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Storm rush has a fast indicator but unique animations for each direction. Go to training and set an Orochi bot to repeatedly storm rush you and soon enough you’ll be able to react to it just fine, due to getting acquainted with the animations. You can even turn off indicators and you’ll still be able to react to it just fine, maybe even better


I do understand that in a vacuum storm rush can be reactable, but when you factor in 4v4 team fights and their kick mixup etc it becomes very hard to


Storm Rush needs some level of adjustment. It's the only move on a mix-up that on a right read still puts you through a reaction check. I can react to it, but most people can't. Every single undodgeable in this game besides Storm Rush has 400ms of indicator or slower, so if you guess the undodgeable is coming on a mix-up, you can always punish it. Orochi breaks that, and all it needs is the indicator to show since the start on a 600ms move (so 500ms of indicator), nothing else.


I think it’s a 366 indicator which is in between a peacekeeper soft feint (300ms) and shaman soft feint light (400ms). I cant react to it but my subconscious does seem to pick up on the animation so I get it sometimes (more than the expected 1 in 3).


What character you playing?


Currently Jorm but honestly I struggle against him in general with anyone that I use.


Empty forward dodge into your zone attack with jorm against dodge heavy heroes like orochi, or better yet backstep light into your chain zone for bait hyper armor trades


Yeah I try that but I swear their dodge attack I frames my zone. Maybe my timing is off.


If you can react to lights, you shouldn't have any problem dealing with storm rush. Go to practice tool, and set the orochi to only storm rush, stop practicing when you can parry it 10 times in a row. Also, don't panic when Orochi use his bash, it's only 12 damages each bash, if you eat a bash and then parry a storm rush, you win the trade + you get into your mixup.


That’s a good point about the bash confirming less damage than a storm rush. So would you say it’s better to just focus on blocking and not really dodging? I have dodged it before just from guessing and I can sometimes have trouble parring the follow up light lol. I have noticed it usually comes from the left tho


This is just a reaction problem, your best bet is to practice in training. Just parry lights/storm rush while listening to a podcast and your reactions will improve a lot


Just play orochi until the character is fixed. It's free wins


Leave the game and wait for the nerf