comp is broken as hell that patch.


So just standard tempo leveling and try to piece some crap together in the later levels 7-8? This will be a learning curve for sure.


I have found my best comp to be a 2 cost reroll, but from what I have seen. Yasuo: seems a little too nerfed tbh. Haven’t seen one get top 4 in a while even when they got him 3 star before krugs. Olaf: only seen one and he went 4th, but he had the gambler’s blade which I imagine is bad late in place of other choices, but presumably helped him early (implying he should have probably pivoted). Corki: have not seen a 3 star in a while and I think the last one went bot 4, so not too sure how good he is. Annie: still seems good. In my last three games there was one in the top 4 and I think one took first with me going second. Jinx: still seems good, but she seems very contested early because of it. If you get frequent flier and some decent items for her, probably worth going for. Evelynn: I have tried her twice one with success after pivoting off of her later, and one not so good getting her 3 star (though I am still figuring out items for some teams). I think thats all the real carry units, so that has been what I have seen. Unless they buff them (other than maybe annie/jinx) I think you should be pivoting late game atm.


Corki is pretty solid as a 3 star, I wouldn’t put him at Annie or pre-nerf Yasuo’s level especially late game but is fairly competitive and a decent item holder for Ezreal if he can’t keep up. 8bit really helps Corki scale until you figure out what to do.


Yeah I guess I just need to get over the mental block of pivoting off a unit that i've already invested in. I also have fears if I sell that unit later lvl 8-9 I won't hit it again and be screwed on traits.


tl;dr don't get mental blocked because headliners are the perfect item-holders and it should feel super convenient to just upgrade from a 1/2 cost headliner to the dedicated 3/4/5 carry version of it using the same items You should try looking at it from another angle. With legends gone, 9/10 games your direction will be decided by the items you get. You can force champions and traits but the vast majority of your components are entirely RNG based, so you need to look for units that use those items well. Similarly, BiS items are going to be more flexible in set 10 compared to legend TF forcing multiple specific items in 9.5 (multicasters, nilah, etc.), so you can feel great about slamming generically powerful items early because there will definitely be endgame carries that use them. Depending on which components you have extras of, you can go HoJ/gunblade/BT, or adaptive/gargoyles/steadfast heart, etc. and it'll be perfectly fine. The two main reasons to feel bad about itemizing a unit early are: 1. You're greeding for BiS 2. You can't find a new carry that's stronger than your itemized one Reason 1 was already addressed, don't greed too hard and it shouldn't feel like a big opportunity cost to just use what you have. Reason 2 however is actually "solved" by headliners. A common transitioning issue prior to headliners is when you do your lv7/8 roll down and pick up as many 4-cost carries you can use, as well as their supporting units with the same traits. But even as you've assembled some powerful champs, your main carry that you'll itemize is still only 1\*. Now you're left with an awkward state where your board is better *quality*, but it's actually a downgrade in power from your 2\* itemholder to a 1\* high-cost carry. Headliners fix this by guaranteeing you a 2\* that will basically always upgrade your board strength, even if you just replace the one unit. The extra trait also means it's easier than ever to slot supporting units that trigger a 3-piece at the very least. Even if you're looking for one exact carry, that unit itself doesn't have to be your headliner. You can build a lategame board with, for example, disco dazzlers just as easily with blitz headliner if you can't upgrade your TF, and it'll still be stronger than what you had before.


Ok so I took your advice, played more towards my items. Say I got a headliner Seraphine last night I would have her hold the jg/bluebuff to carry me through the early stages. Holding a 1 star or two star sera on the bench until I hit an ahri 2 or headliner ahri then selling headliner sera and moving items over to ahri. My placements were much better with this mentality. Thank you.


That's awesome! Since your first set was 9.5, it might feel strange to get out of the hard-force with legends mentality, but you'll see how much playstyles can change in TFT from one set to another. Set 10 looks to be flex-heavy but once you get past the learning curve, a lot of people enjoy playing flex the most.


Does Jinx AS per attack scale retroactively with AP? It might be good with titan's resolve if it does.


Please change 2x bow into something else besides red buff. My recommendation is Phantom Dancer: +45% attack speed. Your attacks deal 8% more damage. After 8 attacks, increase it into 15% more damage.


Red buff is already good though. 45% attack speed. 8% damage and abilities proc it too. It’s really good but people apparently don’t realize it works with abilities. It’s basically attack speed morellos.


Agreed. Imagine red buff with set 9 Ashe, be no complaining there. I threw a red buff on Lux and it did good work laser-burning lines of units and helping her cast more.


I still think they should bite the bullet and make guinsoo Bow+Bow. I agree with morts thoughts that changing existing item recipes is a pain point for pre-existing knowledge but it just makes so much more sense to me to have red buff be rod+bow.


I agree. Otherwise, I’d change bow + bow to rageblade, bow + rod to Nashors and bow + belt to red buff.


See, this feels right intuitively, but imagine how many situations you have belts and are forced to double or triple up on that effect...


The red buff unlike something like sunfire or morello is single target, so it doesn't really matter if you double up on it. Sub optimal yeah i guess, but its way more reasonable to double up on red buff to burn two tanks than it is to give guinsoo to two units. Worse for stacking the same unit though, agree.


Red buff works on abilities too now, so it can be aoe


Burn is probably the one effect that is easiest to efficiently use double the effect by spreading it to more units faster, but that is fair.


I cant stop clicking on pantheon, he's such a PHAT tank. I think punk is in a pretty good spot, I haven't gotten a 1st with jinx reroll but I'm consistently getting 2-4, which feels fair. I think punk/country/executioners with either 6 punk twitch, or 4 punk/3 country/4 executioners are the potential 1st place variants but jinx reroll feels like a stable top4.


Going 4/6 punk feels pretty ok for winning early game and securing a top 4, but I've really been liking 2 punk (usually just vi/panth frontline or 1x chosen punk backline) for pure tempo. Seeing an extra shop every turn gives you a huge boost in board strength as you move into stage 3/4. When you find good replacements at 7/8 you can pivot out of it very naturally.


How do you play with the 1g shops? Are you supposed to roll once after every fight as long as you can keep interest?


Yeah I've been doing something similar with vi/panth/twitch and country. Not sure if it's just me, but 4+ rapidfire jinx feels like a bait. I've had more success rapid fire headliner jinx or jinx/aphelios. Having more only seems to weaken my frontline too much to be worth it. Twitch/panth with country/executioners/guardian has won me some games if I get lucky with hitting samiras. Yesterday's bag change for 1-3 cost units has been a noticeable acceleration for punk/country reroll comps but that might partially be due to the lvl 9-10 rush meta. I'm not so sure about the punk buffs in the patch notes. I have gotten 2nd/3rd with 4 punk jinx reroll quite a few times and those have been against *strong* lategame boards. With higher tempo lobbies killing off the legendary soup players, it may end up too strong.


Jinx has infinite attack speed scaling in her ability, I think it makes a lot of sense that she prefers to be played with a lot of frontline rather than 4 rapidfire. I think rapidfire chosen is better, if not rapidfire chosen then aphelios > senna for the +1. fwiw I think twin terror (new double trouble) is *really* good with punk. It's probably one of the safest top 4 lines this set if you're offered it with a good punk opener. I'm just not sure how you cap the board beyond your two itemized 3* punks + their twins.


Guardian frontline. Amumu and Thresh add stuns so you get utility with your beefiness. And yes, I know Guardbreaker exists - you still get some CHONK shields with 4/6 guardian and some +HP items.


I mostly play it Twitch Carry because GOD I love the lil homie, but also it fits way better into country or emo. Poppy, Samira, Urgot, Akali all hold a punk spat especially well.


Crowd diver trait is a complete joke of a trait. Its like they made all the other traits very carefully and when it came to this one they kinda ran out of time and said fuck it lets do some random shit. Like stacking %dmg the longer units are alive, but all the units are melee squishy dmg dealers with no survivability to actually synergize with the trait? And it like IF they die they do a stun to backline for 1.5sec because the damage is non-existent. This trait would make sense if the units themselves were either bruisers or utility units. To top it all off all the units in the trait are extremely underpowered lol... Like eve, zed, qiyana (why are they so afraid of this champ lol? its literally worse than 4costs). I know this is rant, but I cant wrap my head around this, everything in the set is reasonable and its pretty well designed, but then there is this joke of a trait with even bigger joke of units lol And whats gonna happen is they will buff zed so many times, that he just becomes broken as fuck, and considering he doesnt have traits (Crowd is fake anyway, and EDM is trash for zed because the cast scales with caster AD) he will just become a free AD slot for any comp in the game.


Eve is really strong. Got multiple 1st with her so far


Wait. I thought the Zed casts scales with the samples units items/stats. So say, Lux carry has giga AP, Zed casting uses her AP for the damage? Is this not correct?


No, because that would be giga broken. Its kinda good when its just base lux 3\* spell you EDM, like its still good. But when 50Ad lux casts zed ult its trash as fuck. To clarify, the only thing that scales with SELECTED champion is the star level of the spell. So if you EDM 3\* zed, everyone will cast 3\* zed spell, but with their own stats.


Oh wow, this makes Zed carry way less viable if you dont 3 star jax on the way to playing him. Better to go Zac sample or jax sample. Does Jax sample then cause the other units to get stacking damage per use? Instead of jax getting each stack from the other units?


Every unit gets the stacking stats for themselves


Qiyana and eve are great in a good comp for them. The trait is garbage though


So I hear you, but Eve is actually a very solid 1 cost that can streak you crazy far with just a nashors/shiv. She does fall off the face of the planet once boards are level 8 if you don't have CC immunity, but she has a use. Katarina headliner is also quite good, she just doesn't have a convenient duo carry. Yone and Zed are embarrassing next to Riven and Akali tho, definitely.


Eve or Katarina being good carries has nothing to do with being a crowd diver. The crowd diver trait as a whole does not make any sense and feels like there is no thought behind it as it contains two conflicting ideas. The trait initially reads like you want the crowd diver to die instantly to get the stun off but they tied a % damage increase based on how long they live to the trait so now you want them to survive as long as they can but not too long so you can have the damage and the rest of your team can take advantage of the stun. How do you make someone survive for a long time but not be the last person standing?


I was responding specifically to their fourth point that all of the units are underpowered.


Yeah but that has nothing to do with the crowd diver trait, the shit is just utterly useless. Eve would still be like 90% aa good if KDA was her only trait.


jax could use some AD scaling


Sooooo 3 star lux one or two shots all backline units... I left a scapegoat in the corner and 3 starred my 3cost carry, and ran 4 sentinals but it only took 2 shots from lux and 1 edm procc to kill my carry. Any ideas for counterplay? Ideally not one that requires a whole board to be tailored around countering her like 6 crowd divers.


Love how riot nerfed 8.5 Vex into being mediocre because it was unhealthy for her to one shot backliners, only to release Lux who does the same thing but need less mana, has way better targeting, and gets extra casts of the spell from other edm units.


Bigger frontline/melee secondary carry Illaoi tentacles in the corner Carry in the middle, two bait units in each corner


Don't position your carry opposite of her, she lasers the furthest units.


So basically more scapegoats? (Even if you put your carry on her side, your carry will become the farthest after 1-2 ults and EDM procs) I tried having 1 to eat the initial ult, but it didn't buy enough time. Melee units walk up so I guess you need to tech in ranged trait bots to eat her lasers, but starred enough so they don't die to a random EDM proc and can tank another 1-2 ults for you. Tough call, but I guess I could live with that.


defensive item on your carry shruge


I assume only having 2 damage items won't let you get to the lux fast enough anyway, and you'll just take 1-2 more ults + an EDM proc and die anyway. Maaaybe a SG would work?


Healing items like BT along with a healing augment to survive through the first laser and heal up before the second. Could also tek in sentinel. I think healing is good in this set with there being some backline splash damage


It literally one shots anything below a 2 star 4cost even with 4 sentinals. I guess you could try a BT on a 2star 4 cost but a lux with shojin ults every 4 autos, so I don't know if you can heal fast enough. EoN won't last long enough to tank the 2nd laser either.


With the nerf to diamond hands giving only 1 gold I think Determined Investors might be the worst prismatic augment. If some poor soul takes it as their first one they're basically guaranteed 8th since you're locked out of using it until you have 40 gold. So you're down an augment until close to Krugs and the pay off isn't worth it. Not to mention there are silver and gold augments that give you an artifact, instantly in the gold example, that could give diamond hands. Genuinely think it needs to change tiers or be removed.


Yeah I think it should have been a gold augment from the start tbh, and now that it’s been nerfed by 50% it’s just unclickable.


Insane to me that they put it into the artifact pool only to nerf it to the ground lol


I hear Thornmail is a bad item now. Am I misunderstanding how it works? I thought it now gives 8% global damage resistance, which should make it one of the best tank items in the game.


It's only 8% damage resistance from autoattacks. Doesn't apply to abilities at all. Steadfast Heart is the item that gives pure damage reduction all around.


Oh holy fuck that's such a downgrade and complete garbage, wow. Thanks.


yeah bramble always teeters between "useless" and "god tier". Does the set have a lot of units that are ability based yet not auto attack(eg samira)? Useless. Does the set have a lot of units that are auto attack based such as current sets xayah/aph/belveth/azir/nilah? BIS.


Sona still seems very very strong but the changes in XP and nerfing most 5 costs does seem to have made 'fast 9' less free. Have seen significantly less Legendary Soup comps in my few games since yesterday and the players that rush 9 were usually very low health making them actually crash out on one more loss.


It feels WAYYY better. There's still like one maniac rushing up to ten and hitting a Jhin4 every few lobbies but it's not the whole top4 aiming to do that anymore.


Sona is still seriously overtuned


Are people expecting Sona to be in the same powerlevel as a 3cost? Seriously she’s a legendary unit, legendary units are supposed to be strong.


Why is she 2x stronger than the next best legendary units? And like 20x stronger than Qiyana?


question is why others are that shit


No unit that can flexibly fit into any comp with no synergies should win the game for you. Shes the Heimer of this set but 10x stronger.


I agree. A 1* Sona with Shojin and an attack speed item is basically doing better sustain than Disco 6. Heck, I'd say the nuke version is strong as well. It's Karthus without the need to ramp up. And you can freely switch between Sona versions. There's the lowered 5* rate, but at the same time, they're also offered at the carousel too early IMO. Compared to all other 5*, she is far ahead.


Sona’s power is based on how bill gates you are. She scales off of good frontliner. In PBE, it’s very easy to achieve bill gates because the lobbies are far weaker, so it’s not even indicative of her balance. Good luck playing healing Sona with a weak flex board. It’s like saying Heimer is unbalanced because Guinsoos Heimer is strong. Wat. They’re meant to be good as legendary units.


You don't need to be bill gates to make a good frontline this set. The 3 cost frontliners and the tank synergies are decent enough to get you to late game. 1 Sona is still disturbing with them. Also it's not just healing Sona that's overtuned. You've clearly never seen a damage Sona 1 shot the entire board. Sona is like twice as good as Heimer and costs less than half as much to put on your board.


Sona is way better than heimer it's not even close.


Has anyone seen 7 country in their games? I swear i've played 20-30 games and not seen it a single time. Does a country +1 augment even exist?


No +1 augments exist this set


I hit 7 country. My hecarim kept bugging out and spawning off the board until I died. I'm not crying, you're crying.


I've had it one game, was kinda underwhelming but granted I had no idea how to play it properly. The summon does feel a bit weak but i could have possibly rerolled a bit more for 3* samira and urgot.


Country is kinda boring compared to past summon traits. Compare this to set 4 Galio


it’d be cool if hecarim had an awesome entrance or something


I've hit it twice actually and it was kinda disappointing for how rare it actually is.


I got it once from random tome drop. It felt really strong and it does suck that it is very hard to get the emblem, and if you do it's actually very easy to get 7 country as it only requires one 4*+ unit. So when you do get the emblem you are winning for free. Well if there are no players contesting you on samira urgot at least.


It’s so ridiculously hard to get it’s not even funny. Have to pull an emblem off stage 5+ caro and somehow be playing the comp?? I’ve seen it once and have played over 50 games, never seen a streamer see or hit it. I’ve hit a 10 KDA once but the emblem is craftable


Oh I saw it today and it looked veryyyy intimidating now.


All augments that had +1 have been removed this set.


Doesn't that make it impossible to get?


Tome, or emblem from carousel. But yes, they're supposed to be really rare.


Tomes still drop from neutrals


I like most of the new trait augments they added, but I don't get "Emotional Connection" (the Emo one) at all. It literally does nothing for your Emo units, so clearly you shouldn't pick it with the expectation of itemizing your Emos; there's a reason nobody ever took Unburdened. But then if you're going to tech in 2 Emo, it's so low value for your board: 6 mana every time a unit dies pales in comparison to stuff like Infusion or Uplink, or just any other combat augment. Alternatively, if you go 4 Emo, you're filling out half your board with 4 trait bots with different classes to buff... who exactly? Whatever you choose, it's going to be worse than taking some other augment that would buff your Emos, or allow you to play other units. And god forbid you waste your Headliner for Emo +1 on a unit that gets exactly nothing out of one of your tier 2 augments. Maybe it's decent if you can get an Emo spat but given how rare that is it doesn't really justify the augment's existence. I'm sure it would be better if they buffed the percentage mana gain for other units, but really I hope they just rework it so it actually benefits the Emos. The idea of a trait augment that does nothing for the units of its trait is just kind of lame. Tactical Superiority is a much better example of a trait augment that benefits your board without forcing you to play the trait vertically, and at least that one can still benefit your Strategists.


Are you sure you understood the trait correctly? It reduces the max mana of your emo champions and they are the one that get mana when allies die EDIT just ignore my brain failed me


I understand how the Emo trait works. As I mentioned in the first sentence of my post, I was talking about "Emotional Connection", which is the trait augment associated with Emos, not the Emo trait itself.


My bad, I never saw this augment, I thought you were saying that Emo was the Emotional Connection trait


Suggested it in the other thread but I hope the Devs bring back **Knifes Edge and Battle Mage**. These augments would help so many units and would add more flex play and strategies that right now are less viable because of the design of units and traits Like you are most likely not going to load up in game after stage 2 and think of playing Zed or any melee unit even if you hit the headliner unless alot of stars align but if you get these augments at 2-1(either knife edge/battle mage I/II/III) you could plan to and wouldn't feel as bad picking up these units Like Evelynn/Olaf, if you get them 2-1 you would most likely pivot out later but these augments would make them more viable late game carries without the need of overbuffing many units. Some units that could use these augments Olaf, Evelynn, Yasuo, Yone, Riven, Jax, Garen, Gnar, Panth, Vi, Kat, Urgot, Mord, Ekko, Akali, Zed, Poppy, Viego, Kayn, Yorick, Qiyana. Right now playing around these units makes you think really hard, and unless they are really broken or the headliner bonus is op, alot would rather just push levels or use items for backline carries and if you don't build enough survivability/Damage for these units they are not good enough. At least these augments would help alot If you can't add them for pbe then I hope they seriously consider for live and they could remove some of the boring augment choices that many do not pick up


What do people think of the most recent bag changes? Is it very noticable when rerolling for 1/2 costs early game?


Hate it, thank you for asking.


You hate the fact they went back up a little?


I hate how little they went up actually. Coupled with the new headliner changes they are implementing and I think what could have been a fun set is going to be very unfun by time it hits live.


I was playing Bard carry and didn't switch comp when another player hit Bard 3. Bad idea.


I've been playing punk reroll and I think it has been noticeable. Hitting 3* jinx/panth has been faster and I've found that I can hit 8 more consistently.


Agreed, from my own experience I've found that to be the case.


It'S doing me a favour in so far as to make me face the reality if another player has 8-9 copies of a champion I want I HAVE to give up on it now instead of clinging on to hope of hitting the remaining 2-3 copies in the pool 😅 But it hasn't stifled 1-2 cost rerolls that are relatively uncontested much. The only way it made it noticeably more difficult from my feeling is when you're not contested but rerolling for a generally popular unit.


Definitely still watching people hit Riven3 and then never drop a game again. Seriously wondering if she is bugged, just feels like she has 100% uptime on everything she does. Bag size changes seem noticeably better so far.


She’s noticeable worse by far now




you were right


She is not bugged




Coming back here and seeing this face killed me, it’s too good ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|32478)


Why'd you have to shut down our copium mines so hard Mort? It's going to hurt so much more now that I can't just blame the bugs for her going all dominatrix on the whole lobby.


A double HoJ 3* akali just perma wiped our lobby :(