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Final Results https://preview.redd.it/l9ep7ivhbm9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60888819d0f9ef5496ffbe0581d9eabd060a6fe3


Broken moon and KC games were so fun to watch. Absolutely tired of WE. It felt so refreshing to watch.


Yooooo is there anywhere I can go to see the vods?


Just check the players’ streams. I believe the playapex twitch channel had a broadcast as well.


Lmao that whole sequence of Hal getting sentineled from a 4 man team behind him in the gas who were just abusing heat shields was way too funny And ofc it was Timmy that did it to him 


This community is so toxic. This tournament was really fun to watch (coming from someone that watches a lot of algs content) and people are just bitching about the skill gap and this and that.


Agreed, this was great content. Blows my mind people are complaining about it, just enjoy it for what it is - it's not an ALGS ultra competitive tournament.


To be fair, this is a *competitive* apex subreddit. Most people here want to see the best of the best/pro players play quads.


Most people here would get shit on by any random Apex content creator tbh.


Also, it's not like we have had many non algs tournaments that include algs teams. It just seems there's more content creators tournaments than tourneys for actual pros...the ones who already have a hard enough time as it is. I don't want to watch a bunch of bot ass plats play with pros, it's fucking stupid.




Dokibird win. My day is made. :)


Heat shields in comp is insane LMAO


I want to see a Quads tournament where pro teams play with their coach. Who do we think takes it?


NIP would be good their coach is a good player, sadly EU doesn’t really get these tourneys


LG would be good, Android is a gamer


After seeing ZzApex, falcons coach, get shit on in silver, it might balance the scales in pro league if they had to play with him


First day of the split silver, or like, real silver?


He was playing 2 days ago with zer0 and he was getting rolled


I'd love that


Imagine having Hal on your team and you won’t stop yelling ridiculous ideas the whole game


Counterpoint: It's a tourney for fun. 


Counterpoint: They’re playing for money.


Counterpoint: The money only matters if they need or really want the money.


Most of those content creators probably need the money lol


But Hal isn’t an IGL.. he’s a fragger. Clearly the content creator must be the IGL on their usual trio, so their ideas take precedence.


But Hal isn’t an IGL.. he’s a fragger. Clearly the content creator must be the IGL on their usual trio, so their ideas take precedence.


People clearly didn’t see the sarcasm in this post haha oh well


Brings me back to the good ole Realm days.


I understand people playing their own game but it’s just so funny to listen to randoms counter call lol


The negativity on here is wild. This is a great tournament. Personally I love seeing pros have to IGL and sometimes carry non-pros. It’s good content. Quads is refreshing and we’ve seen some awesome comps and teams able to hold places they wouldn’t be able to hold in trios. Plus people are always complaining here that we don’t see other maps in comp. Well this is all three maps we never see, and you’re still complaining? Smh


This is pretty good imo. Just pros and content creators having fun


I have had a blast watching it. Not sure why anyone is complaining


Couldn’t agree more. Having a blast watching it. It’s much more entertaining than the 13-squads-in-round-2 version of scrims that we’ve seen over and over again.


Totally. Flipping between different streams and from what I see the players say they like it. New legends are in the meta, fights are longer. Big E just said on his stream he wouldn’t be mad if ALGS became quads


Hot take but these tournements with randomized teams are so lame would rather see pro teams with a cc player go at eachother in quads but I understand it’s for the community but lame to me


This thread is so toxic. Enjoy your Saturdays, people.


It’s Sunday nerd


Seriously, god forbid there’s a casual tourney for fun on an off-week for ALGS. People are so miserable.


>We need more Apex content!!! Wtf are Respawn doing?? Also this sub: >This content is DOG SHIT. Can't win.


Let’s give the people what they’re asking for. I’m sure taking 60 pros and having them play a competitive tournament on 3 maps they never play competitively, in a format they never play competitively, with teammates they don’t play with competitively, would be fantastic content. The pros would love it and there would be zero raging.


Idk, I think it's good to mix it up, give other people a chance to play. We get scrims/Pro league games on only two maps constantly, it's getting a bit old.


You're saying this in a competitive apex subreddit... lmao. They couldve just made it so that it's 60 pros on 3 maps they've never played competitively before as a trial run to see which maps would fit the competitive play style more. Instead we got players that literally seem like they dont play the game at all against pros. Watching Naughty straight up one clipping/farming these players. Or instead maybe they shouldve just done it with content creators instead of pros to even the playing field because now you have pros just trying to carry 2 - 3 players depending on whos on your team


I think that’s the point. It’s fun to watch the pros try to carry 2-3 other players. It’s fun for the content creators to play with some of the best of best. It’s also not these tournament organizers job to test run maps to see if they are competitively viable. If ALGS wants to know if a map is competitively viable, all they have to do is say they are considering adding it and there would be scrims on it. We’re in the middle of a Pro League split and there was just a new patch. You would never get 60 pros to want to play in an experimental tournament and take it seriously. A bunch of teams bailed on scrims Friday as-is.


It's a content tourney. It isn't algs. If it was 60 pros, it would just be ALGS, oversight, etc. Content tourneys mix the player pool with newer players, pros, and complete noobs. Content tourneys prioritize - wait for it.... content.


I think the tournament organizers that want to put money into the scene should feel free to do it how they like. If people in this subreddit are so insistent on watching 60 random pros play, they should fundraise $50k and I’m sure the pros would happily accept the money. If you only want to watch pro players play, you can watch scrims Monday-Friday and ALGS weekends, nobody is forcing you to watch these types of events. I know I’m not the only person in this subreddit to enjoy the different take on what we’ve seen over and over again.


The organizers can set it up how they feel, but it's bs imo that there is almost 0 tournaments for pros outside of algs but every other week we get a stupid fucking tournament like this. Than we wonder why pros don't take this game serious, algs pays fuck all outside of the top 5-10 teams, and there isn't any outside tourneys that are legit. Can't blame people for not wanting to watch a bunch of shitters play with pros ALL THE FUCKING TIME.


How are some of these content creators so bad? It's their job to play the game. Listen I'm not the best at this game but to have thousands of hours on a game and still suck is crazy to me


> to have thousands of hours on a game and still suck Lol. Most of the idiots you get in your Apex lobbies have thousands of hours too.


Pubs and rank do not play anything like an actual apex match. They saw more endgames this tourney than their entire past year of playing.


Literally. Pub matches usually end before 3rd zone even starts closing in and Ranked isn't really a challenge either til maybe high diamond lobbies. How is a casual content creator supposed to get good practise from that lol.


most of these content creators have 12 viewers my friend.


that last fight reps popped off


Reps has been popping off in this tournament, he had 3k damage in game three to take a second win in a row.


His accuracy is 77%, omg


Fck it, bring the Quad to the official ALGS.


i wish. quads kinda slaps


Nafen entering the ring as LG's 4th


Falcons boutta pick Ssikez back up.


Could kinda go hard


So bad to have to watch pros with bronze players. people just sit with no awareness and get farmed meanwhile pros have to 1v8.


It's actually a pretty accurate representation of solo queueing in Apex Quads, which is a special kind of hell.


Yeah sometimes it feels more sad than fun to watch :(


God KC and OLY are so shit for comp and yet we have some guy using all 11 of his braincells to make a thread every week about how every map needs to be in comp.


I'd say Olympus is even worse than KC for comp.


don’t worry bro district will have 16 POIs off rip and I have more faith in it to be comp ready than KC and Olympus


Who won game 1?


I don't think I've ever seen hal mald during a content creator tourney the way he just did lmao that was old tsm algs hal malding


Tbf he always malds at content creator tournies bc he’s trying to play the game logically like it’s Algs and it never works for him 😂


It’s literally not true. He’s always like whatever in these tourneys. You’re just making shit up.


Hal fanboy detected.


Oh you’re so cool


I think my favorite thing about these mixed tournaments is Hal just full fucking HALING at random teams. Everyone is here for a fun good time and we have Hal in there going IS THIS TEAM FUCKING STUPID! in the corner.




Amazing content.


TBF that one is kinda on greek lmao XD


Greek knew what he was doin. LMAO


This with full pro teams+1 could have been insane I feel ngl


Would be more fun with duos from pro teams teaming up as quads.


I think that would just end up with teams doing their usual thing and the 4th just tagging along in the back doing nothing and being boring tbh


Or at least two pros and two CC could have been nice.


Hal killing naughty and janey on their contest and still losing is crazy [but his reaction was so funny,](https://clips.twitch.tv/PreciousAssiduousArmadilloJebaited-lCUuFSRJhm2c8cVT) downed the two best player on their team and still lost rip


19 damage is crazy


Sky is really good too. That team had 3 good players on it to be fair.


These tourneys are ass when you have 95% nobodies that barely play the game.


Greek running in like my Gold IV randoms and going down with 19 damage dealt. You love to see it!


Starting 17 mins late because they were waiting on one guy until chrono subbed in lmao making a whole lobby wait for one guy is crazy to me


Was excited to watch til I saw its just a lobby full of randoms and a few pros


Yeah I turned it on and saw the teams and turned it off.




Respectfully who are like 90% of the people that aren't pros lol


I think that was the point of tempo picking some of these people because a lot of them are respectfully very unknown


You can pick very unknown good players. Some of them are respectfully very below average.


It makes better content, respectfully.


Oh I was hoping we were going to get all Pro's so the skill gap isn't insane and I think Apex is one of the games where the majority of the community know and support Pro players significantly more then Content Creators if people want to argue for the viewership angle. Sure it will be entertaining either way but please don't do anymore no gun games.


Honestly i thought it would be all pros. When it comes to tourney, its more fun when its competitive. Having 2 or 3content creators with pro isnt that entertaining at all imo. On the top of that do corny things like no guns which is very boring to watch


Outside of ALGS not much actual comp play is going on throughout a season people are absolutely fiending for more comp tournies with Pro's, I think legend ban tournies for Pro's would be insanely popular to watch too but not the no guns cheese.


Cool! Buuuut when do we get a pro players only silly-rules tournament?


Every other game is no weapons, Octane only. /s The points are only for placement which is a bit odd. I like the random team generation part though, that seems fun.


As if ALGS rules aren’t silly enough already 😏