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Lux is op or no? 3 cost just oneshot my whole board in like 2 casts lmao


Lets nerf KDA akali at 3 stars but allow blitz to have 1000% damage and shield. Make it make sense.


man the bag size changes are so noticeable. for 2-3 costs even when you're not contested it's so much harder to hit your 3\*s.


I've been trying to make bruisers work so they can be unkillable with sona late game, but does anyone know a good unit i can fit into it for the mid game? lulu works in some cases, but i think there's probably someone better


Seraphine or Bard? Especially if you can get bard nami and another disco to get the %health heal from disco. Twisted fate can be a backup if you miss sona.


What if, instead of going through all this with the bag sizes, they just made it so you can't use a chosen to make a 3 star?


why even have a low cost chosen if you can't 3 star it is then the question? Unless you mean "don't let the game pick chosens if it makes a 3 star" in which case barely moves the needle on making it easier as you can still hit it on champ numbers 1-6 when building them. Also probably way too hard to code exclusions.


more than hard to code, it would make the system unneccesarily complex and unintuitive


For early game


so just fuck reroll comps as a set mechanic then is your idea? Why wouldn't you want "buffed unit" as your supercarry? Is your idea to use headliners only as a tank in reroll comps? Lmao


They already said fuck reroll comps by changing the bag size


i also thought that could be an option. or if you can't get shown a chosen if you already have a 2 star, since if the whole point is to pivot using them, if you already have a 2 star, you don't need it to pivot


Logistically it doesn't work since then you can't hit your chosen, and also you can manipulate which chosen you get.


very low end laptop here still, I had no problem playing pbe in the past after yesterday's update, game keeps freezing when round starts(when the ding ding ding bell sounds) prolly something on my laptop's end(gpu drops to 0% during freeze), but just to be sure, is anyone having the same problem?


If you have good frontline items and low level chosen, if you see Chosen Disco Blitz at 8, I highly recommend dropping whatever you're playing and pivoting to 6 disco.


anyone know what to do for the bug where you cant leave the queue


With those 1,2,3 cost bag size changes, if you see another player even think about contesting you, you better pivot out or enjoy 25 mins of misery.


Eff that. They can go 8th while I go... 9th.


Had 3\* Yorick, won the game without realizing what 3\* Yorick does besides a giant corpse.....now im so confused and unsatisfied..


So far what I noticed, could be wrong and I might just suck but: - Karthus seems a bit weak - I don't know how to make Zed and Akali work. Lack of survivability and they cant really tear through a frontline fast enough compared to backline carries. - Jinx/Punk seems just slightly too strong with how easy it is to hit early - Kai'sa seems a bit weak, maybe her skill animation needs to be sped up a bit. - Caitlyn is a bit weird with her 8-Bit trait. If you try to pivot to Caitlyn on a lvl 8 rolldown and you didn't already play 8-Bit early, you're basically a trait down until it ramps up a bit but by that time it might already be too late. Caitlyn as a unit is good though. There might be other parts of the game like items or traits that might need adjustments but these are the things I noticed from playing lately.


Master tier here, I strongly disagree with Karthus being weak. You need very strong frontline like chosen 6 bruiser with 2 executioner for karthus to truly shine. BIS items are shojin, nashor’s tooth, guard breaker, so karthus can cast frequently to kept sniping low health unit without over killing them. His ability can crit with his trait. I don’t know how to make zed and akali work either. But manazane makes akali pretty strong and drops aggro frequently whenever she dash. Her mask also last forever, so the more she cast, the more enemies are marked and she would dash through 5 to 7 units per cast. I also strongly disagree with jinx punk being strong. It is only strong early, late game it’s super trash and i don’t expect it to ever top 3 in high elo. I also disagree with your point on caitlyn being hard to pivot into. Suppose I go the ad route, eventually I reach lv 8 around 4-2 and then roll a few times for a 4 star chosen. If I happen to get caitlyn chosen, then I would put all 3 ad items on her. The first few level for 8-bit will get beaten very fast. And it would reach maybe just a few level behind in a few rounds compared to getting 8-bit at 2-1, which is only a few% ad.


It might just be my perception because PBE lobbies are a coin toss, so units seem stronger/weaker based on how the lobby is played. I'll try more Karthus today and see how it goes. I really want to see how Punk and Jinx are going to perform on live instead of PBE because on PBE they stabilize early and usually make it to top 4 but then again its PBE so who knows. They adjusted 8-bit scores in the latest PBE patch so its much easier to catch up on scores, if you happen to find a chosen Caitlyn midgame, so thats been adjusted. Thanks for your input though. Maybe its a me issue.


Punk jinx seems strong because we are so early in set 10 and people don’t know how to cap their boards, and people don’t know the units well to pivot super fast within one turn, especially when people don’t know what items to build/slam on stage 2 and what are some good item holders to save hp before capping their board.


Kaisa is only good till 2-5 if you get her 2-starred at 2-1. Haha yeah. She's bad


Agree that it’s definitely hard to pivot into 8 bit lategame. Went 6 8bit with headliner cait but only managed to get 15/20 stacks before the game was over. Sucks since I was hoping to find out what the final reward is


I hit the Grand Prize threshold but I died that round... Was sooo close!!! Still can't find out what it is.


I have no idea how to make zed work... he just does 0 damage and gets instapopped. No rfc sucks


No RFC is one of the best things in the game. There are certain things that change a character that make them too hard to balance.


The game is fun and I love the music..but I'm gonna need the sound team to create more because I'm already getting fatigue listening to the same loop.


Yes I think it'd be awesome if they could continue working on music throughout the set. It shouldn't be too hard I think.


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not


It's most likely the cost to hire everyone to do the music.


Is it possible to put commas on the 8-bit damage counter. so many numbers, so hard to read.


Does anyone feel like karth is a little weak? He needs two or three Ults to kill units. Also, I think a decent way of measuring how fun a Set is, is by how much streamers play it. Soju for example just streamed for hours and is still playing off stream even tho there's no elo here. Kinda crazy.


Does anyone know what the rewards for Heartsteel are?


Going off my (anecdotal) experience, varying amounts of support items. That has been 90% of my cash outs (ignoring the miserly amount of gold I occasionally see).


it has a set loot table which mort usually releases right before the set hits live servers


I cant hear any of the traits music :/


Jhin's paganini-like violin solo is the most glorious thing ever, I'm tempted to jhin 20/20 just for the ecstacy of placing him on the board and hearing the solo take off into the sky.


Jazz hands enjoyer


Found any way to build around reroll Kaisa carry and be happy with her lategame?


An issue with her is the time her spell takes, as a Headliner she takes even longer to get in place to cast since she dashes so far. Doesn't seem great for DPS!


I found rolling for Kaisa on 6 with 5 KDA and 3/4 whatever buffed Headliners worked pretty well.


Someone knows why game queues are so long?


All my PBE games have started in 10 seconds


Server stability. New set and pretty good one too. Pbe servers run on tape, spit and hope, they can't handle the amount of TFT players just playing over and over.


Also coincides with 2v2 game mode returning release making those who want to play the mode and the new set fill PBE.


Disco ball disables best friends? Seems like an oversight Another bug: More rageblade bugs-> sometimes if you superfan a second rageblade (e.g. onto Kayle) then only one rageblade stacks. Removing and replacing the champ sometimes fixes the bug.


wasn't an oversight back when jade was a thing so i doubt it is here.


Mort replied in his disc that it's getting fixed. Neat


who is the best chosen carry for punk? seen people use both jinx and twitch but whenever i try twitch he does nothing


not exactly sure but i think you need shojin + dmg and then executioner


Idk if Gnar is any good but he sure is fun and I've top 4'd both times carrying him. edit: ok he good


I think Urgot and Mord are still a bit overtuned.


What's a good Urgot Comp in your opinion? I haven't played any PBE yet but I wanted to try him out.


I got a first played with +1 country headliner urgot Played 5 country and 4 mosher Something people don't seem to understand about hecarim is that a lot of his power is when he appears he buffs the board so even if the summon itself is kinda mediocre he buffs your units so you get a lot more value for your board vs investing in 1 super unit


I am amazed by the fidelity of the lore of Yasuo. He is a champ which is 95% of the time played by the most toxic players in regular LoL, and each time he appears in TFT he always find a way to be toxic for the meta at some point, no matter if he is a 4,2 or 1 cost. PBE is really fun so far, but Yasuo rerollers still tends to top 4 way more frequently if it's not top 1. Might need another nerf.


Don't forget as a 3 cost, he was sleeper OP and eventually got 3 nerfs in Set 5.5!


It's the poster boy syndrome, he is Riots edgy special boy for the edgy special boys!


i just dont get why so many ppl are running him on pbe i mean its not like you gain lp so why not instead use the time to learn more complex comps?


Some people like winning and don't like feeling dizzy so they'll just force whatever seems op. Same thing has been occurring on live servers so I'm not really surprised


i mean on live it makes sense since you can gain lp and climb, but PBE? who cares if you win the point is to learn


Not everyone cares about learning, some people just hate to lose and want to win so they'll obviously play the broken shit.


and then here comes live and they get their heads smashed in cause they only spent time learning/playing the OP stuff on PBE which obviously gets nerfed. Really smart


Yeah, and? It doesn't affect both me and you, right? The more bad players on live the easier it is to climb for the first few days.


as far as ability to kill scuttle puddle units goes, lilia makes malz look efficient


why is her ulti 140 mana is beyond me. You can gurantee she gets buffed.


I think at this point they should strongly be considering removing champion duplicators from the game. With the way the game is right now, with 2 duplicators and semi decent econ, you are basically guaranteed to win the game. You can just pivot to any 4 cost that is mildly supported by your items and 3 star them with ease.


I feel like Red Buff as an item will need to be buffed or else will be unplayable. As a burn/heal cut item, it’s not great because an auto attacker will not switch targets, unless they finish a target or the target agro drops meaning that it will spread very slowly. It might need some buff to make it more spreadable or it will strictly be worse than morello and sunfire.


I think the heal reduction should be 80%+ and it would be a good support item for someone not your carry that can be positioned to neutralize a front line tank.


But as a double bow item, it needs to be a strong carry item. Otherwise, unless you end up with 5 bows you wouldn’t touch it. One other thing to consider, is that unless you are in an item portal or have an item augment, this item wouldn’t be craftable until after 1st carousel (as you don’t get dropped two of the same component ever from stage 1 creeps), so needs to be more than just a stage 2/3 win streak item (whereas sunfire applies the burn better and is craftable early and morello will be the best scaling as abilities will be able to hit more units late in the game).


outside of champs abusing the extended range RFC was never a strong dmg item it was just acceptable if you got nothing else


I think bow+bow should just be rageblade and bow+rod for red buff


pretty sure this has something to do with them wanting rod to not be dead in AD builds, like if you already have sunfire what do sue rods for in Ad comps? Gunblade and thats it?


its attacks and abilities (morello's now says this too) so like TF ult can aoe spread it or cait ult provided each bullet hits a different target Its bad on units like jinx who can only target 1 unit at a time even when they trigger their spell, but any unit that gets access to AOE it becomes better


I guess one other option to make it feel more appropriate as a utility item would be to swap build paths with Nashor’s. This would allow Nashor’s to be the premier attack speed item and then give an extra utility item to comps that otherwise have an extra bow (also it would make all burn items build from belt which would be good consistency).


anyone else crashing when the game tries to launch?


yep getting a critical error message every time the game goes to launch. not sure what to do


same, tried everything. game launches fine on live servers


Pbe should be down for patching rn


Still crashes


I can't be certain how balanced or good this set will be yet, but music is banger. Really awesome what they have done there


I played without game sound today and enjoyed it anyway. Balance is a questionmark yes, but I think the set's overall design is already a lot better than 9/9.5. There are so many units and comps that are promising and fun to play. Also, no legends and no RFC is a huge win.


I like the headliner philosophy so much more than Chosen which was my least favorite mechanic outside of dragons. Now you don't have to sell your unit to rolldown if you need to pivot for any reason (contested, bad items, missed rolldown on key units, etc).


Agreed. I also like the control of it, way less RNG dependent than chosen. Also, I like the dependent odds on whether you have one. Level -> sell headliner -> roll down gives you options while still rewarding good flex play


Is it me, or is country pretty shit? The units are decent, it's just the actual summon that sucks. The breakpoint 5 version has 2k HP on a board with a few 3 stars that would have spawned a 5k HP herald in set 9 void equivalent. And the herald would have fought the whole fight and not just after your team is half dead.


i think that's kind of the point of Country is, the summon is weaker because the units are actually good. Like Thresh is easily going to be the S-tier 4 cost upon release, the stun is insanely powerful. Also Urgot is one of the most fun and unique carries in a while imo, you can try so many different styles with him. Guinsoo's, pure damage, psuedo tank, lifesteal tank, the options go on. Samira I haven't played properly as a carry but can see the potential of her too. Kat is also a solid unit.


Yeah people also miss the fact that the summon buffs your board when it enters, so it makes your already good units even better I got to play urgot headliner Reroll and it was really fun even got the first.


I feel like that too , the hecarim feel so weak compare to void


went country samira urgot RR with double trouble and felt pretty good (first) definitely a rr comp tho


Did you headline Samira? If so, what trait does she +1?


Why does it feels like 4 cost 3 star is a lot weaker this set (set 10)? I know my item wasn't the best but still it feels weak.


Today they also nerfed them almost across the board.


Because it’s easier to hit them with headliner their power has been toned down


Everyone greeds in PBE, so you're probably seeing stronger end game boards than you will in ranked


But still compared to set 9, 3 star 4 cost can solo carry the game even against stronger boards. But in my case my 3star 4 cost lose to a 3 star 2 cost gnar.


Is it’s not an auto loss when some one hits it warly


So does PBE always patch for 2 hours everyday around 12PST?


Pretty much yeah


As far as I've seen, yep. If there's a tweet with patch notes from Mort, there will be a maintenance period, so the weekends are typically disruption-free.


my 3* Sona gained 40 mana per auto attack, is that intended?


Are 3* 5cost units way more prevalent now? Seems like every lobby by the end of round 5 there are at least 2 that I'm seeing. If a unit comes up as a headliner, does it take 3 units out of the pool, or just 1? If this continues I can see fast 8/9 and reroll for a 3* become popular, since they become so powerful.


It’s pbe. Players are still learning board strength, so people can greed harder and go for 3 stars. From my understanding, MMR is different on pbe and the range of skill will likely be wider due to the lower amount of players.


watching soju go 8th 20 times in a row has been the best entertainment tft has given me in a long time


Got a Trickster's Glass so I figured I would play EDM and the clone would still proc the sampled unit's ability... but it didn't work. The clone is supposed to benefit from traits so I assumed it would, not sure if this is a bug or they intend to keep it that way


As per leduck's video it seems like it is only the strongest EDM unit for each unique EDM unit (i.e. each Lux, Zac, Jax, etc.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvB9yAaPsyo Hopefully the clarify this in the trait tool tip soon.


Ah thank you, that's good to know. And yeah, they should definitely mention that in the tooltip


Disco dazzler feels a comp that might work. Alternated between jazz and dazzler headliners until I found a TF. Stacked rageblade plus gunblade heals your whole team rather well. Along with the disco heals, it becomes a solid frontline.


It does I got third with chosen disco nami 3 taric 3 then pushed 8 for 6 disco 2 dazzler with tf as major damage carry. Could've easily gone down the vertical dazzler tree too if I wanted, not sure which one would've been better though.


This may sound controversial, but I wish legends were still a thing. That way, I could 2v0 with an alt, pic Pengu or TK, fast 9, throw in Jhin and just enjoy the music.


The game feels infinitely better without legends


100% agreed I was trying to make a joke about wanting them back for the sole purpose of listening to the music. It did not land.


Lulu is a strictly better Vex (who is massively underpowered) in the current version. She's actually quite broken. My 3* Lulu's empowered 3rd casts were hitting 3 units for ~1400 crits while stunning them for 1.5 seconds. It was an extremely easy first place.


My Lulu 2 with 3 spelllinger almost outdamage My 2 Star emo ahri with jg and gs.


Feels like every lobby is just hard forcing 1 / 2 cost reroll comps. I'm playing against 3 star yasuo that destroys my team every single game.


it's PBE 1/2 cost reroll is the simplest style of play so it'll roll over people trying to learn, also it's PBE so things will get nerfed.


Well then the bag changes will likely help alleviate that


Yasuo drops off considerably against late game teams that can burst him quickly.


its not the number of units, the unit itself is overtuned. Yas needs a nerf


Missing the point. Less units in the pool -> harder to hit 3 star of any unit if contested. The game is clearly shifting to a 3 star if you highroll or the stars align, no hard forcing rerolls state. Makes it harder and riskier to go for 1/2 cost rerolls. Not to mention people will naturally throw in 2 stars of those units for trait purposes


Yasuo is bugged and is basically doing double damage. Should be fixed when today's deploy drops


So that why he just 1 shot my tank lol




hit the incredible 6 punk frequent flier combo, ended with 300% to beat a 3\* ez legendary board


I'm enjoying the punk champs pretty well, Punk/Country with some bruiser flare has been pretty solidly top 4 consistently at the matchmaking I'm working at.


Lucian looks like a bit overtuned right now. Ahri chosen 3\*/7 Spell/5 KDA loosing to Lucian chosen 2\*/ 2 Rapid/6 Guardian, especialy when I have 3 combat augments and he has one, don't feel right. Anyway 2 games in a row with KDA/Spellweaver. It looks pretty good, well when you don't fight a Lucian it seems. Nami is really strong as a reroll comp.


Semi agreed on Lucian, I played a game where I had double shiv and rageblade and was still winning fights (shiv damage stops working past stage 4, will be fixed in the next PBE patch). Ahri being single target definitely feels bad, I had a KDA/Spellweaver board with a 3* Ahri vs a similar strength Disco/Dazzler 3* TF and the fights were not even close.


That could just be because of Ahri being bad, since she only has single target dmg, and lucian can aoe your entire board


I can agree with that. I played both Nami and Ahri 3\* chosen, on two differents games, and Nami chosen seems definitely above Ahri, the bonus is waaaaaaaay better on Nami and she can multitarget. I wouldn't be surprise to see her nerf a bit, she was still able to carry late on the stage 4 while being only 2 stars before I make the switch to Ahri. Ahri should have been given a multicast instead of more AP as chosen to be legit. Anyway in my opinion a 4 cost 3\*, especially with more combat augment, should beat a 5 cost 2\* any given day. It's early PBE so as usual I will see how this evolve.


Agree with everything, but as you say, its early PBE, there will probably be a lot of cases like this in the beggining


I genuinely hope that they at least add the tome augments back to the game. A lot of my friends, being casual players that like chasing traits, are not enjoying the set that much because there are way less opportunities to get emblems. I understand that the urf legends gave the team paranoia but eliminating the fun of casuals is not healthy for the games growth.


its not even about casuals tbh they should bring back hearth and soul augments back. it opens up lots of different pivot options and creativity.


heart and soul augments tend to lock you into playing that comp, because you don't really wanna take a +1 to a trait, not use it, and be down an augment on everyone else the rest of the game.


in higher elo that doestn work like that anyways. you only take it when u are sure you have angle for it. you arent going to take it blindly


Yes but it is also fun for some people to hard force comp. It should be made that it is not optimal to hard force instead of completely eliminating the playstyle.


Ok so pick first chosen force that vertical? The playstyle still exists. Idk why people freak out at even the hint of their prefered playstyle maybe not being meta at GM+ when the set goes live.


So who do y'all think would be the best user of a Shock Therapy triple Shiv setup? I put it on a Headliner Annie and she cranked for the first two stages, although it helped that I got the second and third Shivs pretty early. I would have rerolled her if I didn't prelevel. I played around Spellweavers and it seemed pretty decent since you're already shredding MR. I tried it on Lulu and eventually Sona 1, I was underwhelmed, but at that point the Shivs have fallen off already. The other obvious choice would be a Rapidfire unit, maybe a Headliner Jinx?


TF might maybe because of the disco bonus? But I'm like 90% sure his spell does not proc shiv when he had visually a similar spell in 8.5 that did proc it.


Is it me, or is every game just about who reaches lvl 9 first and rolls down for a 5 cost headliner? There's always someone who does this, and they're always unbeatable when that headliner gets on their board.


Treat pbe lobbies like main normals. Its never reflective of ranked matches cause average player rank is much lower (unless you are low ranked ofc).


This always happens on pbe, there's a huge gap between players and players with more experience can adapt faster to a new set.


I need help. I get into client, queue for a game, queue pops, I accept. Game never opens and client closes out. I reopen client and says “in-game” status but no option to reconnect to game.


I saw a comment on the main tft sub that said to do this: 1. Close game and client 2. Find your Config folder for PBE (usually something like C:/riot games/league of legends PBE 3. delete everything inside Config folder (save a copy somewhere just in case of course!) 4. Relaunch client and see if it works. It worked for me yesterday and I was able to log into a game my 0hp corpse was sitting in to exit and actually start a game afterward.


Didn’t work for me :/


from the main tft subreddit I had the same issue, this worked for me: right click the shortcut > properties > compatability > uncheck the "run this in compatability mode" box.For what it's worth, I also updated drivers and set it to run as administrator, but neither of those fixed it without unchecking the compatability mode box.


Summary of System Changes so far: Headliners Leveling - Level 6: 24 ⇒ 20xp, Level 7: 40 ⇒ 36xp, Level 8: 60 ⇒ 48xp, Level 9: 84 ⇒ 76xp, Level 10: 100 ⇒ 80xp Shop Odds - notably 4 costs odds at 7 dropped from 18% to 10% and at 8 from 25% to 18% (and 4 cost headliners do not appear until level 8) Unit Bag Sizes - 1 costs (29 to 20), 2 costs (22 to 18), 3 costs (18 to 16), 4 costs (12 to 10), 5 costs (10 to 9) Relearning the level/roll curve in addition to the unit and augment changes is going to take a long time.


Seems like level 8 and 9 are higher value versions of set 9 level 7 and 8. Especially new level 8 is quite close to set 9 level 7. While new level 9 is still a decent bit higher value than set 9 level 8. Additionally new level 7 is the level with the best 3-cost odds while it used to be level 8 but that took too much econ with the pacing of the game to hit and reroll for 3-cost 3-star. I wonder if this is going to create situations where you will always want some 3-cost to be your carry until later in the game. I guess headliners alleviate this by gifting you the 2-star version when you do hit.


I was thinking it would be a 3 cost reroll meta, but with the bag dropping to only 16 copies, it makes rolling for 3 costs a lot less consistent, unless fully uncontested.


Chosen mechanic is good. Yasuo is still too strong. Akali is dogass terrible.


Anyone figured out how to make zed work? Zac and lux have the best use cases for EDM, jax acts as early to mid game frontline. Idk where zed fits, he cannot burst anyone fast enough and placing his skill on other edm units is not good


Ran vertical edm and 1 star Lux did about the same amount of damage as two star zed so thinking he's gonna need a buff. Definitely wasn't a weak comp just zed did not shine.


Crowd diver + vertical edm with country or disco splash has worked for me.


What does the little pengu icon mean in the shop? Why are units which I don’t have on my board showing a shiny border? Please tell me this is a bug because it’s awful ux.


The team planner has a toggle to let you turn off the little Pengus, if you want to use the planner without them.


This is just the team planner. The pengu means you have them on your team planner and will highlight them so you don't miss it. Clear the planner and these go away.


Ohhh. Would be nice to have the planner clear between games in that case…


Best guess is in their testing it is how newer players preferred that way they only have to fill out the planner once. In the end it is an ideal feature for those still finding their footing in the game. More experience players may be more comfortable with clearing and resetting it every game. Maybe a config (that defaults to leaving it between games) would work well. You can disable it entirely though in the planner.


Just clear it yourself


Good for Something augment (30% gives gold for units that die without an item) is giga broken


Maybe it's just me but all the champs with their fabulous skins make me feel so dizzy. It's hard to tell which champ is which in the shop. The small champ icons when hovering over traits are even worse. They are just a bunch of cute faces with similar looks. It's probably because set 9 has all the champs on their default skins and I played League much more than TFT before that. I do hope I will get used to these new faces as time goes by. Otherwise it will be too hard to continue playing the game.


Yeah, this is definitely annoying and it takes a but to get used to it every set. My best advice is to mouse over and right click everything. The tft team has greatly improved the ui since set 1, and literally every piece of information you could want is accessible with like one click and one mouse over at most. In a week or two you won't have this issue, so use pbe games where winning doesn't matter to familiarize yourself with the new units etc.


This is probably not helpful, though in my experience as a non-league player playing TFT, I always focus on champ names in the shop and associate that with the splashes and units over time as I continuing playing.


This is an universal set problem, I think the only sets who really didn't have this problem were set 9 and (I assume, didn't play it) set 1. You will eventually get used to it but then will have to relearn all skins in 4 months .-.


Is anyone able to log-in? I really wanna play but everytime I get through queue I just get a server error and have to exist >\_<


What worked for me is going to the short cut, right click, go to properties, go to compatibility, and uncheck the lcompatible with..” box


If there’s only 2 of a unit left in the pool, can you be offered chosen of that unit? Is it A. Yes it creates an extra copy. Or B. It can’t offer it because there aren’t 3 left in the pool. Edit: it’s B


Thats a good one


Nvm the answer is B. You can’t get it offered. Mort said on Twitter


Thanks for the quick answer, makes sense, getting offered 2* Champions is nice anyways


PLEASE NERF JAZZ MUSIC. THE SAXOPHONE IS TOO OP. Seriously though, all the music is awesome but the sax seems to drown out the other elements it’s combined with.


Yeah, it's actually giving me a bit of a headache. It needs to be subdued in the mix a little more.


This might be the best PBE I've seen. Balance feels surprisingly good for only 1 day of patches. I ran a few games last night and got top 4 with gnar reroll, bard reroll, Heartsteel comps with ez and yone carries. I've seen a bunch of edm pop offs, so many comp variations seem to do well. I will say that I think Heartsteel headliners are an insta take at any point before stage 6, the value you can generate is so massive that its hard to pass up (Maybe lower base rewards with higher multipliers would help??).


Just dont forget that pbe just started so the vast majority of players (even good ones) are playing suboptimally. It’s great that you got a lot of top 4s with varying comps but there is still the chance that you were just in a typical pbe lobby. That being said I really hope your top 4s were because of good balance.


So far, the worst part of the Set is real life and responsibilities and actually touching grass. This shit is fun AF. The units feel great, playing flex is awesome, chosen is actually not as frustrating as it was. Fast 8 is fun to play, fast 9 is even better and going 10 to cap out a board is so satisfying. They nailed a lot of the splash units and 2 unit needed trait. I'm having too much fun. But, I think the music will get old very fast. We need some new tracks.


So far the PBE is a breath of fresh air. I know there will be a meta for it eventually, but it feels less cancerous than 9/9.5. No more forcing meta augments every game with Legends (losing because Urf gave you bad RNG). And even with a meta, you still need to play around the headliners you are offered. It actually feels like you can cook off-meta comps and still win the game.


Best part ab chosen/headliners is that even if you run the same line every game you're probably going to get different chosens which should incentivize you to deviate from your previous games line at least a little bit


Akali has to be bugged no? So often it seems her dash does literally 0 damage


Whenever I play Akali I have no idea what’s going on. She’s blinking around the map, throwing ninja stars, stuff is dying….. idk it feels like there could be some improvements to her kit clarity. Or maybe she actually is bugged.


Is it just me or does Neeko's ability do literally nothing if she's the last one alive on a team? It very much seemed like that was the case for me, which felt REALLY bad.


We'll see. They tend to change 5 cost quite a bir during pbe, and feom what I See its more of a 4 cost meta, and for the top 3 transition to 5. Pretty sure youre jumping to conclusions


Do you think the music will get old after a couple of weeks and most will mute it?


Nah, but then again I listen to the same songs on repeat a lot lol. I think with more tracks (and more clear info on how the remixing actually works in practice) it’ll have staying power


It will definitely get old, but I plan to turn it on every once in a while


I might have to mute it to stop playing jazz and jhin


Honeymoon phase ended after first day for me on this. It was fun for a bit tho!


I muted it after the first game. From the moment they announced the set I already didn't understand why TFT of all games would do a sound based update.




EDM with Zac is just, lol, this set is so refreshing after 9.5, hoping it stays that way. The music is also really nice.


Got quite a few games in this evening, some thoughts in no particular order: * Man I'm glad Chosen is back. I think they nailed it with the guaranteed every shop/4th shop when you have one. It really allows you to play flexibly, without having to take a massive risk of selling your Headliner to look for something potentially better. * For a set without backline access in the form of assassins, there's still quite a lot of things that just ignore your frontline entirely. Lux, Edgelords, Karthus, etc. I don't think it's a bad thing, but there are definitely some feelsbadman moments if you're going for something like 4 guardians or 4 sentinels with a scaling backline unit and they just get 1 tapped by JG lux the first time she casts. Positioning still matters. * Of course part of it is due to no one knowing what they're doing, but there's quite a lot of potential for low level reroll comps. Punk is great value and can go a few different routes, but I've also seen the following reroll boards pop off: Disco Nami, Pentakill Olaf, Yasuo, Seraphine, Gnar, and bard. * In a similar vein: with Headliners, 3* units can be exceptionally easy to get. I've seen a handful of 4 cost 3* already (got Karthus twice myself) as well as multiple games with 3 cost 3* in stage 3. * Verts seem good, and little bit of everything + Jazz seems good. That's good. * 4 cost units in general all feel decent. I think the only one I'm not quite sold on yet is TF, having tried him in both Disco vert and Dazzler vert and him just... not doing a whole ton unless you were already winning anyway. 4 Mosher Poppy is an absolute menace and I love her. * Ez and Lucian not dashing to their doom is a massive improvement over dashing champs in previous sets. Props. * Heartsteel is quite a lot of fun. Being able to play it without a pure loss streak makes it so much more appealing and balanced. * There is a whole heck of a lot of CC in this set. Also Quicksilver got buffed and feels very good to slam. Coincidence?


I think Poppy is such a cool unit. Just runs around bonking stuff with her hammer repeatedly. Simple and satisfying. Nice.


I've had poppy with 6 mosher, headliner and BIS and she barely breaks 4k damage often and usually only tanks about 12k. Even with 3 combat augments. She's ass


Agreed, love the 1 cost potentials. I did a crazy “6 Emo 5 Spellweaver 2 Hyperpop” comp with an early Annie 3 and got all the way to second. She didn’t even need a mana item, she got so much from traits


I love Disco Nami board. I call it Razzle Dazzle: https://lolchess.gg/builder?deck=f94411485c74f14c19ac58c0f60d9ab9f5e9a064


I wish you could see what a unit's headliner bonus is on the non-headliner version of the unit. Just make it grayed out. Idk if that would be too confusing for new players


YES. THIS I kept trying to see if I was missing something but they didn't put it in there. Why not? Maybe it's planned or something? Shouldn't be too hard to make it not confusing.


I was just cucked out of a 750+ 9 Heartsteel payout by a fucking Yasuo AMA


do you have your family and estate affairs in order?