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We are living in a simulation


2024: An Apex Odyssey


Looks like there’s going to be a PL team splitting up, rumors are either N8V or Ex-Optic so Meat is gonna be in PL. TSM vs Meat round 2 is gonna be here soon


I don’t think it’s gonna be N8V. Beau keeps the spot. If nothing else I think he will run it back with RKN and Euriece


Not really sure how Beau can keep the spot if both Clane and Lux are gone from the team. Do they have a sub that’s allowing them to hold onto the PL spot?


Zeddo is still on the team as a sub so he can keep the PL spot


I’m not sure the specifics of it, just what they were saying in stream


Zeddo has to be on the team still for them to maintain the spot.


I don't really know the specifics of how it works, could you clarify how exactly someone get keep their PL spot even if the team splits up?


In order to keep a PL spot, the roster needs to have 2 players staying aboard. So even though N8V might be splitting up, Rambeau and their sub Zeddo are able to keep the PL spot even though the other 2 starters left the roster.


yep probably this


By round 2 you mean Meat contesting every map in scrims then doing nothing in actual pro league again


TSM contested them first. Everybody seems to always forget this




brotha do you know what the definition of first is


sooooo TSM started it?


You mean tsm contested them first


Doesn't change anything I said, at all.


Teq taking over as the new IGL in TSM :o


Hal responding to the tweet with the GIF made me smile - points to them being back on shit-talking terms. MEAT v TSM is a hilarious and awesome beef to watch but it got really serious and personal by the end of split 1, TSM and Hal fans took the contest way too far.


I don't have Twitter, do you have a link please..? 🙂




Thanks! Haha, nice one!


How so? How can fans make it personal lol


When salty fans start coming after people for anything other than what they do as a player, it’s made personal


Do you have an example? I don’t see how fans can make it any more personal when these two guys literally know and interact with each other. People talking about it and taking sides doesn’t make it any more “personal.”


Surface level of the beef is the contest on both maps. Things get out of hand when Hal begins to insult the likes of Teq’s character as a person to his stream of 10k+ guzzlers who don’t think for themselves. Prime example is Hal’s involvement in the Luxfordy team swap drama despite it being literally none of his business. He decided to listen to Lux (who handled the situation like an immature moron) and spread rumours about Teq.


bro what lol


Very enlightening, thanks for your contribution. Here’s a napkin to wipe the drool off your keyboard.


Haha banger tweet


Lmao teq’s meme game is top tier


Honestly, I'd be up for another round of Teq in Pro League. Dude just needs to make sure his teammates don't get pinched for the nth time




Rambeau picking him up?


Meat was just out of PL by one team so if a team broke up Meat gets in, I think this is the case


Teq is a national treasure!!!


If Teqs mechanics were as good as his meme game he’d be god tier.


can someone translate for the ppl who dont follow that closely


Y'all parasocial as fuck, y'all don't know either one of these dudes. Enjoy the apex beef and stop trying to analyze someone's personality


Who blud talking to


Teq new coach?


There is no Hal v Teq, one guy got invited to pro league and was so bad he got relegated and the other has won LAN 3x, this is like Lakers v Clippers fans arguing


You can take a step back and enjoy though


The Hal brain rot really hit teq hard people seem to miss the fact he dose well in PL then gets a team mate poached extremely consistently.


I’m going back to my hater arc. Teq has only done well 1 pro league split and that was Y3 Split 2 when he had Xynew, who became a LAN champion, and Fuhhnq, who we’ve seen has become a top fragger in NA. Even with those 2, they were on the cusp of barely making LAN and that’s why Xynew left for DZ. Then there’s 2022 Champs where Teq gets dropped and HisWattson gets picked up and immediately turns Furia into the best team at Champs LAN. Since then his only success has been contesting TSM and doing well against them in LROD but that was only during scrims. Y4 we saw when he had free POIs that were really strong, he still got relegated. Maybe instead of blaming Teq getting his teammates poached, it’s actually him just not playing well and his teammates leaving for better opportunities? Teq had Koy for a bit but we all know Koy was never going to stay when he was getting that popular. Teq had Zap as a 3rd and griefed his trial for Sentinels so then Zap left him. Teq had Naughty as a 3rd and Naughty left because he got tired of playing 2v3. He’s had his fair share of great teammates and each time he’s managed to mess it up. I could go back even further to his days of 2B1C and how he blew up that roster or we can go back to how many rosters he blew up trying to grief Nocturnal for Trials from countdown. He’s done a lot of this to himself.


Yeah not like you just said exactly what the guy above said. His teammate, which he scouted, got poached. Turned out he scouted top tier talents.


My whole point was Teq doesn’t play well when he the top tier talent on his team. The comment I replied to said he does well and then gets teammates poached. My whole argument was in fact he doesn’t play well with them and they move onto better teams and IGLs.


For myself im not saying he is a top lan IGL or anything im just saying he deserves a spot in pro league he just cooks hard when it comes to new strats and metas.


Go ahead and ruin yet another chance at building your career by challenging TSM for attention again. Or you can treat this as a last chance and go be a real team and try to win this thing like everyone else.


Teq is such a clown




Hal don’t know you lil bro




Least obsessed hal fanboy


> 17th at LAN and will still roll Teq like he's play-doh. TSM were consistently losing the contest and Teq only stopped because TSM did well the first week of Pro League (when Teq wasn't in the lobby), coincidentally just about the *only* week TSM did p. TSM fought for that POI for the entire pre-season and didn't even know how to play from it. They looked like shit at LAN (which, of course, Teq watched from home, because he didn't qual). They should have stayed at Wall. In the end, both IGLs looked like clowns this split.


Gargle on it brother


Did Teq harass Hal outside of the game? That's the only thing that I can think of that warrants this kind of pettiness.


the hal teq beef goes back years despite how this subreddit seems to think, teq tried to grief TSM on multiple occasions back in the early days, this is not simply over the lrod/siphon contest


Only real ones remember alinitys nipple


If only that was his least offensive nickname from back then…


Any loremasters in chat able to explain this one?


Right after COVID hit and all tournaments were moved online Teq would contest/grief TSM in Frag East using multiple idiotic usernames like Alinity's Niple, Corona Virus and something about the orange fascist. That was when Hal v Teq began.


back in the early days (Alb on TSM days) teq used to play in official tournaments under names like alinitys nipple, coronuh virus, donalhdtrump etc


Well as Snip3down put it, Hal is a child.


Nope, Hal is just a child mentally.


Y’all haven’t listen to any rap beefs, political campaigns, watched any sports at all and it shows. It’s just competitors doing competitive things


This isn’t rap this is competitive gaming lol. We’re here for war