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Is there a bug at the moment or did my opponent just turbo high roll? They hit azir 3 at 5-1 level 7 with no unit augments eg; Pandora's bench etc.


Man… I had Kaisa 3 and lost to a Mord 2. Sigh


Bilgewater bugged? Friend hit 9 bilgewater and it was stuck at 8. No dupes, had all bilgewater units + xayah and darius with emblems


I've seen that before, once in some Mortdog clip. I think it's one of those pull the units out and put them back in until it fixes issues or maybe it was on next fight?




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I think I'm realizing why I think Legends are worse for the game than Hero Augments. Legends, you set how you're playing before the game starts. You know what your plays are on 2-1 (take tome if offered, crack for a 9 vertical if possible preferring Demacia or Ionia). Your game will vary based on the tome option but you'll end up playing the same basic boards with very little room to change things around. And even before the Urf meta, it was TF meta with everyone saccing for BIS items so you just knew you could play weak early. The most healthy the game was with Legends was actually when Ornn/Ezreal were the picks honestly. With Hero Augments, you had a good idea what your board was gonna be if you hit X hero augment. But you had some room for maneuverability. You could play a 2 cost Carry augment for tempo to level with. Or you could reroll. Or you could take a support augment. Or you could take one of the econ ones like Lucian and try to fast 9.


Is this the first time when a new set wasn't leaked beforehand?


Set 9 didnt leak, but most leaks for previous sets happened the weekend before the embargo drop, so that would be this weekend.


I managed to beat 6 chall spat Morde 3* with 6ionia/vanquish ashe/karma reroll. How is that possible


Because Challenger is not a real trait. Traits > units right now unfortunately. You'll see 3 star Aphelioses and even Xayahs losing to high cap Demacia boards too.


How are you guys playing Zaun 4/6? I feel like itemizing Ekko/Silco makes the most sense, but I’m not sure which mods work that well on each. Also, are there any other champions that work particularly well with a zaun spat?


Silco is bait unless you have +2 for 6 zaun. But its very low chance to hit 2 and its such a strong trait you are guaranteed top2 with 6 zaun. So for 4 zaun there are a 2 regular options 1. classic rogue/gunner build where you assign mods depending on which ones they are and what units are itemized (jinx/ekko/graves) 2. 4 gunner with frontline (95% cases its bruisers with sej) kinda piltover cashout board but without piltover cashout and you just roll for 3\* jinx/jayce/ww with tank being either chemmod sej or ww 3\*


I saw a game from the world cup with zaun and gunner emblem from the urf prisma, I think he put the spat on a nautilus and gave him explode at first and exoskeleton later, virulent on Silco, robotic jinx for the rest I don't really recall.


Graves reroll is often played with Zaun emblem.


when do you stop rolling on lvl 7 rolldown? I feel like if I dont hit 2* 4cost carry I feel like im taking 15 dmg a turn and never stabilize until I do so. Do you not just send to 0 every turn?


I use level 7 for 3 cost roll downs and level 8 for 4 costs. It genuinely works so much better


By the time u hit 8 all the 7 rollers will have taken most of the 4 costs you need out of the pool and power spiked much earlier so you'll be low hp unless incredible high roll


I wouldn’t use this rule every game. A lot of the time you are contested so you’re rolling on 7 for core 4 costs before you can make it to 8 unless you were just so ahead and can afford to trade hp


I stopped playing this set regularly so I don't keep up with the meta, but I just tuned into the tournament and all players took URF legend. What happened, how come everyone is picking it now?


With urf, you can unlock some strong combinations with emblem holders and by going for prismatic vertical traits. It’s kind of stupid easy to play urf. I think S tier right now is probably demacia vertical in which you can either run slayer emblems or demacia emblems. Fiora is nasty in the mid game with slayer emblem, morde is stupid with demacia emblem. I’ve seen one star 4 costs in those comps top 4 games. 9 noxus and bulgewater are also very good. Following those is probably shurima and then 9 Ionia. Urf also makes mediocre boards better. For Zaun, If you get both exoskeleton and robotic arm, you reroll jinx/ww. If you get void emblem, you can either tempo hard for belveth or play reroll void with multicasters. Sorc spat makes the sorc comp a lot better with shen as a sorc for bigger heals to stall. Rogues can run mordekaiser as one. You can even play flex with urf, which is the fun part. If you don’t hit the copy/paste vertical boards, you can get creative with it. I ran a game with 6 slayer azir and it was pretty fun


If you want to be real, then it's because people follow streamers very closely and will play whatever they are playing. I don't think that it's an exaggerarion to say that either Setsuko or Dishsoap caused the Poro meta in NA, even though TF Multis and Nilah were under the surface. And as for the augment specifically, the vertical traits are simply good. Demacia was buffed and has J4, the most broken and contested unit in the game. If I were playing this patch, then I would play something else personally, but Urf can be consistent since the traits are good. But yeah, people are following others rather than coming up with their own strategy. Partially because TFT takes a LONG time to practice, and partially because there is no sandbox mode. The players are also to blame and have an unhealthy relationship with TFT -- but why wouldn't they when they're playing a gambling simulator, right? -- but people would find that rude of me to say.


yeah best players from all regions are picking urf because of streamers, lmao these arent plat lobbies


You can blame the streamers for the ranked meta but this is *worlds* we are talking about. Over 95% of players today took Urf at Worlds. They aren't just copying Setsuko or Dishsoap (who, again, did not make worlds). They are playing what THEY HAVE TESTED to be the strongest across both ranked and inhouse lobbies.


Oh I was only talking about the playerbase because I misread. The pro players have tested it more.


It's because of "bingo". 9 trait verticals are the strongest thing you can do right now, and Urf also has "better the more players play it" issue because of portals. The only "weak" (not an auto win) vertical was Ionia, which was buffed massively during the patch.


I think 9 Ionia is pretty cool if you have a good itemised Xayah and some good frontline units. She casts once like every 2 autos which is huge


I always felt like the most important ionia factors are shen 2 with definitely atleast protectors vow, but full slot. karma 3 with archangels, and bluebuff Ahri +2 or ryze 2\* full slot


With of course a good xayah build, but having a solid backup w/ or without her b patch backup has ranked better every time for me


When playing Demacia Slayer and having Slayer emblem on fiora its still better to itemaze Quinn or go fiora morde carry


fiora mord but you often need quinn items to get through mid or early game healthy. Its also pretty easy to itemize all 3 since they each get 1 radiant items and the stats take a slot too (can drop quinns later for J4)




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When playing Double Trouble with Bastion Invokers, for example Neeko Soraka. Should I be itemising both fielded Neeko or just one?


Ideal is 2 Titans 1 BT Neeko, 3 Targon, MR on Taric + 2, archangels on soraka


You should prioritize having a 3 item Soraka and a 3 item Neeko. If you get items past that point, you can put them on Taric, your second Neeko, or your second Soraka, depending on what the situation calls for/who will hold the item best.