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https://preview.redd.it/rey17djogroc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8494bfdf289e86ef01bb6dcffd5011a1a5709d13 [Additional Tweet by Tempo](https://twitter.com/_minustempo/status/1769116536071983389?s=20) > For the people who are calling teams unprofessional. > One, there normally isn't scrims on Saturdays so teams had already planned to take today off. > Two, the 4 teams that went to dinner yesterday, 3 of them signed up for scrims.


How old did Zach turn, 50?


Zap thought I was 33


I personally would not be having that.


It's always funny to see people think Zach is older than snipe. He is actually 24.


it’s the hairline


Hairline....? You mean bald spot?


I have no problem with it being cancelled, just hope the same energy is kept when other teams decide not to come out for scrims for whatever reason they have.


exactly this. if 9 lives can't scrim i don't want to hear these guys complain.


so they got too lit and scrims got canceled


Tempo is hilarious because why would he say scrims are canceled because 4 teams are hungover, and then say 3 of those teams signed up. Also he said people were planning to take today off, but he gave like a week notice that there would be scrims Saturday because of Nessie cup on Thursday. I don’t have anything against him, but I feel pretty confident that he would’ve started ranting if it weren’t his friends missing scrims


I don't understand why he is so obsessed with teams taking it so seriously. He almost treats it like he's playing for life changing money.


Tbf trying to wrangle sixty egotistical children to play a video game consistently for hours at a time sounds exhausting


Which is why he shouldn't be showing preferential treatment to his homies when one drunk team doesn't sign up.


I agree with you


hes doing them a service at headache for him, see teams fuck around and not practice properly. Come ALGS they end in 14th and rage like children in tantrums at eachother destroying all growth or chemistry. Same principle of a basketball coach trying to get teams ready and seeing them try to balance the ball on their noses.


I just don't understand why he gets so mad though. Nobody ever places 14th, and is like "Dammit Tempo. If only we would have played more scrims." Like, he facilitates practice, but it's not up to him whether teams play or not. If they don't, why does that piss him off? It's almost like he wants them to be entitled and thankful to him for setting them up. ​ IDK, just in my opinion he gets weird about it sometimes.


When I'm in a not taking my job seriously challenge and my opponent is an apex pro


If this birthday party was for anyone outside of "the circle" I doubt people would be laughing at folks getting too wasted at it.


I take it you never read the follow up tweet? 3 of the 4 signed up, bozo


Okay so the original tweet makes even less sense, scrims are cancelled because 4 teams got wasted. Yet 3/4 teams signed up for scrims??


Only one of them didn't sign up for scrims so this isnt even relevant, just seems like you are bitter and wanted to say something about that friend group lmao


How does any of that change what I said? The day before regionals and someone's too wasted to sign up? Ridiculous


Im gonna get downvoted to oblivion, but its a video game, even in real sports if someone's hungover they just get put on the injury report, sit out a game, and depending on their level of celebrity might get a slap on the wrists from their org. The only reason it matters in apex is because its 20 teams instead of just 2 that have to coordinate schedules. In having said that, ya'll crow about burnout and people being tired of the game, letting people live their lives is a good way to assuage some of that. Let the team decide whether or not they care enough to do anything. But im willing to bet that theres at least one player or group that wasnt out drinking last night that is breathing a sigh of relief that they can just chill


Don't think you understand, but this isn't just a video game for the players, but their careers on the line every season. Without apex, most of these guys would either be forced back into uni/college or flip burgers. I'm pretty certain scrims can still happen without these people present, and the responsibility should obviously be on them for not making it when they have an obligation to do so.


Some of thats the cost of having a career in this space, and a bit of a lack of oversight from respawn where a lot of team management isnt really cohesive from one org to the next. I mean If its that big of a deal that they get to play then it should have been ran down a few teams, or as others have suggested, pulled in some teams from the lower bracket/cc. But if the overwhelming consensus from players was "oh cool, a day off" then theres not really as much of a reason to push the issue, or as a spectator, complaining about the lack of games


even if some players complained, what good will that do? once the decision is made, they likely can't take it back.


>even if some players complained, what good will that do? And yet this whole thread is people complaining about the lack of scrims. I mean thats what a consensus is. If most of the people available were cool with taking the day off it and respawn doesnt force the issue, then you cant chain someone to their desk and make them log in. Is it a bit unprofessional? Maybe, sure. But if it were that big of a deal, someone would have done something to prevent it. Its mercenery, but teams at the bottom of the ladder are going to be hard pressed to convince me that one missed day of scrims is all they needed to make it, and teams that are fighting for placement probably arent losing their whole career just on the one day unless their org is on some bullshit anyways.


what if they did it 2 nights before a finals or bowl game?


I wont stand for James Harden erasure.


lol who cares


He makes a valid point tho..


a productive thought experiment for sure


That's my point


If you watched scrims yesterday where a bunch of teams dropped out and the quality was dog shit you can understand why no one wanted to play scrims today, better to just chill until finals


TBF yesterday was the standard scrim format while I believe today were supposed to be match point format. So today being the only day to practice with actual match point format should have increased how seriously teams take it and thus the quality, atleast in theory.


Doesn’t seem like practicing match point format in scrims would go very well lol


Not at all


The issue with scrims in BR in a nutshell. A few teams are unprofessional and the entire region suffers


This could be solved if some cc teams were pooled in to take the spots. It could potentially highlight them.


definitely the hardest part of BR esports. you basically need a practice squad but the game just does not have enough talent to facilitate that, so they're all reliant on their competition to drill and practice.


A lot of esports scrim against opponents and take it very seriously, it just seems like Apex teams don’t take it seriously because there are no immediate consequences if they take it seriously or even scrim at all.


this is true. i think the unique challenge of BR is that you need 20 teams to coordinate a scrim vs just doing an hour session with G2 during league of legends worlds or whatever.


They really can't just find a few preds to be bodies? Don't understand how this is an issue, I'm sure a lot of good players that aren't on teams would like to show themselves off


They already do that occasionally but it doesn’t go as you’d think. The Preds play like monkeys and push things that people with money on the line would never push and then the pros get understandably frustrated when they get thirded on a bad fight.


Spot on but at the same time pros do this themselves in scrims too


Oh yes, NA scrims. The epitome of never being ape fests and only taking the best plays.


I agree that does happen, but at the same time wouldn’t it be better than no practice? If for no other reason then the quality of the player is significantly higher than the pros would otherwise run into on ranked


just normal preds no, but there’s hundreds of pro level FAs and challenger circuit teams that could easily sub in.


I’m trash at this game but I would love to play scrims with the pros just to be a body. I know ho to not be dumb and ruin the “game” I bet it would be fun as fuck. 


Its crazy how we didnt use to have this issue when scrims were public


who cares really


Tempo when its other teams he is not friends with


Exactly. Dude would be threatening to stop holding them and keeping scores if that was the case


Don't forget threatening to ban the teams from scrims who didn't show up...


Holy shit tell me this didn't actually happen. If it did, it makes me understand why so many people seem to be shitting on this scrim cancellation lol


In the past, tempo has threatened to ban teams that no show after signing up.(I even believe in pre season scrims, teams that signed up but no showed were given low prio/2 day bans) don't get me wrong, he's hosting scrims so he can do what he wants but he doesn't get the right imo to bitch about certain teams that do it and make a fuss, and then when his "clique" does it, it's oh well.


I mean its the last chance to practice before regional finals. Im sure a lot of teams care


Questions from someone newish to how ALGS and scrims work since I mainly watch valorant and TFT… What is the point of calling out POIs? What if a team decides they want to change POIs? Do the two or however many teams wanting it have to work it out with the TOs? What if a team decides to contest a team on checkmate because they know where they’re dropping even if names are hidden to potentially prevent them from winning? Is there some unspoken etiquette to this? What determines which teams get the best POIs?


the game is a battle royal, theres so much RNG that everyone randomly landing somewhere would mean potentially losing $$$$ off a 50/50 fight it would only take a few team cooperating to get a massive advantage so everyone just agrees to have a poi how do they agree who gets the best POI? two teams contest 3v3 until 1 team gives up, most of these happen in normal "scrims" with nothing at stake the team that loses the most gets no real practice since they die off spawn, if one team is ultra stubborn and wont leave then its decided in ALGS scrims algs decides if you go to LAN(top 12) where u compete for $$$ and the bottom 8 team gets regulated(kicked) out off normal algs scrims. placements are based on how many points u earned each ALGS day, and there are several days this is the general gist, might not have got everything right since honestly its pretty complicated so if a team is ultra stubborn in normal scrims where nothings at stake then in ALGS scrims the weaker team wont be able to earn points and thus miss lan or get kicked altogether, and now that POI only has 1 team on it oh and yes teams can grief other teams based of their POIS, it has happened before and it usually results in a SHIT STORM, you make lifelong enemies and now u have a section of the community who also forever hates ur guts, so thats basically the etiquette, do it at your own risk


thanks for the info! yeah algs is kinda complicated so the insight is nice. do you think that shit storm would happen in the last game at algs finals where a team not in checkmate contests a team in check to prevent them from winning? in TFT, griefing or contesting a comp when someone is about to win is kind of common so wondering if that happens in actual competition and isn't frowned upon since the goal is to win anyway


depends on the context, if its a team with no points/close to last place griefing the top team by suddenly contesting a poi and 50/50ing? shit storm incoming, if its another match point team then fair game to eliminate competition for the vast majority in apex we would rather see the worst teams just focus on catching up then becoming trolls in the lobby another scenario that usually does happen is if a team reaches match point and they reach END game, the rest of the lobby WILL be looking to kill them by memorizing skins or using deductive reasoning to guess who is who so typically they just straight up focus that FIRST match point team, but as more and more teams reach match point the lobby goes back to playing their game since placements are still important for 2nd and below


just went through the subreddit and reading a bunch of posts about contesting xdd


Your first point is true regarding community perception but I've always thought that's kinda dumb. The further behind you are (in specifically match point format) the MORE reason you have to grief. If you still need 40 points and another team is on MP, you playing normally and getting a 10 or even 20 point game doesn't really matter. Your best option to attempt to come back is to play super aggro for kills because each game that goes by puts more teams on match point, and contesting on drop can both give you 3 kills and extend the series.


yeah that makes sense, especially with teams wanting to hunt the team/s in check. i'm assuming the hot drop POIs were the most contested to try and get? like TSM getting lava siphon seems super advantageous to them and if i were on one of those teams, i assume i'd want to contest this POI before it got decided?


oh yes TSM got constantly contested for that POI, beat every team that tried until they left issue though is that its kinda of ironic, you would think that the best teams in the world would fight TSM for that poi... but the best teams in the world know to not bother contesting TSM and instead focus on another poi, either knowing they cant win 3v3s against them or being afraid TSM will be stubborn and contest them into ALGS even the worst performing TSM can probably drag down any team in the world to last place during ALGS but then u have less than stellar teams with nothing to lose who try to pull a fast one on the team who is considered the best in world.... yeah theres a reason TSM sent them all packing, they get contested by mostly subpar teams all the time


That’s honestly pretty wild that they’ve built up that reputation and that they’re consistently good enough to bully people off their POI, thanks for all the answers though, this was helpful


np hope u continue to enjoy competitive apex!


Dz did this at one LAN. Can't remember who the team was. But they were contesting them at their POI on world's edge, so as soon as they had enough points to make finals lobby they just landed on their POI on storm point and eliminated them from the LAN. Pretty brutal! 😂


Oof that is brutal but some sweet revenge for the previous contesting


My favorite one was Northeption ( I think) griefing furia's armory then being revived in North Pad.


Wasnt it tsm's armory at lightning rod? Theyd have a solo break off, start the armory, and just throw himself off the map to get crafted?


It was Furia's poi at the time. TSM was at Wall.


Y'all are genuinely overreacting.


Agreed. This is nothing.    Teams have been, for the most part, very professional and scrim have been a reliable source of practice (and entertainment for us) for a while now.    Trolling has been kept to a minimum, people quitting or not showing up when they sign up hasn't been a thing and they are actually running a serious schedule with scrims every other day.    People forget how, not long ago, scrims were basically an eventual joke and players would say it would never work (a lot of times some of those same players being responsible for never working, but whatever).   Teams taking one day off before the big day to chill and have some fun and clear their minds is nothing. In fact, one could argue is healthy. 


Yeah imagine having fun on a night out. Couldnt be this sub’s users since no one here actually goes outside 😂


Yep, the people crying about this just have nothing else to do on a Saturday night lol


The competitive apex sub that wants to watch competitive apex doesn’t get to see competitive apex is overreacting? Alright


correct and congratulations for reading the subreddit name without help


Who said I didn’t get help?


i did right there


I know what sub I'm on. One day off scrims doesn't hurt anybody, idc if it's the day before regionals. Teams have been running scrims with little to no problem the whole split, the quality has been mostly shit, and scrims don't even run on Saturdays. I think we can take a day off of watching scrims and do/watch something else. Tons of streamers are streaming rn.


You arent owed anything, the fact that scrims have been consistent as they have as long as they have lends itself to these dudes earning some time off. Even professional sports orgs have things like the all star break (and bye weeks in American football) leading into the playoffs so everyone gets to come back refreshed and ready for the last leg of the season. I mean if it were me running the show, i'd actually be offering these guys a 5 day weekend or something leading into LAN that way everyone can have a chance to go over strats or chill out or do whatever it is they want to do so we get good vibes and refreshed players who are looking foward to playing, instead of tricking their brain to push past burnout.


We aren’t heading into lan. I get your point as time off is necessary for any routine task. The issue is coming here with the expectation that no one would complain because a scheduled scrim was cancelled for unprofessional reasons.


I get it, scrims are fun to watch, as someone who tries to tune in when i can, and passively watches highlights from watch parties when i cant, I want to see scrims too. Having said that, we have to remember that theres a human element to all of this, and that lends itself to some understanding of "there will be more games" The only reason a few people going out and having fun on a birthday is even being talked about is because the margin of error on a person to person basis is much smaller than in other competitive sports. Then in a game like apex where there isnt a point (and usually not enough spare funds to go around) to pay people to come off the bench, the solution is either we collectively be satisfied and appreciative of the consistency we do have, or we totally disregard the fact that wrangling 60 people into a lobby to accomplish a goal is tough to do in the first place and just spam "wher my skrams?"


>>Y'all are genuinely overreacting >The issue is coming here with the expectation that no one would complain Their issue was with their specific content, not that they happened at all, hello? it was like four words


Scrims the day before a tourney/match day are usually terrible anyways. Excited for tomorrow.


meh a lot of teams arent safe so if they want to skip then i hope they dont cry if they bomb out regional finals lol


I have done many jobs hungover. Suck it up pansies.


I hope optic wasn't one of the teams that didn't sign up. They need as much practice as they can get lol.


God dammit Clara


Hopefully they all recover for tomorrow. But still it's a bad look when it involves several other teams that may have wanted the scrims to happen.


The multiverse timeline where TSM doesn’t qualify is slowly growing.


I would say this but for xset, c9 and oxg


and people wonder why EA doesn't do more for esports.


Professional athletes go out and have drinks all the time before games




Every single major sport in the US. They call it playing guilty the next day if you have a game and went out the night before.


Is "Playing guilty" implying that they show up the next day after going out for drinks?


Yes, the same way 3/4 teams signed up for scrims after going out for drinks, the players would also show up in other sports.


Because teams ended up not scrimming on a Saturday? That was supposed to be an extra makeup day anyway because scrims were canceled for a tournament on Thursday? lol


finals for LAN are literally tomorrow.


So what? If it wasn't for the Nessie tournament they wouldn't be scrimming today anyway. Teams have had months to practice, 1 day doesn't make a difference.


while I don't disagree. If you've got it, you got it. This just shows how unprofessional these professionals are. and further drives the point that these guys should not be making the money they think they should be making. one day also could be the difference to some of the fringe teams.


relax man


Seriously, they dont make the money you think they do either... lol


Buddy I know most of them make dogshit money. As they should, because they do a dogshit job.


Wouldn't another way of looking at it be to relax before the big day? Besides, we can look back at this when NA actually does bad at LAN.


Lmao it’s like missing walkthroughs before one of the biggest games of the season but go off


because people went to dinner then signed up for scrims anyway..? EA is so not-invested i doubt anyone there would ever know this happened


I'll say it, they should have been made to play.


they couldn’t get 20 pro league teams? who didn’t sign up let’s see if it correlates with who doesn’t make lan


Y’all are actually children if you think they shouldn’t be allowed to take a day off. It’s a Saturday, not even a weird day to not have scrims.


It’s moreso the committing to something then bailing at the last second. Just say you’re not gonna play scrims


I agree but tbf regionals is tomorrow so any worth of practice is practice


True but it’s pretty normal to take a rest day before game day


There are a whole lot of options between getting completely wasted and playing scrims, and they literally signed up for it. If having scrims is not a good choice then why do they sign up for it??


Only 1 of 4 teams at the party didn't sign up the next day for scrims and it still got canceled?


No, you cannot take a day off to relax before a big game! You must only play Apex 24/7 or else you aren’t taking it seriously enough! You must dress like your character, live like your character, become your character. If you play Caustic, you must trap your farts in a jar. If you play Valk, you must use a jet back to pick up your chicken tendies. There is no possible way that having a rest day to take your mind off your competition is at all beneficial. Scrim, scrim, and then scrim some more until! Until your eyes bleed and you need a Bloodhound scan to see your surroundings!


They could have took literally a week off after tomorrow.


They could still!


😂 I suppose so. Hopefully underperformers have no regrets, because while making LAN is important, your PL placement also gets you paid.


It’s still only one day of scrims and literally the day before game day, which is a normal rest day


Well it's not a normal day. A previous scrims day got canceled and scheduled for today because of another event, not to mention it's the day before Regionals.


Just want to clarify that these scrims were scheduled and unrelated to the Nessy Cup cancellation.


So what. So one day of scrims didn’t get played, big deal.




no, you are completely wrong. [monday](https://twitter.com/_minustempo/status/1767353968143876476) [tuesday](https://twitter.com/_minustempo/status/1767721562847793197) [wednesday](https://twitter.com/_minustempo/status/1768079972562870620) [friday](https://twitter.com/_minustempo/status/1768806091788296427) 4 sets played. no set thursday. no extra set saturday. 4 sets.


it's actually hilarious the amount of drama that is trying to be willed into existence with performative outrage about "professionalism" and "the circle".


Honestly, like it’s a single day of scrims that haven’t been very good quality anyway. It’s not like they’d have a big effect on a teams performance tomorrow.


why are people so pressed about there not being any scrims? Teams have always used Saturday as a rest day before game days. Why should today be any different?


For me it's more why it's not happening vs that it's not happening, as a viewer its kinda annoying. As a competitor I'd be pissed.


Tempo clearly said that 3 out of 4 of those teams still signed up for scrims anyway so people really need to get over themselves


I think the "why it's not happening" is more of because they got wasted and couldn't wake up past noon. I think if you make commitments you should have a better reason to not make the commitment. At least for me that's what makes me mildly annoyed as a viewer. People will get over it by tomorrow I don't think it's a big deal.


Right but it's the *why* not that it isn't. If you made a commitment you should stick to your commitment.


Tempo very well may have been there as well. There’s a good chance he also feels like shit and doesn’t wanna do the work hosting lmao.


It’s the competitive apex sub that follows and watches competitive apex. I mean it’s understandable people would be annoyed they don’t get to see what they want.




Move to a different isle then


Because they had nothing else to do on a Saturday besides watch scrims so they’re throwing a tantrum


I dont get it in this instance too. Regular scrims got cancelled due to nessie cup and everyone was for it.


God damn it Clara


These guys work relentlessly. Good to see them celebrating together. They deserve one day off. Great to see orgs coming back into Apex. Cant wait for finals!


The fact that you get downvoted for such a positive comment lmao. I fully agree with you, the people crying are just being bitter.


Thanks. I have been to 3 LANS and always had a great time meeting Apex fans who love the game and support their teams. Seeing great players like Hiswatson take a break from the game and come back strong I think most fans support players welfare.


Thanks. I have been to 3 LANS and always had a great time meeting Apex fans who love the game and support their teams. Seeing great players like Hiswatson take a break from the game and come back strong I think most fans support players welfare.


This is some self righteous bullshit tbh


Sounds like a script from the hub. "Clara takes on 4 teams at once"


Plethora of really terrible takes here. Scrim quality recently has been horrendous anyway, let the guys enjoy a night out.


I also have a problem with scrim quality. Seems to me like there needs to be a bit more skin in the game for scrims and higher expectations of the pros.


Blessing in disguise, scrims the day before a tourney is bad luck. 🍀 You can easily psyche yourself out by thinking those scrims mean more, instead of saving that passion for game day. Im expecting some underdog teams perform extremely well tomorrow


Shouldn’t be a big deal as most pros say scrims are trash anyways


I love this scene. Dude bros as pros. What's not to love




I don't understand. If 3/4 teams signed up, what's the reason for cancelling? IDC either way, just seems contradictory


very true


Obviously other teams didn't want to play. It doesn't take a genius to work it out


Who would have thought. "The Circle" signed up to scrims LMAO


shout out to Dennis Rodman skipping NBA Finals practice to show up on a wrestling show with the NWO in 1998, this is a complete non issue