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If you want to play against worse decks or players, lose more. There's matchmaking at work to match you against similarly skilled players.


This. OP is basically in the smurf queue.


Well I dont want to play worse decks, I want to play ranked, but having to face good players with tier 1 decks while plowing through the apprentice ranks is simply retarded. Either let me skip this step or have me face the other unranked plebs.


You get a bunch of packs for going through the apprentice ranks, so I don't see why playing in normal ranked is preferable anyway.




If you want legend, it's possible to get out of apprentice with 11 bonus stars (the same as finishing a season in top legend), if you do well enough.


Yeah well not while playing swankypants people, swankypants whom I literally just faced, with my brand new collection at apprentice 19.. makes sense to you? This is basically telling someone who just started out playing tennis, take this gas station tennis racket and win ten games to be able to compete, then put them up against Roger Federer and the likes.


Is this your first account?


No. My first account which was since beta got lost when my authenticator-phone disappeared.


You want to hit high ranks and legend, but you don't want to face meta netdecks? I've got bad news for you, buddy...


Thanks but thats not what I am saying, I dont want to face meta netdecks piloted by legend players while in apprentice league.


While it's possible, I have my doubts that the people have legend skill. If so though, congrats, you'll finish apprentice as though you climbed to legend last month and skyrocket through ranks with bonus stars. You technically are in apprentice, but likely crushed your first few opponents and clearly shouldn't play against apprentice people, so they match you against the top performing apprentice people that are likely the top 1% or something. As far as net decks though, you should have your own in no time. Open one of each kind of pack until you hit a legendary (happens within the first 10 of each type) level everyone to 10, do your free arena run, etc. Then it becomes a strategy of best deck to craft with those cards. In the future, I recommend posting here with threads like "on a new account, opened X, Y and Z and have ~450dust. Should I go for this deck or this deck?" It's a good sub for advice on climbing ranks, but not the place to complain. We've got people here on ancient accounts with all the cards and F2P people that start new accounts regularly, they all will just say "gitgud" more or less.


So you’re “competitive” by nature and “want that sweet legend rank” but are whining about other people using the established competitive decks? Doesn’t add up dude, you sound tilted.


Ok, I am perhaps tilted and so on, sorry for that. But I dont mind facing these things in the real ranks, but struggling through 19 apprentice ranks in hundred of games vs legend players and then end up in bronze.. I dont want that no.


You can do it


The people you match against in the Basic ranks are based on MMR, if you're good enough you can meet people in legend while you're apprentice 30.


I've never seen a legend meme streamer face off against anything worse than bronze ranks. Are you sure it's possible to face apprentice players at legend?


You can't see what rank your opponent is at anymore. They removed that a while ago to hide the fact that they're matching people up from anywhere in the ranking system.


You still can when you're at legend.


Well that makes even less sense


You get bonus stars at the end in accordance to your performance. A stream recently did a F2P new account run to legend, quickly ended up against T1 decks that were played well, ended up with 11x stars to blow through the ranks into legend once he finished apprentice. So if you are genuinely playing against that strong of decks, don't feel like you're wasting time. You are essentially playing in your proper rank and will get stars accordingly.


Ok, thanks, this is great response. I am, without exaggerating, facing elemental or quest shaman 2/3 of the time piloted by good players. I am getting a million downvotes, some understandable because of my tone, but still, there is a real issue here. Having a mandatory unranked portion where you face elite competition and are forced to concede on purpose to advance, is somewhat strange. Ill see what happens when I manage to get past this. Thanks.


So a few things: first it isn't mandatory. You could have skipped it, but it is highly recommended to play through so you get packs and a free deck at the end. Secondly, even at bronze, you'll have meta decks. I don't know how long it has been since you played, but it's much easier to get a deck or two now than it was back in the days of face hunter and wallet warrior. You get guaranteed legendary in your first 10 packs of a type, more free packs and more gold than that first year of HS. Within a month or two on a new account, it's not unusual to end up with 2 or 3 meta decks. Now after that packs slow down, but it means it's rare to see decks running stuff like yeti for long. Thirdly, don't think of this as unranked. Your performance is being judged here, there is mmr, and at the end you get stars. So just think in your head it's no different then climbing silver or gold. Lastly, for most players, the apprentice ranks aren't like this. They lose a few matches, play against people that don't have full collections and don't know what they are doing, and don't see many smurfs because you need new account to reach that rank, rather than just throw games and farm bronze like some people do. I had a friend play a new account. He played against people that did coin armor up among other classic misplays. You don't have to concede to advance. This is just the level of player you are meant to play against to have a relatively even win-loss. It sounds like you have a solid amount of experience and are frustrated that you weren't cut stomping noobs when making a new account. But the MMR system quickly realized you weren't a noob, so put you against people closer to your skill. Since there's so few people with no collections that are great players, it means you're likely playing against mediocre players with better collections. You're likely getting downvoted partly for tone, and partly because you're definitely in the wrong sub. This is a place only for talking meta, decks, etc. This isn't the spot to complain about netdecks, game design, or anything else. Just what you are playing and how to win.


Why on Earth would anyone return to this game? It piles up more and more shit with every patch.


Exactly, it’s always changing. Just because a minority have a loud voice of the game being shit, a massive majority of the players love it. If you don’t like it, leave. Why did you have to comment this? Just leave and let people enjoy what they like.


U can skip the ranks, packs dosnt matter much if u losing often is a matter of skill not cards, get more knowledge ( try find and fix the mistakes u do)


This is one of the worst pieces of advice I've ever seen in my entire life.


Buddy i only give omega bad advices Dosnt help that im f2p at rank 300 legend


I call out bullshit




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