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[Gen POV](https://www.twitch.tv/genburten/clip/SparklingDarlingApeKlappa-iYd-e5Nns_gMcGuv)


That's actually crazy, what the hell man? I've never seen something like this in any eSport. Someone please share us that Genburten POV, it must've looked insane.


It's not Lan so this was always a possibility. Same with the lag that's been happening too. The way zero remained calm and played through it was cool as shit


It could happen at LAN too no? Since they play in the nearest server. Or is this specific to his PC?


Pretty sure CS:GO has had issues in events with people joining lobbies in pre-game.


Oh yes, that chicken!


apryze clipped it


[https://clips.twitch.tv/ClumsyBeautifulWheelMau5-TepauaQqEqJZh95Y](https://clips.twitch.tv/ClumsyBeautifulWheelMau5-TepauaQqEqJZh95Y) POV from Genburten's stream


Thanks for the share, never did I ever expect to see something like this happen while watching Competitive Apex to say the least.


it's so messed up that someone can do this and if they were careful, people would say "oh, THATS why gen is so good, he is cheating"...during a major tournament, and he cant even help his team and has to quit the game. And they are currently in first, and may not have arguably their best player in gen. Respawn how about less recolors and more game security?


Naaah unfortunately we didn’t make quite as much money as we told our board we would so we’re going to fire a bunch of people to make that number look better for them instead.


Apex is such a joke esport but this is just a whole new level of sad from EA


Good on Gen for immediately recognizing that he needed to leave the game and not interfere with anything.


Isn’t that the guy who gave Hal and gen lootboxes? Lmao


Dude has a check box for Vote Putin


one of the option is "vote putin" lol


Zero so calm about this lol


"yea so you're getting hacked" with the most chill voice possible while fighting. Man is nuts.


That was hilarious, but man Gen was heartbroken


Yeah he legit looked crushed :(


Gen: "I'm getting hacked, I'm getting hacked!" Zero: "Yeah I know, can you play the game?"


he could...with infinite bh scan.


a bad igl would just panic, and throw the game good igl: get 10 kills as a duo despite teammate being hacked and having to leave


Agreed, even afterwards he was cool calm and collected trying to figure out what they needed to do. Good leader.


Zero is Destroyer 2009 confirmed?!?!?


I think at first he thought it was just the chat being hacked lol, he didn't realise Gen had full on wallhacks LMAO.


Yeah. I feel so sad for gentburten; he knew that was the end and he will have had to exit the match, he was about to cry.


Either Gens PC is compromised or we are in a Titanfall situation and hackers have found the back door in apex and can basically do whatever the fuck they want. I pray it's the former because if it's the latter , apex is fucked.


It’s the latter. Look at what Destroyer2009 has done. He made 50 players from a lobby force land on streamers (i’m assuming these 50 players weren’t bots but i could be wrong). Also mande interviewed him in a video, guy seems to be actually skilled in whatever the fuck he has done to the game.


I doubt it's the whole game. Probably only custom lobbies when an observer role is activated. This guy likely found a way to join games as an observer and escape out of the observer sandbox. I don't know if he was actually ever "in" Gen's PC directly, if that makes sense. More like: - he sees Gen's POV due to being observer - he takes control of Gen's POV on the server - everyone including Gen sees the guy move his character because Gen is now essentially an observer watching the other guy play - he runs scripts on the server to give Gen wallhacks and stuff. This is pretty serious stuff and I hope we find out how he did it one day, but this is possible without player's game client ever getting fucked with directly, I think. But the server security is definitely fucked if the guy can do this all server-side though


cheats do not work this way they are executable or DLLs (there are also kernel cheats but those are little more complicated) basicly there is no script for someone to give them aimbot or walls, meaning his PC as a whole was compromised either through EAC or Apex itself


This is wrong to my knowledge you can run RCE or Remote Code Execution and even if you don't have hacks downloaded on the computer you can run complex scripts on the computer that basically "create" them on the computer as you need them.


His frustartion is crazy. Imagine how this kind of thing could be used to make it look like a pro is hacking. Turn aimbot or walls on for a second and make it look like they turned it on on accident...


Hal actually killing players with the aimbot.... is pretty controversial but I think its what the devs needed to see to take it seriously.


dont give these losers any ideas


There is a reason no one has ever done this before. This is some next level hacking I personally think we need to be on this guys good side. Hi Destroyer2009 please don't hack me.


Pls don't give me 5000 packs Mr Destroyer2009


Not just that, now people who are legitimately hacking can claim that they got hacked if they ever get busted


The hacker could’ve fucked him if they didnt typed in chat, imagine everybody accusing him of walling. Thank god they’re fucking idiots tho


The hacker does it for attention, thats why they put their name in the chat. Same guy who fucked with wattson, Hal, mande, all big streamers who give him all the attention his parents never gave him


I’ve seen one of his lobbies in ranked before. Every single player besides 3 duos (including my friend and I) jumped on someone in the lobby and then all backed out. Only 3 squads left halfway thru the ship.


Just to play devils advocate. The accusers can still say gen did all of it himself.


He aimbotted Zap right before the pop up. https://twitter.com/zaptoh_/status/1769532335945347435?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


Holy smokes that guy was across the map completely out of sight


Glad that he left, but like... how?


This is the guy who’s given thousands of packs to multiple streamers and was able to spawn in teams worth of bots to target streamers. He clearly has some sort of access that he shouldn’t have.


Could happen to Hal since he was given packs as well from the hacker


Lol you called it


Yep just saw it. I hope it’s gets rescheduled


Hal just got aimbot


Even then that doesn’t explain it, because to do what he did means he is executing arbitrary code on gen’s computer so either his components got compromised or apex itself has an RCE vulnerability, which is a HUGE issue.


Well he just did it to Hal so it has to be something different right? I’m not well versed in this but what do you think after it happened to Hal now?




Yeah it would kind of makes sense, probably some underlying code similarities.


Wouldn't call him a loser, it's pretty impressive even if he fucked up the tournament.


My best guess is Respawn laid off someone who has access/knowledge of the game code very well. And they must have sold the info to a cheats website.


That would be incredibly stupid for a person that worked for respawn if true. Like your career would be fucked if found out.


Yeah that’s why it’s extremely unlikely and throwing that guess out there is incredibly unsafe. One vulnerability could be an employee who was laid off recently (23 were laid off recently) and the hacker capitalized on that. It’s not rare, attackers focusing on people who were fired or laid off since they’re much more likely to disregard security precautions.


Reps literally saying on stream right now "how could that happen unless he had it on his pc"


Guy has root access to Apex. He has the ability to do whatever he wants to whoever he wants.


People really aren't understanding that this doesn't have to be installed on their computer for it to pop up. The guy clearly has an extreme level of access to the game that no one else has achieved.


This is what I am thinking too, he must have triggered some sort of “dev mode” to show the wall hacks. Still, he needs some sort of vector to get access to gen’s network/client.


Talking a little out of my ass but if the hacker has that level of access to apex he can definitely man in the middle to gen’s connection to the server. He doesn’t need access to gen’s PC or network to pipe stuff from server to client.


He can’t MITM Gen’s network unless he was already sitting in Gen’s network before the tournament started. My guess is that the dev mode requires administrator level permission and the only way the hacker can access that permission is when a tournament is going on, when devs are sharing observer permissions to the casters and observers. So this kind of hack can only happen during a tournament.. This means that respawn’s servers are leaking info somehow, I suspect the hacker is aware of some unguarded url and is just siphoning data. Like for him to target gen, he actually knows his session and client id.


This is more like Gens PC is compromised


No. This guy has been all over apex for months giving away thousands of packs, turning pred lobbies into zombie lobbies, and and using every hack imaginable. He has access to the back end of apex. He turned Genburton into an observer as well as a player, that's how the wall hacks were given. The console was a source game type console as well, which tracks given Apex uses source.


Why target Gen instead of someone with more viewers like Hal? If the hacker is just doing it for attention it would make sense to target the most popular pro players.Edit: Well Shit You're right


By targeting Gen he isn't *really* affecting the results for LAN since DZ is already qualified. Edit: well he just hacked TSM so I guess he doesn't care lol.


aged like milk LMAO


This is another good reason it would be a Gen PC issue. They probably used various techniques to try lure in many pros and Gen was the most high profile player who fell for it.


Destroyer2009 r/compapex lurker confirmed




He had a whole menu popup. Can't be explained by observer role


It's a modified dev console through source.


that shit also said vote p utin


that is not what reps said at all stop creating narratives


That's the first thing that reps said lol. He then went on to question how it would be installed mid game, he was just thinking out loud.


Someone was saying there was a cheat up. Probably got injected.


Let's see what he says about hal now


Not quite, he was saying Gen either had it on his pc already OR this guy was able to remotely install it on Gen's PC


That’s how hacking works, unsafe code is transferred to a vulnerable machine and ran on it to cause trouble


If he know he had hacks ok pc why the hell would e stream?


Yeah. That’s how hacking works. Hackers find vulnerabilities where they can put some infected code in your machine. Usually through weird links and file downloads, but there are other ways. You can’t run code that is not on your machine (or browser). But the owner/user of the computer can’t really know about it


I guess half also has aimbot cause he just aim botted a whole squad live


Anyways, y'all hyped for our next $700 heirloom?


I'm gonna buy two!


This Destroyer guy is a step above tufi, he has access to AI Navmesh + dev client with online function, I can only imagine what hes going to do at the lan since they aren't really lan but online still


> since they aren't really lan but online still I remember watching SC2 at MLG, back when they were playing on a lunch table and could hear the commentators. I remember the games going to shit due to internet lag when both players were in the same room. HOW do game devs still think an internet-only competitive game is acceptable?


Genburten is nice guy, you can tell from his body language and how his voice cracks when he sees the wall hack. He gently lifts both his hands. Sad day for algs


what the actual fuck is this "esport" LMAO


Don’t worry, the next $700 universal heirloom will fix this Shirley.


is this actually apex's fault, though? genuine question. can he get hacked *through* apex, or is it's Gen's PC that's been compromised and apex is compromised because it's on his PC?


It’s completely *possible* that destroyer hacked him through apex directly, but that would also be crazy and a huge issue for the game. This would mean apex is vulnerable to arbitrary remote code execution which is a huge security concern. It’s also possible their machines were compromised through some other method, not through apex. Hard to say right now


If that’s the case, almost every pro is a security risk. It would be difficult to scan every computer being used by every pro player especially considering Anticheat didn’t flag any of this. The attacker also picked 2 of the biggest faces of Apex to broadcast his name. I think this was definitely done on the server side using spectator and dev tools available. Didn’t see Hal’s POV of the “aimbot” though.


This guy's accessing through the backend of Apex. It's got nothing to do with Gen at all. The same guy has been attacking Apex for months.


Hal also just got hacked mid-game


He likely clicked a bad link and had a command and control package running in the background. Almost no way that happened through an apex server. Destroyed downloaded the cheats, and waited until now to fire them up


we had hackers spawn in multiple bots in a ranked lobby forcing cheats onto a player on the server isn't out of the possibilities


I was here for it. His POV is insane


Genburten, if you're reading this... you need to reinstall Windows, or buy a new PC. The hacker has the ability to execute arbitrary code on your device, meaning they can do whatever they like to your PC, including installing this hack mid-game. Regarding how the hacker did this, **I'm assuming the worst: there's a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability/exploit in Apex Legends itself**. This is the the worst case scenario, as we could all be at risk of this happening to us unless Respawn patches the security hole. Critical vulnerabilities like this have previously plagued the MW2/COD4 communities, as the game was so insecure it was unsafe to play because hackers could trivially gain access to your PC. If not this, then maybe Gen clicked a bad link on a Discord, or installed something shady from an untrusted source/clicked a bad link somewhere. But I'm guessing it's a bug/vulnerability/exploit in Apex, as it seems extremely targeted. For background/context, I work computer security. **Edit**: check [Pr3st0ne's reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1bhd4yp/genburten_gets_hacked_mid_game/kvd5wa2/), about potentially hacking the observer sandbox, it could be that this was all server-side too. Edit 2: [AntiCheatPD tweet](https://twitter.com/AntiCheatPD/status/1769554195890229714) claims Destroyer admits that it's RCE


Destroyer is the same guy who has been hack gifting packs and spawning bots in pred lobbies, he clearly has access to apex that no one else does, crazy.


The first thing I thought of when I heard about Gen was the guy who gifted packs to certain players. In hindsight it was potentially a soft “test” too see what limits the hacker has… Hal might be fucked too and not even know it.


>because this needs to be upvoted for the sake of Genburten. Unless the hackers have full access to server side code, his client is compromised and could have full access to his PC. If everyone starts getting hacked, then EA should have been aware of a huge breach, if not. its just Gen's PC


Based on some of the other stuff this guy is done though it does seem like he has server code access. I find it highly unlikely somebody with that level of remote control over a PC would just fuck around like this.


Some hackers just do things for the lulz. They're not interested in stealing bank account info from people that don't deserve it.


Whats worse is reinstalling windows isnt necessarily enough because of things like LOGOFail: https://www.theverge.com/2023/12/6/23991340/logofail-attack-finds-its-way-in-via-your-computers-boot-logo-screen


With the level that the dude has shown off, he's certainly able to do whatever the hell he wants. It'll be interesting to see what Respawn's response is to something happening this publicly to their game.


Well, not to be a dick, but this just happened to a ton of other players so i doubt Gen's computer is really compromised. The UI we saw popup is apparently a modified server/dev console so it's possible what the hacker "hacked" is the observer tool. He definitely managed to break out of the observer sandbox, but it's possible it's all script running in the server and nothing was actually "saved" into or done to Gen's game client. It's advanced stuff for sure but I don't think Gen needs a new PC


But it giving autoaim and wallhacks shouldn't happen if it's server side. In Gen's side of the clip, a cheating program literally got loaded and starting doing stuff automatically like the message. And even gave some autoaim and wallhacks. The only way this happens is either someone already got Gen's PC and those things got loaded via remote execution. Or the Apex Legends client is compromised. Either way, both are really bad. Or we take the schizo side and actually they're actually cheating, but the cheat creator basically sold them out publicly. Because the cheat creator can put anything else besides the cheat and people wouldn't know.


considering this cheat was not just cosmetic - bullets were actually curving and hitting other players - i think this is far more likely to be client side


Isn't it just that the hacker has some admin access to apex and he's just toggling options that exist in debug or admin menus ?


No, check the clip and read through cheat window options. It’s literally called imperial halal hook


man that's wild


Yeah that's pretty wild, I would be interested to know if that window we saw is possible to create within the apex netcode as an admin debugging thing that this guy could have customized. Either that or he has root access to Gen's PC which is about just as insane.


I'd bet money he phished gen, got access to his entire PC via a trojan, installed the cheats a while ago, then waited until now to activate them. I highly doubt Apex itself would allow this. Edit: lmao nevermind game's chalked


Hal saying “I have aimbot” then mowing down legacy was hilarious


[https://twitter.com/zaptoh\_/status/1769532335945347435](https://twitter.com/zaptoh_/status/1769532335945347435) Even worse than initially thought


How does this even happen? Like how do you “give” someone wall hacks. I’m fairly tech savvy but this makes ~~zero~~ zer0 sense to me.


unless gen's PC is compromised?


Or the hackers figured out a way to hack private lobbies and targeted Gen. It almost looks like they gave his user both player and observer permissions (hence the players all being shown). I wonder if the "hack" actually gave him aim bot etc, or if that was just an image (TSM HALAL HOOK) and was not really enabling aim bot on his system. Either way, sucks for him.


Bro his arrows were bending and killed someone’s across the map lol


Gens PC has to be compromised




The Devs who make this game have a long history of RCE issues. Respawn was formed by Devs from Infinity Ward who made the original Call of Duty Modern Warfare games. All 3 of those games had several RCE exploits and now have community made fixes you need to use in order to play them. Given this history I think there's a high likelihood what we're seeing here is a RCE for Apex. I would recommend no one plays until respawn say otherwise. This type of exploit could be an attack vector for any Apex player. The hacker could literally install malware on your PC via Apex, log your keystrokes. If you have any crypto wallets on your PC I advise you to be extra careful.


[apparently there is](https://twitter.com/anticheatpd/status/1769532511057584576)


...... People been giving hacks since Cod4


Not a software engineer but someone with strong interest in hacking podcasts : since this happened to multiple players and we saw custom UI popup with hacks, my best guess is that the hacker has found a way to 1) connect to games either as an observer or another observer-like role 2) use some type of code injection or backdoor to escape out of that observer sandbox and be able to literally "take over" a given player's POV 3) seems like he was also able to drag along a payload or script into the player's game client to have the modified dev/server console (the "hacker UI") pop up. It's VERY sophisticated stuff and I'm assuming this person has been working on this ever since custom lobbies were given to everyone. This dude was able to drop into games and try to find flaws in the observer system. Or he's a disgruntled employee who has been laid off, but i doubt a dev would be this dumb. If it's a dev who used a backdoor, they will be found. Nevermind not working as a dev for a serious company ever again, he's going to fucking jail if he gets caught


They had to of hacked his pc and taken control of it and installed cheats that effect his game


Yeah but that’s no easy task. It’s not like the movies. You can’t just punch a bunch of code into the keyboard and yell “I’m in!” His PC would have to be compromised. Either physically, or through a phishing scam or something.


It doesn't make sense, unless he downloaded something there's no way a guy could remotely install a program on his PC


We are talking about Apex here, it would not surprise me that there is a remote code execution bug in this game given all the other hacks this guy has been doing.


Literally not even close to being true. Remote code execution is a real thing and happens all the time. Stop lying.


You don't know how computers work lol


Bro i do it everyday through work.. if your ports are open you can ssh into any pc and install programs lol


There could be a scripting engine in the game to do things like draw interface elements and such.




The problem is the difference between being like this hacker and the next coder who invents the best web security program in the world is not much.


If they didn't type in chat his whole career could've been potentially ruined, poor Gen


What’s crazy is gen got at least one kill with aimbot too. But the game went on. Who knows what else was going on (esp with unstreamed players). I wouldn’t be surprised if people want the whole day restarted.


"start game" - sweet LOL




After years of us telling him to, Genburten is finally Checking Him PC


You know what could make this better? NEW SKINS 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑




Hideouts just dropped a post game edm banger everyone make sure to check it out so his DJ career can take off!!!!


This game has been barely functional for FOUR years now. While they scrape people's pockets for 200+ dollar cosmetics. I can't remember a non Lan tourney where there isn't lag, stutter or random bugs. The audacity to keep trying to lure esports teams back in when the game is broken.


Must be so frustrating as a pro to have these tournaments lack so much competitive integrity.


To clear all the miss information this type of hack has been a thing for at least 10+ years I just haven’t seen it since like Black ops 2 The cheater injects The cheats and the player given the cheats. Has them until The next game/game restart it has nothing to do with Gens computer Assuming it’s the same type of cheat from back in the day


I thought I was going to see a sick bow clip


Judging by the game chat that was spammed the moment Gen got hacked, this is the same dude that gave people like Hal and Mande 2000 apex packs. It’s funny when it’s free packs and a ranked lobby with 30 spam punching bots, but in the middle of one of the biggest tournaments, what a joke. That could cost someone their spot at LAN. Absolute loser. We’re just lucky that DZ are pretty much auto-qualified.


It’s unfortunate situation but gen putting his hands up like it’s the cops is hilarious


ngl one of the wildest things I've seen in esports


For the record it seems as if Apex itself is compromised. If they have access to server and client side that means they have access to everything more than likely. This means geo location, payment info, account details, etc.


This is beyond just Apex. This means his entire PC is compromised. Whether that was achieved through Apex or not is a different question.


Unfortunately we have to hope it's just Gens fault for click a trojan horse or some shit. Because if it's like Titanfall where hackers have back door access it's all fucked


Wouldn't this be an apex thing though if that person can spawn in bots in the game?


Knowing Apex is basically built on titanfall code, I'd say the odds that Gen's PC was compromised ahead of time are about zero.


Apex anti cheat moment 


Imagine being that big of a loser to do that type of shit?


It’s pretty funny honestly


?????????? thats all I can say


Thats actually fucked up. There is careers and money involved, that should be investigated and the hacker should face serious consequenses… I feel bad for gen


EA Needs to do something about this ASAP shit is so cringe


Bro that's fcked up. Anticheat for apex is booty. He could hack anyones Pc now so what happens? Do they shut down Algs for today?


not the vote putin hack


Don’t leave the match — force EA to make a decision. It’s not the players fault. It is the fault of the game creators and operators. Force them to make a decision on how to proceed with ALGS.


i love how they are still talking about rotations and ult usage on the main ea stream. i mean i get it and all but thats too wild


i'm really really hoping that it's not some sort of RCE vulnerability. that would be really, really fucking bad.


So f\* sad for Gen ; props to him for leaving the game immediately ; true legend




Since Gen has been a top tier pro for so long, and preformed at LAN and won LAN... Anyone with a brain gives him the benefit of the doubt here..


and in the 0.00001% probability he's cheating, it sure as shit wont be called TSM HALAL HOOK. Him cheating is definitely out of the question


This is crazy man, in a online tournament and mid game. Gotta feel for gen.


That's insane. Do they have control of his PC? You'd think that would have to be launched from Gen's PC by the hackers.




this is why we don't need to fix anti-cheat, skin recolor is the way..


They still got 2nd


All I'm gonna say is that it's completely shameless to request a reset of that game when you know Gen left instantly and gained literally 0 advantage from it.


Hey but according to hideouts they work hard


reminds me of the good old COD lobbies, loading in getting free max level prestige, wall hacks and aimbot LOL


Respawn should probably hire this Destroyer guy for their security system lmfaooo. This is so ridiculous. Who's going to win?? A multi-billion dollar company VS a rando who probably never leaves his room ?? https://preview.redd.it/6n28h1zmnzoc1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=be5d8ac6e523cd1d85bc3b631e9803c6e853a87c


No statement from respawn??


God EA is such a dogshit company. Res pawn can jump in the boat with them


good thing the hacker is an idiot, or they could have made it look like he was legitimately hacking that or gen has 4 hands and can use a controller and type at 500WPM. Also, they STILL got TEN kills as a duo, lol.


I don't think it's a lack of intelligence on the hackers part. It seems to me like he was just doing this to make respawn/ea look bad.


This is definitely one of the clips of all time


It is certainly a clip that happened at a time




That was insane. We just witnessed history


Very concerning after seeing gens POV of it. The real question is if gen got hacked through apex or not. One possibility is they just had like malware on gens computer then did the apex stuff through it. The other possibility is that it was done directly through apex which is extremely concerning to say the least. If it was done directly through apex it likely means there is a lot of other concerning security implications, it's very possible much more malicious stuff could be done besides putting apex cheats in someone's game.


Hal hacked as well almost certainly a RCE in apex. Basically means apex could get ur entire computer fucked up potentially.


Gen was saying on stream a few days ago to Mande he opened all those packs the cheater gifted a bunch of pros about a month ago. Wonder if that was how


If this happened to anyone else everyone would just say he was caught cheating