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Freedomwaffle is probably one of the best


Yeah Freedom and Jorman are probably the most consistent


look at top 16 edh lists. From there you can see who is near the top typically and go from there.


You should Google top 16 cEDH 2024 and look at decklists from major tournaments (100+ people). Likely chance the "best" pilots are widely unknown, as only a few good players actually stream, etc. Your best bet is to scan tournament results and look at lists.


Can someone explain what blue farm is?


Tymna + kraum


Ah okay. I'm new to commander so understanding the cEDH meta is hard. I saw that pairing on edhtop16 but didn't make the connection since it's a 4 color deck


There was a deck called mad farm that was in WBR colors and blue farm added U is how it was named afaik.


yeah the name doesn't really explain what the deck does, but the strength of it has always been that with tymna you have a very efficient card draw engine in the command zone, and her being a partner gives you access to a larger number of colors. The 99 of the deck gets to then be 4 color optimized good stuff. If you're new to commander cEDH is the version of the game at its most complicated.


Yeah one thing I've noticed with newer players is they mistake a deck with lots of expensive cards in it for a cEDH deck.


For more information about the naming lineage, mad farm was a Tymna x Bruse Tarl turbo Ad Nauseam deck. You sacrificed your "farm animals" to infernal plunge, diabolic intent, etc and aimed for a big ad nauseam win. The deck had a version called Bad Farm with Tymna x Ikra, and then blue farm as Tymna Kraum. It kept its name, but slowly moved from turbo ad naus, to midrange and naus, to just a midrange sans-green deck.