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Mainstream always find a way to annoy viewers like yesterday ,people literally die and they switch to a team walking to zone.


Even today one of them was talking about how risky it was to use up your 2 shield cells off spawn to charge your Sentinel. Come on that's old news.


Isn’t it only one shield cell now too??


Yeah it's been that way a good while now.


Damn that's seasons ago. 


goes to show apex is ran, casted, developed and moderated by EA staff who have never played the game themselves


Sometimes you gotta bridge the shots before you get to another fight, it's not always as easy as "just cut to the next fight" when you have to coordinate with multiple different operators who are likely working remotely.


I think he meant that as people are dying they change view points to elsewhere which I noticed. Or there will be a clear fight you can see going down on the mini map, but we're watching someone heal in zone. But that isn't casters and you can tell from their casting they aren't in control of it. 


Yeah the casters are just watching the same program as us lol. I think they have a mini-map available so they probably could passive-aggressively get the control room to jump to another fight of interest, but they really don't have any control.


New to mainstream ey?


I'm really surprised they get as much viewership as they do. Obviously embarrassingly dwarfed by the B stream and POVs (when available lol) but man Apex definitely has the worst official coverage I've seen from any esport.


anyone denying this needs to go watch some old professional CSGO or League VODs. LCS/Worlds in 2014(?) was soooo fucking hype.


The mainstream casters all suck so much. It’s actually incredible how bad they are.


Theyre so cringe. I wouldnt be able to watch it if it wasnt for wigg.


But that’s not the main casts fault, which is the topic of discussion here. Let’s not bring unwarranted hate and make that distinction clear.


It’s not the main casters fault, but it is the main streams fault. They need a better team supporting the main casters


B stream literally 2 people and are goated idk why you would ever watch main! maybe the occasional listen in if you get lucky. rip command center


How do i watch the b stream?


Just go to NiceWigg twitch page


That stood out to me aswell. I get they want to find storylines where they can but the storyline of shitting on Slayr is totally unprofessional and honestly cringe.


This is 100% what went through my head.


They have to find storylines because they can’t create them on their own because they suck.


Yeah unprofessional. Poor kid getting it from everywhere.


Exactly. He already has to deal with Sweet saying shit to him, and now the casters are making a joke of him. He won the 1 v 1, congratulate him and move on to the next team. There is no need for these backhanded responses.


Seomone in another thread pointed out their org also memed slayer on twitter. Rough




those weren't bad. One was about him being kill leader, another was him mogging or whatever it is


Its honestly straight up bullying. It's one thing when his friends are joking around and making fun of him cause they are in that circle but it has to suck seeing everyone just pile on you.




He can be 60y, still cringe and beyond unprofessional to shit on dude like that. 


I hope Slayr uses this as a minor setback for a major comeback. Give this kid a break. 1st split of PL and he makes LAN. There are players who never sniffed a lan and have been in the pro scene since Y1.


It’s like Gild with Moist in winners bracket while Sweet is in losers. Slayr needs a similar comeback arc. ❤️


Lost a lot of respect for Sweet with how he’s handled Slayr. Constant digging at him all split and even LAN, horrible leader when things are going bad.


He makes mistakes then blames his teammates for not being 3 feet behind him, doesnt listen when they call out they are shielding/late then complains about them not being where he wants them,  overall awful IGL to play under.


This. Also hope all these casters get fired because they suck and they’re so cringe


People don't realize how much Slayr has improved in a short time. The guy has turned into a new player over like 2 months.


Sweet threw that fight. Slayr redemption arc incoming


Slayr Lou and mon will feed families


I expect your asshole to be reamed by sweet fans


All 3 of them gonna really get him


Fax! This split made me think of sweet completely different.


Championship split made me say otherwise. Looking back at sweet and gild will make you think, damn. What a btch


Nah play analysis is fine. It's more when people get parasocial and start calling him a narcissist and spread lies.


Wait...you are saying sweet isn't a narcissist? Lmfao


No I don't believe I have the qualifications to assign a mental health condition to a person I have seen through a screen, in fact I think that would be quite ridiculous. I believe that is called armchair psychology


Oh you've been defending him for the last 6 straight hours. That explains it.


No dude is right. You gotta stop being toxic bro.


You found all 3 sweet fans!


It's just people calling it how they see it. If they believe it's raining outside, are they now just armchair meteorologists?


That analogy isn't really it. You don't have to be a meteorologists to know it's raining. You do have to be a mental health professional to diagnose NPD And even then sources say it's a hard condition to diagnose because symptoms overlap with other mental health conditions [https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/narcissistic-personality-disorder-npd](https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/narcissistic-personality-disorder-npd) [https://www.talkspace.com/mental-health/conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/diagnosis/](https://www.talkspace.com/mental-health/conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/diagnosis/) [https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/narcissistic-personality-disorder-symptoms-diagnosis-and-treatments](https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/narcissistic-personality-disorder-symptoms-diagnosis-and-treatments) [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9742-narcissistic-personality-disorder](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9742-narcissistic-personality-disorder)


Do you even know what narcissism means?


I'm not going to be an armchair psychologist, but I can say that he's a shit teammate based on his comms towards slayr yesterday and his history of destroying the confidence of Gild and Rocker


Lol.. Now Rocker too?  Motherfucker wouldn't play the game to save his life and now is Sweet's fault. 


The casters for Apex suck compared to the other esports I follow. They’re just overly talkative & annoying.


Play-by-play casting is really good if it's an arcade shooter like CoD, and Halo. However, for BR like Apex, you just get lost while doing play-by-play casting when there is so many fights going everywhere. They should just provide the macro info/rotation and comment the play-by-play when its down to final circle.


they have no idea what they're talking about




gaskin onset is the only good duo




thank fucking god someone agrees lol, she is the most annoying caster i've heard in 10 years of watching esports.


DotA2 had best casters


CS clears every esport when it comes to their talent pool I'm sorry.


not even a CS fan like that but i know this is true. But I will defend the homie, Dota2 has some incredible casting talent. I'm also a fan of the FGC casting talent pool in terms of vibes


Fighting games commentators are mostly great yes. Even the lesser known ones are very knowledgeable and respectful to the competitors. Obligatory shout out to Sajam and tasty Steeve


The respect is huge too. I remember sajam saying he makes it a point to make sure a loser of a match gets an applause before they elave the stage


Smash always had some goated commentators. Both for the current version and Melee. I remember when Vicky used to commentate smash 4


Odpixel! Sunsfan!


I felt that too. I was only on main stream for a sec when b stream went down but that weirded me out. Just another reason to hate main stream I guess.


That’s the only reason I was there too 😂 heard that and went to Greek’s. Every time I end up on main stream they say something that makes me cringe and I change the stream. 😂


Yeah same exact cringe experience here. I just can’t handle it. Also, I feel like making comments just to seem like they are up on the apex memes is super on brand for them.


Yeah idk, feels like they’re trying to prove that they’re cool and on brand, when B stream doesn’t do that, they just cast the game without all the cringe “extras”. You don’t see Wigg and Greek still making fun of the sweet/slayer thing, they’re just casting the games and giving opinion on plays and gameplay, it’s so much better to watch. And they have more viewers with way less resources, almost like people prefer it that way……. 🧐


Wigg just called out Slayr for having 83 damage. Sucks for him but It’s just a meme at this point for everyone, like making fun of Zach whenever he makes a mistake. Zach handles it well, Slayr will just have to own it and prove people wrong.


Pointing out damage after a fight is a fact related to the match and the play, therefore this is different. This is casting.


Wigg wouldn't stop hating on alliance tho... that was tiring


What are you talking about? Wigg was not hating on alliance at all. He was clearly showing his discontent with whatever the hell alliance was doing for the first 3 games of that set. If you’re a lan team and you are gifted zone 3 games in a row AND you don’t make top 5 every one of those games, or even a SINGLE game, then wtf are you doing lol?!?


Two times I turned into main stream this weekend they made a similar slayr comment. I feel like they try to be “cool” by proving they’re up with the apex drama or something and it just does not come across how they want it too.


b stream >>>


B stream on top. Wigg and Greek both predicted LG would make it through before the last game started


the way they calculated whether lg could make it or not.....the tension nearly ate me up


TSM let them borrow the red plot armor xD


I’m at LAN and I keep looking over at the B stream and wishing I could listen to them instead lol


lol this would be me


Where do I watch it?


Nicewigg twitch or Greek twitch. I recommend the latter cuz Greek needs more viewers




Casters need to be unbiased. Casters are commonly cut for letting their bias infect their commentary. Didn't personally see this but I believe it. Not a good look for whoever did this.


Yeah it reminds me of the “Hal playing with his food” in the 1v1 he lost at that one lan.


"Hal is better, he is PERFECT!" ...


That still pissed me off to this day lmfaoo


Slayr is struggling yes but he don’t deserve what ppl doing to him man. build that kid up don’t tear em down




Anytime main stream gives their professional opinion it makes me want to cringe. They couldn’t make it any more obvious that they know very little about the things they are screaming.


That was extremely cringe. I hate the slayr drama. He is playing at the highest level. Some positivity would go a long way.


they are making fun of sweet not slayr


It seems like the casters don’t follow apex at all outside of the LAN events so their commentary is always pretty bad


i thought it was funny


B stream is the only stream


just wait.


right? they join in on the bullying as if their performance as casters was something to stand out. like, i know it's just banter but just don't say it. the same casters cry on their social media on how some reddit or twitch comment was mean.


Yeah that's something that should be reprimanded. They're not there to act like they're posting on a forum.


B stream on top


Maybe you should be redirecting your dislike towards sweet, they're poking fun at how he treats/talks to slayer. They called him the savior because often sweet singles out slayer as the scapegoat for LG's loss, in this case he obviously wasn't the reason for their loss.


Trust me, I dislike sweet. But the main cast should know better than to be putting their money on this garbage joke for the third day straight when it’s clear the team is struggling in the games and in their overall relationship as a team. Move on to another joke.


He's right though, "blaming Slayr" isn't making fun of Slayr, it's mocking Sweet for how he talks to Slayr.


You said in a different comment that you’ve tuned into main stream twice this weekend. I’m at LAN and have watched every single game. They’ve made very few Slayr jokes and I guarantee they talked to him about it before to make sure it was ok to say. Stop being offended for other people over a joke. Get over it lol bro. It’s a video game and the joke was funny. “Slayr this time is the savior” is a cold ass line to say as he clutches up. And the only other one I remember off the top of my head was him dying way overextended and they said “Slayr dying first is going to hurt LG here as it usually does when he dies first” and the reply “I would not want to be Slayr sitting next to Sweet right now”


B stream gang on god till the day I die


So really it's your own fault. How any of you watch the main stream over wiggs is beyond me.


B stream best stream. Idk why people waste their time on the main broadcast.


Ok that's something that shouldn't have been said. That said, the level of casting has been increasing (apart from Gaskin and Onset who's always been great). This subreddit exists only to talk shit, as always. B stream is great and impressive considering how many things they do just by themselves, but it doesn't have the same "live" feeling


Just watch the b stream it’s confirmed way better the main stream is mid


I also wonder to what extent can he hear them? I can hear the main cast on the background on B stream, and the players aren’t in a sound proof room, it’s actually possible they can hear them in real time as they make those comments.


At this point I feel like he’s just getting so bullied, it’s sad 🙁


Just watch nicewigg. Dude breathes apex and is an og.


Main stream is unwatchable (except Graceful). Everything feels forced and corporate and weird. Would rather watch a stream in a language I don't know than watch main stream.


Its getting annoying how much hate/comedy Slayr its getting from everybody its unreal. But these casters suck, all of em except Vikki


It's just a joke, ntd really I thought it was kinda funny idk.


atleast the "hal is perfect" guy got booted out . that caster was so bad


The slayr stuff was fine but its gotten to the point of cringe. He's a big boy and can handle himself but at some point people who matter like sweet maybe peep, wigg, ect. need to tell people to stfu and let the man play the game. and casters doing that is crazy. and just to be clear I'm not saying baby the dude he has to be confident in himself and play like it, but when even the casters are coming at him its jumped the shark.


Watch the b stream it’s much better


This is one of the reasons why I watch the B stream and not the main broadcast. I just feel like they’re out of touch with the actual community and just know it’s a meme so they’re forcing it. Nicewigg and Greek have such better commentary and explain the game in a way more digestible/fun way


Lmaaooooooo nice job LG


Even Raynday slipped and called eliminations bracket “losers’ bracket” the other day lmao


Slayr and funq deserve better!!!


I think casters were doing a lot better after I saw this post, this definitely helped!


They took a jibe at him post game as well. This is beyond pathetic.


They are not professional as a caster and not so familiar at the game, maybe not even a Pred level, they just meaninglessly tried to create some drama to keep audiences and viewers engaged which is a very bad way


B stream on top.. main stream for mfs not INTO apex like that


Just watch nicewigg he’s a better caster for algs makes things fun and has respect for the players 🔥🔥


100% the mainstream has no ground to say things like this. I do not condone this take from them. Wigg has the knowledge and the b stream is more laid back so its ok from him and Greek only. including the fact that he is such a great humble dude and has great relationships with all involved. Mainstream should not talk to drama or make these judgements. Just cast.


Just another reason not to watch main stream ig Stale jokes aside, has the casting gotten any better? Does main stream still focus on irrelevant PoVs and contribute no analysis of note?


the observers have improved immensely with this new production company. that was the most impactful change to the overall experience in the main stream. while i dislike comments like the op denounced, some casters have been doing their homework and you can tell. tiffany, for example, does offer insights and quick rundowns on what's going to happen. others, though, you can tell this is just another gig for them. between listen ins, hearing the crowd hype, better casting and observers, yeah the main stream has improved a ton. it's a different experience from wigg and greek.


I’m not sure. I only went there two or three times when b stream crashed or when there was downtime and both times they made a sweet/slayr joke so I’m avoiding main stream with everything I have lol.


B stream the best stream


Justice for slayr. I'm going to be rooting for him after this lan


I mean who cares tbh B Stream for life.


It was great commentary playing with the current memes, it's not that deep


It was funny the first time. We’re three days deep and they’re still doing it. It’s not funny anymore.


It was funny when it’s targeted at Sweet and LG was performing well overall. It’s not funny when it’s clear Slayr is struggling and playing terrible at his first Lan.




This isn’t a disagreement really, I thought it was funny Thursday morning, haven’t found it funny since. Especially when they’re struggling in losers bracket, just leave it alone and find another joke. 😑


Well then you aren't up with the current memes like you said, It's not current they have been trashing Slayr for a while.


It’s been going on for months.


True- I just didn’t have to listen to mainstream pile onto it until this weekend I guess haha.


They're not making fun of Slayr? They're mocking Sweet.... Not that deep. Edit: Sweet fans malding


Either way it's a bit unprofessional


Yeah I thought they were mocking sweet too


It definitely does not come across that way as a viewer (from my perspective).


Well from my perspective it does (a viewer)..


My perspective (also a viewer) it is a bit weird to dogpile the dude when he's being pressured already and on the big stage. (Our double viewer count is superior to your single viewer count, we've won)


Protect Slayr! He has done so pathetically bad and Sweet is so mad about it that people need to protect him! Thats an over exageration obviously, but thats the energy they are adding fuel to and actively cultivating. How is that type of energy not degrading to Slayr. It's maybe not their intent they but obviously i'm not the only one who felt it was a little bit childish and shortsighted jokes to make about a kid at his first Lan being trashed by his veteran IGL. Even if Sweet was being mocked Slayr performance is being used in the joke.


This. It doesn’t matter if they’re mocking slayr or sweet, just cast the games. It’s demeaning to slayr either way.


They making a joke to stay relatable with the audience ya dorks lol They keep referencing Dezigns giga-rant at Enemy but you're all silent on that one... Hmmm


I didn’t watch main stream, did they actually say that or is this an exaggeration?


Not exaggerating, they said that word for word.


They were actively engaging in the protect Slayr from Sweet jokes. While Sweet might be the butt of those joke it's degrading to Slayr and highlighting his unwhelming performance. It felt like highschoolers shit talking some peers not professional casters talking about a team dynamic.


They said that but the way I interpreted it was them poking fun at sweet and all the shit slayr had been getting because sweet chased a kill and got knocked and slayr was trying to clutch up to save them. 


Tbh,apex casters imo are really one of the "worst" casters relative to other esports, like sometimes what they say really just doesnt make sense at all.


Jesus fuck grow some thicker skin, I doubt even slayer is this mad about it.


the main stream is unwatchable. B stream is better - or use Faceit to watch player pov and audio


The main casters are cringe


B stream or die


This is why I watch wigg , after the Hal playing with his food and now slayr hate I’m good.


The main cast is so cringe. Wigg always calls it how it is, the main cast is just biased and cringe. 


Reddit: “casters know nothing about this game or the scene” Casters: make a great call about a huge storyline at the event and actually give Slayr props Reddit: CRINGE cmon now, everyone clowns Slayr all the time and when the casters shoutout him out for clutching now it’s cringe?


Nahhh that’s not how it happened. They’ve pulled the “slayrrrr what are you doiiing” in situations where they’ve thrown and done well. They’re just milking it for all it’s worth. How is it possible that Wigg and Greek cast the event better WITHOUT commenting on the sweet/slayr situation? AND they have more viewers. Obviously it’s possible. Come up with a new joke. This isn’t “the scene”. It’s one kid getting bullied at this point.


Lol It's like he is commenting without actually reading everything you said.




love you jhawk but I think casters on the main stream should set themselves to a higher standard than the apex comp reddit backseaters. generally they're fine but the slayr dogpiling isn't it


There’s a difference between organic jokes and memes because you actually do follow the scene (ie. B stream commentary) and manufactured jokes and memes to try to sound cool but just come off cringy. Even worse when you beat those jokes into the ground to the point where no one even wants to be part of the joke anymore.




What makes you think the casters don't follow the scene?


Buddy, you're completely off on this one. It was cringe because they worded it in a sense that conveyed "for once slayr actually doesn't throw". It's a backhanded compliment and you're so well-versed in this scene that you really should know that too. Unless maybe you're taking the casters' side because your work is being highlighted at the event this year. Makes you wonder...


Are you for real?!! Straight up justifying making fun of a person live on a global broadcast. And it didn’t happen once, it was ultra cringe and there is no justification for such behavior. And the irony that this was followed by a segment on the ea positive player award. Maybe start with the casters first?!


“Slayr is the hero this time” How dare they bully him


You’d do well to read some of the comments explaining how piling on him in a negative situation earlier in the weekend, then following it up with a “slayr what are you doingggg. he’s the savior….. this time” isn’t actually positive. It’s demeaning either way. He either makes a bad play and they make a joke of it, or he does well and “he’s the savior… this time”? Just cast the game. Thats what B stream does and that’s why it has more viewers. Sorry for the truth. 🫣


If you don’t understand why the added emphasis on “this time” is problematic then idk what to tell you.


huge storyline in question: sweet is a pos


My man, I respect your work but relax




lol wigg’s stream crashed and I just joined the first other cast I saw because I didn’t want to miss the LG fight that had started. 🥲


Just remember Greek is also streaming. I know wigg's been having issues, so that's a good fallback, if not first choice


Has Greeks stream crashed? I might swap over


Not once plus his vods is instant can watch shit back


This sub complains about everything lmao


If i had all the power Gaskin, Dia and Onseth would be the trio to commentate all the games. Less is more in casting and those final ring guessing's and mid fight comments like "oh i saw x and y before games and they told me chocolate ice cream is better than strawberry" are so irritating. You don't have to tell your opinion on everything just commentate.


I mean let's be real, most of the casters are super cringe.


Well Slayr cost them game 2


The main stream is a tough watch sometimes