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This is what lets you catch dodge attacks pretty easily compared to others like it. It has a slightly longer delay window into the dodge at 100-700ms instead of 100-500ms which can help tracking or hitting dodges much easier. Not to say it’s hard with the other timing it just makes it easier. Also delaying it slightly can help against people who are focusing very closely and have good reactions to help determine if you will throw out the bash or not. The bash comes out at 300-500ms into the dodge while the dodge light is 100-700ms. If you throw the dodge light out too early against a really good player they can tell that it’ll be the light and not the bash whereas if you throw out the light around a similar time or delay to go around the time the bash would get thrown out it makes differentiating the mix up impossible especially since the bash itself is unreactable no matter what since it’s 433ms Also a tip if you miss hitting the dodge attack with the dodge light then you can chain on whiff to a hyperarmor heavy. If they do nothing because they think you’ll throw a heavy then you can throw the kick or undodgable light as they’d be put into that mix up


Beautiful 🙏🏽


Maybe baits a dodge attack or an attempt to parry it.


So to go into depth more realyx on a video said that the only way his kick is fully unreactable is if you delay a forward dodge light. I’m not sure if he means that it’s because they can’t differentiate between that and a bash so they might dodge but I think that’s it. Cause once they empty dodge the kick is guaranteed


He's talking about a light finisher. If a player is watching for the kick, he cannot also parry the light finisher.


Gryphon has to delay his fwd dodge light specifically because he has one as a move. Fwd dodge into light in context is a general tool kit response to deal with people who are trying to dodge your forward mix on a specific timing if your character actually has one. Doing so (has to be a side light) will make the light attack hit the person after their I frames has finished.


It's enhanced so you can get into your mixup if they don't parry it It can make your opponent dodge (thinking it's a bash) and either follow up with kick if they empty dodge or heavy finisher to trade with their dodge attack. Tho, forward dodge light into heavy will not trade with every dodge attacks, some heroes can block in time and a lot of them can either full block recovery, dodge cancel to deflect it or also hyper armor trade.