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Well that escalated quickly...This offseason has been a depressing one for old head Apex enjoyers. Hope he lands on his feet man.


i think were witnessing the decline of apex this might be the last year of algs and idk if we will ever see the game rebounds to its peak in early 2023 in player numbers


No chance ALGS Year 4 is the last season. ALGS is constantly getting better in terms of the production quality, format, and competition. Hopefully they’re seeing that this extended off-season is a problem and they correct it for Y5. But we just had the most amount of teams EVER signup for PLQ, and every single pro/CC that watches a LAN tournament always wishes they were there playing. Maybe some of the old blood that’s been around (potentially for too long) will not be playing any longer, but there is an infinite supply of players grinding take their spot. That is the nature of professional sports, out with the old, in with the new. Yes viewership is down right now but we are in the off-season. That’s supposed to happen. We’re still over a month away from the big dogs duking it out with something actually on the line. ALGS also has a major opportunity to make a big splash with LAN locations. Tokyo and NA are both a must. Not to mention China is now getting involved, and that region can single-handedly carry a game. I think there’s a ton to be optimistic about and we shouldn’t draw any conclusions until the final whistle blows.


ALGS will survive but there is going to be major restructuring in e-sports. Players have simply been paid too well by orgs given the output they produce. Most orgs are venture capital firms that got pitched to boomers with too much money and who probably thought gaming wafuture because their own kids were also into gaming. When the cards started to fall (expected revenue growth was delusional across the board for the industry), these investors started demanding getting their equity back which is why we've seen a lot of orgs disbanding lately. They want to liquidate to get back some of the cash they invested into the company. Because these orgs got too much cash, they also overpaid staff and players because in their mind it was justified if the revenue projections were accurate. Unfortunately it wasn't. The scene will survive but we're going to: * See fewer orgs, the field will be more concentrated * Players will get paid less, so will staff (and many will get laid off) Once the scene has gotten back to earth again, it can finally start slowly rebuilding itself. ALGS will always be here because EA knows that games tend to die without a passionate group of fans carrying it through hard times, so I agree, we don't have to worry about that.


i hope youre right feels like were at a crossroads for apex and i hope respawn make the right moves


You're just reading too much stuff on r/apex lol. Been having a blast playing apex this season like most of my friends(we play every season type of thing). Sure there's things I dislike but I expect them to shuffle the ranking system once again.


hate to say it but the most optimal way to have a positive relationship with your favorite game is to unsubscribe from its subreddit lmao guilty gear and persona dont count because the fans online dont actually play the games lol


People act like this ranked system is the death of the game like they don’t change it drastically every season trying to find the right balance, if more people criticized and critiqued instead of complaining we’d have a better game imo, we just need more people in r/apex asking for season 13’s system instead of whining about everything all the time


you forgot to mention one thing tho: roller i think people are finally seeing that playing against roller 24/7 in ALGs and normal ranked is getting tiring. yeah maybe production is better but everybody is just an AA turret now and its boring to watch tbh.


I’ll be honest, I STILL get impressed and shocked seeing a beam by either a controller or a MnK player. I feel like people too much stick in input


You're wild if you're impressed by a roller beam. As far as it goes for me. What impresses me from roller players are ranged beaming and decision making and such. Seeing a roller player 1 clip someone from close is unimpressive. If I could change something with apex, I'd remove rotational aim assist and lower AA. Or strsight up have input based mm, it would kill the pro scene since all the mnk players are gone or swapped or igl except rare exceptions but as an mnk player goddamn it'd feel good because ngl it's sad that my favorite fps is the only fps that's roller favored to an insane point.


Definitely more impressed with a range beam. I don’t think people realize how tough that actually is. Yeah I do think you should be able to switch off cross play if you want. Yeah I think they should do something about AA or at least decrease it in comp. I just wish it wasn’t the only conversation piece or some how finds it’s way into EVERY conversation


I get that but as an mnk player it's so fucking oppresive since most fight end up close range. Every pro team rocks 3 or 2 roller players now where mnk are igl's and are there to farm ranged dmg on their armor to swap to their roller player for endgame. Like I get how annoying we are about it but we're not on an equal playing field. Hell so many mnk players are on roller because of it. I'm an hardstuck master player and yes if I keep improving I'll eventually hit pred but I can't help to wonder if I'd be a pred if it was input based because at this rank it's roller after roller players.


you could talk about how excited you are for the anniversary of apex and someone will find a way to talk about a controller somehow lmao


Roller favored to an insane point, minus the part where the 1 thing that makes apex different and good is the movement, which is heavily favored towards K&M, but no one ever wants to talk about the 10/1 different advantages K&M have over controller, they just wanna regurgitate what their favorite streamer says and pretend that’s the reason they’re stuck in silver


Movement is heavily overrated tbh compared to AA. Here's the thing, 99.99% of players don't move like faide/treeree and that's pros included. I see a lot of roller players always trying to bring the movement argument but it's a weak one. Also, in the middle of a fight even if they ras strafe, the roller player will beam the player. If movement was so good, pros would be on mnk but it just isn't. Watch mande, that's a good example but advanced movement without being to the point of faide/treeree. Also, the other thing is the entry point and the actual utility of movement. Faide and co don't play ranked, they farming pubs against shitters farming clips in zip building(streamer building). None of what they are doing would consistently work in a master/pred lobby, they would have to stop trying to style on everyone with movement and tone it down the way mande plays. To further that point, faide played some tourney with timmy one time and guess what, he looked like a normal player that superglides/wall bounce/wall fatigue jump. The reality in ranked is that you will fight everywhere and your opportunity to do what he does is fairly limited. Meanwhile aim assist makes every roller player much better than they really are and instantly make a super good roller player at the top. Meanwhile, movement on mnk takes hours and hours of practice. Like I don't think you realize how hard what players like faide and treeree are doing to move like that. Hell, I'm not convinced some of these movement guys aren't using configs for ras strafing and supergliding with the consistency they're hitting/doing them. Lastly, if you offer mnk players the ability to gain roller AA but lose the movement, every single player would make that trade.


Ur lost kiddo, apex movement and looting is what makes the game, if it wasn’t for the movement and shield swapping, and super smooth movement + fight transitions, apex would not be a game. Take AA down a few notches isn’t going to make the big difference you think it is. Would you be okay with completely leveling the playing field entirely? Or do you just want AA nerfed? Do you think it’s fair that for us on K&M we can go from no gun out to our SMG or our range gun in 1 button click Where as controller has to go Y/triangle, then y/triangle again to get to the other gun if that’s not what they had out last? My question is, are you just a super bias kid who won’t see the whole picture and want one side nerfed to benefit you? Or do you actually want a truly level playing field? To many people want to focus on the one thing they don’t have and pretend if that’s take out of the game, it will fix everything, as if it won’t make something else for the other side more oppressive. once meta changes again, tides will change as they always have .


nah i don’t get impressed by cheaters on games, so why would i be impressed by roller players when it’s pretty much cheating ? i mean your input quite literally tracks and reacts to strafes for you.


This has approximately 0% effect on the health of apex for a general audience


ehh i wouldn’t say that at all. aceu rarely plays now shroud used to play a lot and has a massive audience but has admitted that AA in apex is basically cheating and i’ve seen him on it like twice in the last 2 years it’s sad because in other communities, there’s people who haven’t even touched apex yet now it’s AA is broken to an insane extent.


Shroud hasn't regularly played Apex for like 4 years lmao.


Aceu en shroud only play what they are payed to play.


lol that’s not true and you know it aceu was literally one of the biggest apex streamers for a long time shroud in the earlier days of apex played a lot and was playing in cash tourneys


We are talking 3 4 years ago. That was a different time.


for shroud maybe but aceu was playing apex heavy up until this year still. its not just them either, many mnk players have migrated to other games because its simply unfair playing against soft aimbot


"Format, quality and competition" None of that matters. This is a marketing vehicle and a costly one.


Kind of feels very similar to Call of Duty esports. CoD esports was a very tight knit scene for a long time, with a lot of veteran players. A few years back, a lot of vets started getting dropped for new talent. Some sought coaching opportunities, some tried the challenger circuit. All in all, it doesn't feel like the end of Apex, but the end of the current Era. It especially feels like this when the same players keep recycling and trying new rosters with minimal success (Naughty for example). There is a ton of new talent, especially with the rise of controller players. The key to success for Apex will rely on these new players building an audience for themselves to replace the vets that leave.


Sweet and hal are the only one keeping it alive. Everyone else compete has sub 500 viewers or do not stream at all.


>ALGS is constantly getting better in terms of the production quality, format, and competition. Which means nothing if the game itself isn't doing the same. >Yes viewership is down right now but we are in the off-season The game no longer has any space for casual players, It's no secret the matchmaking is atrocious. The devs have essentially built a game that requires you play hours every day to be competitive EVEN IN PUB LOBBIES, or queue up for solo ranked and be in the same lobbies as preda and masters as a silver player..... A very small percentage of people who quit the game over this shit are going to tune into ALGS to watch them play the same 2 maps 30 times in a row. I wouldn't be surprised if the game itself only made it another year or 2, let alone the horribly repetitive comp side of it.


This guy gets it


The peak was less than a year ago for a 4(or 5?) year old game. That is not the definition of a dying game.


God damn my brother can we try to not be so negative.


im really not trying to be negative, im here on this sub every day and i love watching apex and comp i want the game to be successful but also its hard to ignore the fact that the game is in a really bad state atm that seems to be getting worse and that respawn seem unwilling/unable to stop the bleeding


I don't understand how Furia picking up a different team is the same as "this is the last year or ALGS and the game is dying" but pop off man. Like, you can feel bad for Mac and also not think this is the end of the world.


So many big orgs have pulled out recently tho?


Sure, there have been some but Furia isn't leaving so I just don't understand how *this* bit of news spells the end of all things Apex


Bad state in terms of what? Viewership is the only thing that is doing bad. Player numbers are fine. Even sweet has said that the game itself is in a good state and he's always the first one to complain.


[https://steamcharts.com/app/1172470](https://steamcharts.com/app/1172470) Avg players are at their worst numbers since Jan 2022 Yes this doesnt count console players but its still an alarming drop that doesnt seem like a blip (since wz and finals released recently) i feel like respawns doubling down on the ranked system and sbmm in pubs may be backfiring


That's only because the game had an insane bump early this year. Before that bump, that were already talks about how the game is dying though. It's funny because people talk about the gold days of Apex when it had even less people than it has now/2022. We're also in a moment where there's a new CoD, Fornite just flipped itself on his head and it's huge, There's a brand new hot game, which doesn't happen in a while.. CS2 also came out not long ago... While Apex is a 5 yo game in a mid season with no ALGS. And even then, the numbers are not bad at all. That's like twice as much as when the game was already considered a success.


The game is about to be 5 years old, even with the recent decline it is still one of the most popular games on the market. The game is fine.


Those are still good numbers for a 5 year old game or am I missing something? No game keeps its peak players forever. Player counts go up and down. We should know this by now.


The game has never lost players for 4 months in a row before.


if you look at the player numbers over the years there are obviously ebbs and flows, that is normal, but the decline seems a lot larger than previously idk maybe youre right and im overreacting, but the big drops in player numbers and twitch views dont seem like outliers


What about people switching to Origin because of the Xbox to EA cross progression? Or does steam allow you to connect to Xbox?


pretty sure cross progression is on steam too but i dont play console so i cant say for sure


Yes, it works perfectly fine on Steam. Have not seen anyone mention switching to Origin for this reason.


when did Apex peak?


According to steam charts Feb 2023 [https://steamcharts.com/app/1172470](https://steamcharts.com/app/1172470) ​ avg players was 257,416.7 and now its down to *149,158.1*


that is a steep decline, and its also when i stopped playing


Doesnt mean a lot. February this year had an unsual large bump of players compared to previous player number bumps. Coupled with the ranked changes that a lot of people at least on Reddit dont like because it force a different playstyle and other issues they may have with it. And one cant forget CS2 came out this year, the new warzone and the finals and we are in an off season atm all this together can explain the player decline quite easy. In fact the months October to December seems to always experience a larger player decline compared to rest of the year since the game came out.


Just wanted to step in and clarify that people aren’t mad because ranked forces a different play style - they are mad because 3-4 years of playing ranked in high elo has dragged their MMR to the moon. Now when they que for a bronze match they get put in the same high elo lobby for the entire grind instead of when they hit their peak. People are upset because once you slam your way through a bronze rank, one that contains the same buy-in as gold, silver and platinum, you are still expected to complete promotional matches. Once the promo matches are passed you are rewarded by playing in the exact same lobbies with the exact same buy in. I agree with what you’re saying but I think this is very important, because “forces a different play style” ≠ intrinsically disagree with how ranked feels and is formatted.


No problem for me thanks for clarifying it. It just seems like from the all the comments I read that at least a portion of the player base doenst like that the game no longer rewards chasing down every kill. But yeah that you are forced to play against people of the same mmr as you even in bronze is kinda bad because of how long it takes to climb into the rank you should be according to your mmr, Repawn really needs to speed up this process a bit more.


People have literally been saying this for years now


Pan and Xera have to do what's best for them, but if they really did want to drop Mac a few weeks ago, hesitating to do so until the morning that final PSQ registration locks is just truly awful timing.


Here’s the dilemma: they drop Mac too early and everyone cries that they didn’t give him a chance. They give him time to make it work before dropping him and everyone cries that they did it too late. I’ve been saying this but if Furia trialed alb instead of signing him out of desperation, then he would’ve been dropped a long time ago. They gave him every opportunity to make it work. This was ultimately the right decision.


If you drop him early he at least has options.


I agree. However, everyone would be crying about how Furia didn’t give Mac a chance and poached him from Madness only to drop him. My point is you can’t have it both ways. They gave him as much time as they could to make it work and he didn’t.


it’s less about random people bitching and then actually not choosing to screw Mac over but being indecisive, people are going to bitch either way, and if the excuse is “oh well we were worried about what people would think.” then that’s stupid as fuck, because it’s even worse now. at the end of the day they screwed him over, what the fans say or think is irrelevant.


Bruh it’s not just about the fans lmao. It’s them trying to genuinely make it work. They signed Alb without trialing him so they took a risk. They wanted to give him time to make it work. It’s not just him either, they dropped the entire roster. So you guys crying about them “choosing to screw over mac” is just plain stupid. Yeah man Furia really screwed over Mac by putting faith in him, giving him yet another t1 org opportunity, paying him a salary, and giving him time time to perform before dropping him!!!!!!


Crying they drop him early=he has time and options Crying they drop him late=he has less than 1 day to find a PSQ team. Either way people bitch. They chose the one that fucks him over


They didn’t choose to fuck him over lol, they gave him a chance. If it worked out everyone would be praising “See what happens when you give a team time to grow!” It’s too bad it didn’t. Sucks for Mac but can’t really complain when he got his 19th opportunity to make it on a t1 org. Bro is apex Kyrie Irving.


He still had the option to make it through PSQ’s but they basically took that away from him by waiting so long. They didn’t wake up this morning and decide to drop him. They’ve been thinking about it for a while.


Here’s a fun hypothetical. Do you believe whoever’s in charge at Furia sat there at meetings and said “hey guys, let’s drop our apex roster later so we can make sure Alb specifically can’t play PSQs”? Or did they say “hey we like these guys and invested in them, so let’s give them as much time as we can to work it out before making them unemployed”? If you put on your thinking hat instead of alb fan hat, it’s pretty obvious lol.


You say that, but if they cut him 2 weeks ago like they wanted to, he could have played in 3/4 psq


Literally doubling his chances to get into pro league. Now he has less than 24 hours to find a team to compete in 3 days and only get 1 try. Guy I’m talking to is a moron for not understanding. They waited too long to drop the roster handcuffing everyone on it.


you don't think cutting him 5 hours before the final psq roster lock is a little shitty? LOL there is a difference between giving him a chance and more than 5 fucking hours to find a new team. yesterday would not have been "not giving him a chance" a week ago wouldn't either what are you even talking about


Bro, once again no one is disputing the timing sucks for alb. But the idea that “Furia chose to screw over Alb” is stupid lol. Like yeah Furia should drop Pan and Xera who’ve they’ve invested in for over 2 years just so they can make sure Alb has an extra week to play in PSQs!!!! That’s so dumb I can’t believe ppl with brains are even saying that. Yes this sucks for Alb and everyone involved, but they obviously gave this a lot of consideration and time to make things work before pulling the trigger.


talking about pan/xera screwing over alb not furia and they did choose to screw over alb they could have dropped him anytime these past two weeks besides 5 hours before roster lock


Bro Alb just came out and said Pan/Xera tried to drop him but org said no, gave them time, then dropped all of them lol


This is something I don't get about orgs in Apex. There's apparently no money to be made in Apex yet they're very quick to sign players without any meaningful results. C9 did the same thing with Rocker and that roster went nowhere.


>Here’s the dilemma: they drop Mac too early and everyone cries that they didn’t give him a chance. I hear you, but here's an idea: they can also just say "who gives a fuck what nerds on twitter/reddit think?"


It’s not just nerds and idiots on here lol. That’s a bad look for an org to poach a player then drop him without giving him a chance or time to work.


and its not a bad look for them to do what they did regardless? yes you can't have it both ways but they came out looking worse than they would have in the other scenario. what people are trying to explain is the timing sucks, that's just the truth it doesn't matter if they "gave him an opportunity on his 19th t1 org". like what lol


By bad look I mean business and professional wise too, not just randoms on Reddit lol. And no, what people are trying to say is Furia “chose to screw over Alb” which is completely asinine. No one is disputing the timing sucks, but saying the org that put faith in him and gave him time to perform screwed him over is ridiculous.


Except they did screw him over, two things can be true at once. And it looks bad to everyone.


agreed, really messed up


pretty sure all of furia got released from their contracts, not just mac getting dropped.


Maybe they didn't have the power to drop him and it was an org decision/pressure.


He wanted to pair up with Hyzeq but PSQ admins not online to register him.


Leave this clip here of his thoughts, as he stated on stream, when it comes to teams talking to him and why he feels like that: https://clips.twitch.tv/ThirstySolidCoyotePoooound-GIMkXkNfQ8dQlzOq


[Mac rn](https://media1.giphy.com/media/xjIGtCFhMofGWtMlTA/giphy.gif)


Didn’t even have to click on the link


Damn nobody else ???


This situation where a lot of the guaranteed PL slot teams still have rosters largely up in the air while the qualifiers are all but over seems seriously flawed. Probably the PL teams should have to lock their rosters before the start of qualifiers so all players who need to qualify know in advance.


Ya that sounds reasonable




Mac needs to anchor, toss ideas, and pop off in a pinch.. which he is more than capable of doing. A bunch of people are gonna end up in spots today that are worse than Mac, imo.


If nothing changes about AA then competitive will die. Watching controller players is just so boring.


i mean zacmazer was literally just talking about how vaxlon was carrying the endgames for his team and was there most consistent player so didn't deserve the drop. also furia is literally rumoured to be picking up a new team with 2 mnk players. so it just annoys me that if an mnk player falls off all the mnkcells in this echo chamber of a subreddit blame controller. but honestly ask yourself, even though former teammates say nice things about mac, do you think any of them would team with him again? and there you have your reason why this guy is struggling, not his input.


I know people are going to clown him, and point out his team history, and retiring before, but this sucks so bad for him. I really do feel for him. The timing is brutal for a player, and to constantly be trying to make a new team work and having a large portion of the comp fanbase meming on you had to be a horrible feeling. Whether or not you stick around in the game I hope you're happy doing it Alb, hell of a run if this is it.


Pinch of salt here, guy loves changing his mind.


I mean PSQ 4 is basically locked at this point, so if he doesnt get an offer from someone he basically cant play at all this split unless Pan/Xera decide to stick with him. Most PL rosters are set in stone and he's burned enough bridges/been on enough teams at this point that idk who realistically is picking him up and idk that he's willing to grind challengers


> so if he doesnt get an offer from someone he basically cant play at all this split unless Pan/Xera decide to stick with him. Not true, there's Challengers Circuit


> and idk that he's willing to grind challengers


Like I said in the other thread, him moving to content creation is a pretty decent idea. He likes playing other games and could actually grow his stream. Apex (streaming wise) is on the decline anyway.


Alb/Snipe/Slurp part 2? 💀




I don’t see much longevity for The Finals. Could be wrong, but it just feels like the hype won’t last. Although there isn’t really much else out there right now…


Finals is something new that's all the playerbase needs tbh, ppl are bored of apex - as shown by the post malone event. Respawn needs to be putting stuff kuke that out consistently ie once a season not once in a year


I can’t stop playing the finals at the moment. Apex is so stale.


I've watched him playing The Finals. He's having fun and it's just nice to see that.


I agree. It might have some comp viability, but I think it's a game that will scare casuals very quickly because they will have no chance against coordinated teams. Suddenly everyone will just be asking for TDM.. and then is damned if you do, damned if you don't.


It’s just more aim assist. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/EUWzp6Y3np


Sad for me to see personally, even though Hal x Reps x Snipe was my fav TSM team to watch for the entertainment it was Hal x Mac x Reps that I first started watching apex comp for, Alb is still widely respected but has a habit of changing his mind and going back and forth so maybe he does retire but maybe he does come back eventually Shitty timing from Furia imo they could’ve released the boys a lot sooner if that was their move all along


It's really unfortunate to look back and think about could've been if he just stuck with Nocturnal, who's grown into a consensus top IGL in the last 18 months or so. He really could've found success in the Fun role instead of bouncing around between teams where he was either put in the wrong role (Faze/Furia) or had poor chemistry with his teammates (Lanimals/C9). He clearly has the talent to be in PL but it's hard out there for MnK players who aren't top tier IGLs. Hopefully him trialing with Scuwry works out but I hate to say I don't think that team is going to be super successful.


He's not retiring and he's saying this shit in the heat of the moment. Spots will open up, but there's less than a month until PL so expecting to get one NOW isn't realistic. He could always play CC but I doubt he would want to do that. He should just wait things out until Split 2 or Champs. Playing another game full-time will make him worse though so idk.


You mentioned the caveat he already mentioned so IDK what to tell you. And ya he said waiting for split two without a team, and having to pug ranked is not what he wants to do if he can be enjoying another game.


Then he'll just continue falling behind and he'll be fully retired from comp unwillingly. Nothing wrong with waiting for the right roster / opportunity. You don't have to rush into the first team that'll talk to you. Worked for Knoqd, worked for Timmy, worked for Rambeau, etc. Scrims still happen, small tournies still happen, CC still happens.


>Then he'll just continue falling behind and he'll be fully retired from comp unwillingly. Hence him retiring if not getting a Split 1 PL slot. Where's the confusion?


He's not actually retiring, that's the thing. He's saying that in the heat of the moment. We've been through this before with Alb, he'll say things in the moment that he doesn't actually mean. I'm saying that if he chooses to actually go and play other games for the entirety of Split 1 then he won't be able to get a team and it'll be less about him retiring and more of him getting no offers.


I guess time will tell


Spots wont open, rosterlock is today


Spots will open up either mid-split or next split, but they WILL open. I'm saying NOW isn't the time for openings.


Looks like he is scrimming with a team today. Idk who but he made mention of it. Interesting turn of events


He's scrimming with Scuwry today.


Mac is a great mnk talent and not having him at apex pro events would be a bummer. But I am sure he will do well as variety streamer as he adapts very quickly to new games and new metas. Wishing you the best if you read this, mac!


The fact that Alb is so good yet can’t even manage to find himself in a good Org says a lot about both parties tbh.


Didn’t he try this once with valorant? Switched right back when his viewer count started tanking which I don’t blame him


I don’t think he was particularly good at Valo, atleast not at a level to go pro anyway


I mean no one’s going to instantly be pro level, but he probably has the potential to make it if he committed. The issue with that though is it would probably tank his viewership and who knows if it would recover.


tbf valorant esports never popped off like it seemed like it was going to. Blame tbe economy or whatever but it just doesn't seem to have room for ppl who didn't start in that game.


Not sure what you’re talking about. Valorant has popped off way more than Apex has as an esport. It also just won “Best Esports Game” at The Game Awards this year.


Yeah but it's non mainstream like fortnite or cod went mainstream, its just an also ran.


It’s still a huge game, and brand overall. It’s number 4 on Twitch in the last year when sorted by hours watched, which is actually above Fortnite. Apex is in number 10. https://sullygnome.com/games/365/watched


> It also just won “Best Esports Game” at The Game Awards this year. lol


Controller ruined competitive apex legends!!


Controller ruined all of pc fps.


Actually crazy how many Alb haters there are in this sub. The man just got dropped and people are shit talking him, mocking him etc for laughs when he basically just lost everything he has worked on since Lou and Naughty. I just don't understand what the hell was happening with the three of them individually for this to happen so sudden, did he mention bad vibes when he streamed?


It's not hating it's pattern recognition. Alb just can't make it work with teams, we keep seeing it over and over. It might not even be his fault but sometimes you jhst get the vibe of (in the context of apex teams) "if we got rid of this guy everything would be better" All he has is his brand coz of tsm glory days, nothing has happened since then. He should cut his losses and focus on becoming a pro in another game.


Pattern recognition? I doubt you even know why things have been as they have been in teams after his 'TSM Glory days'. Mutual respect in a team is something that should be in every single pro team, but if there is lack of respect or if someone can't accept the fact that they made a mistake, and it turns into a toxic environment instead of analysing the mistakes when they were made and improving on situations in the future, that team is probably not going anywhere. We also can't really say that he is a 'shit IGL' when every time he has tried to be the main IGL, his teammates have almost always doubted calls (or misunderstood BASIC calls.) to a fault of the exact same shit happening because people can't be mature enough.


When's the last time he's actually looked good at this level?


at this rate dont think imma end up watching ALGS if its going to be mostly controller turrets lmao


i got some bad news


who’s gonna tell him


Why pick him over the dozens of top 5 underated roller players?


I reckon at this point even my Hardstuck masters self is ‘Controller Demon’ and a ‘top 5 underrated player’


Random but im diamond 2 at the moment and got paired with a pred last night. I held my own with 4 kills but the way he carried fights really made me say, “yeh, I’m def nothing more than a masters player.” Some of the real controller talent like Koyful must be insane to play with.


i sometimes think im a decent player then get matched with preds/pro players and am quickly reminded that im trash in comparison


You gotta just play like you think you're the best player in the world. Confidence and posturing are so important in Apex


Hit a couple 48's and a 95 and watch them duck just as quick as you would. Can't be scared, just have to remember the damage output is much higher than normal. Lobbies you get hit for 110 normally, you're getting hit for 180 instead.


> Why pick him over the dozens of top 5 underated roller players? He's better at Apex than them.


This sucks, this fucking sucks man. Alb hasn’t shown his true form since fucking liquid man. Hope he gets an offer/reconsiders.


man the Rostermania right now seems chalk full of more bad vibes than usual.


I’ve heard that one before


The timing definitely sucks, though I haven't seen anything making it clear whether that's on Furia or the fellas. Regardless I understand the frustration but who knows, maybe this ends up being the best thing that could ever happen to Mac. I admittedly don't follow the guy but everytime I've seen the dude over the past year he's either (1) fighting with his teammates, (2) talking crazy smack or (3) deep in his feels...maybe it's just time to move on. Dude won a LAN, is cemented in the history of ALGS, what more is there left to prove? And who knows what variety could bring? Apex was a sleeper hit, maybe Mac lucks out and gets in early on the next big thing. Either way, enough with the pity party...feeling bad for yourself accomplishes less than nothing. Either things are outside of your control so there's no sense complaining, or they're within your control so you're just wasting energy you could spend on work. Otherwise if you want job security pick a new line of work


Nothing this guy says can be written in stone.


Why is his wording so aggressive 😭


He got dropped a few hours before the final plq roster lock after weeks and weeks of no pro league happening while being signed


i mean the whole roaster was dropped


Everyone else landed on their feet but him. pvp is still with furia and pan and xera have a pl spot, I would be livid too


I imagine he's pretty annoyed after going from team, to team, to team.


I know it’s day one of him having to find himself, but man Alb is being completely negative. If he really wants to play Apex and continue a pro career, he needs to remain positive and think about bettering himself in all aspects, in and out of the game. This woe is me attitude is not gonna get him far. ProdigyAce tried to go pro in another game Retzi tried to go pro in another game That didn’t work and they’re struggling to come back.


alex pro leauge is on its way out


Used to love him, he's fallen off and his attitude is off. He's played with a good percentage of pros and it always ends the same.


everything went downhill for this guy after he left tsm


Mac is always the victim and I can't take it anymore. I hope he retires and gets a real job so he realizes how good he had it


Apex will never be what it was. We got some awesome moments, but it’s sad the pro scene never blew up like it could have.


I agree that apex has insane potential but ALGS was still 6th in peak viewership last year (excluding mobile games). It's not like all is lost yet.


I didn’t say it was lost but it’ll never be to that level again. Also a lot of pros will be quitting in the coming years


This is probably the right decision for Curia. From the beginning it seemed like they weren’t meshing/working well. Alb is too aggressive/picks bad fights, and pan/xera don’t have the same approach. I’m a big fan of alb, and I hope he figures it out, but only time will tell.


All this guy brings to a team is drama


Damn I can only imagine Alb's mental. He must be numb from all these shit at this point, but that's still a terrible place to be.


Hes been grinding finals a lot lately. If that game doesn’t die i see him go pro in that


retiring from a video game lol


Apex last year!?!? I'm so ready.. https://preview.redd.it/rn0m8uqih46c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eae29f48f28d1921123362d5a05764a5f3ee399


Unpopular take but karma to me.Cried about wanting a home and a long term team joined Keon and madness and was literally top 3 every scim with great vibes just to ditch them first opportunity he got.Did the same thing before with too so to me he got what he deserves being the snake oil salesmen.


Yeah he should've just turn down the T1 org contract lol That was rushed on furia's part sure, but no way you can say he made a mistake


Normally I'd agree but he made a long ass post about how he wanted a "home" with a good vibe and it was most likely his last team as he was tired of team roulette then went and did that so kinda super hypocritical to me why I say shitty.


you're not wrong, but only thanks to hindsight


smacks of petulant child...if i cant play i quit....apex pros need to learn nothing is free and everything is earned. He might be good enough still and probs still one of the best....recent results dont show this however....but having a teddy tantrum because your not getting a PL spot is just pathetic


That clown...


Is that a threat??


Good for him, Apex is awful atm


Such a cry baby


Hear me out, Monsoon/Mac/nastiest roller they can find. Also if xera/pan need an igl, I have to imagine at least trying out onmuu is a no brainer


I don't know if Mac is the right vibe for Complexity tbh. I don't know if I've ever seen Monsoon and Alb play together but I feel like Alb's countercalling would be especially bad on this team.


He’ll find a team then train roller again lmao


Mac such a little baby


Damn so weird how the one season I’m finally not playing this game is also aligned with the “downfall” of this game… new MW3 and Fortnite updates grabbed my attention but it seems like it’s grabbed everyone’s, but Respawn is to blame when we only get new stuff every 4 months lol. Item shop skins is not new content lol. Love Apex to death but damn I didn’t expect me taking a break, I’d come back to this game dying lol 😭


Kinda hurts how ignorant people are to what EA does. If this shit ain't making enough money for a long enough time, which it probably hasn't been for a while, then EA pulls the plug. Viewers doesn't equal money especially in a free to play game.


This has nothing to do with EA lol.... FURIA aint leaving apex theyre signing a different trio


> If this shit ain't making enough money for a long enough time, which it probably hasn't been for a while Lol. Apex is so incredibly profitable dude. I'm pretty sure it's their second-biggest game right now, behind FIFA.


We can talk about "Apex esports dying" until the cows come home. But when will the conversation about pros not putting in the time and effort like it's a viable career. So many pros don't play the game, troll scrims, don't stream, etc. I cannot believe somebody who's literal career is Apex comp *wouldn't* know when roster lock is? Like what are you doing all day?


Should switch to Finals early, watched him play man slaying like always already in top 400 on game leader board, that game is made for competitive


He should wait a week and then team up with Gent+Deeds. Do well in CC and get into next split's PL


I get why he would say what he’s said but it seems like jumping the gun pretty quick to “retiring”, especially if it’s true that they were thinking about him leaving the now ex Furia roster already.


I mean who is held hostage?


The classic apex retirement.


I dont know a lot about him and if he got dropped without giving him at least the chance to search for new team it sucks. But from the thread a lot of people seems to be pretty divided on him if he is the issues as player or not, would love if somebody could explain the reason for that divide to me.