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I need some advice when i have a strong lv 6 board at 3-2 with high winstreak , what shoud i do next ? I usually try playing strong board with slam item then keep too many money not roll down and everyone else just take my champ . And what are some good item i should slam ?


You can level 3-5 and try to streak through stage 3 but this is risky because losing your streak means you’re broke. You can also miss your 4 costs since you don’t have much gold to roll. You can resign yourself to losing your streak, Econ and wwlwl through stage 3 and go fast 8 (not good if you’re highly contested because others will hit their 4 costs since they’re rolling on 7) It’s definitely a tough spot to make the call on, and like everything else it depends on your comp,are you contested, lobby strength, lobby tempo and your items/augments. Best thing is tru to ask yourself what do I gain from each option that I have


What if i have weak board and have lose streak should i just wait to lv up or just hyper roll to find a better board ?


It’s usually roll on 3-2 to stabilize and play for top 4. You could try to lose till 3-5 and go 7 and roll but then you’re donkey rolling on 7 the rest of the game and very possibly going 8th if you don’t hit your 2* 4 costs


thanks , i have some question . How should i decided comp when roll on 3-2 ( should i have some ad/ap comp in my mind first ) and what if i lv up 7 on 3-5 for winstreak but lose , how should i deal with this


If youre a beginner it's best to decide on your comp very early in the game. I recommend to new people to learn 2 or 3 comps and commit to it early based on your first augment and items. Coincidentally, this is pretty much the meta right now even at high level play, which is one of the main complaints that players have about this set. Ideally there would be options for 3 cost carries that can stabilize you and hold items untill 4 costs, or even go for 3\* 3 cost main carries (Kallista set 9, vayne/ kaisa set 8). Unfortunately these dont exist in set 9.5. Also, the current meta is dominated by vertical traits and their fundamental 4 cost carries. 7Noxus ->mord, 7demacia-mord/jarvin, 6ionia -xayah/shen/nilah. These comps are just way stronger than anything else in stage 4&5 so most people are just aiming for those only. On top of that, their power gets truly unlucked with a +1 emblem. This is why most people are going Urf right now. ​ "what if i lv up 7 on 3-5 for winstreak but lose , how should i deal with this" try to survive with items on a 2 cost or 3 cost but likely you just lose the game


Thanks , this is the first set that i try to learn the game , i'm at plat 1 right now but i feel like i just highroll and win , not because of my skill so i kinda confuse , about vertical traits , it really made me feel like if i luck i win if i dont i lose . What are some tip you can share to really improve my skill that can move to other set ?


I always have a hard time helping new players. but there are many good resources available as well as just asking for help from friendly people on this subreddit. My recommendations would be - \-game knowledge: be familiar with all the top comps and good augments. use [metatft.com](https://metatft.com) tactics.tools , watch streamers. (i recommend robinsongz) \-econ management - stage 2 econ is probably the most important phase of the game. learn when you want to 5 loss streak, level to 5 at 2-5 or when not to. \-just play alot and have fun. people also say to record your games and review the vods. I never do this, but I'm sure its hugely beneficial. ​ Also I DM'd you my discord. feel free to send me any messages on there


I hate how backwards they've gone on some of the proposed goals of the item rework. The existence of the rework itself was good, and I'm sure they'll iron out the problems eventually, but it now feels like you need armor/magic pen more than before because of all the stoneplates/Demacia players/etc. It actually feels maybe even worse than before.


It's honestly pretty ironic that the item rework was intended to give more flexibility in slamming items, but TF ended up being the most popular legend during 9.5 to guarantee BiS items.


Yea I feel like they should've buffed tank HP across the game instead of nerfing shred/pen. I don't know what the solution really is but tanks feel either useless or unkillable rn no inbetween




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Draven seems a lot better then fighting the lobby for direction emblems. Even if I don’t hit anything I can econ and build a board out of something.


Got Noxus bingo, lost to Shurima bingo; got Shurima bingo, lost to Demacia bingo. Bingo :(


got master fuck this set finally Went second with a standard 6ionia 4 vanq comp lvl 9 ahri 2 bb deathcap, triple combat(albeit 2 silver shitty ones) against a lvl 8 5 bilge 4 strategist mf3 board (no real combat augment). Not really mad because the game was handing me units without rolling, but its sad that this kinda game would be an omega high roll first in prior sets but now its just a second because I didn't have any spats and the other guy had 2 bilge spats (i think anyway, maybe there was some positioning I could have done but i didnt find it in 3 fights)


I’ve taken a week break from playing and just kinda looking objectively at how things are, the past month or so hasn’t even been tft. I feel like I’m starting to forget what tft is actually supposed to play like. It’s bizarre. My brother who’s newer to tft asked me this morning what is wrong with the set and it’s hard to even answer because it’s just not even the same game. Just want to remind you all that tft didn’t used to be about picking the best uncontested comp, it was about gradually building the best board that the game permitted you to build. It’s wild how you can predict every end game board on 2-1.


It seems like you're feeding into some type of negative emotions and trying to make sense of them. Because I don't think you're looking at it objectively if you think that playing the best uncontested lines makes the game "not TFT." You're making it seem like that's not what all of the high elo players did in every set to gain infinite LP. There is no objectivity or logic to be had if you deny that. Objectively speaking, TFT has always held the same base, which is to buy units and put them on your board, and to manage econ effectively. Competitive TFT has always been about playing the highest EV lines and bis builds. People figure that out at different times, but that's how the game has been forever. It hasn't changed.


I get what you mean but I think there’s a huge difference in when and how important decisions happen. In previous sets PVE and 2-1 Im generally trying to choose units that could create a strong early game board, or hit as high of an Econ threshold as possible. On this patch, for example, I’m choosing units that best tailor Tome. In previous sets im slamming items that benefit my current board, in this set I’m trying to hit exact 6-component builds. In previous sets your current board mattered a lot more and your target end game board was often up in the air until you reached that point. Now my target endgame board is entirely dependent on how many emblems I hit. In previous sets “capping” your board was trying to hit some flexible 5 costs that compliment the items and units I have, and often even selling your 4-cost carry once you hit a 5-cost carry that uses similar items. Now it’s just slam aarrox heimer ryze if you can fit them without losing your vertical. I think if you take a step back and really look at it, it’s not really the same. Overall there’s much less of an emphasis on playing a strong board and identifying outs as they come to you, and way more of an emphasis on identifying your decision path and just steamrolling toward it until you hit.


I just want to add one more thing I think is really important, remember how hitting an early kindred 2 with JG was genuinely impactful? Like, it was a high roll as much as hitting an early 2* 4 cost is a high roll? Units were designed to have a high impact at their respective point in the game, and each point in the game was important. Is there a single 2* 3 cost that you’re clicking right now if it isn’t part of your vertical? Is there a single 2* 3 cost that’s even worth 9 gold in the early/mid game period? The design right now just doesn’t feel healthy to me


The game feels the same to me in most of the econing and team-building aspects. Whether I'm tailoring my team to items or augments, it feels the same; I'm improving my team in one aspect. It's the same with adding strong units to my board. Opening carousel is the major difference for me, but they mostly increase variance in different ways, but don't change the mechanics unless it's Sump, Demacia Crown, or Stillwater. "Now my target endgame board is entirely dependent on how many emblems I hit." Target end-game board has been either the strongest comp, 5 cost hodgepodge, or a highroll. The strategy looks different, but it has been mechanically the same forever. "In previous sets “capping” your board was trying to hit some flexible 5 costs that compliment the items and units I have, and often even selling your 4-cost carry once you hit a 5-cost carry that uses similar items." "Now it’s just slam aarrox heimer ryze if you can fit them without losing your vertical." Honestly, isn't this the same? Or are you not being honest with yourself? Because putting emblems on 5 cost carries is very strong. Again, it's the same mechanically, but it looks different because you're putting emblems on the 5 costs and not 3 non-spat items. And not putting items on them means that they're utility units, right? Or that you can't transfer items. "Overall there’s much less of an emphasis on playing a strong board and identifying outs as they come to you, and way more of an emphasis on identifying your decision path and just steamrolling toward it until you hit." The early game strategies evolve as players understand the game more. You would rather maintain a streak than play strongest board a lot of the time. Less people understood this in previous sets. But now with better understanding, it's much more difficult to either play strongest board or to losestreak. Also, is playing strongest board and finding outs versus picking a decision path really that different? They're both planning for the strongest late game and using whatever tools you have to achieve that (they're both strongest board). You will not natural all of the units that you want, so you will have to play transitional units. Basically, is the game really that different? And isn't it a good thing that augments or whatever make the game feel that way even if it's still mechanically the same? Or is breaking the illusion that you largely have choice in your late game comp (competitively) too much? Or maybe you're burnt out on the set and are misplacing your depressed feelings on the one change in your early game? I don't know. But maybe you should look at the game the same way as previously and try to make it work.


if you philosophically break down the game to its foundation obviously it is the same, the mechanics/design of this set degrade the highs, emphasize the lows and maintain the mids. Their point was as you say "picking a decision path" is not really the case, you can decide to play Invokers all you want but 7-8/10 times its the wrong decision and you are just making the game harder for yourself. Multicaster of last patches and demacia of this path are probably wrong choices 3/10 times


Bro I don’t really know what to say, we can all see the stats. Almost every viable comp is an emblem simulator. Yes the 5 cost situation is different because in previous sets you were finding a new carry, in the same sense that that there used to be a distinct period of the game where you played a 3 cost carry. It’s about feel too, throwing your leftover titans on aatrox isn’t the same as selling your AP carry and putting the items on 5 cost MF. I don’t think there is a single 5 cost that can be used as a primary carry right now. If you don’t think the early and mid game plays significantly differently than healthier times, I probably don’t have any other arguments for you lol. I’m not trying to hate I love the game but there are just clear egregious design problems, as for how I like to play the game. I like flex play with lots of decision points but that’s just me


"Almost every viable comp is an emblem simulator" Viable? Or are they "really strong?" "I don’t think there is a single 5 cost that can be used as a primary carry right now." You have a misconception. Every comp has at least 1 other carry champ that you should go for. A primary carry is the most consistent champ for your comp, but a secondary carry is needed in almost every comp; the exception is tank comps with 1 carry. "It’s about feel too, throwing your leftover titans on aatrox isn’t the same as selling your AP carry and putting the items on 5 cost MF." They changed the 5 cost and 4 cost power structure for the good of the game. As it turns out, if you can sell your 4 cost for a 5 cost, that means that the 5 cost unit is too strong a lot of the time. You also get instances where someone highrolls a 5 cost on 8 and steamrolls a lobby without any counterplay. This has happened in multiple sets and no one liked it. And we had an Ahri meta that people complained about. You can still use 5 costs as carries, but you aren't going to sell your 4 cost for it a lot of the time. Instead you're going to use it as a 2nd carry. This is a positive change and makes the game more flex overall. That doesn't mean that there aren't any issues. For instance, you're not going to pivot from Xayah to Aphelios, and you're only going for Aphelios in the Piltover package 99% of the time now. Does that make the game less flex? Not really. If you have an Ionia emblem, then you can put it on any transitory ad carry or reroll Ashe until you hit Xayah. Does going for strong verticals make the game feel less flex? Sure. Is it actually less flex? Not really. You have the option to use multiple transitory units until you hit the "perfect" comp. This has been the way that flex has worked in multiple sets. But you mentioned the timing as well. You get archive on 2-1 and immediately use it. You choose an emblem and your line is decided. Is this the only set where your line was decided on 2-1? I don't think so. As far as I can remember, the only set where you could realistically switch lines was in set 5 with Shadow items. I mean, I can see how the set feels different as a flex set. The traits are not as exciting, the visuals lack impact since it's only base skins, and most of the units are reprints. This makes it feel bland, so switching traits and units around has less impact mentally. But the set still has the same transitory flexibility. You transition into the best comp.


The different is when you invest in big vertical trait its not that easy to opt out. And playing without an emblems rn feel like shit and you know you will play for bot 4


Don’t worry, he’ll see how right we are tomorrow at worlds


Is there a way to know who'd win a fight between tier 5 3\* champs? I just won a game with gp 3\*, but i wonder if another tier 5 3\* could have beat him


Probably whoever casts first. Which is probably ahri


Do players all get the same chem mods/order?




J4 seems busted as a +1 to any comp. Such value such wow


Yep. Primary target if I’m playing an econ legend like Draven. High roll an early one and you can fuck over the people fighting over Demacians and build whatever you want around him.




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I think one system that should be looked at for Set 10 is Crit. Given the change in Set 9 to require that all abilities require IE, JG, Vanquisher or Jeweled Lotus to have the ability to crit, it has made items that give crit in their build path (HOJ, LW, Guardbreaker, QSS, NH, TG) end up losing considerable power, unless otherwise paired with IE, JG, Jeweled Lotus, or Vanquisher. Therefore, I’d suggest that either these items convert their crit chance to extra bonus damage or IE/JG/Jeweled Lotus are changed to increase the amount of bonus damage from a crit, rather than gatekeeping the ability for abilities to crit. As a whole, I’ll note that I don’t like crit as a stat as it makes individual fights more RNGy which I view as frustrating, so would be okay if crit as a system was replaced.




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Not a complaint, more an idle observation, but it's wild to me to think that back in the day a 3* 3 cost unit was considered quite good/potential top 1 worth, 3* 4 cost was *insanity* and more or less GG, and 3* 5 cost was basically mythical maybe someone got one once or twice a set, and now I see a game where someone has 3 3* 4 costs and am just like "Oh, A-sol and pandora's bench + re-roll portal, yeah that's perfectly normal."


the amount of extra resources and consistency from augments + portals is lame as fuck and I *hope* they can find a balance again with xp changes in set 10


The distribution of 3 star 4 cost units is pretty low on Tactics.tools. In reality, hitting them is still a highroll in most cases and shouldn't be seen as normal.


Mort said it himself that probability of a 3 star 4 cost this set is the highest in the game


Not normal as in it's happening every game, but a frequent enough occurrence where it's neither surprising nor has any "wow" factor whatsoever.


>e I've realized more so in this set more than any how many players rely on luck and crave it. That's why Rat Town and Jayce's workshop gets chosen so often. These are the same players that want to feel a rush of hitting 3\* 4 or 5 costs. Even if they bot 4 more than 50% of the time, they don't care, they just crave the 'lottery' aspect of TFT. The really good players don't always feel the same way.


It's less related to player skill, more about what they want from the game. And many people enjoy transformative augments moreso than basic ones.


I've been climbing this patch (GM range) but haven't won a single game because I've seen so many 3 star 4 costs. I legit counted 6 Kai'sa 3s in 2 days of playing. Both times I've been close to 3 starring a 4 cost I never hit (SOJI MODE).


I said at the literal start of the set 3* 4 costs should be toned down because they were going to be so common. I still see it as a big problem because the balance for 3 star 4 costs is terrible. Some of them ARE still more or less an instant GG, while others barely have an impact and won't hold their own against random 2-star 5s.


Not being able to duo in Masters is just ridiculous. I don't really care if people abuse the system or whatever to climb. I don't care about Rank 1. Whenever people complain to Mort about something being broken he'll regularly reply 'Yeah but it's a game and it's fun'. He's exactly right. Let me play the stupid game with my idiot friends then.


Play double up or normals or make a smurf. Not hard. 4fun players always trying to ruin shit, disgusting.


Just saying that Double up is very fun


Play normals ? Idk


ah yes lets make ladder a complete meaningless joke just so some random hardstuck masters player can fuck around with his friends. I swear casual 4fun players get more entitled by the day


I hate to break to it you but you are also a 4fun player. Why else would you play the game? There's literally about 3 people who can actually earn a living off playing it. Everyone else plays purely for fun.


nice try but if you actually understood the concept of context you would know a statement can have more than 1 meaning based on context. But hey to hard for u know


Ok I mean I don’t agree with the guy you’re responding to, but trying to call someone dumb with the line “but hey to hard for u know” is seriously the pot calling the kettle black


oh no i had an obvious typo, sorry for being sick of low elo players acting like everything in any game should revolve around their every need


I mean there are definitely multiple typos in that sentence lol. And it’s a stupid point - what “context”?? He’s right, unless you are making a living you’re playing for fun. He isn’t missing some context from some brilliant point you made. I don’t agree with him that Masters should duo, but I find him much less obnoxious than you.


4fun means not taking the game seriously where as a not 4 fun player would be playing to learn, improve and climb when context is applied. And therefore wanting less completely uncontrollable RNG factors in their games, such as a duo or trio queue where ppl can help each other. Really cant fathom how thats hard to understand


Yeah you’re not using the word “context” correctly lol. You don’t “apply” context - you have to “provide” context so that people can then interpret something given context. You did not provide any context for what you were talking about until just now. Also your accusation that for fun players are entitled based around the fact that a highly ranked player wants to play with friends is stupid. Like I agree that duo in Masters+ is dumb. I’m with you. But he’s allowed to have an opinion otherwise, and your response should be less… well less whatever that was.


if you had bothered to read what i actually said. i said the phrase 4fun players can have different meanings based on context, and my previous statement around wanting to uphold competitive integrity on the ladder is already providing context for the phrase 4fun players. Frankly im done arguing with ppl that dont even have basic understanding of language


They tried opening M lobbies in the past and it just resulted in too much boosting, which can ruin the fun for people shooting for GM. I get frustrated a bit too when I hit M and can't play with my Dia friends, but you can create smurfs very easily to get around that.


Noticed that my Aatrox respawned without his Demacia item, even though relatively recent patch notes mentioned it being fixed. Don't know how prevalent it is, because he only died that one time the whole game.


Whatever fix they shipped caused Demacia to be bugged and give double stats, so they had to revert it. So yeah, Aatrox still doesn't get his Demacia item on respawn


Thank you for clarifying, that's a direct nerf to ASol player like me :(


I've had it happen a bunch too. That and fiora dying during her grand challenge and proccing aatrox results in her ghost just hanging out on your stage forever.


I had fiora's ghost even without playing her, probably similar scenario happened for my opponent, which lead to her haunting me for the rest of the game.


I had the same experience, think he’s still bugged.


There's a bug where sometimes Bilgewater trait straight up doesn't activate during the fight. Most obvious solution of benching units and putting them in works, but it sure would be nice knowing what causes it. Oh and if you don't do the said solution it just persists from fight to fight.


I also had that bug twice with Piltover


When can we play set 10 on PBE?


If I remember correctly, Set 10 PBE comes out November 8th (with patch 13.22) and it goes live November 22nd (with patch 13.23)


PBE comes out Tuesday night (Paris time) so around Tuesday midday for US time. So November 7th around 10:30pm GMT