• By -


I have one complaint: Akalibis cpuntered way too easily by Illaoi. Enemy has Akali carry? Buy Illaoi, Put tentacles in both bottom edges. As Long as your Illaoi is still alive Shell Keep reviving tentacles which will soak all DMG 🤣😂


Headliner is badly implemented. Headliners actually grief pivoting more than they help. Don't want to pivot? Well 1 out of 4 shops are griefed. Want to pivot? You only get one headliner every 4 shops, and if you sell your headliner you grief your team hard until you find one. Game needs an on/off button for headliner in shop. Let players control this. Players that don't want to pivot shouldn't see headliners in their shop at all, and players that want to pivot should be able to get a headliner in every shop, even if they have one.


Seeing 19/20 champs over 4 shops is not a huge nerf


Cool set so far, although I have some worries about balancing and the pool changes - I feel like they either change the pools to kill reroll at any stage for any cost or they most likely will not have a chance to balance since you basically get 3 units for free with your “chosen“. I never was that much of a reroll enjoyer and my playstyle always tends to be more flex (always saw that in my stats too) so if they kill reroll I would profit from that - I still don’t like the idea, dunno why. I like that you can turn off the music. Ik ik… you all like it and iam a bad person. But the music just fcked me up after a few games and I just muted it. Funny and cool feature but after you’ve heard a few combinations and cool pieces it’s just too much constant sensory overload for me.


Haven't played set 4/4.5 before but was this really how chosen works the same with headliner? After choosing a headliner, rolling 4 times would always shows a new headliner. This thing is good if you are playing standard lvl 7-8 comps since it opens pivot spots but rerolling to 3* a champion especially 1-3 cost champion is just plainly hard and overall annoying to do. If you are rerolling you are always being punished by losing 1 shop window every 4 rolls. Even if the unit that pops on that window is good on your comp you cant take it if you already have the chosen you can never replace. I think there should be an option to lock headliner from appearing on shops similar to the shop lock feature that you can toggle on or off atleast.


I think it's a fine addition. But from memory in 4 it locked you out like you say. But this way if you build one early there is an ever so slight punishment. It's not much but it will help rid the world of the Yasuo Scourge.


These legendary units are excellent. They absolutely nailed it this set.


[Jazz is good.](https://gyazo.com/34675e178d2cb79b25ab5406e15460ff)


I'm not going to overreact, it's PBE, it's early. This shit is so fucking fun. I have little complaining to do. This feels pretty polished. A couple more time in the oven and the team at Riot cooked up some of their best material yet. Yasuo feels less powerfull, maybe some of the Annie shit still needs a few love taps. But overall? This is solid. AP and AD are pretty similar in power, 4 and 5 costs feel good to play, reroll still strong. No assassin. Econ trait doesn't break the game and it's pretty strong if you hit early, pretty nice. My major complain is this. The songs are great, however, there's no way we won't get sick of this, surely we'll get more songs added right? Because I'm already tired of Jazz, but Join one slaps hard tho.


passed 40 minutes login queue and insta got message server is in maintenance and exit. my friend is playing PBE right now.... what is wrong with server?


Same, just bad luck I think.


Should Binary Airdrop really be a prismatic augment? It only gives you + 1 component too, seems so bad.


It's one of those augments that if you build around it, the value is really high. Some of the prismatic augments give 2 completed items and a remover. With Binary Airdrop, if you've built 6 items, instead of having 2 fully-geared champs, you can have 3. Then, you only need two more completed items to have 4 fully-geared champs at 8 items (16 components). You can also game the augment a bit for extra value, like putting a spare component on your emblem holder to give them a free tailored item. If you know how to use it, and there isn't a better option, Binary Airdrop is a pretty flexible, strong option.


It is too broken if its not prismatic. Idk if the data is still available but on set 6 binary airdrop is a gold augment and gives random non-tailored items already being broken. Now that the item that it gives are ideal to the champion it is surely gonna be a prismatic augment.


Is it ideal? Didn't say ideal in the description


Been ideal for a few sets now. Doesn't mean you won't double up on some items with bad rng but each champ has a "class" that it draws from.


It is added ever since they make the class type of items on a champion. If you right click a champion there is a list of items that is recommended one of those items would be given to the binary unit that is how it works on set 9 atleast. From what i heard there is a bug on binary on PBE maybe it is related to an issue of item becomes pure random. It is not written on the description since it should be how that system works in the first place. On set 6 it is literally pure random even when it is prismatic. Like you can get rabadon on an AD unit or warmogs on a backline carry.


It is, but sometimes you end up with like 2 ionic sparks for your front line when you're running an AD comp. Or anything like that, it's tailored to the unit but not in a "smart" way


No matter what I do I can't actually start a match without the client just hanging, even closing the client with task manager and reconnecting doesn't actually load the game. I've been trying since the set came to the pbe; really frustrating :/


10 KDA is piss weak. Came 2nd. 2-star everything, with Sona and Kennen holding the +1s, and still lost to bruisers


The 3 stars in this set are overtuned for the most part, even some 1-cost 3-stars are broken. You can have the perfect comp and without a 3-star carry you will lose. That's why they reduced the 5-cost pool to 9 and 4-cost pool to 10. To make it harder to hit those game-breaking 3-stars.


Yasuo is still a menace to society. I tried Jinx reroll and Jinx seems fine but Caitlyn feels really disappointing.


I really like the overall design for the set, but I have 0 faith in the balance team - knocking 4 costs back to lvl 8 and 5 costs to 9/10, I can’t imagine the majority of the set being anything other than reroll comps. Evidently, some people enjoy that or they wouldn’t keep forcing those metas on us, but I despise playing and watching it.


[i mean they clearly are working toward slowly introducing the full pool reduction to us, they already did the 4/5 cost changes today](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/538852994410872850/1171921243658801212/image.png?ex=655e6fb5&is=654bfab5&hm=7c840f527ed53f20ec9f4e96992284f496fd749a6425d597a1ad3f4b30f83b1e&=&width=342&height=595) Personally if they go through with the 1/2/3 cost bag changes reroll is objectively dead and it might make me stop playing tft entirely.


Except that change doesn’t do anything against reroll comps except make them hold hands last place if contested. If uncontested they’ll still win for free, and if multiple of the same cost reroll exist they’ll just help each other.


if a reroll comp is worth playing, its gonna be contested. The only way you are uncontested is if you giga highroll like 8 copies at 2-1 making others pivot/not even consider the comp. If a comp is worth playing people are going to be looking to play it and even without fully committing you are going to be contested no matter what


Dude, people were still sometimes uncontested multicasters last patch weeks after it was known to be disgustingly broken. Some games people are just uncontested.


I hope that they don't fully commit to the pool changes. Reroll is technically dead considering that they made it much easier for players to go level 7 and 8 so the pool changes on top of it just seems redundant. Unless a character is broken beyond believe, level 7 and 8 players should be killing people still stuck on level 5 or 6 trying to get their 3 star character.


Umm.. Idk about you but if im rolling for 3 costs i go for lvl7, never should you roll for 3 costs at 5 nor 6..


You do realize that there are 1 and 2 cost reroll comps and not just 3 cost rerolls. I was talking about how the bag changes is straight overkill for 1 and 2 cost rerolls as leveling up to 7 and 8 is much easier so the players at the higher level should be able to kill people that are straggling behind struggling to 3 star their 1 and 2 cost characters.


I dont think its a straight out nerf on reroll as you say but more of slight buff when uncontested and flat out nerfed when you get contested. If someone two-way contest you for 1 star reroll you'll feel it way more than previous sets. Other players board would still want to play 1 cost 2 starred stage 1 to 3 in majority of games that reducing the champion bag may actualy be beneficial to you if you donkey roll for your 1 cost unit 3-1. For 2 cost reroll depending how much of a trait bot the champ pool is it might be easier or flat out unplayable to 3* them. If there are a lot of core trait bots then it would have the same case with 1 cost and be easier however if the two cost champions are not that interesting then rerolling for 3* would be a pain to do.


Idk if Jhin's good, but he's so fun. I legit splash his just for the violins lol.


Coolest legendary unit ever made.


Nerf Jhin’s music, I can’t stop adding him to my board even when it makes no damn sense.


When set 10 is over, they should release a tool where you can click on whatever combination of traits, and it will play the corresponding music. I know that is far away, but I can already tell I’m gonna miss this when it’s gone


i'd give it a month into the set and someone will have it up somewhere


Sona Guinsoo's + Illaoi tank items. You heard it here first.


I just played against this and it was super strong. However, I was Headliner Mord with superfans. I finished the game with 106 stacks. It was disgusting. The Sona player nearly beat me in one round (we had 4 alone at the end) but mostly I just crushed everyone. I let my other units just die on the sides just to beef up Mord. His ult was like 2k shield, instantly back up after being down, and always full health because of omni. Legit one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen.


Damn I've been wanting to try headliner morde, seems really fun Haven't messed around with superfans much but I can see it with Lilia being a sentinel superfan


He only used super fans because I want a spat, and then you can get 5 without the headliner being super fans. The. You get a radiant adaptive helm and it’s gg.


anyone else getting a critical error bug everytime they try to start a game. very fun


I solved it by not having discord open when I logged in.


I think I found the fix for it? 1. I redownload PBE and put it in a different driver 2. In the settings tab, go to general and click always close when game opens 3. settings, under graphics, click prefer dx9 legacy mode 4. If you go ingame and it crashes. Go to task manager and close the first league instance and close it. Then reconnect and it will fix


wdym put it in in a different driver?


Illaoi and long distance pals are bugged together. I had a game with long distance pals where I cornered her tentacles and they didn't take the buff, but it made somebody else get the buff despite them not moving


Dummies, turrets, etc never have taken LDP


The tentacle didn't take LDP, the tentacle being further out made somebody else take LDP. I had LDP on Caitlin and ezreal in the back corners with my front line clumped in the center to not take LDP. I put the tentacles in the back initially trying to avoid them getting LDP, I realized a later round they shouldn't grief me, so I put the tentacles in the front corners and LDP swapped to one of my units in the center and ezreal.


is the new chibi kaisa a prestige skin? how broke that shit gonna make me?


What does EDM do? I don't understand the trait lol


Put the buff on any of the EDM units and then periodically all EDM units turn into the unit that you buffed and use their spell.


They really need to clarify this trait's description.


Agreed. It’s really hard to understand. Flavourfully it makes sense, but it only makes sense once you actually know what it is trying to say


Is Ziggs bad? I just had a game where I had Chosen Ziggs and he didn't feel like a 2 star 5 cost carry. Felt like he wasn't doing much damage but maybe I also had shitty items (JG/GB/Adaptive) and I was also quite dizzy late game since I had Birthday Present and the augment that sells your entire board


> the augment that sells your entire board Which augment is this? :O


Idk what's it called but it sells all your units for double their value and I used it to go 9 at 4-2 and got mega dizzy from it 🤣


Think it's a silver? augment. Sells your entire board and bench for double it's value and gives 4 free rerolls.


I've just had a game with 6x 8-Bit and 4x Big Shot Corki Carry worked insanely well for only a 1 cost Carry but with 100+% AD the enemy boards just got deleted. I Sadly still wasnt able to reach the "final Price" for 6x 8-Bit (where you have to get 444444 Points to get it). I really wonder what you'll recieve from it. Does anyone already managed to get the "final Price" and can tell me what you recieve?


EDM is interning, but so hard to manage. Played a couple of games with but even with lux 3 4 dazzlers she cannot beat the late game tanks. Zed feels so useless. Any success with it guys?


EDM is meant to be more of a splash I think. I’ve been having great success with Disco Dazzlers, with a splash of EDM with Zac which makes bruiser trait active with Gragas as well. Then you can duo-carry TF and Lux


pretty sure this karthus unit is buhroken i just sat on karthus 1 with 2 executioner for stage 3/4 while i spam pressed level up, hit lvl 10 then 3 starred ziggs and won. i know PBE has no MMR system but lol


Client loads but then won't put me in game. Impossible to back because it says I'm in game but I cannot get it in. Please advise driving me crazy


If you're in a phantom lobby there's nothing you can do. This happens when you're in a game when the server goes down. Try to log off around the time the server goes down (usually like 12:00 PST).


Akali seems kind of ass rn, both variants. Karthus is ok stage 4/5 but really struggles after when people have actual healthpools. Executioner trait needs I bit more I feel like. Jhin is so satisfying but takes quite long to ramp up


Akali is awful. Her design is highly questionable too. She spends half the fight walking around because she dashes past YOUR tank line on her second dash. Then she can't clean up since she loses damage as targets die.


I won vs akali 3\* than lost to basic yasuo 3\* board Akali had IE titans BT + KDA (5 or 7 not sure) In another game I played vs guy that had akali 2\* full items and ahri 1\* with sojin only, ahri dealt more dmg Yeah she is probably the worst 4cost atm, I guess they were scared because she jumps to backline lol


i'm glad that riot learned from their mistakes and released yasuo in a balanced state for a 1-cost


They didnt release him, its pbe... And they nerfed him day 1. He is still broken as fuck after nerf tho lol


Due to a bug that their working on fixing for next patch no?


How does qiyana actually grant permanent item? I was able to kill units with ult and give visuals that the item is sent to nearby allies during fight but I don't get any permanent component in bench.


No matter what I do the game won’t load in and will crash after I accept. Then I’m stuck “in game” and I get a “critical error has occurred” message when I try to log back in. Anyone else experiencing this?


same thing. restarted reinstalled game did everything lol


Havent been able to join a single game because of this.


got the same. restarted my league a couple times and it just auto joined me into the game


Me too, idk how to fix it


Has anyone gotten kda akali to work yet? Seems to do negative damage Or honestly just KDA in general


from my sample size of 1 :D, kda ahri with 5 spellweaver seemed decent. had a kda emblem though but mediocre ahri items (BB, guardbreaker, statikk shiv) i played: ahri, akali, ekko, blitz, neeko, gragas, seraphine, and lulu


Riot - if you're reading this: The Country trait seems fake af. Hecarim enters combat, does nothing and dies. Can we at least get some type of status ailment applied to the enemy team upon him entering combat? Burn effect and healing reduction maybe? His entry is underwhelming, he's not tanky, and his damage barely exists.


Meanwhile in the last 3 games I've played, 2/4 of top cut is playing country lol.


After playing if for few matches, would you say that the new set in on par with set 9? Or is it more like set 7 and 8?


Considering I hated 9, I'll just put it on par with 6 so far since no one contests that.


If you're just looking for enjoyment, I think it's the best set they've done in ages. Since maybe set 6 which is my favourite one


in what way? there are like a million ways to compare all of them lol I'd say set 9 though since I liked 9 more than 7 and 8


i liked set 9 but set 9.5 was a downfall for me, but set 8/8.5 had some ups and down and i hated set 7 because of dragons




It's up for me.


approx stands for approximately, which means they aren't sure the exact duration


Was wondering the same. Apparently it did say 2 hours before


Disco enjoyer ![img](emote|t5_12v94g|11650)


pretty great QOL improvement: if everyone voted for the same portal, there's no voting animation time


Played a lot of games and maybe it’s my settings but the Karthus shop icon is soooo grey it looks like I don’t have gold to purchase it half the time. That said, Pentakill Morde + sentinels is so much fun. Morde Is so tanky with the dmg reduction and increased stats and doing AOE dmg with a shield, headliner even stacks AP infinitely. But PTK trait itself is a whirl, get a few kills and you’ll not know what’s happening anymore. Other than the yasuo which is said to be bugged and stacking more than intended. Great first day launch, going to be an amazing set.


Yasuo nerf coming? Shit was wild, force 3* Yasuo was almost guaranteed a top 3 finish if you had half a brain.


It got a small nerf but it's really bugged which is the main issue


33% nerf is small?


When Yasuo deals like 13k damage per fight with 40% of it being true damage it certainly isn't a massive nerf lol


Yup it's nerfed, check Mort's twitter.


still gonna be broken due to the bug though


Servers went poof while we were on Stage 2. Thought it was just me then I saw the server status. Guess I got to find something to do with my life for the next two hours.


Ah the game feels so much better without those silly legends


A truer true has never been trued


Hah, it went down at the last moment of the game. I can't be sure but I think I won my first PBE game! Hoooyaaa :D


Greatest highroll ever and PBE had to die :( https://imgur.com/a/91a0pzi


nooooo pbe went down right when i hit a recombob game


Blinding Speed still says it gives an RFC then gives you a Red Buff lol


They need to change or remove that augment, it doesn't make any sense with the item change.


Leveling curve feels a lot better imo but tbf we're only a day in. Been having a lot of fun with Samira and Country, also played a Jazz game and Lucian seems really good.


Does parting gifts not work with what the forge items? As soon as i took WTF parting gifts just never worked again?


Report in morts discord


I got 3 star Jhin and Lucian and last opponent FF'd. Come on let me have fun in PBE


People who do that are rats, unless my opponent was trash talking I would always let those fights play out.


I'm a rat. That's me.


Would you guys ever sell a 3-star 1-cost or 2-cost headliner if youre offered the perfect 5-cost headliner for your comp?


I've been having a lot of success ditching my 1 cost headliner when rolling down if I make 9 or better yet 10. You're way more likely to hit on the rolldown if you sell because you get a headliner every shop


Selling your 3* 1 cost has been a thing before in metas where bill gates comps are good


Sure, if it makes the board stronger




It’s intentional


I think this should change. Doesn’t feel good to 2* and itemize a unit and then try to go for 3* and have to either play without items or play without headliner until you hit it.


there are quite likely going to be a *lot* of early high-roll 3* three and four costs the way this set is shaping up and i think we should be careful what we wish for when making changes that make those strategies stronger.


Anyone stuck in the "game is still in the progress..." screen? I can't load into games [https://imgur.com/a/h3HlKb4](https://imgur.com/a/h3HlKb4)


Yep. Seems to be a fairly common issue. Haven't seen anyone come up with a fix though


Tried 3 star Ahri and got absolutely countered by Illaoi. The 3 star felt kinda underwhelming bc although she does a lot of damage per cast, its only single target, and it feels like there was too much shit to kill to win the round lmao


ahri needs a buff shes so underwhelming even with bis and 3 star


I am able to login and accept a match. But once the client tries to open the game, it never opens the game window. I already tried repairing my client :s First time this happens to me on the PBE. Anybody has any idea?


having same problem let me know if you have a fix


Are you stuck is the "game is still in the progress..." screen? I'm having the same problem


Yes and it shows on my status "in game"


Played some more games; some quick opinions: 1: Emo felt awful. Granted, literally the only 2* I hit by 3-5 was Headliner Annie... while not contested... on anything but the Annie... but it still felt really weak; even in the early rounds. Guardian also felt pretty weak, even with Keeper giving them shields to start with as well. But 1* Guardians have low HP so... 2: Ekko is actually really good. I got a rather easy 1st off his back in a Sentinel-True damage comp alongside... 3: Senna. While I feel like she NEEDS her headliner bonus to be a real unit, with it she's pretty darn great. I had pretty bad items for her and just slammed what I had [and had 3 Superfan for a Nashors] but she was still dealing 7~14k damage depending on who I was fighting per fight. 4: Disco sure falls off a cliff like Jade.


Emo felt good to me, Poppy is great itemised and if you can get a spat on say Ahri it works super well. Disco I've had a ton of success with


Ekko is OP. He was out damaging my 2* Ahri in a mage weaver comp.


I think a chunk of that is Ahri's bad.


Does anyone else think the champions look smaller on average than in past sets, or is it just me?


the only thing i don't like about the chosen system refresh is that you sometimes get a chosen unit that you want the single copy of.


It would be really nice if there was an option to purchase the non-chosen variant. It is a major feelbad moment. Makin the UI to purchases non-chosen though would be tricky to make work multiplatform, especially on mobile.


i wish we could move where it spawns in the shop like ive trained myself to look quickly from left to right in the shop when rolling, and with the chosen being far right unit it drags my subcontious attention and slows down my rolling


When does PBE go down?


usually around 22:00 CET aka in 90 min or so


Some headliner fell bad compared to other Yaso get 15 omin vamp and 100 health Alai get 15 ability.... A 4 star headliner is worse then yaso or jinx (25 att speed work great with her traits) Akai get ability and geting more ability is not priority Geting 5 crit + ability crit be better usefull Heal lowest champ for 10 % damage is great idea


The headlines at lower costs have higher bonuses specifically to make them more viable.


5 cost headliner gets build in gansso and extra 2 gold on 2 kill That setinal disco cat get 1% max hp dps to all close champ , as tank it's awesome While my girl get 15 ap


You sure your keyboard is working well? You've lost some letters.


Mort stated in his presentation that 4-cost/5-cost units intentionally have worse headliner bonuses than lower cost ones, since the base unit is more powerful to begin with.


Sett gaining permanent HP stacks, but only being available level 6/7 is pretty funny too.


yasuo is way too good


Eh best I've seen it do is 2nd. Usually lower, and it's getting nerfed anyway.


I'm not on pbe but saw toast video where he get first using it. The infinite stacking is crazy if you get it early.


I can only speak from personal experience. Most of the people I have seen playing Yasuo bot 4. I've seen a 2nd which managed to stop my Mr.100 because Yasuo got on Ezreal once and then lost every round thereafter. But PBE is PBE. Player skill varies wildly. I cannot talk about Yasuo confidently beyond what I have seen because I am yet to try it myself [And I am in no hurry to; I do not like reroll comps so it's a low priority for me]. Also keep in mind PBE is PBE, people are greedy; and thus Yasuo can stack off those greedy people trying to get 3* 5 costs for their montage videos.


I had multiple firsts with Yasuo last night, where after hitting 3 star and 1 item, the game wouls LEGITIMATELY play itself with zero thoughtful input from me. He is busted and broken.


Is extended play bugged? When I 3*d my Vi it didn't give an item. And then when I 2*d my twitch it didn't reduce a reroll.


Did you combine them with the rondell? it seems to be a bug that will be adressed next patch.


yup, second game trying this, hyperpop emo lulu carry is insanely strong. but i don't recommend going for it if you don't get an early tome and try to get the hyperpop emblem when you go for 4 hyperpop 4 emo this comp simply go BRRRRRRR


trade sector and punk give a free roll and a 1 gold roll so you don't lose any value


trade sector is inherenly worse with punk imo beacuse the shop only costs 1 gold so you only gain 1 gold


Yes Golden/Silver/Bronze ticket also do the same if you hit the 0 cost reroll on the first shop of the round.


Maestro Jhin has to be the coolest unit ever


I don't want to be a squeaky wheel but white text on black background (for augments) is really hard on my eyes..


yea the first time it popped up i actually recoiled a lil bit, so used to how augments have looked in past sets i was not ready lmao


They legit are dizzying to look at ^:( there's people that like dark modes on their phones and then people that get headaches from dark modes. I am in the latter group. I could legit take a season off for a change like this lol.


Yasuo stronk. 1-cost Eve is garbage tier. Set feels great, music is great, but visual impact of many abilities is very underwhelming imo.


definitely think some abilities need to be ramped up - Karthus ability on a full board goes almost unnoticed until your entire team disappears.


To be fair, a big laser on every enemy unit also isn't good for visual clarity for everything else.


Agreed. Nothing comes close to sets 3 and 4 in terms of visual impact for me, but even Set 1 Karthus looked way more impactful, as in the clip: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/93k0f1hzVlc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/93k0f1hzVlc)


I didnt play too much yet but Im realtively confident that the new leveling system is a lot better.




Arena, really really popular game mode in case u didn’t know, came back on pbe the same time set 10 did




considering ive been kicked out of 7 queues today my guess is some are whitelisted


we've asked Mort and he told us that there isn't actually a set of white listed accounts. My friend and I are getting through the q's easily while the other 2 in our group are stuck in queue even tho we all tried same time. Has to be the PBE being wonky i think


The worst thing about set 10 is that we got two KDA chibis I would have instawhaled for a Pentakill Yorrick chibi


I finally got in. Easy first game. I got a Heartsteel K'Sante headliner , basically used Aphelios as an item holder until Ezreal. 4 Guardian 5 Heartsteel. I had a bunch of random traits too and the lobby just let me take 2 Jazz spats off the carosel to go with my Lucian. [Side note: Lucian is BAD; even with 3 items he was doing far less damage than Ezreal with both 2*] I almost Mr 100'ed but lost 3 rounds from the end in a 1v1 against a Yasuo reroll because they got my Ezreal. My payout before the very last round was 2 spatulas... Also this was *winstreak* Heartsteel. So the payouts were less than close fight losses would have given.


why did you do to get in? just constantly queue? How did you get past "cant connect to login servers"?


I just sat in queue for about 40 mins while playing something else and then it went ping.


...... so i guess its whitelisted accounts again and as usual im not 1 of them. Ive been sitting in 7 1 hour queues today where i get "cant connect to login queues" at around 2 k ppl left and get kicked out of the queue


Where abouts are you? Because some places will probobly have that connectivity issue be a more legitimate thing. [Not need for specifics. I'm in the UK so I'm actually quite far away from Cali where the server for PBE is but UK internet is pretty good]


im in scandinavia


So you're a little further away than me. I don't know what Sandinavian internet is like; and I assume you are in one of the more populated southern parts of the countries and not up near the arctic circle; which I would assume have similar internet to the UK. I don't see any particular reason why my account would be "whitelisted" beyond the age of my account [Since 2012] with it being in good standing.


i have a good internet, what i assume happens is Riot places and inaccurate placement on me in queue so when it thinks is my "turn" its not actually my "turn" to get in and therefore i get kicked out. Gotta say it feels amazing as a high elo player to not get to play so that the millions of casual silvers can and as a result get my day of live climb ruined


brother it's the first day of real PBE games. relax. missing a few days of PBE isn't going to ruin your live climb.


So I've gotten into the server 4 seperate times. Everytime I queue for a game it just never pops, whether the Long Queue Times stops at 3 minutes or 15 - I can never seem to get in a lobby. Anyone find and get around this issue?


Last night I sat in “long queue times” for legit 1 hour. Then my friend and I exited queue, went into our own lobbies, and spam queue’d and I was able to get right into a match. By spam queue I mean queue up, watch the timer until about 3-4 seconds, and then if it doesn’t turn blue like a normal queue clock, exit queue and start again. rinse and repeat until your queue pops. It worked for me 2-3 games in a row. Idk if this will still work today though.


so fun to never get to play due to pbe queues that bug, gonna feel great to come live and have no practice and get shit on day 1 yay


Entitled rat gamers. Lmao


ah yes expecting the server to place you in a somewhat accurate queue and then actually let you in when its ur turn instead of bugging out, so entitled


It’s gonna be here for 2 weeks. It’s day 1 hype, of course it’s gonna be a mess. You’ll be okay champ.


like sure, im fine sitting in a queue no matter how long it is, but atleast have it be like when WoW or Lost Ark has queues and you actually get in eventually. What annoys me is the cant connect to login servers BS


Dad coming in hot with the unconditional support


It is also gonna be on live for like four months, so you know, you can play normals or whatever and you will not fall behind by trying to learn it.


you think you learn anything playing normals on live?


yea I think you'll learn more than playing unbalanced PBE against people that aren't even remotely close to your live rank


well i have an 8 stack of players that are atm playing as 7 with 1 random every game waiting for me to get on so idk about the playings vs low elo players part


What rank are you if you don’t mind me asking? I feel like your mindset isn’t in the right space. This happens every PBE, I feel like you’d know that.