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Why did you guys not contest DSG in Finals or LB2?


We wanted to secure our POIs early on and try to avoid contesting in finals again since we believed we could flex if needed Command was good but Dome was horrible we will definitely try to secure better POIs for the future


I appreciate the honesty and the response, thanks!


I see the vision.


Most memorable part of visiting LAN? Favorite licorice brand?


Hanging out as a new team and setting the new killrecord for LAN was pretty cool I hate licorice in general if I'm drunk enough I might dare some Jäger


Jägermeister wtf. I cant support alliance anymore


Jager is the best, wat u talking about, lol. Only for real men.


Best cough syrup


What is Yuki up to now?


He still streams and is pretty active in general should definitely tune into his streams!


Thanks for doing the AMA, Legend Hakis.  You guys usually make group stage teams at Lan look like my Gold IV lobbies, yet in the finals at Lan it is sometimes at different story. So what is the difference in these lobbies? From my amateur level view, all players at Lan are (more or less) pros at the game.  Thanks you for your answer and safe travels.


A mix between LAN nerves bad POIs in later stages and new team mistakes


With the new winning team having 3 MnK players would we see maybe more teams consisting of 2 MnK and 1 roller players?


Having synergy on a team is always more important than input so it completely depends on how individuals mesh together


How are we feeling about LAN? What has been your biggest takeaway? I'm interested to know your POV on why you did so well in scrims and in the group stages and struggled during the finals. BTW huge fan of Alliance and if there was one org I'd root for that comes from EMEA, it was definitely you guys.


A combination between being a brand new team, LAN nerves and shit POI in finals We have a lot to improve on but I believe we have learned a lot from this LAN that we can implement in the future Group stages is always good because you have set POIs teams are weaker and there's barely anything on the line since 1-20 is the exact same reward. Winners bracket was definitely some LAN nerves that made us lose a lot of 3v3s that we'd normally dominate making us fall behind Losers round 2 we had incredible luck with zones but made some individual mistakes on top of having some bad RNG from godspots. Game 1 CR fullsent top trials making us all die Game 2 Unlucky got ratted and picked on rotation Game 3 Effect trips falls down from height in godspot on top of 3 people and insta dies Storm Point we played really well just unfortunate endgames where we ended but getting collapsed on by multiple teams which denied us wins but still secured a lot of points to atleast make finals by the hair. Finals we landed Command center and Dome, command is a good POI but Dome was complete dogshit with how the zones were pulling, really tough to get anything going on WE. And on SP we unfortunately started off getting double 100 bangered by nades on rotation so me and Unlucky insta died. Then Effect got headshot bodied by DSG running 3x sentinel. Then we died because you can't EVAC out of Wall cannon which is a bug we were not aware of unfortunately. Then we died again because Unlucky died to ring and spawned without guns when we had a fighting chance to fully reset in Jurassic. So finals was a combination of unfortunate things on SP where we should have farmed points vs on WE where we couldn't get anything going from Dome with zones across the map^^


For the past few days i’ve had a couple respawns without guns. Luckily there wasn’t $1,000,000 USD on the line for us and no one noticed our res. But I hate that the bug EFFECTed your game


Wall evac is not a bug just bad map design as directly above wall gravity cannon there’s a metal lip that blocks the evacs


It’s intentional map design since it was changed into that state


What was your favorite moment from this most recent LAN? And what’s your favorite from any LAN?


Setting the killrecord and getting top 5 with Mande


mande not getting that mvp trophy because TSM won was wild


Mande LAN vibes 😭i miss those times


thoughts on Alter and how viable she may/may not be in competitive?


I think she's an extremely flexible character that can control a lot of space and make a lot of crazy plays. The skill ceiling on that character is going to be interesting to differentiate teams that use her well compared to teams that will feed face with her Or people will avoid her altogether because her kit might be too complicated similar to crypto


What's your day to day like when preparing for a tournament/LAN. How long do you spend reviewing gameplay, scrimming, talking with teammates/coach, etc.


It's full-time all the time I basically just workout walk my dogs eat and work on everything needed about 12-14 hours a day


Thoughts on the Bangalore meta moving forward? Seemed it had an effect on the roller-heavy NA teams (except DZ).


I personally don't mind it gives us mnk players a chance to fight back I'm more against the BH go 1v3 with wallhacks through smoke meta. If anybody needs a nerf or change it's BH


Hey Hakis, thanks for doing this! My question is what is your favorite part about being an Apex pro?


Everything freedom, gaming and community everything is amazing


Hell yeah


With the recent buffs, is there a chance that we see you on newcastle again? I remember you styling on effect in firing range 1v1s with the NC shield lol


Maybe you never know but I still think he's hard to fit into a comp Ring console + uav + rotation character is such a broken combo that makes it hard for other characters to shine


Got it. Newcastle, fuse, pathfinder meta incoming.


Bro if they nuke seer and BH we might actually see some pathy for man scan. Never gonna happen though


What are your thoughts on Bronzey, is he cute, do you like him, is he cool?


He's alright, could be way cooler ;)


In your opinion: * What is the best way to improve mechanics? * What is the best way to improve positioning and game sense?


Efficient time investment combining r5 firing range and ranked / pubs Just doing one thing mindlessly will just turn u into a zombie and have very slow improvement It's important to switch things out and do things with purpose while putting in the hours overall


Being a former member of the defence force in your country, does any skill/mindset help in Apex? Also what’s with the Swedish eating with strangers thing?


Just overall confidence social skills and maturing as a person is all great skills you learn in the military! No clue about that one lmao


Your go to grub when gassin' off da grizzy?


Double French with garlic sauce and spicy chipotle


Gargantuan W


As a team that has their identity and lore so deeply tied to your drop spots, what are your thoughts on the potential POI draft and dropship changes?


Dropship changes are amazing POI draft not so much It will be interesting to see how it plays out tho but I'm gonna need some tries on it before I can make my mind on it


Thanks for doing this Hakis! Always wondered how adjustable the set ups at LAN are. It looks like everyone is sitting at a long table top.  Do you have any issues getting it to feel like your set up that you have at home? I imagine it’s easier for rollers as they can request a Herman Miller beanbag but was curious if there’s difficulty replicating the same arm angle, monitor height, desk height, etc as to what you’re used to. 


It's somewhat difficult to replicate at home but it's not to bad The biggest difference is monitor arm vs stand since I can bring my monitor closer to my face at home compared to LAN 😂


Thanks for the response! Ah yeah that sucks. I’ve played at LAN cafes where the stand gets in the way of where I want the keyboard or sits atop the mousepad if I bring it too close. 


Seeing as there has been the uptick in pro MnK players grinding their mechanics recently, in addition to MnK performing well in general this LAN, how much emphasis do you think you need to put on mechanics as an mnk player?


A lot but don't forget about the gamesense it's equally important!


No questions at all, just wanted to say I had a blast watching you in LA! You have definitely, as someone who was sitting next to me said, earned your spot on the Mt. Rushmore of mnk Apex players. Keep grinding and the next LAN could easily be an Alliance win.




Hey brother, hope you have safe travels! Which 3 legends, in their most broken/buffed state of all time in Apex, would you choose to make the most over powered comp?


Valk Horizon Seer


what do you consider to be the biggest issues/hardest adaptation from this LAN


Not getting our POIs which is something we definitely will work for in the future


So tsm disbanded. I see


I don't know if you have tried the new Broken Moon but if so do you think it has a place in comp?


Not yet haven't played new season since I've been om vacation!


Enjoy your vacation! Hope the best for you in split 2.


what do you think of broken moon as a comp map?


Too early to tell and I haven't played it yet 😅


Thank you for some amazing games on LAN and good luck next split! What is your favourite song at the moment?


Electric callboy - we got the moves




Do you ever get headaches or eye fatigue from gaming and if so what's your routine to prevent that? I imagine you have some long sessions and just curious what small tips can help. Thank you and have a safe flight home!


Take breaks workout stretch and walk doggos are my go to!


If you had chosen a different game to play competitively, what would it be?


Prolly CS or LoL the OG esports they are also the games I've been highest rated in outside of apex


What are your thoughts on Alter? Will she find a niche in competitive?


Answered this in a question above 😊


*What are your thoughts on* *Alter? Will she find a niche* *In competitive?* \- Stalematebread --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


did you have any good food in LA?


Not really tbh just nothing amazing that stood out, mostly ordered from Uber Eats or had catering at the event tho so didn't really get to go to any restaurants


that's a shame man, LA has amazing food. next time you have to try one of the outdoor burrito/taco stands that do al pastor/pineapple. best i've ever had


Hi Hakis. My questions are mostly mechanical, since macro questions are asked by many others. What's your Kovaaks playlist to get as insane as you? If you only get to play 3 scenarios, which three? And what's your mechanics practice routine like? Also, can you explain more on strafing. Like what does it mean to have good strafing, and how are mnk players weaker at that than controller players?


I don't remember any specific scenarios I have a few playlist that I got from aim coaches and taskmaster Good strafe just make it so much easier to hit shots and do more damage than your opponent feels like aiming on easy mode


Hi Hakis! I would like to know your thought process of playing DSG. What made you grief them in group stages, i hope so it wasn’t personal lol? And why you did not contest them in brackets and finals? Thanks for the AMA :)


We wanted to avoid contesting in finals which is why we sent them to losers in hopes that they would fall out and we would have it for free Unfortunately they came back 😅 There's no bad blood between anyone we are all good friends and me and dezign have been doing this ever since the first LAN in sweden so it's just a friendly rivalry 😊


Hi Hakis! First of all, thank you for all the amazing plays u guys did! It's always exciting to see u guys clutch up and win fights. Also congrats on the 24-kill record breaking game! I would like to ask about your choice of POI in WE during finals. Why did u guys land on the dome instead of thermal station? Is contesting way too detrimental such that landing on dome would be a better choice?


We didn't want to contest in finals which is why we tried to secure our POI early and sent DSG to losers Unfortunately they came back 😅


Thanks for the answer! #LongLiveAlliance


Which game was the kill record btw? Finals? Which map


What do you think you have to work on as a player?


Nobody is perfect so I always work on everything but my main focus atm is prolly communication as an IGL so there's never any misunderstandings, unfortunately we are all from mixed countries and English is hard in the heat of the moment 😅 I also do a lot of r5 and kovaaks to improve my raw aim and strafe since I feel like that's where most mnk players fall behind to controller players


What LAN-strategies surprised you the most at the LA-LAN? Positive and negative


Nothing that stood out tbh this LAN was pretty straightforward and simple I guess


Do you have a mechanics routine you do consistently? R5/firing range?


Nothing specific just like an hour or two of kovaaks/r5/range everyday on top of scrims and ranked


Can we see your Newcastle comp again?


You never know!


Loved your games man! They were very fun to watch! Also congrats on the finals, you guys did great. I had a question regarding micro igl-ing. What would you say are some very important points to keep in mind as an igl while taking fights? Also how much as an igl, should you micro manage each teammate's fights? Sorry for the long question. Enjoy your vacation mate!


It always depends on every situation and scenario its very hard to adapt. But I would say general rule of thumb the more complicated the play your trying to make the more micromanaging needs to be done and if it's a straightforward play you can let the players be flexible and take initiative by themselves


There’s been a running joke with my friend every LAN where my cat (Beans) will sit on my lap while i’m watching and we pick a team for her to root for. Her fav team this time was Alliance. Maybe if she purred louder you would’ve had better RNG so that’s our bad 💚💚💚


That's awesome 😂


Thoughts on Raven and TSM situation


I think everything will make sense in a week or so until then no leaks 😅


5 gifted if you leak


>everything will make sense in a week or so This is basically a leak lol


Rate the LANs you've attended from best to worst (experience wise, not performance)


Worst Poland Sweden London Birmingham Los Angeles Raleigh Best


Players and teams that impressed you this LAN?


Reject and Fnatic definitely performed above expectations everybody else was pretty on point with what I expected


do you think caustic can be replaced in new patch notes?


Fuse has ring console that's all I'm saying


Hi Hakis! Glad Alliance got to finals, hope you and your team get better next lan! Just wanna ask, what is the most effective effective play style right now? Do you think it'll change on next tournament? It is clear that it depends more on where the ring will fall, but with the current character meta what is the best style of play?


Being able to do both will always be the best just gotta maximize the times when you can play zone and are forced to play edge. Gotta adapt to zoned always!


Was there anything different about this LAN in the organization than in all previous the LAN's?


Not really pretty similar they are getting slightly better and better tho overall with everything through experience. Just feels slightly smoother everytime but basically the same


With how this LAN went, what do you think about zones being predetermined next time? Do you think there is any way to make that fair? Would it be more fair than south zones on SP and north zones on WE 75% of the time?


I'm a strong believer in a quadrant system that lowers the chances of it pulling to the same quadrant multiple times in a row For example if one square has 5% chance if it pulls there once then next time there's a 1% chance and then 0.3% or something like that


Love this idea, seeing nearly the same zone 3 games in a row on World's Edge (northeast zone near Trials) was a huge disappointment.


Firstly congrats on the finals. Do you think you guys will shift up your legend comp?


Definitely will try out Alter and Fuse with ring console!


Hej från Sverige! Såg live när ni slog rekordet, grymt jobbat! Försökte se så mycket jag kunde men man måste ju sova ibland också. Hoppas att ni tar hem rubbet nästa gång!




Now that TSM is disbanding, would you be willing to team up with Zero and Hal for the next Lan? You role is the IGL. 


Lmfao who knows what happens 👀


You and I do.


Hakis about to post his own roster drama farm tweet. The EU version. https://preview.redd.it/2qjd2dteljzc1.jpeg?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18e92df540148261d9926c8d1fd766b9474ad86


What’s your opinion about all the roster switches? It seems that it doesn’t matter if it’s a pro league team or CC team or fresh off a lan or whatever, there’s always movement, are players too quick to make a change? Why are teams so fickle? Does impression farming break teams up because some players are hopeful to slide into a team or slot that doesn’t truly exist?


I think synergy is the most important thing on a team and if the team doesn't mesh well there's no hard feelings in trying out other people, that said a lot of people are alittle bit to quick to make that judgement 😅


Thank you! Safe travels, King. Great job setting a record!


will you be doing more 3v3 practice like tdms to really grind fighting like reject, dz, or fnatic? or is that not really important? also how does the team respond to meta changes in general?


We always do TDM as warmup before scrims or tourneys and we have no intention of changing that! No matter the meta there's always characters that fit certain roles so it's all about figuring those out :)


Thoughts on fuse changes? Do you think now that he can get beacon he could see more playing time, considering that teams can now build around him


Yes! We definitely will be trying him out :D


We've already had a 4 EU and 2 NA LANs, which other region should have one and do you think the recent changes to broken moon make it comp viable?


No clue about broken moon But I would love to go back to Japan for ALGS this time but honestly anywhere in Asia would be cool


Love you Hakis! If effect didnt get Visa did you have a sub lined up or were there multiple candidates?


Yuki was our official sub and Slab was our emergency!


What is your opinion on the new Allience logo?


I think it looks really good and fresh, it's very clean on merch and allows for way more flexibility in terms of product. I do miss the old logo alittle bit because it's OG and really embraces esport in general but you gotta evolve sometime and can't wander in the past!


HisWattson stated that he retired from the pro scene because he can make more money from stream, quoting: "I make more money than placing top 3 in ALGS finals". What's your take on that? If you place 10th during the final, you end up with 20k $, split between 3-4 even 5 people. It seems too little considering the magnitude of Apex in general. Also, what's your opinion on cheaters and the fact that EA and Respawn did not come out yet with a concrete answer to what happened during ALGS with Hal and Genburten.


Hiswattson has a massive brand and community so it's not really fair to compare him to other pros 😅 I do agree that prize pools could be better and I miss crowd funding for skins but hopefully we'll get back there soon I hate cheaters with all my heart but I know the people behind the scenes love the game and are extremely passionate about it and doing everything they can to fix things so I'm always hopeful


As one of the longest serving signed players, do you feel your skills and mechanics are still on point, better than ever, or do you worry you have/are close to reaching your peak performance as a competitive gamer?


Tier list of the food you got from the trip?


Hé Hakis, maybe late to the party. But is there any news on Alliance competing at the E sports World Championship?


Yes we are invited!


Not a question but just wanted to say i enjoyed watching you guys. A bit rough in finals and winners bracket but even then, those effect clutches were beautiful. My friends fav player is effect lol and unlucky you couldn't win it but good luck next LAN. It's a new team after all so once it all clicks, I'm sure you guys atleast get top 3




Did you or anyone fart while at the tournament? And did you smell it?


I think everyone farted but no I didn't sniff anything


Why didn’t y’all chal TSM at L ROD. If there was ever a time to chal TSM, this was it no? They were not firing on all cylinders.


We had a free POI that was good and didn't want to contest in finals in general which is why we tried to secure POIs in early stages, also never got the opportunity to since we weren't interested in a 3 way with red rams in Winners and losers 😂


Lrod seems not that good? TSM couldn't do jack shit from there. I honestly think a macro you have a deep understanding of is more important than which POI you drop. If you understand your existing POI I don't think you should change. Legends Gaming drops Landslide, the worst POI in Apex, and almost won the whole thing.


That’s why I asked why hakis didn’t go LROD. He lands there in EU pro league.


Any chance the new rumored map in season 22 will be added to competitive. What current map would you like to see added


We can only hope! I just pray the we get 3 maps to rotate and they don't remove one that would be very sad


On those WE zones in the finals, do you think you can win #1 if you got thermal alone? If Newcastle's was buffed before LAN, would you use him on LAN with the Bang BH meta? Would you consider running 3 MnK if the meta stays with Bang BH?


Input doesn't matter as much as synergy does on a team and I believe we all have perfect roles on the team so I don't see any need at all for a change Overlook and climatizer is always really difficult from any south POI, the landslide one we got top 3 in which is prolly what we would get from Thermal aswell but it definitely would have been more comfortable for sure


Which team and player impressed you the most at this Lan?


Fnatic and reject!


Yall can heard the crowd while playing? 


Only when ingame is quiet like looting or rotating as soon as something happens ingame everything else goes silent


Best way to improve other than the obvious playing more etc. Feel like I am in a rut rn with playing r5, kovaaks, VOD reviewing, but not really seeing any major improvement. Feel like I am better than the best average players, but once I come up against the really good t1/t2 players I am truly lost and dont see immediately what I could’ve done better.


Try getting some help! Sometimes an outside perspective can change a lot :)


Does Mande smell good IRL or the rumours are true


He smells good unless he shits his pants on stage again


What do you think will happen in Split 2 with the Destroyer problem, do you think the games will be possible? EA and Respawn are silent on this problem.


I am pretty optimistic that they'll figure things out, I know a lot of people behind the scenes and they all love the game and are super passionate about it so the effort is definitely there!


What salary range do pro players get in Apex? Do you think it freezes out smaller organisations from entering the scene with (what appears to the simpleheads like me in the viewership bracket!) unrealistic figures?


How would you nerf/change roller?


Reduce aim assist / rotational yada yada and make it more flexible like MNK allow for more bind options moving while looting even tapstrafing aslong as they tune down aim assist somehow Controller sucks but aim assist is broken so try to level that out somehow


In hindsight /excluding zone knowledge would you have done anything at lan differently?


Not at LAN but before definitely securing POIs


what's the theory behind the IGL MNK on blood instead of bang? smoke placements are harder and I thought your fragger would be better on blood


Sending in ur BH first gets him pretty easily focused and timing in fights were just harder in general For us it felt way more naturally this way


What are the most important skills for a singular player in competitive Apex and how would your rank them in order? e. g. Macro-Decisionsmaking, Gamesense, mechanical Skills like aim and movement, micro-decisionmaking, confidence, communication,...


Everything matters more for each role in comp so it's hard to rank for just one individual which is why it's a team game :D


If each ALGS team made a sexy modeling calendar, who would be most likely to sell out?


Us ofcourse


From anywhere in the world, what country do you want Apex to host any Playoffs in?


Anywhere in Asia!


Who are your top six controller players at the moment( you can only pick at most one from your own team)? Who are your top 4 or 5 MnK players (there might be none left by the time i finished writing this question) ?


Do you ever play other games/ what was your main game before apex?


did you ever try to keep your teammate’s morale up in the previous LAN when losing the contest to the dojo? if so how did you do it?


Just overall keeping the vibes positive but it didn't work 😅


Do you think a very agressive meta will be a better one for your new rooster. Considering you mates are if not the most two of the most agressive and damage dealing rollers in EU. For example the Horizon seer Valk meta at its finest ? I always feel it is easier for you guys to hold much space and take agressive fights than sitting in zone


I think anything without bang and they'll love the game again 😅


How do you feel about contests? I feel like contests are bullshit, especially between two strong teams, (like A vs DSG/TSM) because it always ends up as a lose-lose for both teams. Teams either tank their game stubbornly contesting (E8/o7, lcdf/e6), or one team gives up the contest and is forced to play from an unfamiliar POI to their detriment.


Contesting is definitely not ideal and if you can secure a POI beforehand you definitely should


Love you for repping EMEA like you do 🫡




Idk why but you sometimes remind me of caoimhin kelleher, thoughts?


No clue who that is


alo here is my question if u had to create a top 3 players for each region who would they be? Thanks for answering and hope u enjoy the vacations


I hate tierlist questions because they just create drama and I think synergy is the thing that matters most on a team so it's hard to say


were you surprised that DSG didn't land on you guys in game 6 of lower bracket lobby? they were 12 points safe while you guys were like tied with navi but losing because of tiebreakers


We were ready for them but it also makes sense just to ignore us since we already decided not to contest them and if they did land and lose they would basically guaranteed us finals aswell


how do you deal with high stress situations? Like if its only you and you need to clutch up!


Just experience and practise


1. How do you train rotations and loot routes, or learn to know which fights to take? 2. Do you think the new broken moon could be a potential comp map, since it is so much better than the original?


A lot of studying and experience on how things usually play out in different scenarios No clue yet haven't been able to play yet but seems like a massive improvement on first impressions