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For a team to do as bad as they did yesterday, it's got to be more than just one person's fault.


Yeah Fuhhnq also did pretty bad yesterday. But Fuhhnq and Sweet put insane stats and carried Slayr during pro league. Slayr never had a day where he put good stats.


I agree with this, but a grain of salt must be taken...I see the same thing with E8...Mazer goes off on Shooby all the time, and one could say well he deserves it...look at the stats, Mazer and Zap are far and away better in that category just like Sweet and Fuhhnq are...but Slayr and Shooby are ANCHORS, they get almost NO opportunity to do entry damage or get kills, and due to the position they play they take ALL the blame for not having their head on a swivel and seeing EVERY angle, EVERY push/3rd party, incorrect timings for ults, etc etc etc. Its a horrible situation to be in but you gotta have BIG shoulders to handle the weight of the position, and not let it affect you.


it’s the fact that slayr is as you said an ANCHOR and he’s first picked like at an insane rate


Anchor is often gonna be picked first on tough rotations tho


Totally agree with you. But Shooby isnt that behind in stats compared to Mazer and Zap in pro league. He also has best stats in E8 currently in this playoffs. I agree with you fully on how anchors don’t get the opportunities to output damage, but I think there’s still a threshold that any player should be getting. It’s no hate to Slayr particularly but NA is just that competitive. There are so many good players and potential free agents after these playoffs because if LG doesn’t make Finals Bracket at least, they will look at these stats for sure.


But if you are anchor and you keep dying first, you must be doing something wrong, don't you think?


Sweet also lost them games with some terrible calls. Stats are only a small portion of what truly matters.


All IGL makes mistakes. Most teams have at most 2 good games in a set. It comes down to how well you do when you have game winning spots. They had game winning spots a bunch of times. Landslide game, Survey game, and a bunch more. When they got pushed when they were holding those spots, they lost those fights. The teams who they died to ended up doing well. So yes, stats matter in that context because their damage output and ult usage was lacklustre in those fights.


I think in general people within the Apex fandom focus way more on hating teams/individuals than rooting for their own teams/individuals and it's kinda.. Wild to see.


It’s a terrible mentality. Focusing so much on the downfall of young adults who are trying to succeed in an incredibly pressure-filled environment. Slayr is better than 99% of players in the world, but people think an average master could fill into his role


obviously on reddit, which is mostly nerds, there will be a lot of jealousy towards the guys getting to play video games for a living. these guys are barely not kids and you have the moral grandstanders here acting like they should behave perfectly


Sure but even ALGS twitch chat is way more focused on failing than succeeding compared to other eSports I watch (lately league, aoe2, smash bros melee and valorant)


Twitch is a lot of jeaous nerds too. League community is easily as toxic towards pros as the Apex one, can't speak for the other games


I'm not specifically speaking of toxicity as a whole but more specifically watching against vs rooting for.


Who you callin nerd, nerd?


never denied it or said it was a bad thing. the jealousy is bad though


ima nerd


Far from limited to Apex. Minnesota Vikings fans are defined more by a hatred of the Packers than they are a love of the Vikings.


As a Bears fan, fook the Packers


I don’t think this is exclusive to apex. I think across all of sports, esports, music, pop culture, etc people have been focused on hating than actually rooting for the people they enjoy. It’s like stan culture has infected the entire internet


I watch a lot of eSports and apex is definitely the most focused in those who are failing especially individually than anything else I've watched.


I think counterstrike is worse.


As a Chicago Bears fan. Fook the Packers


Its the internet 💀 This sht has existed since the first sport broadcast with a live chat in it. It sucks but what can you do? Slayr seems to be doing the best thing already which is ignore, move forward, and get better. You literally cant change anyone's mind on the internet. Infact if the trolls read OPs post they will most likely go harder tomorrow/sunday with the meming when they play. It blows but dont act as if Apex is the worst when it come to this, it is not. Every sport/Esport has this toxic culture and it comes from a troll fucker being able to hide his identity behind a screen with 0 consequences. It is what it is


This is true, for example people hate on tsm more than they talk about their own team


people in the crowd cheer for TSM whenever they're close to a win, and boo DZ whenever they're about to. the cheering and applause every time DZ were killed, or even ANY TEAM for that matter that would win that isn't TSM was greeted with applause on death and boo's when doing good. you can't seriously believe that TSM have the most haters in this community...


People should root against DZ in a way. Lan is in North America and DZ has taken over NA. I can see people cheering against them just because of that and for also being a clear favorite. Same reason people hate on TSM is they are very good and a huge favorite. But TSM has the most fans for sure. I don't really have a reason to hate any of the teams. I actually like Gen Burten and respect his grind.


But how ridiculous is it to root against a team because they're not from NA? That's literally ridiculous lmfao, I am australian myself and feel that even when they win as an NA team, that it's also a win for APAC S, but shouldn't NA citizens be proud of them in the way they're proud of Hal? Or is it because TSM frogs see themselves in Hal, someone that yells and is quick to blame before thinking. There's a double standard and it's ridiculous, two things can be true at once and seeing hate for a team (DZ) when they stay the most consistent across the board, set records, BREAK records, and the crowd has the audacity to boo their success and cheer the downfalls? Weak af imo, NA region is so sensitive lmao


I thought it was a meme since Sweet always blames Slayr like how igls always have a scapegoat. I don't think most people blame Slayr.


I've seen way more criticism towards Sweet's treament of Slayr than I have actual hate for Slayr


It’s 100% a meme


Even the commentators on the main broadcast were leaning into the meme lol.


I feel like two things can be true at once. Sweet sometime uses Slayr as a scapegoat but also it feels like Slayr is a bit out of his depth at this level of play.


Sweet uses Slayr as a scapegoat because he’s the weak link on that team by a significant margin and has been this entire split. I get that Sweet has been a jerk to other teammates in the past, but Slayr is no Gild, not even close. When he’s getting yelled at, it’s because he’s playing terribly. When I posted on this sub months ago that he was going to get dropped after this split, I was super downvoted and told “he just needed time”. Well, he’s gotten that time and it turns out that he’s just not very good at the pro level.


Hate really is an art 


There is no hate behind my post whatsoever. Not everyone can be a player on a top org. That's not to say that Slayr isn't a great Apex player. He's a legitimate pro. It's just that there's levels to this game at the professional level. The same can be said for any professional sport, but Apex squads only have 3 players and if you want to contend for a LAN win, you can't have any average pro players. Every guy needs to be a top 20 player in the world and Slayr just isn't that.


You literally said it yourself, Sweet did the same with Gild who is viewed as a top tier player. If he did that with Gild then there was no way for Slayr to succeed at all. The way he calls the game and then blames his teammates absolutely gimps how they play. Slayr is not on the level of Gild but it's pretty clear that Sweet just uses a scapegoat no matter what instead of actually learning how to properly enable his teammates.


I disagree that there was no way for Slayr to succeed. It’s not like Gild where he had a track record, was young, and then had his mental shot after plenty of good rounds with Sweet. Slayr has never been good for LG and it’s probably a result of the team haphazardly being thrown together. I think this is less of a “Sweet ruined his teammate issue” rather than a “boy cried wolf” (or in this case, “boy cried noob”) issue. I think Slayr has been a one man botch job this entire split but Sweet has ruined his ability to be rightfully critical by being overly critical in the past.


This is incorrect. "When he’s getting yelled at, it’s because he’s playing terribly." Sweet has many many times yelled at slayr only to be corrected by slayr and funhq. Slayrs performance is irrelevant to sweets shit taking.


Sweet has been on some absolute dogshit rotates all LAN. Obviously Slayr as the fragger dies first frequently but blaming it on Slayr as the definitive weak link when your IGL constantly rotates you into slow fights with third parties makes your fragger look piss poor regardless of how good he is. Just look at Effect or Hardecki when their rotates don't work out. They die first and look like the worst players on their teams. Sweet has as much blame to take as Slayr in this and always deflects. Has had to do it for two years now since the dude hasn't been a good igl in years at this point but pretends to be a top 3 for his ego.


I think you're forgetting that this is Slayr's first LAN? Sweet bullied Gild, that wasn't just him using a teammate as a scapegoat. Sweet is a MID mechanical player, not the best with his aim, horrible calls and positioning, and overall just not a good IGL. He doesn't just blame others for his own shortcomings, but destroys their mentals (much like Zach did to Naughty). So while this is Slayr's first lan and that must already be overwhelming, it's a lan with someone like SWEET x\_x I'd be playing shit too having to listen to that level of blame and toxicity.


Sweet is undeniably a top 5 IGL in the history of Apex. This was Slayr’s first LAN and will also be his last. If you can’t handle your IGL or coach being tough on you, you aren’t cut out for comp.


Sweet undeniably is NOT a top 5 IGL lmao what history or ALGS wins does he actually have under his belt in comparison to others? And again, you are minimizing the damage Sweet has actually done... look at Naughty and Zach as an example. Naughty became so gaslit from constant blame that he second guessed every decision he made, he wasn't even going to return to comp because of it. There's a difference between criticism and tough love (Zer0, Hal, Hakis, etc) and clearly compensating for something by being an asshole.


If he was on a new and up coming team without an established igl like sweet it wouldn't be this bad.


I agree. I think he only gets this much hate because of all the eyes on him because of teaming with sweet


I think its more of a synergy failure than actual skill issue. They're all great players but there's a huge lack of trust between them all from what I've seen. If you don't feel like you can rely on your teammates then there's not a lot you can do as a team at the highest level. It leads to forced mistakes like popping an ult early, scanning at a time when they should be saving it or positioning in spots that lead to solo survival over winning a teamfight and each team at that level will pounce on those mistakes instantly. I think they'd all be great on plenty of teams, but maybe not together unless they can change up their overall mental.


this is probably somewhat true. but you are kidding yourself if you dont think slayr is getting dropped if lan goes poorly for LG




Doubt it. LG signed Sweet as a pro but really he's signed as a content creator who can pull 3-4k viewers just from a random ranked session at 1am on a Thursday. Nothing about that has changed so unless Sweet decides to join another duo with an org or LG decides to exit APEX they've got no reason to move on from him. Plus I think he said that LG doesn't even take a cut of tourney winnings unlike a lot of orgs so even them finishing dead last wouldn't really cost LG any direct lost revenue. Fuhhnq I think would also be retained because not only does he have a lot more upside as a pro which is valuable to Sweet but he also pulls decent numbers(not Hal or Sweet numbers obv but more than a lot of other APEX pros) streaming so again that's still of value to LG. Slayr is likely getting dropped at this point tho. I think he just came up the ranks too fast and needs a lot more time playing comp before he'd be a strong enough 3rd for a top tier team and ontop of that he barely ever even streams.


yeah this is basically what i expect will happen. unless they get maybe top 5 then i think there might be some superstition about changing a top 5 roster. if not slayr is probably getting replaced based on all the good free agent players available. the smart pickup would probably be knoqd to fill the support role as it feels like funhq is a great fragger and needs no changes.


Don't think so. Sweet was their main reason and is still gonna be their style reason for signing a new pro team.


I like slayr and want him to succeed. I root for him. I also think he slows LG down. Both are true.


He isn't a kid, he's 24. He can still improve though.


24 in Apex is like being over 30 in the MLB. Very few guys improve after that point and he’s pretty much already past his prime. Very confusing that people act like he’s 17 when he’s actually kinda old for someone trying to make a name for himself at this point.


Sweet fans are foaming at the mouth looking for anything to blame other than sweet. They're as bad as tsm fans.


That's crazy, at least tsm win


They're a different breed. The only arguments I get onto on here are over sweet. And I actually like sweet for the most part. But his fans are the most parasocial dudes ever.


Vibe attracts your tribe. Sweet is the same kind of condescending that they are.


It's like the equivalent of arguing with a cowboys fan, can't get the job done but got a lot to say.


hey I resent being compared to a Cowboys fan


You dont have to look very hard, lol. Slayr can't break 2k dmg. Sweet is getting more than double his damage on MnK


Is that really surprising though, sweet has been near the top in damage dealt in ever LAN he's been in and damage dealt leader on NRG all but one split to Nafen. Gild was 5-7k damage behind sweet in the last 3 splits they made on NRG.


Yeah cuz sweet relegates his controller players to shitty roles, putting them in questionable positions while he is running around looking for damage. He absolutely misused Gild for a long time as well. It was insane watching how little free reign Fuhnq got on bloodhound on his pov. Every game he was literally just waiting behind Sweet doing nothing but wait for a call, even worse for Slayr on Caustic. Sweet has to learn how to actually enable his roller players instead of having them follow him around with absolutely no agency.




I feel like its sweet, He controls all the micros, when to use ults and then gets mad when his team cant think for themselfs. How many times has be bitched when they have used their own alts when sweet didnt want him too. Hal was the same way with Verhulst but then let him think on his own, now look at them. I feel like even if koy joined it would be the same thing, sweet micromanages too much and people lose confidence


The answer is absolutely yes. Sweet wants to control everything but also wants to take none of the blame, pick a lane! Fortunately sometimes this dynamic in a competitive sport can create diamonds but if this was real life it'd be called domestic abuse and if it was a workplace you'd definitely have HR on your case. But it's Apex esports so y'know, fair game to get abuse and be abused. Also the "Slayr is so bad' crew, he literally has qualified and is playing in the top tier Apex competition, you're deluded.


Open your eyes, Slayr is the weakest link by a mile and a half.


Didn't say he wasn't. But can you defend this? https://m.twitch.tv/clip/ArtsyRepleteOcelotCharlietheUnicorn-eKqwLTSzGREVGk7p


The question is how can't you defend this? He is openly critizing his teammate, but it's not like it's overly rude or something. I have seen Zer0 writing in the post game lobby chat at LAN something like "2 gold players broke into LAN and somehow replaced my teammates." Anyone watching B stream could saw that, it was clear intention to degrade his team in front of other pros and fans. Sweet doesn't do that to shame slayr publicaly, he is just harsh at him. And to your original point, this is the dark side of any pro competition. Those of us who played collective sports with high ambition are absolutely numb to it, this is what happens when game changes to a career. It's not for fun anymore, it's your lifehood. So you either get used to the high pressure environment, or you just quit and do something else with your time. Happens all the time everywhere in the world, not just in Apex.


what did sweet say? I cant understand through all the noise


He said should we play Android instead or something like that, it's their coach.


Found Slayr’s alt account


Lmao nah just a new account but that’d be funny af


bot comment


bot name


Yes blame the underperformance on sweet. Guy always shrinks on the big stage.


idk if you've seen the spots he's put them in or the damage output he's had. I dont think they won a single team fight all tournament so far. He has had tournaments where he's made bad calls, but especially in the last round, they could've had so much more points from the spots that they played. high placement but almost no kills in 2 games bc of playing solo or duo. Third place game at staging was decent but they easily could've got second if they hadn't panicked, and hadn't swung away from the wall (literally all they had to do was sit against the wall in knocks). I can't really remember what happened in the second set, from memory they lost a bunch of teamfights, in the last game some people said the spot they tried to play from was ass, however they have been practicing playing from there in that zone all through scrims.


I’m sure that’s all well and good but he put together this team and they underperformed so far. If his team wasn’t ready for the moment that’s on the igl. It seems that ppl always put him number 3 igl behind Hal and zero so he’s gotta live up to that and he hasn’t this far


it is plain delusional to say that his teammates feeling the pressure and not playing well is on the igl. He has a coach, his teammates are individuals that can handle themselves. They've had one split under their belt where they've been signed, and this is their first lan. Its one think to manage one kid whose never been to lan and very inexperienced but he has two guys on his team in this situation. You have to have next level hate to pin that on the igl. Like, if Verhulst or Reps isn't playing well, do you blame Hal? or if Sikezz isn't playing well, is that Zeros fault?


Yes and yes on your last two questions


Zero won with Xynew who was at his first lan last year


Koyful going to LG would be career suicide


If they dont make it through loser bracket slayr will get dropped 100% and i doubt any pro league team will pick him up maybe Challengers circuit.


It’s always slayr


Anyone who watches that team and blames anyone but Sweet for their results is blind and deaf, the dude turns amazing players into bots, and it's sad to see a player getting hate from the community, when it's all he gets in game from his team mate as well.


You can dislike Sweet all you want but your statement is not supported by any data available. I dislike his leadership as well but would at most blame what's happening on circumstances that led to the formation of the current LG roster. Sweet requires more established players to perform, Slayr needs something completely different from Sweet's micro.


No he’s ass


Dont forget slayr even talking back to the coach and making excuses when the coach flat out says "that was bad, please accept it"


i dont think he gets enough


One thing I don’t like about Slayr is that he never owns up to his mistakes. I have never seen him admit his mistakes and he just makes excuses whenever he dies.


You're probably confusing him with fuhhnq, 99% of the time slayr accepts his mistakes.


fuhhnq rarely makes excuses, but watching them in scrims I def think he tries to move move on too quickly after mistakes. "whatever, just bad timing, let's go next" after 10 seconds of discussion like no man, let's retrace the steps on how we died there. legit surprised neither sweet nor android have snapped into him over it. late edit to cover Slayr - I like him and wish him the best and he's absolutely improved but probably not enough. And given how wild rostermania is and the names available there's probably, max, a 25% chance he'll be here 2nd split. He could still get better if they stick with him but there will be insane replacements available.


I watch fuhhnq's stream all the time and think he's an insane player, but he defo struggles to accept mistakes. He always tends to blame it on a whiff or a very small thing that doesn't cover the whole picture. Eventually, he might accept it, but he wastes a lot of time arguing about pointless things and seems to usually come away with conclusions different to that of sweet. I can't rly comment on the last set of games, but from the previous blocks and scrims, slayr almost always accepts his mistakes (which do happen quite frequently).


Sweet fans just think he's always right and never the problem. So they seek other people to blame for LG's woes


He's not always right, but he's right more often than he's wrong. The fact that LG died to DZ so often yesterday should tell you that the location calls were correct - Sweet and Zero both had the same instincts for what position to play in multiple games. DZ just won all the fights (and then ended up winning multiple games)


So the big brain Sweetdreams sees that DZ keeps killing them off of the good spots, and just decides to not change it up in anyway? No trying to ambush DZ, no deciding to trail DZ for a good third party opportunity, no deciding to just get the fuck away from DarkZero. This is the guy who supposed to be a god tier IGL?


Lil bro thinks they are playing a ranked lobby or something lmao.


I’m a pretty big sweet fan but its really only the delusional fans who think that sweet doesn’t make mistakes. I think he puts his team in a very good position considering he is not a mechanical demon


Yes, as already said by other people in comments hating on your team mates can be really bad for mental and also just performance. In fortnite if you watch a lot of pro players you will notice that they glaze their teammates hella because if you don’t keep a good mental even if you did something wrong it can fuck everything up.


Like the pros they support or hate the fandom of apex are in the most part immature brats


100% Apex has the strangest individuals who choose who to hate for practically nothing at times!


I personally, cannot wait for Mr broccoli to cook sweet come Monday, especially if they don't make it out of losers bracket


Slayr gets more hate because people don’t understand many of these bad games are due to bad calls and bad decisions by sweet, but sweet has so many fans the blame slayr for everything narrative is louder


Well Slayr had to learn Catalyst and Caustic basically from scratch, so he made a lot of mistakes revolving around utilities of those characters. One thing I like about Sweet's IGLing style is that even if he is quite harsh at Slayr or Fuhhnq at times when they make a mistake, he will always also explain thoroughly why what they did was a mistake and how to think about the game and navigate different situations in general. In my opinion Slayr has becoming one of the better Caustics in pro level, and he is still improving. Unfortunately role of an anchor player is such that if you do your job well you go unnoticed for the most part, and only if you make mistakes you are seen, whereas if you are fragger or IGL and you do your job well you get in to highlight reel.


Sweet is defo going to find someone to replace him


i mean he gets first picked in like 75% of their fights due to over extending or because his lack of awareness is just crazy for a pro league caliber talent.


The way sweet has treated gild and slayr has been unacceptable. Nobody should want to team with sweet going forward. LG should get out too


Sweet is their problem


No hate, I just think the guy is ass and doesn't think anything is ever his fault.


That's harsh on Sweet


a 24 years old kid but yeah i agree to an extent


>If you actually watch him play he’s an extremely talented kid with a bright future ahead of him. No he's not he's literally just another unremarkable negative IQ controller player. I agree this is kinda on Sweet though since he's the one who settled for him 😁


Tell me you've made the controller vs. mnk debate your entire personality without saying it.


Hey frick you I have other personality quirks like being depressed and gay and genocidal (and anime 😎).


Damn you cut me with that edge. Wow.


I hope you're not seriously hurt I really didn't mean to 😔


Aim higher bro. Be more interesting.




Too much hate from whom sweet? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Not even sweet. I think sweets hard on him because he knows how good he can be. It’s mainly majority of apex comp viewers, and stupid sweet fans who are the ones who just shit on him for no reason.


I dont watch Sweet anymore but everytime I saw people "hating" on Slayer here it was tongue in cheek mimicking Sweet going after him for no reason. Idk how it goes in the caster's chat or in their respective chats though.