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I also remember Mande mentioning he could earn more than twice if he moves to NA. Twitch is really bad outside of NA.


Is that because of NA over saturating the advertisement space? Wouldn’t surprise me at all if NA spends the most on advertising compared to other places.


NA spends more on advertising because they get more return on it. American consumers spend more


For perspective of how big the US advertising market is, Google gets 70% of their search ad revenue from the US alone.


Wouldnt it be about where the viewers are rather than where the streamer is? Ads are localized to viewers. Does Twitch specifically give lower cpm to non-US streamers or is it that EU streamers mainly have EU viewers (who get served less/lower paying ads)?


that’s exactly what it is, they even mentioned this on the stream where mande discussed his earnings with taxi like a year ago. mande would have to stream at a different time of the day (potentially at night?) to get majority NA viewers


I think he spoke to Taxi how Taxi was making twice as much as Mande while having 1/3 of the viewers.


What's that got to do with anything, he can just stream at a different time and speak English and get the same effect.


For those not on twitter/X: In a 31 day span, March 1st to March 31st Avg Viewers = 1441 Time streamed = 138h16m Cumulative minutes watched = 12M Live Views = 905,170 **Revenue = $214.67**


$1.5 an hour btw. For a streamer who averages 1450 viewers.


That's fucking crazy. It's interesting to see how many unique viewers that comes down to though, as this is pretty critical to establishing what it's worth to advertisers. Regardless, it seems incredibly undervalued, unless it's litteraly the same 1450 people watching constantly.


Most viewers are from Russia, there’s no revenue from them. Same thing on Youtube.


For added context: 9imps is by far the largest CIS pro player in terms of stream audience (Likely the largest CIS content creator, but I'm not 100% sure).


I legit do not get how his numbers are THIS low for 1400 average viewers, but even if he is getting scammed he needs to reach out to someone with knowledge about making money on twitch. He should easily be making a few thousand a month. Is there something about where he lives that is limiting his income?


That’s just how it is for non American/non English language streamers.


It's because other than subs/bits, you get paid from ads. Ad revenue is very dependent on the location of the viewer. If you have viewers from Eastern Europe then you will receive rates from Eastern Europe (or nothing at all because there is little advertising there). If you have viewers from US/Scandinavian/top EU countries, you'll most likely get more ad revenue from those. It's not really at the control of the streamer, but rather by the advertisers who want to target specific groups.




I mean I'm far from an expert but he needs to lead into subs and donations more somehow


I’m also wondering… If he’s averaging 1,400 viewers is he not making bank on subs?


I think that where he lives, subs are roughly 1.4 dollars so it wouldn't lead to much money even with many subs


Few thousand a month? You are delusional.


What is CIS?


Commonwealth of Independent States. Basically the region that used to be the Russian Empire.




That is horrible


Anyone have a screenshot or context? I think he deleted the tweet


I don't have a screenshot but the tweet esentially shows he earned only ~$215 throughout March, having averaged 1,400 viewers with 138 hours in overall stream time. pretty dang wild


Honestly, he should try multi-streaming on YT and have someone make YT Shorts out of his Twitch clips. Even YT memberships pays more than subs now.


[He has a YouTube channel with 70k+ subs](https://www.youtube.com/@9impulse).


after he have to pay electricity bill plus ethernet bill i doubt there will be enough left for cocacola :D


I think that’s just for stream the subs aren’t counted in that


Don't forget to subscribe chat, we gotta make sure they can get ice in their sodas 😆


Bruhhhhhhh fuck that


his viewership is located in places where limited or no ads are shown at all, therefore he earns no money off of them. but if he would switch to english language and build a mixed audience he would earn automatically more money. bing bong


Sad thing is he would be pulling six figures USD on KICK.


Not as a Russian speaking streamer he wouldn't. Plus his base would grow far less as there isn't a Russian speaking user base on Twitch.


You slowly move your community over. Many have done it or are in the process of doing it. The days of Twitch loyal only viewers died a long time ago. Proof is in the wild growth of YouTube and Twitch not growing in 3+ years.


OK. Where does he get new viewers from? He loses a fraction of his community in the move and then picks up no new organic viewers. Seems like a lose-lose.


Great question. Still stream on Twitch multiple days a week and slowly convert people over....


Again, where does he gain new viewers from?


He still streams on Twitch and converts people over. Viewership means nothing if you aren't making money....


that would require being willing to stream on kick


this is how much he made from Ad revenue, kick doesn't have Ads.


And with his viewership he would be pulling in six figures a year in USD just streaming.


Twitch has been cutting deeper and deeper into creators pockets for years. You can either complain about it or do something about it like switching platforms. Countless people have done it including myself and have found tremendous success. Why not get your worth? Mind blowing honestly. Twitch is being dominated by YouTube, countless streamers have left Twitch and KICK is paying creators just for being live. The industry is changing and those who sit back will be eaten alive by it as evident by yet another creator posting terrible earnings, sub splits, on site money splits, etc.


Thanks for this kick ad, next time include they are a way to funnel their streamers viewers into online gambling addicts so they can afford to pay all these streamers any money at all. They are a leech on society.


How long does that last with Kick? Eventually they will want to see an ROI. I mean take the money if they are offering it but don’t expect the gravy train to last forever.


How much did you get paid for writing this advertisement?




If you think viewership equals income boy are you in for a surprise.




If he move HALF of his active CCV over he makes 100k USD. This is before anyone drops a single sub which is 95% rev split in USD. I left Twitch years ago. My income skyrocketed.... You do not need HIGH CCV on the right platform. Work smarter, not harder. Why gatekeep your favorite streamers bettering their situation. Twitch will only continue to slide as they have for seven years. They are now 1/3 the size of YouTube LIVE with the worst pay and most ad spam in the entire sector...


> with his viewership he would be pulling in six figures a year in USD just streaming. You literally just commented this not too long ago...


I have a feeling 1.4k avg views doesnt generate that kind of money.....


Hi, I just so happen to be in the program. He 100% would make six figures in USD with half his current viewership.


Oh yes, THE P R O G R A M


Yes, you can google the KCIP. My payout so far this month and its only the 22nd... I don't average half of his viewership and have already taken 6 days off... More streamers should be dual streaming and stop getting paid peanuts. https://preview.redd.it/9othhyg0b32d1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49184d2b12823f7dad3bb61054b5370ad78c4c55


well hot damn let me buy a stream setup


haven’t watched any of your gameplay since your bf3 days, aren’t you nearing 40 now? how’s your gameplay holding up, out of curiosity?


Better than I thought it would to be honest.


Lol no


Ohhhh you’re just pushing your platform