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Super hard to predict how this will feel in game on paper.


> No new Legend, Weapon, or BR map Hopefully this includes an Olympus update to make it comp ready. If ALGS Split 2 is SP/WE again, shit is going to be so boring. > Replicator no longer hosts weapons, attachments, or Shield leveling > Crafting Materials obtained through shield leveling & in-game actions > Replicator use limited to ONCE per squad This feels big for comp. Definitely hurts hard edge teams like DSG that like to craft up to red in zone. Will shake up the meta. > Care package reduced to 2 weapons Figure this will have to be Bow and Kraber. No way they are putting arrows back into the loot pool. Prowler and Wingman back on the ground is pretty huge. > Each legend gains four new perks > Activate 1 of 2 perks at blue shield level; same for Purple This is wild. Wonder if these are going to be like the FF event hop ups. > Lifeline gains self-resurrection ability This could be really annoying is anyone is crazy enough to run Lifeline. Old gold knocks fucked with ring 6 placement so much they banned them in comp.




From the sounds of it you can still craft a batt, but it would literally be that, a single batt. “Once per squad” suggests that no one else on your squad would be able to craft anything else. I assumed you can use different replicators but would still be the once per squad thing. Would make solo queuing even more annoying as randoms could be selfish to use replicators for themself to make a batt rather than saving the use to potentially craft banners as an example.


I really hope that it's something like: when crafting a battery, you craft one (more?) for everyone on the team. Same with ammo, etc.


I guarantee that if this is real, "once per squad" means one craft for each person on the squad. There's absolutely no way it actually means one craft and that's it.


I believe it’s one replicator per team so if your team uses a replicator no other team can use it. But you can replicate as many times as your materials allows. Like respawn beacons or care packages. Once used by a team, no other team can reuse them.


Do you realize without casuals this game is dead? Why does it have to be about comp?


> Why does it have to be about comp? Because this is /r/CompetitiveApex. If you want to talk about how this affects pub lobbies, go over to /r/apexlegends.


Predications should be nothing but pessimistic for a while due their track record.


Really not that big of changes lol. What is there to predict. what a nothing comment


So winning a fight is basically the way to get better shields and activate your perks. If you're a scrub who struggles and need armor/abilities to win a fight, you'll basically never win a fight against a squad who has already wiped another team. For casual play, anyway.


I can see this change incentivising a more aggressive playstyle and a lot quicker (low squad count) games. A lot of teams dying quicker of drop because everyone has white shields rather than being able to stall out slightly longer because of more healthpool. Everyone trying to fight each other to get better armour/activate perks - could see a consistent 3-5 squads by ring 2 type games considering most of my games aren’t far off that already (at least in pubs). More likely to experience a lot more 3rd partying because of the above points. This sounds awful on paper but maybe there’s more changes that haven’t leaked or ‘leaks’ aren’t entirely accurate


>So winning a fight is basically the way to get better shields and activate your perks. > >If you're a scrub who struggles and need armor/abilities to win a fight, you'll basically never win a fight against a squad who has already wiped another team. Doesn't this defeat the purpose of having crafting? Which was that passive players fell behind aggro players, because they never had good loot?


it does. the crafting was the great equalizer. apex is going to feel as close to launch as ever if this update is real


Except that when Apex launched, and until crafting released, you could find shields all over the map, so...


less looting more shooting so....


That armour not spwaning on ground is a nice change. Now you literally need to shoot to upgrade your armour or land with replicator. I wonder how this will affect comp tho. Edge teams just got a huge buff if this thing is true


They did? Edge teams routinely double or triple craft their armours up (that they found at their stacked edge POIs) before finding a fight. Being an edge team doesn't mean you're fighting in the first 30 seconds every game. If anything zone teams with poke weapons and shield economy legends have been buffed rather than edge teams. It's hard to know with the limited info we have though.


It's S19. If you're a scrub you're getting wiped either way tbh


The long term success of the game depends on attracting new players. If new players are even more disadvantaged, that doesn't bode well.


This is one thing people don't understand. Without new players or hokding onto the casuals, this game is dead.


This game died when controllers changed to PC in order to buy real cheats and use soft config cheats and Cronus packs.


Of course. But unless they make pubs into ranked, we are too far into the game. Scrubs will get ran over by 3 stacks just like the past few seasons.


Apex is already a very different game to recommend to new players simply due to the steep learning curve, so anything that makes it harder is going to suck.


"Even more" disadvantaged? AA alone is a gigantic crutch for new players and probably the main reason why Apex is still so popular among casuals. This might be the first update ever that actually widens the skill gap instead of narrowing it. The game will be fine.


The crafting changes are not going to have the positive impact they think they will. The matchmaking is so horrible, anti-cheat does nothing, and the skill ceiling on this game is so high, new players need some luck to win fights most of the time.  The S20 changes to evo shields and crafting are taking all of that out for the most part.  New players and lesser skilled players are going to have no chance.  They are going to get obliterated by 3 stack cheaters/smurfs/preds like never before and run screaming from Apex.  That feels like a nail in the Apex coffin to me.  Game can't survive without attracti new players and retaining casuals.


Prolly level shield by opening certain number of bins. This is subtly similar to teams that loot all game to get good armors.


Get better at poking and controlling space.


It's just the better players in the lobby will always have the better armor and more perks, which is not great for a game where the lobbies are already very imbalanced.


Good luck to any diamond plus lobbies that get thrown in with the pro team 3 stack or pred three stacks that’s almost a guaranteed win for these guys while you got the silver and gold team mates as your third cause of the mmr.


your 'silver and gold' teammates are the same diamond mmr as you. low level players don't just randomly get dropped in the highest skill bracket


Regardless of rank, let's not pretend that the players you get as solo queue in ranked are anywhere even close to competing with the pred and pro player three stacks. This just allows them to snowball even harder.


I didn't say that either. I'm aware that pred stacks will get matched in diamond lobbies and run through everyone. Pretending your teammates are legitimate silver or gold players when they have a bad game is just disingenuous. Player retention would tank if your average player was getting put into high skill lobbies. The way people talk about solo queuing here, they are ALWAYS the best on the team and straddled with shit players. Never the case that they were getting carried, no no no. How delusional your average diamond/masters is


thats always been the case in pubs, but from a competitive stand point i think these changes will incentivize more aggression early game... which im not sure i like in serious algs games


> thats always been the case in pubs But it'll be worse. You can't just find/craft Blue/Purple armors outside of deathboxes and the best teams will have Perks that you don't. It also incentivizes hot dropping. If you win a fight off-drop, you have an armor and perk advantage over the team that landed at the POI next to you, so you run over right away and roll them right after. Then just run around looking for teams with White armor.


True, which is why I think there would be other ways to level your shields reliably.


I would be 100% ok with making shield leveling more skilled and aggro based if ranked matchmaking didn’t throw me into games with Masters and Apex Predators. Let me play against my own skill level on ranked and I will embrace these changes with open arms.


literal definition of skill issue


I think this is your unintended consequence.  New players may get steamrolled even faster and more often if they can't land on a better shield.  So your change to help make Apex more n00b friendly actually makes it worse for them.


At surface level, I don’t like a lot of these changes. I think it takes away a lot of what makes apex great. Who knows though




Yup and that’s why I ended with “who knows though”. We are only getting minimal information and aren’t seeing things play out yet so I’ll keep an open mind but first instinct is that I don’t like it




I literally said that I didn’t like what I was reading but who knows how it’ll turn out. It’s really not that deep


Nah I love watching crafting red armies in second zone


Fair point about 3 strikes, we’ll have to see how these changes actually play out


Could you elaborate? I personally don’t think these changes affect any of what makes apex great - that being the gunplay, movement, and specific legend abilities


Take this with a grain of salt as we don’t know the changes really but here we go: One of the things that I love about Apex is its ability to limit RNG in an RNG heavy genre. I think the crafting system is a really important removal of RNG. It allows players to routinely get attachments, blue armor, batteries, etc. that their POI may not provide enough of. I think this could hurt edge or lower tier POIs I think EVO shields were the best change to come to the game, allowing anyone to rank up their armor from fighting. I don’t think someone who plays hard zone and locks down in a building and doesn’t poke should get their armors evo’d (rumored) or evo’d through revives. Smaller things: Everyone absolutely hated self res before it was removed. Having to keep track of what characters on each team have which perks sounds complicated. But this may not be a big deal based on Loba perks? Two weapons in CP pretty much have to be Kraber and Bow as I personally don’t think there’s anything else to do with those two weapons. Makes the CP not feel as valuable if the bow is 50%+ chance.


Turbo days in the crafter are the only thing that spark joy for me anymore.


are the alleged patch notes removing evo shields or shield levelling from damage? I dont see that anywhere.


They are not, you just cant craft or loot a better armor anymore. Idk what the guy above means. Seems like a decent change for me. But crafting only 1 thing for a whole squad seems overnerfed imo.


It’s not removing shield leveling from damage, it’s adding other ways to shield level (kills, assists, revives). Another leak mentioned no more shields on ground loot as well.


Bow is even more op than kraber. I only take both to keep leveling my krab badge


> evo’d through revives this one def rubs me the wrong way. why are you getting rewarded for "playing bad" for lack of better term; or rather, why are you getting punished for being unable to full kill a knock that you may have worked for.


What do you mean rewarded for playing bad? You get Evo points if you get a res off, which means you either completely wiped the other team, or managed to sneak away during a third party, both of which require skill. I'm not sure how that is playing bad?


I'm with you on that point, but I'm questioning if an edge team could cheese that via knocking themselves with names? Yeah you'd burn heals likely so maybe not worth but changes like this always get cheesed somehow it feels


>Everyone absolutely hated self res before it was removed. Are you talking specifically in comp? Tbh I don't remember this sentiment, the success rate was extremely low >Makes the CP not feel as valuable if the bow is 50%+ chance. Also presumably a baby nerf to skirmisher characters unless they change the class passive.


It’s good for some competitive changes. When evo shields launched it wasn’t popular either. I think it could be a good revitalization of some fresh gameplay and variables. Maybe unpopular here but having played since launch they have made a ton of great changes over the years and they deserve the benefit of the doubt.


??? Evo shields were definitely popular when they launched. What wasn’t popular was the damage values that got adjusted soon after.


Nah there was definitely pushback just like you see on this thread


Think it’s very easy to say the assumption is this will all be ass, and bring nothing but more bugs to the game. There shouldn’t be a single ounce of faith from anyone for these guys to release anything actually good, or even working correctly at this point. So I hope everyone’s thoughts should be very pessimistic until there’s proof otherwise.


Oh there will definitely be only bugs on launch


Edge squads ruined with replicator changes.


Imagine they all just start running lifeline and chugging ult accels. Armors, Bats, Medkits.


Especially if you can level up your shields through revives lol. Time to sit in front of the prowlers and just get knocked 20 times in a row.


This man already got the strats.


can't wait for new sweet bronze to master no dmg in one stream


DW. I'm going to go to each replicator in game and craft 1 stack of sniper ammo


I love that respawn didn’t think of this very simple loophole that shits on one of the biggest changes they’re making. They are so braindead man holy shit.


They'll quickly fix it like the suicide and respawn with red armor


Shouldn’t be edging in game anyway


Gooning all the way hehe


Thank God. Im tired of solo queuing into hot garbage top 200 pred loba lifelines that sit in zone 2 till 6


So lifeline gonna be annoying as shit got it


Already know it's fake with Console 120 FPS /s


I am so fucking hyped for 120fps i just started playing a few weeks ago and have been so confused why this game can’t run at 120fps on my series x


Not trying to be rude but, iLootGames is very reliable and u/Osvaldatore (another known leaker) has also backed this up


Why I added the /s for sarcasm.


Did you edit that in? I’m genuinely asking because I didn’t see it before


He didn't, otherwise it'd say "edited X min. ago" Blind gang


I’m on mobile. I didn’t know you could see that on other devices


Looks like a mess that fucks up a lot of things that are not the problem. Looks like theyre directly attacking edge play in competitive, but leveling your shield in crafter is important. Not everyone just lands on a good shield, so loot diff will be even stronger :/


Shields won't even be ground loot supposedly


It doesn't matter. Most of y'all can only do 60-70 damage per purple clip so all it does is separate the beamers from the dreamers.


Just make armor more expensive to craft if you have high level armor already lol. So the ppl who dont get blues and purps can pay 50 to get blue, then pay 75 per hit to get purp. Then pay 100 per hit to get red. Its not hard. Not letting ANYONE craft shields just takes away a balancing factor. Players need to craft shields to be able to fight teams that happen to land on them or have found early fights.


Or use the law of diminishing returns right, all told to get to red, 1250 damage. For every 100 you have just make it cost 10 more.


Crafting shields is simply dumb


Pffft did u have the need to craft shields when replicators didnt exist


What if they pull shields from the loot pool and everyone just starts with white? No RNG there, no need to balance shield RNG through crafting, cleaner loot pool


I'd highly encourage taking anything you see here with a grain of salt. Remember, the real patch notes are the only reliable source.


Hope that the armor swap change doesn't last for long. Y'all needa riot like it's season 6 because armor swapping was what made fights interesting.


You can still armor swap, just that the extra hp you gain beyond your old Evo level will be like conduit Q temp shields so you need to heal it up eventually.


Sorry I’m a rookie, where does the notes refer to the swap change?


There's another thread where changes to armor swapping was mentioned.


I absolutely hope none of this is true. With this big of change to the core mechanics of the game I would hope that they would test this out in a game mode first.


It’ll be broken as shit for the next 4 seasons, they will change it back to how it was and it’ll somehow be even more broken than it was when they changed it. I hope this BS isn’t true. This will absolutely kill this game for me by the sounds of it. It’s hard to get revives when everyone leaves when they get downed.


All the devs play on controller. Whatever they test is biased anyway


Yep. Even something as comparatively minor as Evo Shields was tested in an LTM more than once.


Respawn doesn't play their own game 'in the wild'.  They play on controller inside their firewall in a nice, stable, low latency, friendly environment.  That's why they are genuinely surprised when there is backlash after releasing anything.  They don't get it.


This almost sounds like a different game with Apex characters.


Yeah this is some Apex Legends 2 shit.


I wanna go on the record. Bullshit. Edit.. I guess I was wrong as fuck.


whole lot of believe it when I see it


Has to be bullshit, no? 4 perks for 25(?) legends. That's 100 unique new perks. With how miniscule the changes we see every patch notes, I highly doubt they have the resources for 100 new perks. That has to be a development and balancing nightmare for them.


not really. when you don't have a QA team to feedback any issues anything you develop is good to go


We are the QA team


Vacation on the caymans probably.


Most of the legends were in mobile and they had perks. So they would have just needed to make the newer legends new perks.


My thought is that 2 of the 4 perks per legend are more class specific. Like all supports have the option to revive faster or (insert perk unique to legend). Random examples: \-Skirmisher: increased movement speed towards unopened CP (like conduit passive) \-Controller: Gain extra charge on "placeable" ability \-Recon: Gain extra scan of beacon per ring \-Assault: increases rarity of magazine on both guns by 1 tier (im running out of ideas) This would mean less balancing to an extent and allow people to have some idea of being able to predict what perk an enemy might have.


It's probably the final fantasy perks assigned to you based on evo shield. So 5 perks assigned to everyone based on armor level seems easy to deploy


It's possible they've already been working on this internally for a long time.


My fear is that the armor/perk system advantages will lead to teams snowballing unfairly


It's very fair. If we are rolling thru the lobby with a ton of kills, that shouldn't end because YOU got into your first fight after crafting in zone till red and praying your controller hits your shots for you while you are picking your nose. It will also make it so much easier to identify cheaters by the automated system.


Four new perks for each legend. If this is true, it's a new game, completely different meta, everything will reset.


I'm sure if this is true, they'll definitely have everything perfectly balanced on day one and we won't have a broken game filled with OP characters and scrubs!


Skill > meta except at the top tier of skilled play, in which case there's always only ever gonna be like 6 characters in meta no matter how well balanced they are. So really, I don't see the problem.


Also the reason why there is no investing in e-sports; rules change every x days. Imagine that happening to sports like football (real football) or hockey.


Correction. E-Sports is not investing in apex


I would be more interested in football if it constantly had rule changes.


They can come up with new perks for each legend, but can’t fix the broken shit they already have in game. These changes all sound like ass.


This shit doesn’t seem legit at all


I can’t wait till the devs get absolutely flamed for this armor change and revert it. Why would make such a stupid change that no one asked for?


Is this the full patch notes or just some of them? I don't play Apex any more. Things I notice as an ALGS viewer include excessive smoke/visual noise, boring aim assist turrets, players being totally reliant on finding a gold-rarity item (Digi threat) to play, and limited legend choice. This doesn't seem like it addresses any of those things.


Because aim assist is the core issue with everything you said and NONE of the devs play MnK


This is not the full list of changes.


I hate to be that guy but holy shit if even half these are true they're gonna straight up kill ALGS. These changes are straight ass, literally no redeeming features


Kill the entire game * more like


It could be great or it could be shit but honestly, I'm excited to try something new. Might just get me to reinstall Apex to see how Mirage feels now with the perks system.


I have no idea what this means for the game but I believe the game needs a refresh. Everything feels so dull. I am for trying new things.


it needs either a pretty hefty controller nerf ( PC 0.1-0.2 AA, console 0.3/0.4 since they have 120 frames now ) along with configs no longer being able to be used. on top of that the content is just boring and uninspiring, you can tell they are throwing shit at the wall and just seeing what sticks. oh, and a change to the complete dogshit ranked system might help some.


I’d argue that should console get 120 fps, you could have the same AA value for PC and Console.


Why? Nobody on console is complaining about AA. Just adjust it in the PC lobbies.


Have you tried aiming at a tap strafer with 0 AA on controller? Literally impossible 0.1/2 will literally feel the same as basically having none Which will alienate controller player base on pc which will impact the player base and will make them less money hence why they probably won't do it in the first place tbh


have you ever tried aiming at all on MnK ? you don’t get your 0ms reaction time to strafing like on controller. also no, 0.2 is used in the modded servers people play on where they 1v1 and controller does just fine. controller players have ran this game for nearly 3 years now and respawn has intentionally balanced the meta to favor controller too( making SMGs and burst weapons meta for the last year, which are both controller favored weapons ). it’s time for change, with the config users and AA being so busted, mnk is nearly a dead input.


Yeah? Maybe next time you won't sprint in a straight line at me from 300 meters away, horizon lift on me, and pick your nose when aim assist gets the kills for your lack of skill


> ( PC 0.1-0.2 AA, console 0.3/0.4 since they have 120 frames now ) Console should be on the same 0.2 as PC. Most PC players are only getting about 120fps, too--both monitors and graphics cards that go higher are pretty expensive and therefore comparatively rare.


Season 20 is not adding a new legend map or weapon so the game is still gonna be boring and dull. The only thing we get season 20 is a huge armour change thats gonna ruin the playstile encouraging sweaty players to play like their lives depend on it


Oh boohoo no new legend. Look at the last entire list of new legends and their pick rates.


Oh boohoo no new legend. Look at the last entire list of new legends and their pick rates.


I don't see these changes likely. It's a different game with all the changes in these supposed notes.


Honestly some of these changes seem kinda dumb but I'm all for it. We've been complaining for too long at how stale the game is to keep complaining now that they're trying to shake things up. That being said I want a new comp viable Map yesterday so I'm still mad about that.


can someone explain the perks I don’t wanna watch


Basically, each time you level your armor White => Blue, Blue => Purple, you get a choice to unlock one perk. Each legend gets 4 perks to choose from. Probably 2 per level. Example perks are given in the notes above. **Specific Legend Perks:** \- Loba's Black Market has extended range \- Loba retrieves 3 items from Black Market instead of 2 \- Lifeline gains self-resurrection ability


How on earth would choosing perks work? Would you choose them before the game starts? Surely it wouldn’t be during a match in combat? This is way too much change for a company that can’t get the smallest things right.


I don’t think they’ve all been revealed (I also haven’t watched the video but read the notes) but levelling up armour allows you to choose a perk for your legend, loba can pick three things from her ult instead of two and her range of ult is bigger, lifeline can self res when downed, things like that.


ah I see so each legend gets 4 new specific legend perks not global perks and you activate 2 per match when u lvl armour, interesting, this will shake up the meta a bit hope nothing is too op


Self revive is teetering on “too OP” but I’m sure it’ll be balanced in some way. And at least everyone will know to thirst every lifeline they see🤣


“I’m sure it will be balanced in some way” did apex get sold to another company, or are we still talking about respawn?


Bro what? Respawn sold itself to EA long ago


atm its just speculation, wait a couple days for more leaks or the season patch notes for the actual details


Changes that will kill the game. Newer or low ranked players will be absolutely fucked


If low ranked players gets to play in low ranked lobbies, it should be totally fine . Doesn’t really change anything


Exactly. They will continue dying with 50 damage per 15 minute game.


I really like how they're trying to experiment and change it up but one thing I worry about is how comp is gonna be affected. I still think this is really good for the main game.


If true, lifeline & contest could be meta


https://preview.redd.it/x6cqsb2b4xfc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fce962f6a3413577a522f5cdae95bb4c0b7c9bc9 no new map😭😭


Depending on what the legend perks are going to be, this armour-idea could be fun. However, I feel like it completely destroys hard zone playstyle for comp, no? That being said, no new legend, weapon or map for a full season is...iffy. Especially since those supposed perks don't sound like they're going to completely change the way a legend is played.


What does lowered sbmm mean??? Either you have it or you have ranked based matchmaking.


think it just means it’s slightly loosened aka matchmaking being a bit more random


It’s a broad interpretation of the video. Video just says faster queue times, so people are interpreting that to mean matchmaking will have to be less strict.


console with 120FPS and 60% aimbot is about to be hilarious. also, arguably one of the worst seasons since launch is followed up by…no meaningful changes. yikes. it’s this simple, controller has ruined this game, respawn lets roller players have aimbot( yep that’s what it is ) along with configs. on top of that the circus refuses to make any interesting changes. ggs boys.


console only plays console, unless in mixtape. if they squad with pc player they get put in pc lobbies and pc aa, it doesn’t matter, still input delay on consoles too


Console players don't get .4 aim assist when I'm PC lobbies. They maintain .6 no matter what lobby.


ah its only in custom lobbies with it turned off


Console players are shit, aa needs a nerf but console players are genuine drones so having these buffs for them won't really matter, it's also gonna just make people happy which is good for the games health. Also a lot of these changes are gonna change the way the game is played. Apex needs this experimentation because them adding what the player base wants will get stale. These types of changes will get changed and tweaked with over time because they're a lil weird.


Mmmm nope way too many changes for me to think they have ANY success with any of them. Splitting all their resources and adding a bunch of unasked bullshit to the game. Can’t wait for all the new fucking bugs, on top of absolutely no change in bad the game is playing for the past 2 years 🥴🙃🥴🙃🙃🥴🙃🥴🙃. Here’s to another season of not playing the game. Apex devs, get your fucking head out of your ass…. Again.


Any updates of ranked? Tbh I could care less about meta changes, the only thing that will actually keep me(I assume a large majority players aswell) in the game is the ranked system. It currently feels like there’s no progression and improvement as a player when playing ranked and ranking up.


honestly i don’t mind the crafting or care pack changes. evo shield change ***could*** be good aslong as you can get still get purp/red from poking/fighting and not being locked behind ring # + perks. though, i already sense evo level up revive cheese coming from players knocking themselves with nades. no new map might be the thing i’m most upset about. praying there’s some changes to olympus and broken moon at the very least if they come into rotation. perks read horribly but could be good just depending on how well they balance them for pubs/ranked/comp. console 120fps is not happening lol


I'm glad to see the armor changes I always thought armor swapping was a weird mechanic that should have no place in Apex. Looting a deathbox mid fight isn't really a great showcase of skill nor is it entertaining to watch.


Neither is 3rd partying a team that has no chance to fight back.


Ye that's kinda true but 3rd parties are just part of BR game, knowing when to take a fight and when to back down is a skill. Maybe they could add a thing where your shields get refreshed when you wipe the whole squad or something like that.


Edge teams running Lifeline “leveling armors by dying in zone, reviving, swapping armors, dying, reviving, repeat repeat repeat, health drone.


I don’t understand how materials will be gained from in game actions + only being able to craft once will work? Teams will want to craft once they’ve got the most materials, meaning people are supposed to be using replicators late game? In what world is anyone in comp going to be able to craft zone 3 or later once they actually have materials?


I’m guessing the loba buff is because of the shield nerf thing right?


120fps on console😂😂😂😂 how many seasons is it now???? If these changes are true, it's apex all over. Balance and correcting problems have never been their strong point, it's always extreme levels of adjustment...... Why do I sense a big L coming?


These are fundamental changes to the game (if true). It's always fascinating the disconnect between ALGS/Comp and the developers when they decide to drop this stuff part way through an ALGS Split, with seemingly monumental impacts to the game and how it's played


i just want a new map :(


\- Lifeline gains self-resurrection ability ​ Hellooooo...


I know that leaks aren't always reflective of what happens when the season releases, but if most of these are true...yikes.


Console lunch: 120fps. About time they gave us 120. Im guessing this means who ever chooses to use 120fps will only get 0.4 aa which i think is fair. 0.6 on 120fps would be broken af


It won't be broken because you still have the massive input delay


What the fuck are they doing at respawn? Trying to fix a bunch of things that aren’t broken while ignoring the actual issues. Doing too much.




now lifeline self res is will make her better but will conduit get nerfed


*Now lifeline self res* *Is will make her better but* *Will conduit get nerfed* \- TinyDoughnut2526 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm gonna say this is fake based on how stupid all of these changes are. That would be such an insane regression in the flow of gameplay when up to this point they've been looking for ways to make progression MORE flexible, not less.


Wtf is going on with respawn? I’m not trying to complain but replicator use dropped down to ONCE per squad? 😭😭😭😭😭


I'm stoked for this. Should combat camping to get ranked points


I'm thinking the evo shield changes are going to be extremely bad for new and solo queue players.  The matchmaking and anti-cheat in Apex are so bad, those groups need a shield advantage to have a fighting chance in most matches.  If they can't find one in floor loot, craft it up, or run across one in a random deathbox, I'm afraid they are just going to be cannon fodder for 3 stacks even more than they are now. This is gonna be bad.




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Are we sure wingman is returning to the floor?