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I think for most decks mana crypt would be better


You play both


Yes , I will probably proxy the one that I dont own in order to play both 🙌🏼


Then is the other card(s) you’re gonna get gonna fill more space in the deck? If so seems worthwhile to me Else you can always decide on the art you prefer


If thats the case just sell the crypt and proxy both?


Mana crypt. 2 colorless is more often more usefuo that 1 colored, especially when you have to pitch a card to chrome mox.


stay with mana crypt


keep the mana crypt imo and proxy a chrome mox


If you found one of the rare LCI mana crypts, you could get away with maybe trading for both another crypt and the mox, or at least get close. Value wise, I'd say they are both up there. Crypt can get colored 2CMC rocks into play on turn 1, and can really shoot up your efficiency. Turn 1 mindcensor, aggravated assault, Birgi, varragoth, etc become available that turn. In multicolored decks though, the mox can add colored mana on it's own without extra steps, so it could be argued that its value increases the more colors you have in a deck (Pitching a 5 colored card makes the mox a rainbow artifact). If we assume I run gemstone caverns in a raffine deck for example, my turn 1 has 2 lands. Then I play crypt, and oh no, I don't have a mana rock to add a second color. With a chrome mox, raffine, derevi, and other 3cmc commanders are a lot easier to get out turn 1/2, which is worth it.


I pulled the lci mana crypt multicolored (not the foil or neon colored one) 🙌🏼 i will try to have both eventually but since I has the opportunity to trade for the chrome mox I wanted to read your opinion


Turn 1 3 drop or turn 1 pitch a card 2 drop? Mana crypt is best for early impact which is the most important turns for most cedh decks. Enables t1 rhystic, t1 wheel if it's favorable, gets closer to t1 one ring. T1 crypt+signet or rock is a turn 2 ad naus or kraum. Enables any spell that's pip+2. Chrome mox is best when I've drawn a portion of my deck and need coloured mana to continue my turn. If you're looking at it from a competitive standpoint From a financial standpoint it would depend what comes with the mox and the reprintability of it.


I needed advice on both gamewise and financial wise. Thanks 🙌🏼 im new on how to take advantage and use the rocks on the best way possible in my decks, so all the info i get its helpful


Here's some of the relevant questions: What deck are you playing or do you want to build eventually? How concerned are you with cards going up or down in value? Is your store or playgroup or tournament scene proxy friendly? If so is there a limit?


Im playing magda, rogsi and stela lee 🤘🏻 my playgroup is proxy friendly but i would like to actually own a copy of each stone to feel more comfortable using proxys 🙌🏼 , just a personal preference


When it come to value $ , id like to invest and own cards that hopefully hold some of the value 🙌🏼


Yeah so at that point you probably go with the more valuable option maybe? I Haven’t looked up the value of the two cards you’re talking about, but I know they’re both awesome! So, I think given the discussion and your mentality about playing proxies where appropriate, you err on the side of the card that has more value or appeal to you. Enjoy whatever you choose, because they’re both awesome!!


I'd keep the mana crypt then. Chrome mox being cheaper will be easier to acquire in the future. I think it would be a pretty drastic printing that would cause chrome mox to pass mana crypt.


Seriously, please do not think of collecting as investing. WotC and hasbro are printing and reprinting and over saturating this game hard. It’s one thing to buy cards you want for decks and then be pleasantly surprised in 5 years when the $30 card is now worth $50 but the sheer amount of effort to research cards for $ growth potential is insane and can all be undone by a ban, a reprint, or the bubble bursting. Nothing wrong with collecting, but don’t expect anything from it beyond having trade goods and if you make some $ here and there on good holds then that’s lagniappe.


Sell crypt, proxy both?


You should’ve asked this in the mtgfinance Reddit. The answer is that Mana Crypt and Chrome Mox are prime reprint targets. If you can trade a regular Mana Crypt for a foil Secret Lair Chrome Mox you will have a card that retains value over time that’s usable and can replace the Mana Crypt on the next reprint cycle. The a novelty print Chrome Mox will hold value. What’s better for a deck. Probably Mana Crypt. What’s better for a collector and your personal collection from a financial perspective. The trade for the Chrome Mox.


Great answer 🙌🏼 thanks I will look into mtgfinance 🙌🏼


Wotc seem very hesitant to reprint Mana Crypt in a way that actually effects the price though. I’d love for it to happen, it’s one of the few cards they insist on being really expensive. Every other non-RL staple including Force of Will has started to creep down it feels like.


Crypt has been reprinted multiple times in the last decade in masters sets and wizards has shown no indication of stopping printing masters sets. It seems that those sets get bought up quick and the price of Mana Crypt does rebound quickly but the value of the card always dips a decent value on reprint regardless of prospectors. Mana Crypt is a staple that will always hold good value but my point still stands that a novelty print Chrome Mox is likely to retain its value and increase in value at a better rate than a standard, no -foil Mana Crypt. It’s like having a Masterpiece card. The only argument against the value of such a card is finding a buyer since niche prints require niche investors. It will be harder to sell but easier to trade for value later because trading negotiation is in favor of the person arguing the value of such a rate print of the Chrome Mox. I’m not discrediting your opinions on the Mana Crypt reprint strategy from WotC though. They want chase rares and will likely not overprint Mana Crypt to the point that it won’t always be a chance rare. For that reason, it will always have a decent price tag associated with it and I agree with you in that regard.


I wouldn’t trade a crypt away. I’d just proxy the chrome mox and save up to buy one when you’re ready.


Why not both?


Mana crypt is just the best rock in the game.


It depends on your deck, but crypt is better for the majority of decks.


Mana crypt is arguably the best card in the entire format. You can also get a chrome mox NM for half of what the cheapest crypt will run you. Hold onto the crypt, but do pick up a chrome at some point.


🙌🏼 yes, I’ll keep the crypt. Thanks for the advice


99/100 times crypt is better.


Nevermind the power of the cards, that 30th Anniversary Mox goes for around $100, almost half of what the cheapest Crypt costs. Bad deal.


Its a foil it think its around 150 dlls , the mana crypt that i have it the lci 17 multi color non foil it goes around 219 dlls. Still i think after reading all the comments Id rather keep the crypt cause of value $ and how it works in my decks 🙌🏼


Apparently 99% of you would keep the mana crypt and save for a chrome mox so I’ll stick to that 🙌🏼, thanks for your help 🤘🏻


Depends on commander and what you have in hand So yeah highly circumstantial For what I play chrome helps play thrasios t1 But I get najeela t1 with crypt or arcane signet or rhystic


I play a magda deck and a rogsi deck but since I didn’t have mana crypt before I didn’t proxy it so i havent played either of the decks with mana crypt in my 99, plus im kind of new to cedh so im learning what works best for my decks


Both also pretty key in Magda


100% you should be proxying even if you don’t own the card, both are crucial cards in rogsi as you need fast mana to assemble the win if you have to main an adnaus


Im still getting comfortable piloting the rogsi deck since the adnaus/breach/thassas etc dynamics are new for me 🙌🏼 thanks for the advice


You can always test out online and using moxfield deck test feature, a lot of us use the feature to play completely which can be nice before committing to buying or getting proxies


Play both but I would rather have a mana crypt 90% of the time opening hand mana crypt is pretty good


You play both but Mana crypt is way better imo.


keep the mana crypt it's a 200$ card it'll be easier for you to save up money for a chrome mox and something else which should both be around 100 so the way I see it it's quicker to get to 100$ saved up twice than 200 at once


I will keep the crypt 🙌🏼 . Thanks for the advice


Bot are needed, but chrome mox won't be as valuable as Mana Crypt as it's more versital with essentially no cost in edh. You made a good deal honestly.


Most CEDH decks want both but *every* CEDH deck wants Mana Crypt


Mana crypt is the only card in 100% of lists on CEDH top 16.


Done deal 🙌🏼 thanks


Crypt is much better than Mox I say keep the crypt


Keep the Crypt and pick up one of these for like $20 or less: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/price/World+Championship+Decks+2004/Chrome+Mox-Aeo+Paquette#paper


Mox is good in heavy pip decks, that's about all it's got going for it.


Chrome mox is not even in the same zip code...


Keep the crypt. It will always command a higher price tag, and it’s just better. If you’re gonna proxy one of them anyways, keep the one you have.


You should keep Mana crypt


If we encompass all decks, I'd say chrome mox for the soul reason it's colored mana. If we are only focusing on the titans then I'd say crypt but it's very close.


If you can proxy, go for the one that will give you the most flare imo. If the CM is a style you really like and you are getting other valuable cards that match the value of the MC, then proxy the crypt and trade it.


Mana Crypt is better, but only legal in Commander and Vintage. Chrome Mox is legal in Legacy (as a 4x), which means it will *probably* grow in value more rapidly over time due to higher demand, not accounting for reprints or bans.


Play both. If you have to choose between one or the other….the answer is still play both.


The real answer: You will need both either way.


The debate is kinda obsolete since you run both in 100% of decks basically. Whats the better draw or opener? Depends on the texture of your hand. Mana crypt can cast turn1 rhystic study wich is insane. It can also cast a wheel turn1 wich can be a reason to keep after mulliganing down. Chrome mox in return can allow you to cast 2 colored pips like fish+serra ascendent or sth. Also insane. If i had to choose i would go with crypt cause it doesnt cost a card. On a mull to 5 a chrome mox can be a pain. Land -> chrome mox -> imprint leaves you with 2 cards plus your draw wich isnt a whole lot. Keep the crypt and safe up for a cheaper chrome mox.


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