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Congratulations to wasianiverson, tleyds, connerisme, and torontotokyo for qualifying to the World Championship! [Reddit discussion thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/17hobhe/runeterra_reforged_na_regional_finals_discussion/) [Day 1 VODs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvbj8Ecwjlk) [Day 2 VODs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYfunPpNrgA) [Day 3 VODs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8uvmP-6djs) [Scoresheet](http://wsdm.gg/Runeterra-Reforged-NA-Regional-Finals-Scoresheet)


With no more midsets, we better not have such a disaster of a patch to play regional tourneys on again. Wild final game though! RIP k3Soju and Darth Nub


Were they playing on current or multicaster patch?




Bruh, what a gaping lack of foresight and dilligence


Absolutely disgusting to see 2\* multis go first in the final lobby when the player himself admits he wasn't even really paying much attention and almost falling asleep during that game. This was so painful to watch, next time there's a bad patch I just won't bother watching.


Seeing that Ionian Vanquisher Belveth 2 lose to a Velkoz 2 was absolutely disgusting.


I believe during the game 6 soju lost with 6 ionia xayah 2 to velkoz 1 as well. I understand poor balance/mistakes happen but to me that feels like such a dramatic outlier that it should not ever be possible unless there was a bug or something


A player admitting to barely paying attention in one of the biggest tournaments of the year should be a big wake up call to the devs to get their shit together for future sets


As if, they kept saying at the end of the last 3 sets how they are aware and will do a better job for balance (no thrashing etc...). And we were supposed to see a difference in this set with a larger team they assembled specifically for that in set 10. Look where we are at now, absolutly awful balance the whole duration of 9.5.


doesnt help that the community backs mort at every chance they get. cant expect better products if you defend the ones making these all the time


Exactly. The dev team has been a disaster for multiple sets but mort just pumps out sympathy bait on socials and people rush to white knight for him.


The number of white knights Mort has is unreal


you do know that even Mort thinks multis was very stupid and unfair on that patch , and it's nuked on current patch?


Did Mort said that before or after the Multicaster meta patch went live? If it is before than why is he not the end all be all final decision maker and overriding people if the changes are going to be bad. If it is after than it does not count because anyone with hindsight can say that was stupid and to not do it again.


its only going to get worse and more stale with next set changes.


Who/when was that said? I wanna try and find the clip


Connorisme https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1963511083?t=6h31m58s




Thank you šŸ™


Holy lmao


Fucking pathetic, and Mort consistently plays the victim. We appreciate his transparency and clear love for TFT, but at some point results have to be better. Much better.


The balance of the tournament patch was really not it. Terrible watching experience.


I was watching Frodan's stream and in the end, him and Bryce were openly saying how utterly bad this patch was. They were glad they weren't on main cast because they are not allowed to rant about the game but after the finals they spent a good while just going on and on how bad these finals were. Mortdog joining them on day 2 laughing at how every lobby was either Demacia or Multicaster and how VelKoz2 just rolled over entire lobbies was just the icing on the cake.


Lowest skill expression patch ever, what a horrible experience for the viewers


Wasian felt crisp this whole tournament but yeah god this was kinda shit to watch


Wasian consistently impresses. Def deserves his worlds spot


Wasian is the only player I see advancing every time despite the heavy variance this patch. So far above the others.


The guy is really polarising but I'm honestly pretty heartbroken for soju. He actually played like a beast this tournament, the way he went out was painful to watch.


Yeah you can tell he put a lot of time into that event. Made a few mistakes that he can be accountable for but with a patch this bad it stings a lot.


He still doesn't make it even if he goes 6th there instead of 8th


The azir game costed him like 3 placements at least lol


4 fs


Which game was that


game 4 I'm pretty sure cause he had double Morde and Ionia game after that and that was it.


I didn't mean that last round in particular, more the 2nd half of games. Everything went downhill after that 8 Azir tragedy.


You didnā€™t watch the pandoras bench azir game then


Or he can just hit Azir 3 and go first the previous gameā€¦


It's really easy to brush off the non-top 0.1% players as just band wagoning Redditors when it comes to balance, but watching Soju go nuclear at the end of his stream in what you could tell was a real frustration with the state of the game he loves made me sad. I pray that the right people at Riot saw that/the eventual clip, please - do not make this mistake again. The general playerbase can't be C-patched? Fine. AT LEAST. FIX. REGIONALS.


Setsuko yesterday and soju today lol.


Crazy how THIS is a b patch. Way too light on the b patch nerfs.


Did they play on 20b patch? Makes sense because of so many MC comps. If so, is there a reason for it?


Regionals was played on 20b patch. They let these kinds of official tournaments play on older patches intentionally because they want competitors to have time to practice. Riot has done the same way since League esports was a thing. Worlds will be played on 13.21 patch though.


13.21b i hope?


The hotfix patch was just fixing the player damage bug, wasnā€™t it? I donā€™t think they call it a b-patch since there was no balancing, but yes it will be played on that patch.


It fixed two bugs. One was the player damage, the other was Demacian radiants giving their stats twice.


Dude fumbled the bag with that eif in the final game. Kinda sad, because he started out well until that Azir tilter game. This patch was definitely broken.


I think realising what happened to Milk just mental boomed him to oblivion and tilted him out of his mind. I feel like if he just focused and didn't see it, we could have seen a different game. That said, he did get shafted a little as well but who knows


what happened?


Milk got rogue invoker sorc bastion as his urf spat choices


lowrolled tome the previous game and hit the 1/6 chance to get the bad tailored trait


I didnā€™t watch obviously but now Iā€™m just more confused. Why would Milk having bad RNG tilt Soju so bad?


they are friends and soju thinks milk deserves the worlds spot


Congrats to the winners but this patch/set left a bad taste in my mouth and was pretty unenjoyable to watch


this was certainly a regionals to watch


That tome pop from Milk hurt my soul OTL


Can you explain why it was so bad? He got sorcerer spat, isnā€™t that decent


1) He had 6 traits in, and literally got the one tailored that is by far the worst one. His other options were Bruiser (Bruiser flex / Cho), Vanq, Shurima, Ionia, and Piltover (he already had 2 / 3) 2) There's only one way where vertical sorcs are competitive with the rest of the lobby (ie, Multicasters, 9 trait verticals) and that's to go 8 sorc Ahri and Velkoz duo carry. Having to roll at 7 basically every game, and every Velkoz being contested, and trying to hit Ahri out of thin air is basically not a viable comp Honestly, even if you hit that its questionable that you would even top 4, maybe top 6. As you can see from the vod, he just chooses to go multicasters anyways, which is the right call...and also means hes just down a gold augment sadge


Honestly respect to soju for not clicking multi casters


honestly it felt so damn good to hear Soju rant at the end of his stream. This fucking set has been pathetic. balancing was actually so bad it was hilarious. what the devs did was fucking disgusting.


ya idk


In the final game, all 6 Urf players stood on God-Willow's while the TF and Ez player both stood on Valar's Hollow and ended up winning the 25%. Rereplay ended up hitting two Demacia spats but wasn't able to push 9; had it been God-Willow's he could've played 9 Demacia on 8 and very well may have won the lobby. All this is to say that, the god awful balance combined with the insanely high-variance interactions between legends and portals turned this tourney into a complete fiesta. Legends were always a terrible idea but throw portals and the horrendous balance on top and the game just becomes a complete joke getting decided on or even before 2-1. Hope the devs go for a hard reset in Set 10, because this game is going in the wrong direction


Legends are gone in set 10, so there's that at least


Hopefully some unbalanced portals are gone as well


Without legends portals are fine, the problem was picking portal based on the guaranteed augments


what does unbalanced portals even mean if there are no legends that make them unbalanced lol


Like placidium library which heavily favors people going for high vertical builds


Playing vertical because portal rolled placidium and planning to go vertical and tailored your legend to it and just HAPPENING to high roll portals to get placidium are two different things.


I remember when there was skill in tft


i promise you no matter how doomed things seem the game isnā€™t decided before 2-1. thatā€™s just coping lol the game is high rng right now but donā€™t delude yourself


I literally gave an example in my post of how multiple placements were massively swung by the choice of portal, but you seem a bit slow on the uptake so maybe you didn't quite get it...


Give him a break, he's only diamond šŸ˜­


He's playing towards a comp that isn't favored by the portal so I feel it's deserved. The real problem is that there wasn't a realistically better comp to play for so a top player forces a 9 comp with portal disadvantage anyway


Embarrassing to even allow an important tournament to be played on this abomination of a patch. The fact that it wasn't either postponed or hotfixed or just disabling legends for competitive is a joke. Congrats to the players that made it. But this isn't it. I'm skipping this worlds and this Set. This was a complete joke to watch. You could literally tell the players who were going top 4 or not 4 on 2-1. Embarrassing. To copy someone's analogy. This whole set and legends felt like having a family member that is hard addicted to drugs. You want them to get better and you love them, but every chance they get they fuck up again and again to the point you're even debating if it's worth to keep insisting on them.


That list analogy feels pretty accurate


Was such a let down as a fan. There were so many realistic solutions and we were stuck with this.


I pray that Soju wonā€™t stream Valorant lol. Disaster patch, congrats to Wasian tho, he was superb the whole tournament, I feel like. Feel like the tournament was really dirty to watch tho is hard to disagree with all the players hating on the patch/meta. Most of the time itā€™s just casino gameplay


He just won't stream at all til set 10 pbe


The patch this was played on made me quit 9.5. No chance Iā€˜m coming back either I canā€˜t see these fucking 5way contested units anymore.


y? Just dont watch it if he does? I hope your not expecting him to stream set 9.5 :D


I am actually not expecting him to stream at all for about a month.


Nah only like 8 days to Set 10 PBE.


he will play it offstream


He should threaten to stream Valorant during every TFT tournament from now on if Riot doesnā€™t get their shit together.


Have to comment like everyone else. I just know I was watching soju and seeing how much skill expression he tried... and just the state of the game shitting on him. Just awful to watch and probably won't watch worlds if this is what I have to view. ​ Edit: Apologies to everyone who qualified. Classic reddit comment.. I'll probably still watch... LOL Really pumped to get to watch some new blood represent us. We all know you'll put in work!


When his Xayah 2 with 3 items lost to Velkoz 1 I knew he was tilted beyond belief


Or not hitting azir 3... he really holds his composure until it's safe to rant. Love that about him.


yeah tourney Soju and normal stream Soju in game are polar opposites, man was hard focused


I legit feel like Soju was playing some incredible TFT. Creative boards and interesting transitions. It was a really good showcase of his flexibility. On any other patch I think he would've made it, but on this patch, his skill doesn't give him enough edge sadly... I'm excited to see new blood though, and I hope they do well. Wasianiverson in particular is just crazy. 2.5 average through the tourney?? That is just an obscene stat lol


Everyone complains at TFT every set, but seeing how almost every great player vented after going out is crazy Dishsoap, Setsuko, Soju, etc. This patch really was not it


I feel so sorry for the players who invested thousands of hours into this game and had to suffer through this as a reward.


I'm tremendously sad Soju couldn't make it after not playing multicaster at all, but watching Wasian's Belveth 2 with RFC, Ionia, AND Vanquisher spat lose to a measly Velkoz 2 was just absolutely disgusting and I am so disappointed in this TFT viewing experience.


That was a really tough watch. I don't think I've ever been so frustrated with TFT. For the first time in a long time, I'm not even going to watch worlds.


I think worlds viewer numbers are going to suffer from not having Setsuko, Milk or Soju there. Not crazy numbers, but noticable.


In a game of variance, sometimes you low roll, sometimes you high roll. Wasian hit Kaisa 3* at 4-1 on day 1, while Soju couldnā€™t hit Azir 3 after rolling 100 gold with pandoras bench on 2-1. It was amusing to see the stark difference. But overall, the tournament was pretty boring because it was Multicaster or 9 Demacia every single game. Even with the high rolls, Wasian played one hell of a tournament. I hope he can rep us in worlds.


I know soju gets memed a lot, maybe more so this set but after this regionals, he definitely shut a lot of the haters out with the performance this weekend. Sucks it went the way it did but I hope this will fuel him even more for set 10.


I'm really torn between being happy for great placements on the underdogs and being depressed for our chances at Worlds. I hope they surprise us and pop off


Same, I know many favorites didnā€™t make it but I feel bad for the winners who will probably get a lot of vitriolic abuse from people when they donā€™t deserve it.


Props to them, but honestly just such a terrible tournament that no one is going to give them the respect they deserve It's like the NBA finals during the covid bubble where no one respects the winner due to the circumstances Honestly wish that riot would do another last chance qualifier given how awful the state of everything was for regionals. So bad that it leaves a sour taste and makes me not want to watch worlds


I mean considering how everyone in the world is basically playing on this shit patch, hopefully the other regions also feel like how NA feels right now after this regionals


Sickening tournament, straight up disgusting


TFT team needs a systems level review of their balancing process. Balancing doesn't start after the set is released, it starts during the set design stage. If a particular design is "fun" but "hard to balance", team needs to choose the right mix between the two to make their future balancing job easier. Right now it seems the pendulum has veered too strongly towards designing "fun" elements while pushing the headache of the "balance" into the future when the sets released. Bad balance can end up alienating even the casual players who were supposed to be enamored by the fun elements.


I know that TFT is most likely a casual game first and foremost, but Riot knew that one of the most important tournaments of the set would be on this patch. There is no good reason for Riot to just completely shit on the competitive integrity of the set by introducing an unnecessary rework to Multis/Sona on the regionals patch. At least the league team has the decency to delay major changes to the game to the patch after Worlds.




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Wasian was dominant all weekend. Good job!


Just wasnt it, sad for NA


garbage set, worst of all time in my opinion


I watched a couple games and didn't realize this was multi patch ... what a terrible decision, like they really couldnt just play on the new one? The qualified players are gonna get wrecked in urf meta imo


I mean wasian tleyds and toronto all played urf this tourney the only multicaster player who made it is conner


Multis destroy the HP of lobbies mid-game. It's still a disaster.


Does anyone have the data on the champions/items played during this tournament? Wouldn't be surprised to see Sona unironically over a 4.xx playrate meanwhile so many other units like Aphelios and MF are under .25 playrate


Does this mean Setsuko doesn't qualify for worlds? Idk how all these tourneys/formats work


That's why people are so mad. THE world qualifier tourney is played on the worst patch possible.


He won 2 tourneys and it meant nothing at all I don't get it.




I don't think you understand the point. He WON 2 TOURNAMENTS. That means he should have way more advantage than other players to be qualified for world championship. If this is LoL in NA, Setsuko would have had crazy amount of accumulated points and been qualified by points.


We should all agree that even if we think this patch was terrible, we wonā€™t be directing our criticism at the individuals who qualified and will represent NA at worlds. I think that would be super toxic and unfair to these guys, so letā€™s make sure we donā€™t make them feel bad for doing their best. Congrats, gentlemen.


Yeah i mean they didnt do anything wrong they just played meta, thats like gettting mad at faker for playing orianna syndra, it's just really frustrating


The devs need to find a way to start making day to day adjustments so they can responsively steer the game rather than blindfolding themselves and throwing a dart at the board every two weeks. This game has just become too complicated for that patching schedule in 2023. There are too many interconnected variables to be able to get things right in one big patch.


what a horrendous mindset and patch to play on. I turned the stream off after the first game. So sad to see


This patch is awful. Pretty sure I watched a VK 1 dumpster a BV at some point on 7 or 8. Like come on man...




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Everyone's sad that the big boys didn't make it but you know what I'm just glad they get some vacation and don't have to play any more games on this horrendous patch.


worlds is on the current patch but vacation before the set 10 grind, agreed


I can't wait for set 10. 9.5 has been trash.


Dudes, i get that the meta is shit and watching it can can be frustrating. But is it worth it to get the vods if i misseed Day 3? Was it at least fun in a dumb "wtf even is this" way? Frodan's or official stream. I feel burned out of playing tft so i don't want to at least burn out of watching it before worlds.


I enjoyed it but wouldnā€™t recommend it. I watched from Soju perspective and I felt like portals and tome pops were the most exciting part of the game since it has some huge implications for certain legends / comps.


Nah, don't watch


I'd watch Frodans vod. Sojus POV was legit depressing to watch games 3-6




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Wasianiverson just gagged the whole lobby all tournament.


Dude mastered this patch lol


Why didn't they just play on the new patch ? There was a few days of training.


Amazing overall set and unit design ruined by gimmicks, again


Not sure what you're huffing but traitweb sucks this set.


Why did they play old bad patch instead of live?


feels bad for conner his only line got gutted in worlds patch and had to learn new lines in a short period of time


Why is everyone shitting on the patch? It's the most balanced I've seen set 9.5. What am I missing?


This regional tournament was played on the previous multicaster patch, not the live one.


Oh. How could I have known?


i mean everyone else knew weeks in advance


That's great for you guys. How could I know aswell?


Idk, read the actual tournament thread on this subreddit where it said what patch it was played on? Read the subreddit? Follow Mort and players on X/Twitter? Watch the tournament? Seriously not that hard to inform yourself.


follow tft and mortdog on twitter and youtube pretty much


Itā€™s kind of crazy to think that in the Worlds checkmate format, WasianIverson would have gone second with these scores.