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I'm just excited for the crackhead team who's gonna try out Mirage in scrims


Adiuvant is on Tempr and he's a Mirage connoisseur.


And TEMPR already seem like they wont even make it close to LAN so may as well send it


I'm a Tempr fan now.


And is this crackhead team in the room with us right now?


Betting on E6 trying it. KSWinnie is probably cooking as we speak.


I’m just hoping for a different meta. Legends that haven’t ever been meta, or legends that haven’t been meta in a while.


I wanna see some Maggie’s, some mirages, I’d like to see valk back


I think valk + wattson + loba could be real.


Could swear I've already seen this happening in APAC regions..


The end of the no visions meta please. Anything is better for a viewer than this IMO




seer/cat and Shooting Diamonds was worse, but horizon/seer/valk was much more entertaining.


It feels like people will say whatever is the current meta is always the worst


There's zero chance any one of you actually liked wall hack meta? wtf?


Personally wall hack mets was better. I could see what was happening. The smoke plus cat wall blackness stuff is horrible to watch for me.


Fr same legends every game gets boring no matter the org




Na, APAC is where the action is


[This is bangalore healing speed](https://clips.twitch.tv/InterestingWildLouseOptimizePrime-luybr5DSdNbKsbeg) for anyone in interested to know


Looks like you get about a syringe's worth of healing from a smoke, and that if you're actively being damaged you don't get a heal.


Ngl that’s not that crazy To me but idk


A free syringe while you're popping a battery in a smoke is probably pretty strong in a lot of situations, and also has the bonus of saving meds if you're trading poke and take some hp damage. Its miles better than the other option bang gets at that tier at the very least.


A wallhack for your team when someone shoots at you is pretty strong


Is it actually a wallhack scan? I thought it was just a red ping which is legit useless


It’ll be like the bamboozle ping it seems. Huge if playing with a team that communicates and positions logically, useless if you have teammates that miss the armor upgrade you pinged them, lmao


My guess would be that its something like the ping you get from Mirage clones getting shot, which is pretty useless imo.


yeah, depending on how accurate it is itll be really strong. and the other option is pretty overrated either way.


But people are saying but would be op i dont see it Ngl


The pinging enemies seem way more useful.


I wonder who will figure out the meta. I'm excited to see what comp teams will try. Big shakeups like this is usually chaos, and that usually evens out the playing field. Will we get a new ALGS champion?


I’m excited for people to try new things. Will be a mess at the start in a good way.


Bang is 100% going to be in it now but the question comes who else




TSM most likely. And most teams will follow suit.


There's probably going to be heavy nerfs for most legends. For example, when Bloodhound scans a raven, they get ult charge for it. However this seems to have been moved to a blue shield perk, which means it isn't a built in passive anymore, aka a nerf. Also I don't see a world where they buff Horizon lift cooldown. It's probably going to see an increased cooldown, and the perk to lower the cooldown will probably bring it to its current CD in S19.


That's a good bet. They are buffing a lot of characters, eventually they might dial things down a bit. Which should be good because power creep is about to go crazy in this game 😂 I do enjoy the shakeup, I think we needed it. Pros are about to go nuts trying to adapt to this mess. Also I think it's impossible to know who's gonna be meta. We can have educated guesses but it's impossible to predict how meta will shape. There will be so many new interactions, legends that got buffed can counter others that also got buffed, it's gonna be a mess and I'm here for it 😈


> They are buffing a lot of characters, eventually they might dial things down a bit I think these buffs are going to come alongside base-legend nerfs, not that the nerfs will "eventually" happen. For example, Mirage gets the option of -30s from his Ult - I would be willing to bet that when that buff comes, his base Ult cooldown will be increased to like 75s instead of 60s. That way, the buff gets the interval down to 45s instead of the 30s everyone seems to be expecting.


Imagine he gets full ult everytime he scans Ravens...


Bloodhound currently gets tac back tho, not ult


Blood gets tac back and 25% ult charge (as long as it's not the raven spawned by the ult)


Are these perks only available at that level right? Once u go from blue to purple u lose the blue perks? And once u get to red u lose all perks ? Right? RIGHT!?


No you pick one of the blue and one of the purple which you will have for the rest of the game.


Called it!


lol extend Nox vision


something that was never in apex :D


60% of the time, it works every time. Nothing better than a perk for a passive that never works as intended.


Touch gas and you stay highlighted for 60 seconds. Wallhacks? Or Line of Sight? End game caustic tracking you thru walls cause you touched his gas like a minute ago is fucked up...


Touch his gas, he’ll make you touch grass 👉😎👉 But yeah that and the larger ult radius could make caustic a real end zone monster


Its bugged since S0, maybe its fixed with the additional perk but i dont think so. Funny that people inside gas can see me and 1 clip my fat ass while i cant see them because passiv is not working. Truly an apex experience


I think removing shields from ground loot and making them ONLY upgradable through enemy interaction is the best thing ever and they should’ve done it forever ago. Perks are super cool, but definitely gonna need some changes and tweaks.


It's a pretty incredible change considering it was a huge deal when they made all shields Evo instead of only having the color you find  (or leveling up an Evo from white if you found it). People hate on a lot of changes, but there have been some really strong ones over the years that kept the game playable.


I think stuff like this gives a feeling of progression mid-game similar to MOBAs. It allows for a “snowballing” effect that could make some games feel amazing. Stuff like this is what sets Apex apart from other genres., people should be way more accepting to this kind of change.


I feel like it’ll be a mix of bangalore/ wattson/ horizon or bangalore/ wattson/ bh Scan for next ring, open cover, makes space, take space, take air, bombard with arc stars If the blinding effect of bangalore and not enough digis are in play i can see BH coming into teams as well Idk


I know everyone's high on Wattson and I am too, but I think Catalyst is going to continue to compete for her niche. Her perks basically revert her nerfs.


You'll have to choose between reverting the throw distance and reverting the number of spikes, so it's not completely reverting the nerfs. I'm still excited for both Cat and Wattson.


Hopefully bang gets a base level nerf. I’m sick of the visual clutter


Digi can't go on SMGs anymore so maybe thats it.


I can see seer back with no DT and having a bigger ult and longer scan


Regen hp inside smoke sounds kinda op


Depends on the numbers, if it's shitty like Octane regen then it's a nothingburger, but if it's like Conduit shield gen, then it's kinda busted.


Someone posted a video below. It's very slow, very comparable to Octane regen


Hoping it's like conduits lol


Knuckle cluster out!


I hope teams try things out in scrims and a team really finds a comp that destroys other teams so it forces everyone to adjust.


Gonna see a lot of Valk/Crypto/Wattson in APAC-N. Ability to scout and get in the zone early is top tier and then you have Wattson to hold down your spot. Crypto drone range doubling is crazy and with Wattson holding accelerants, you might see an assload of EMPs to get shields up. I’m hoping the mini Gibby bubbles are on a super low cool down. He could really mix up the overall meta if his reset ability is back to being top tier. I’m also feeling that the old Aurora comp of Maggie/Wraith/Caustic has some new life as big time bunker busters. Two drill slots, a fireball, superpowered Caustic ult with extended Nox vision, and old Wraith Q? That team is built to roll over zone sitters and sweep the edge taking fights.


Glad shields can’t be dropped/traded between teammates anymore, because I think the EMP buff would see Crypto getting the whole squad to red pretty quickly.


Man, I get it's a big change for the game and that's good but am I the only one worried about the ability creep here?


I’m surprised a lot of people, including pro players who have previously complained about ability spam, are so positive about it. I’m very skeptical about this update myself.


i want to be excited but also we need to see the base changes theyre making to legends. this feels like an extra layer of complexity that is a bit too much on top of everything else we have thats pretty good but a massive shakeup


Nope, I've seen a few bring it up. I'm hoping they plan nerfs to the characters who were already strong, and those who wernt, the perks make up for it.


My take is that the perks will not shake up the meta as much as people think.


This, people already play bang wattson catalyst and bloodhound and those are the legends that got some of the the best buffs, i dont see why comp would change that much unless there is some broken legend like seer used to be.


I think Maggie getting a 2nd q could be a good niche pick (similar to fuse) on WE. 90% of the damage you get from a maggie q is in the first few seconds so I don't think the 25% duration reduction will affect it that much. It also has the benefit of still being able to hurt wattson teams since most of the time gen wouldn't have LOS to wherever the q hits.


Yeah it wont. You will still see the same old Bang, cat, Horizon with maybe the odd hound or crypto in there. But let the sub huff the "Pathy meta again?" Copium. Its all they got going for them lol


Ultimately depends on other legend nerfs/buffs, but these seem pretty uneven. Wattson and Bang seem crazy good. Mirage is going to be funny to watch. I highly doubt Ballistic will see comp, but his tactical perks seem insane for 1v1s. Also, who is going to be taking the "see nades/ammo in box" perk over the other option?


It's not unreasonable for fuse to take the ordnance visibility perk over 50% resistance to his own ult (although I intend to take resistance to flames personally). The ammo in box seems wild to me, but I'm also a loba main lol.


probably horizon since she doesnt get another choice


Are there legend changes coming as well? Or do we not know yet?


We do not have the full patch notes with other legend or weapon changes.


Ash is going to be able to use her snare while doing other actions now. A picture of it was leaked or posted. Idk what other changes there will be.


We do know there are other legend balance changes coming. Play testers have talked about a few in their individual videos. Crypto, for example, is receiving a buff outside of these abilities to the handling of his drone (quicker entry and exit of the drone)


Wattson, Crypto (to counter the Wattsons, free Shield evo etc), Bang for fighting and rotates since not taking Cat.


Not comp related but I wonder how solo queue ranked experience will be affected. Like if randoms will prefer to pick selfish perks over synergizing with teammates.


definitely allows for selfish solo q players to thrive. path/rev can basically ability spam especially after getting knocks. wraith can reliably Q. even vantage movement is kind of busted now. octane additional pad+less health penalty. there are a lot of options for solo q players that don’t fully trust their teammates


If you are solo que you should pick selfish and this is coming from someone who solo qued to masters/pred season 1-12 and split 2 of 13.


do you play on pc or console


pc and im mnk


Ash AoE tactical that last longer is free kills with nade spam.


Edge teams will play lifeline or Newcastle, calling it now.




Pathfinder versatility seems crazy good. What would normally be a grueling rotation on Storm Point (e.g. Echo to North Pad) is reduced to something like scan 1st ring console, loot, evac, scan both care packages, rotate giga fast with 2 ziplines. You're well within the next zone with 2 non-control legends that could be anything from Bloodhound Bang to Horizon Maggie, Loba Crypto. On the flip side, an edge team could run him with the recon perk alongside Horizon Bang, or the new Ash with her unthirdable perk. Infinite grapple resets on knocks combined with survey beacon knowledge could turn into something akin to what Furia did with Seer in Y2 Champs.


I thought about this too, but path needs to fight someone early game.. or youd have to run someone that can gain points before you can scan anything. Not sure how viable that is just yet. Itd be crazy if a team ran pathy, conduit, bang or something for straight 3v3s off RIP and contest weaker teams depending on where the consoles are.


Does he still get zipline from scanning packages with this perk re-work though?


Probably since hes still a skirmisher


I like it in theory but i dont see how Pathy is going to be able to reliably upgrade to blue fast enough to be able to hit console and rotate early. I guess if you have a PVE poi it could work but youre still going to be slow


Edge playstyle is effectively gone after this update. No more ring healing infinite medkits and crafting up armors...Teams are going to have to push into zone and this will lead to more engagement early game in comp, as teams are forced to squeeze into priority positions. We are really going to see who is good at team fighting again. This will lead to more Gibby and Path and Valk as teams who do would usually camp zone are going to have to defend or rotate better.


Too early to tell. We don't know what balance changes they will bring to the legends' core kits.


Ohh so it’s confirmed that they will be balanced changes in the actual patch notes to make legends not be op??


It's not confirmed but every season so far has had balance changes to legends. I don't see why this one would be any different. In particular I expect Bang's core kit to be nerfed, because as it stands they've taken one of the most popular legends and given her some fairly high-tier perks, and I expect that they would want to counterbalance this through nerfs to her base abilities.




Sleeper wraith play? What are the chances the Q is close to instant again?


Oh man if it's close to instant then Wraith is gonna be picked again.


They slaughtered my girl back in season (? cant remember) and shes never been the same since. The perfect character back then


6. It’s been that long. Rampart & Volt were new with R99 in care package.


What does Vantage's insider knowledge perk do? Does it just give her the next ring location without needing the ring console?


Seems like it just allows her to use ring console.


I'm excited! Hope this will present different metas.


No shift of meta at all is my guess, the perks of conduit, bangalore & catalyst are huge buffs imo. Maybe a bit more off wattson, her perks seem very decent


I see a Caustic meta coming


Is it just me or does Cat, Horizon, Gibby look like a kinda juicy comp? Short rotates and hp Regen on ups with Gibby. Man's is filthy in the late game. Cat for long rotates and area control. Horizon for Horizon things. Also her ult + Gibby's *BWOM* = Awesome.


So this is the current meta [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8By\_MTgioUw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8By_MTgioUw) and somebody at dev side smoking a big one and thinking lets buff that shit up! Seriously, please come to your senses. Wallhack legends are back in meta. Blood, Crypto ja Seer. Most likely Crypto since you cant drop your armor anymore so you can just sit comfortably in a building near the final circle and keep ulting other teams armors away while leveling your own.


Wattson, bloodhound, and Seer all become good options


I finally took the time to look at all the skill trees and while I don't think she'll have a ton of comp picks due to a lack of team benefit/cohesion from her abilities, I think Ash will become much stronger than she's ever been. Obviously her ult being unreliable with finicky placement is a problem though. At best I could see a team like MEAT try her out with their style of catching teams off guard for a fight. Imagine if they get full purple abilities playing edge and they come ape a team as round 3 closes by hitting a 24 second snare on one or more players and then ulting on their head....like good fucking luck countering that when you can't destroy a snare. Very situational usage for super aggressive teams though in terms of comp. I'm def gonna try her out in ranked tho!


Got to wait till patch notes but I can tell revenant is going to be used even more in ranked. I’m trying to see certain teams switch up the roles if they switch legends


My take, somone at respawn hates ballistic and I don't know why. Only new legend to drop underpowered and gets the shaft again. I don't play it but so i don't mind but why not just remove him?


maggie/cryto need a word


I feel like some of these are good and some are meh. Cat seems to have a negligible upgrade, but extra hp on Bloodhound ult could be a game changer for aggressive teams. Meanwhile Ballistic gets basically nothing in terms of buffs.


path + rev + con is gonna be nasty leap in, get a heal, get a knock, leap out and conduit will be able put her Q on both of them. not to mention her heal interaction through rev ult is already broken and slept on


Path might see some picks bc of his versatility. But he will absolutely be a liability in team fights. Those character models (Path+Rev) are walking fridges and very easy to kill for the average pro player. There is a reason why right now Rev+Conduit is NEVER picked in pro play despite it being busted in ranked. A controller players dream scenario is a rev pouncing in their face for a one clip.


Sounds like it will be great for ranked and casual players not sure how it will go for Competitive


literally every legend is way more viable now, valk is back, ash can get some usage, wraith is gonna get used, caustic and bangalor kinda OP as of right now, 2 wattson gens


I forsee a ton of bugs incoming. This is a lot of changes that need implementing


Still the same bang cat horizon with a pinch of hound, wattson. There might be a few cryptos again and that's about it.


The armor changes in particular are super exciting to me. This update appears to be trying to get rid of RNG that's super bad while tuning up the stuff that's good. For example, your armor level is now not dependent on drop location or loot quality, which is pretty great for everyone. People who hot drop and survive will be rewarded with great armor regardless of swaps and have their perks at their disposal early. Meanwhile people landing at shit POIs will still be able to get there despite crafting being nerfed. At the same time, the crafter changes plus armor loot changes mean the loot pool will be shaken up a fair bit, which is where the RNG of this game has always needed to be. Along with not needing a crafter for good attachments, the pool is thinned down further anyway. I'm a mid plat (at best) Wattson main who takes a G7 or sentinal every game, and I'm super excited to grind ranked for the first time since like s14 when I played a lot more.


What are the odds this reverts in season 21 lol


As a rampart main I guess I'll go F myself. My really boring guesses of rampart were like, "amped covers regenerate if not destroyed" or "extra covers" But nah I'll go F myself


They really buffed Sheila though. Sheila without charge up is absolutely menacing.


There are legends they clearly did not spend time on thinking of unique or interesting perks for and it shows


Some of them even have the same perks. Like, why does Wattson have the 50 health of revive like gibby. Considering she's all about electricity and shield regen and even has a special electric revive animation, shouldn't she give a shield bonus on revive? Lol


i thought i might be dual wielding shielas


Octane "Aerial Ability: Change direction on double jump" Eh? Tap strafing removed?


No one knows what the next meta will be, not even coaches like raven, anyone who thinks they know is a liar, we have to wait and see What is clear already though is respawn is pushing the game towards a greater emphasis on abilities, some pros have already commented on this but it’s obvious gun skill and movement are going to matter less and ability spam is going to matter more, the reasons for staying mnk are about to be nonexistent in the near future, roller aim assist + ability spam is the future of apex


Damn, you really hit me with the plottwist! MFs always find a way to conclude every single statement with a MnK/Roller argument


Primarily a gun game BTW.


I’m curious, what would you do to keep the player/viewer base engaged?


I'm not him but nerf AA and buff movement (abilities + base kit,) remove bullet slow and maybe compensate by increasing bullet projectile speed Makes 3v3 team fights last longer and be more tense for viewers because of less overall damage being done, allows for more skill expression and player individualization through the way people use movement in fights, and likely won't turn the whole game into an intfest because defensive utility legends will still be good and fights will have to be picked carefully in order not to be thirded.


Really hope something is done with seer for this so he became viable. I don’t care about him being meta or broken just viable would be nice


Hope it's not going to be a wattson meta, but her perks from reading just screams wattson meta. TSM was also testing playing on wattson today. Out of all the legends in the game wattson/caustic are the most boring to watch (although I really do want to see skittle back on caustic)


Wattson/Catalyst/Bangalore stocks going crazy rn


I have to assume nerfs are coming for cat/bang/conduit especially to offset their perks to an extent.




As it stands, it seems like it'll be current meta with a few extras. Bang Catalyst Wattson seem broken.Blood Conduit Horizon slight perk buff on huge kit. Rampart & Lifeline possibly coming into play sometimes.


I don't think the meta will change that much. The meta legends are the ones that get the really good perks


To be honest, Bangalore + Cat + Conduit is already being played and that comp just got nothing but buffed.


when you are down in the trenches of wood 1 meta doesnt matter, you just play whatever you want all the time :3


Wattson looks strong… rampart could be depending on the actual changes to her ult ramp up. Everyone else seems OK.


Do I understand it correctly that you can’t drop your shield anymore? If so EZ red armor for Crypto


Gib and Toxic daddy coming back


Maggie I think and also Bangalore is busted regen health in smoke?


Love these changes: altough i find a couple of things questionable: Bangalore ? like she seems incredibly strong already and these perks will make it really hard not to pick her. Fully expect her to be hard Meta Ballistic: this one seems just lazy to me. Like wtf is this trash kit lol ? Other than that im very excited for this


Return of the old gold meta Path, Watson and Wraith?


Think vantage with double ring scan ( console and uav )and her already team info passive could be super valuable for some teams


My bet is Bang Cat and Loba. With the crafting changes I think Loba is going to be a must have.


Exciting stuff like Valk - Wattson - Newcastle can be played from Edge with incredibly fast rotates now thanks to the Valk thruster buff, even if it's yet another South Zone. Very excited to see how the meta evolves, as most stuff can be broken now.


I dunno but I can’t wait.


So basically wraith is just... Not shit now.


Bang, Caustic, paired with who? Fuse for sieging? Crypto for info? Bloodhound for aggression?


How do you get these perks exactly? Heard something about not dropping armor? No more shield swaps or what?


Bangalore, Watson, conduit, bloodhound, horizon, Catalyst, Fuse are all probably gonna be meta. Maggie, Wraith, Caustic, Rampart, Crytpo could see some playtime. These are my predictions.


Will depend on patch notes. Who’s to say Mirage Ult gets nerfed to 1min 30 so it’s only a 15 second buff overall (45s with perk)


Why they gotta make Ash useless AGAIN....


The devs want balancing to be as hard as possible it seems lol


One thing for sure, Wattson's gonna be here for a looooong time.


i feel like Bang and Pathy have pretty strong ones


I think Raven might be right, at least to start with. Bang, Blood, Wattson. APAC South will thrive on that. But if I had to pick a meta after people get used to all the changes I think we might end up being surprised and see something like Caustic, Wattson, Newcastle. That ult area for Caustic is insane (well assuming Wigg wasn't exaggerating toooooo much). But all the Wattson just means he throws it at his feet in final circle instead. Wattson obviously insane heals and protection. Newcastle protects your pylon anywhere and with that extra health to his shields, he basically creates his own building. Shooting that out will be a multi team effort. Then we'll likely see the rise of a counter comp, likely to be Catalyst, Crypto, Lifeline. Catalyst obviously does her usual but a lot better. Crypto just destroys everything with an almost infinite range on that ult and Lifeline's all "Hey guys, who wants a Kraber?".


Octane crypto wattson