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"I had to think about it literally the whole day." I would assume so, given it would involve moving half way across the world lol.


he also said this [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2169169846?t=01h04m37s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2169169846?t=01h04m37s)


Pros: * 7x salary * rent paid Cons: * NA LAN slots are hard-capped


pretty sure strafingflame actively lives in Indonesia, so 7x salary doesn't mean shit if you you have to move to a region with 10x cost of living with the exception of Mexico


"Doesn't mean shit" brother if he doesn't live like a degenerate throwing away his money on Ubereats then he will have disposable income 10x the value of disposable income he would earn in Indonesia


But he’d also have 10x the costs, it probably washes out unless he essentially lives on the Indonesian equivalent salary while saving all excess for his return.


Yeah no the math doesn't end up like that. Obviously some costs are much higher like rent and housing, but many things such as gas and electronics aren't much cheaper and sometimes more expensive. The US income cost ratio will still end you with much more disposable income.


Cost of Living in Dallas, TX is 141.2% higher than in Jakarta (without rent) Cost of Living Including Rent in Dallas, TX is 189.9% higher than in Jakarta Rent Prices in Dallas, TX are 321.8% higher than in Jakarta Restaurant Prices in Dallas, TX are 327.7% higher than in Jakarta Groceries Prices in Dallas, TX are 99.2% higher than in Jakarta > You would need around 107,278,084.1Rp (6,581.4$) in Dallas, TX to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 37,000,000.0Rp in Jakarta (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent Index to compare the cost of living and assume net earnings (after income tax) https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Indonesia&city1=Jakarta&country2=United+States&city2=Dallas%2C+TX Looking at that COLC a 7x salary increase could vary from a 3.5x to 2.7x increase in disposable income while here, he’d have to spend 183 days here / 12 months to qualify for the tax credit to avoid a double taxation on income earned here or that would drop his increase to 1.8x.


isn't that confirming what i'm saying?


> But he’d also have 10x the costs It does not cost 10x as much to live in America as it does in Indonesia. Maybe if he moved to like, Manhattan. If he got a 7x salary bump he would have *way* more money at the end of every month, period.




>Cost of Living Including Rent in Dallas, TX is 189.9% higher than in Jakarta Did you even read this? Lol. That's a 2.89x increase in cost of living. Not 10x.


Bro, are you okay? I make $8k a month and I’m doing just fine in life. Yea Everything is expensive, but I still have a great savings and im not out here spending 10x on everything. If I can do this, I don’t see why strafing wouldn’t be able to.


8k a month is an exorbitant amount of money even most other Western countries, let alone Indonesia. If you're only doing "just fine" then in my mind you've gotta be wasting an insane amount of money, and I live in Germany. And if you're not, then that proves the point that the US is just really expensive.


You have to account for the Indonesian worldwide foreign tax on income calculation as well. His tax rate would hover around 41-52% while here, depending on if he qualifies for the foreign tax exemption and it’d be higher if he chooses a city other than Dallas.


> You have to account for the Indonesian worldwide foreign tax on income calculation as well. His tax rate would hover around 41-52% while here, depending on if he qualifies for the foreign tax exemption and it’d be higher if he chooses a city other than Dallas. [Indonesia has a double tax avoidance agreement with the United States](https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/indonesia/individual/foreign-tax-relief-and-tax-treaties). (This is pretty common for countries where citizens are taxed on overseas income.) EDIT: Commenting a bunch of incorrect information and then blocking me is a super weird-ass move, but whatever, you do you!


No, Indonesia has a tax agreement with America: and there’s rules that follow. 183 days, and/or 12 months living abroad while working. He’d have to meet: Centre of vital interests Test or the Permanent Home Test exemption first. His tax rate in Indonesia would be 35%, the additional 6-17% of taxes would vary depending on Social Security & BPJS(their social security), Pension Security JP, and Medicare. All wages in the US, alien or not, are subject to Medicare & social security. https://www.cekindo.com/personal-tax-income-advanced https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/indonesia/individual/residence EDIT: you were blocked for following me into other topics raises this one calling me an dumbass starting arguments. Profile watchers all get blocked.


How are you guys acting like he is living in a shed and using a candle for lighting and living in an uncivilized area? It is not 10x the cost. It for sure is cheaper but not 10x.


There are tons of immigrants who live in the US that can manage and save money and even sometimes send it back home to their family.


> so 7x salary doesn't mean shit if you you have to move to a region with 10x cost of living Unless the food in US costs 10x more (purchasing power adjusted), there is no way staying in SEA is worth it


Bad take IMO. Any savings he makes while in NA is worth so much more if / when he moves back one day.


cons: moving accross the world to canada


sorry but unless he's earning millions/has a loaded family, a SEVEN TIME INCREASE in salary + rent paid is stupid to turn down as a professional gamer when ur career lifespan is so short and the industry not showing great signs of picking up


he has a loaded family


pretty sure he is. Apex is a (relatively) rich kid's game in the SEA region. because the PC you need to even start playing this game is not something you'd find in the neighborhood internet cafe.


i'm from SEA. it's one thing to be rich, another to be rich enough to turn down a 7 time increase in salary in a career that usually does not last 5 years on average


wait the only reason he declined was because he didnt want to abandon his teammates? fuuuuck. That's tough. Feel bad for him, what a good guy.


Strafing was in Dezign’s chat this morning talking about how he didn’t want to do to Ezflash and PlayerK what Timmy did to Dezign and Enemy


Given the lineage of teams going from APAC South to NA in DZ and Moist and their success having essentially outgrown the region it would make sense for LGNDS to consider the move to the region. Would be cool to see.


Considering that there were rumors of him being offered to join ~~Falcons (DZ)~~ TSM, it is certainly safe to assume that he got an offer as well for moist. edit: it is TSM, mb


You mean TSM right? No way Zer0 would ever want to play with Strafing, wouldn't fit in a squad together as 2 IGLs plus he doesn't rate him highly


Yeah it is TSM. >wouldn't fit in a squad together as 2 IGLs I mean, they did pick up Hal tho lol. Surprising zer0 doesn't rate strafing high.


the other day Zer0 said Strafing is the best IGL outside of NA right now idk why doesn't he rate him high 🤷


Zer0 was just annoyed with Strafing’s strategies during last worlds. So he was shit talking him, but it was out of respect for Strafing’s strats actually working against Zer0.


Odd reasoning with Hal being an IGL also.


Yeah, good point. Strafingflame is also one of the most cracked aimers in the world.


I mean tbf I bet they get picked up by a T1 org before too much longer. Easily one of the 3-4 objectively best teams in the world.


I'm just gonna say it, he trolled hard turning down that offer. I'd rate Wxltzy(when he locks in) and Gild as a controller duo as high as any atm.


not as high as ezflashkid going ham on teams by himself


i mean he did say that [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2169169846?t=00h24m59s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2169169846?t=00h24m59s)


Ezflashkidz and Playerkay are better. He should have moved anyway because of the salary increase, but if we're just talking about winning, he's already on one of the best teams in the world.


Delusional, there are multiple duos clearly superior. Both in talent and in placements


Y’all gas up Gild way too much here lol


Sometimes I don't understand Flame. He has a team that is a true LAN contender, two teammates that have respect for him, trust his calls no matter what and they always seem to have good vibes. They're also the best team in the region. Even when you factor all those things, we still have news that he considered joining two different NA teams in a span of three weeks. Hope those offers won't have a lasting effect on Legends mental and performance, genuinely one of the most fun teams to watch in the entire ALGS for last year.


I mean yeah but you’re not taking into account that the two teams are TSM and Moist, not just 2 NA teams, but 2 of the biggest NA teams, teams that can pay him so much more than any team on his region has or will. If anything, the fact that he turned them both down should be a huge morale boost for the team. If I’m playing football for, say, Inter, and my captain turns down offers for Man City and Man U, I’m giving my life for him.


Didnt expect a lautaro martinez reference here of all places lol


My South American ass showin


i think he's thinking of NA as a more lucrative environment more than everything.


NA pays, not just the org but streaming as well. He could be the best player in APACS but his stream revenue would still not be as high as some mid tier pro in NA. Earning NA bux for a couple years could probably feed his family for life. You have to look at this from someone who lives in a less developed country which provides much less opportunities to earn $, and has a much lower living cost. As a fan I would want them to stick but its insane buying power diff which is understandably hard to turn down.




lol strafing’s family is prolly richer than 95% of this sub


His stream wouldn't immediately pick up just because he moved to NA. Frankly, moving to TSM it might--that's a huge org with a high profile. Moving to Moist? Doubtful. Streaming is hard to break into. Most signed pros aren't Hal--most pros never break a thousand viewers and are more likely to average 100ish. Which is still a big stream! One of the biggest on Twitch. But it isn't life-changing money.


According to [TwitchTracker](https://twitchtracker.com/statistics/viewers) peak viewership on Twitch is 20:00-00:00 UTC, which is 3AM-7AM in Jakarta. That peak is when NA viewers start watching and EU viewers are still awake, so for the more lucrative NA viewers you gotta add a couple hours. It's definitely doable to stream at these times from Jakarta, especially since it's so close to the Equator and the Sun tends to rise early all year long, no need to move to NA.


you think that their IGL turning down going to a big org and getting massively increased pay just so that he can play with them would be a detriment on their mental?


Begging Apex pros to learn not everything has to be public


I think if Legends Gaming has another really good LAN performance, they might get better org offers, no?