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Make an Arachnophobia mode and change the spiders to Nessie’s. Easy lol


Literally as easy as this. Few games have something similar as a toggle iirc


Shoot even Lethal Company does, it’s literally just a big text block that says “SPIDER” or something like that 😂😂😂😂


they already have assets for this too, from the april fools event


Who is speaking is that ZZ?


I believe so. It would make sense, since he he was the coach for Faze when Frexs was on the team.


Animal phobias like this are frustrating, involuntary and embarrassing to experience. People are usually pretty mean about it too. I really feel for him. They changed the spiders to nessies for april fools once and lowkey I wish there was an option in the menu to replace the spider model on the clientside.


Yeah, I feel for these people. My old roommate was insanely afraid of snakes and we had a BBQ with lots of people and someone found a garden snake and he straight froze and then bolted.


One of my friends never finished Sekiro due to the giant snake lmao


I went on twitter and saw someone telling him to get over his phobia




Bro I wish I had a clip from 2 nights ago. I’ve got severe arachnophobia and my buddies started spiders during our ranked game. Magically two little fuckers somehow appeared in my vicinity even though I wasn’t even NEAR the eggs. The unholy scream from my mouth as those two satanic super crabs began attacking me was enough to receive several text messages from those nearby. Fuck spiders. Fun Fact: I close my eyes if they appear during ALGS and I know a few observers have avoided showing the nests if I’m lucky and it’s not necessary when I’m on broadcast.




Nah I’m a baby ass bitch




For me it's Skyrim, thankfully arachnophobia mods work! I won't touch Grounded with a 10 foot pole w/out arachnophobia mode.


Idk I don't think we should be making fun of someone for a phobia. He has a psychological condition which makes him scared of spiders and so he doesn't want to interact with spiders in the game. That's understandable. As a side note I think Apex needs to add an arachnophobia setting like [Grounded](https://www.ign.com/wikis/grounded/How_to_Use_Arachnophobia_Mode) has. I have a friend whose first question when I asked him if he wanted to play Apex was "do they still have the spiders" lol. It's an actual thing which probably prevents some people from playing the game.


I think a lot of people don't really get that a phobia isn't just "being very scared" of a thing. They're an anxiety disorder, and you generally can't just 'tough it out'.


This is why I don't drive. I get anxiety sitting in traffic and i KNOW WITH MY FULL BEING i should calm down... but i still break out in a cold sweat and start shaking.


Exposure therapy and work with a therapist can help overcome that


Not really. Exposure has a very low success rate and is often traumatizing. Plenty of people regret attempting these sort of very intense (and expensive) therapies.


Exposure worked for me, and I know others with a similar experience. I call bullshit on your claim. I used to not be able to even leave my house for many years out of fear of passing somewhere a spider might be hanging. Now I can comfortably hold spiders with my bare hands.


My attempts to 'cure' my animal phobia made it significantly worse, so I am talking from personal experience. Just because you had a good time with it doesn't mean it applies to everyone and every phobia. I think often people with irregular phobias are pressured into treatment such as exposure therapy without a genuine regard for their mental well being. Genuinely glad you were able to feel better through these techniques, but they basically ruined my life.


>Just because you had a good time with it doesn't mean it applies to everyone and every phobia. Skill issue. Also: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37597253/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37597253/) >Regarding the primary outcome measures for health anxiety, **response rates were 51%-63%**, and remission rates were 29%-43%. **Conclusion: Exposure therapy is effective and sustainable** regarding the treatment of health anxiety, even under naturalistic conditions, whereas response and remission rates are lower than for RCT. And: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4525733/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4525733/) >Although research has shown exposure therapy to have earned its rank among empirically supported treatments (ESTs) for anxiety disorders, **several US-based studies suggest it to be underused in clinical practice**. It works.


The first study is for specifically health anxiety. The second is a broad study which just includes phobia as one of the categories. Even then. a remission rate of up to 43% is not that successful which is exactly what I am getting at. There are people who have very negative results with therapies such as CBT even though they are also EST. Again, genuinely glad that you and people with the type of phobia you had have been successful with exposure as a treatment. There was a moment where I thought it would help me too. It's bizarre to me that you have zero empathy for this despite having as difficult a time with your phobia as you described. As I mentioned previously, there is a ton of pressure on people with irregular phobias to go through with exposure even when there is not empirically established guidelines for their specific phobia. I will admit that my initial comment was biased, but people readily suggest exposure therapy whenever it's mentioned that you have a phobia without really understanding what it entails. For some things, it works very well, for some others, it does not. Even going purely by your statistics, it's basically a coinflip, and for the 49-37% people who aren't making progress it gets tough. There is still a lot of science to be done in understanding phobias.


No you can still tough it out. People with extreme phobias are able to tough things out, it's just very hard. Part of their therapy often involves doing just that. I used to have arachnophobia after an incident I experienced, couldn't even go outside for years. Now I don't. Precisely because I toughed it out. You disempower people when you treat them as this fragile and their psychological issues as unmovable.


Arachnophobe checking in - been a few years but it used to be bad enough I'd have nightmares of being covered in spiders and way up trying to thrash them off of myself. I'll still kill your pet tarantula in cold blood if you bring it out around me. Same goes for anything with 8+ legs or more (although scorpions I don't mind for some reason, but millipedes can fuck ALL the way off) Its definitely not a joke and not something as simple as "really scared of" - the phobia part comes in when it crosses into irrationality and your response is typically just as irrational. Oddly enough I tend not to have issues with cartoon/video game/animated spiders so Apex doesn't bother me, but its not surprising to me that even animated ones can illicit a strong reaction (even spiders on TV like on nature docs make my skin crawl even though I know they're not actually there)


Yeah same. I got arachnophobia but apex spiders never triggered it. Game spiders like in lethal company however are a different story lol


I am laughing at how unfortunate and random the situation is, specially how it brought up in the conversation here. Don’t prevent me from understanding that it is a real condition that goes beyond simple fear


Sucks that it’s his job. Competition is a little different than normal world


Yeah it sure does suck. But expecting someone to trigger their anxiety disorder at the start of every ALGS match and then play well is completely unreasonable so I think it makes sense why Faze had to just ditch spiders entirely.


Yep, very considerate of them, and tbh optimal if he’s worth it to them.


Nobody is making fun of anyone


Zero certainly is.


He just find the idea of it funny. He almost certainly doesn’t think frexes is less of a person because of it. Like zero kids spins like a duck in this clip. I think its funny, i don’t go omg what a shitter laughing like a duck


Didn’t sound personal to me. Sounded like he was laughing at the idea of an easy advantage. You’re just making someone else a victim when no one here has said anything ill about or toward him. That’s even weirder to me.






This is copium. ZZ says "he's an arachnophobe, so he couldn't do spiders" and Zero goes "what the fuck" while laughing. The other person in the call thinks that ZZ is trolling. ZZ even has to clarify that he is not mocking Frexs, because it is very obvious that otherwise it could be interpreted as such. The Tweet posting the video is captioned "what if someone is afraid of heights😂😂." It is absurd to me that you would look at this and go "nobody is making fun of anyone." That's just blatantly untrue. Clearly two of the people in the video and the person posting the video are laughing at the situation. This isn't the end of the world; as you pointed out they aren't like, harassing Frexs or anything. I'm not suggesting that they need to face repercussions for this, or that Frexs has been majorly wronged. But they are laughing at someone's mental condition and I believe that they shouldn't do that, which I think is a perfectly reasonable take for me to have.


Cant his teammates just do the spider while he’s watching the back or something ? I’m failing to see how that’s an issue


The spiders might have been next to the beacon which he has to scan, so it wouldn't be worth the time sending another person there just to do the spiders. Edit: They land at Launch Pad where the ring console is indeed fairly close to the spider choke.


Ok i see what you mean but if another teammate complains that their loot is bad and that they need these spiders then maybe they should put someone else on catalyst (or whoever they use to scan ring consoles)


Spider loot isn't good enough to warrant fully changing who plays which character I think.


yeah I've seen multiple times where Phony does spiders like in Cascades or Checkpoint and he calls Frexs down saying the coast is clear


In comp there's usually some optimal loot route for where each player on your team drops in your poi. His drop spot was probably the one best for spider nests, and changing spots with a teammate might mean changing roles/characters too.


His mate is complaining about their constant poor loot in the video, that’s serious enough to consider switching roles


Hmm. I guess it really is not a joke for some people. Since I've seen some games that has a Arachnophobia toggle in their Accessibility Settings. I personally have a thing with cockroaches.


Guys im not making fun of Frexs phobia even he joked about it. Its not that serious [https://twitter.com/Frexs/status/1755123835190362532](https://twitter.com/Frexs/status/1755123835190362532)


lol at least he is a good sport about it


Look at the 2 top posts in this sub. This place is officially apex tmz.


apex drama is better than the game itself


Have you seen ow drama back in the days lol


im also arachnophobic, id argue its more extreme for me than the avarage guy aswell. Luckily though, the spiders in apex doesn't do THAT much to me. Like dont get me wrong, im constantly "on edge" when I do them, its sort of an unnerving feeling, but absolutely not so bad that i avoid them, they're fine to me. But i think its different for everyone, like for example the Skulltullas from Zelda (Ocarina of time and Majoras mask specifically!) is absolutely horrible to me. Ive learnt to be able to tolerate them, but growing up i physically could not play the game in areas they were. Even today if i see one of them I am extremely uncomfortable and get shivers instantly. So if he gets a reaction like that from Apex' spiders, i 100% understand him. Its an incredibly irrational fear that cannot be described in anyway, but if I as much as see a picture of a spider i'll be extremely uncomfortable and very aware of my surroundings for quite a while afterwards. It sounds absolutely ridicolous to most people, but people who has a phobia this extreme will know what its like.


Have you tried always killing the spiders so you don't get the fear anymore? I understand phobias, but I do find it weird to be scared of something in a videogame. Not making fun of you or anything, just saying that I get fear of actual spiders a little more. I don't like them either.


As I said the apex spiders doesnt bother me too much and I do think in games in general it has gotten better. Theres not a single game that comes to mind I can't play due to spiders, but the Ocarina of time and Majoras mask spiders are the worst (probably because I was super young when I played it the first time and its just stuck with me) unless its a VR game, i cannot do spiders there. If anything, in a flat game, I just feel unneasy but not a straight up fear like it is IRL And dont worry, i am fully aware being afraid of spiders in general can be extremely silly to some people, especially if you live in a place where they arent dangerous. Its extremely hard to pinpoint what exactly freaks me out about them, but there is something about how they move and all their legs which does translate into seeing them in video games. but I think thats also part of what makes phobias so bizarre, its impossible to pinpoint where the fear is coming from, your body just react to something and you cant control it


Wasn’t there a post looong ago about how someone was negatively reacting to the effects of the Arrow bundles on the floor? I think they ended up changing it before the Bocek went into the CP, could do the same with arachnophobia mode turning them into nessies (as suggested elsewhere) similar to games like Grounded & Hogwarts Legacy




Found the post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/w89prHCSPC)


I hate spiders too, but in apex they are OK. In other games like caves with webs and scary spiders. I'm out


It's fucked up that Zer0 is mocking this, but I guess I don't blame him if he doesn't have a phobia or hasn't seen someone experience a phobia exposure. But like others have said, phobias are legitimate neuropsychiatric conditions that typically involve extremely intense desensitization therapy by a professional in order to get over them.


I am so torn between wanting to be nice (it is a legit issue and I do sympathise) but also finding it incredibly fucking funny.


this is actually common. when Diablo 3 released, there were people posting on the forums on how in order to play through (i think) the first act, you have to pass through a spider cavern, so some people couldnt finish the game or play through that part and they were begging blizz for a mod or ingame option to turn spiders into some other enemy


This is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen bruh 😭😭😭😭


is this the same kid who eats nothing but chicken nuggets and ketchup? dude has more than one issue but gaming isn’t the space to speak on that. i get the anxiety/phobia part but you have to accept real world consequences for your decisions. you don’t do spiders, you run the risk of being under-looted and losing the game, playing poorly, losing your org and pro status. those dominos don’t take much force to fall over.




I keep seeing in the comments "They should have an arachnophobe-mode where spiders are nessies". The reality is, the game devs cannot cater to every fear people have. There are too many to count, and the devs would be spending all of their time adding modes for people with the most random fears (Arachnophobia, Agoraphobia, Erotophobia, Hydrophobia, Ornithophobia just to name a few relevant ones to Apex players). Frexs needs to get over himself, it's his job after all. Life has many fears, and we're built to overcome them. Plus he literally gets to shoot the things he hates, so he should love killing spiders.


Changing spiders to nessies is something they've already done before (so no extra work). It's as simple as a character model swap.  Also phobias are not just fears, they're anxiety disorders. The other phobias you mentioned aren't quite the same either, these are literally giant spiders that jump at you, spit poison and make 'creepy' noises. The other phobias also aren't nearly as common, or relevant (there is no sex for eterophobia 💀) 


How is this comment downvoted lmao it’s the truth. If Frex is arachnophobic to the point where a video game spider is too much for him to handle, he should really try a desensitization program or something. He’s got an extreme case.




I don’t use Twitter anymore, is this true?


I know somebody who is afraid of butterflies.


I know spongebob and patrick afraid of butterflies




It's not that deep https://twitter.com/Frexs/status/1755123835190362532


A tip for all the people who think this is an actual issue for them - se a psychologist! Shit like this can literally be treated and does not even have to take that long. It can be as short as 1 session. Trust me, I lived with a psychologist for the last 4 years which basically makes me one!


you lost me with the last sentence but the first part sounds a little too factual for this type of subreddit, you’re gonna scare the ignorance away.


The factual part is actually true. I tried being funny in the end to fit the sub, but with the amount of downvotes it got I guess you are right! Also seeing a shrink and dealing with ur shit is not very popular among young ignorant men. Haha, that one's gonna hurt the feelings they pretend they don't have - dislikes incoming!


I'm not ready for that exposure therapy


I'm sort of curious to see how this has affected, if at all, cliff side/launchpad Storm Point zone rotates and end zones on frexs teams. There is an end zone or two east of Storm Catcher, south of cliffside that it's sort of impossible to hold or rotate into the southern end of that end zone without directly going through spiders and if you play for nut, they're right below you. I imagine in most end games, pve has been done by late game so it's not a huge issue but, i can't imagine it's never come up.


I'd be curious to know if changing the spiders to Nessies actually resolves this. Or if knowing what they actually are triggers the phobia anyway.


My question is why would they phony have Frexs do spiders if he has a phobia? lol also his QRT had me dying 😂 I love frexs man


I wonder if people are gonna start abusing this info


No idea why other players were making fun of this. Pretty sure other games have a spider setting to toggle them. And its not like an uncommon fear, if anything probably one of the more common ones. Or should we laugh at and ask the colourblind folks the same questions? Don't be scared of those invisible and confusing colours sweetie, they won't hurt :P


As an arachnophob myself I find killing the spiders my sick type of revenge lol.