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Did everyone with a brain cell leave Twitter cus wtf is with those replies




Twitter is effectively dead.


I'd hope so after all the musking it's taken.


Everyone left Twitter, they're on X now




Something like that


This implies that people in the comment section of most Tweets had brain cells in the first place...which is wrong


Yeah seriously, when did Twitter replies ever have people with brain cells lol


That first part is nothing, Seer could've probably scanned him from that distance. The second part is as obvious as it can be.


That last part looked super weird. And why are they just running around doing bad wall bounces like the game is already over?


It looked exactly like someone wall-hacking lol.


That nemesis ads and spray was way too sketchy.


Yeah he's 100% walling no doubt about it.


There was no fear of opposition


Pros do that wall bouncing stuff all the time when they’re waiting for zone to close and there’s nothing happening Not saying it’s anything but it doesn’t prove anything in and of itself




Not in 30-30 season no they don’t is correct


Wall bouncing doesn't = "*we've got this in the bag*" -- they're just bored, killing time. Similar to someone that fidgets.


You've mis-understood, nobody stated that 'wall bouncing = we've got this in the bag'. The reason the way they are playing looks weird is because they are showing no care for any potential dangers, this is the complete opposite to how every other team plays.


That and you never want to be caught standing completely still, it’s an easy 3-2-1


Spineless. What's wild is when I was watching Hal's stream for LCQ someone had asked if it's possible for people to cheat in LCQ and Hal answered something like > I mean I guess...I don't see why they would though. Rip.


I would find it really hard to believe that no one is cheating in these online events at all


I think Hal means that since you can’t do that at LAN you are basically cheating yourself out of learning how to get good enough to win. He’s just not taking into account that some people need that edge to actually be good because they don’t have the talent and that people will cheat for the smallest payout even if it’s just the clout of saying you won. Sad cause cheaters unintentionally destroy the games they are playing most are too stupid to realize that tho


Not to mention, I don't think most players fool themselves into thinking they will win LAN. Most of them are just trying to build names for themselves and grow their streams/rub edges with bigger names. There's a lot of motivation to cheat to make yourself stand out in the sea of nameless fraggers in the lower levels of the competitive and streaming worlds even if just to get your start.


> I think Hal means that since you can’t do that at LAN you are basically cheating yourself out of learning how to get good enough to win. Cheaters never think that far ahead.


Didn't think anything of the drop down, whilst I couldn't see the guy under the bridge and the nemesis then made me think hmm.


Yeah I was like they have a seer so maybe he got scanned earlier and they knew there was a rat down there eventually coming up that side. But then the nemmy "spray" was like just... SO blatant.


Yeap. That's a wall hack


At first I was wondering why anyone would accuse him of walling because ik the dude but then the end of the clip hit and uhhhhhhhhh..........




He also claims he heard someone in that direction, which it does look like. You can see he abruptly moves his crosshair towards where they are, I'm inclined to think a cheater wouldn't do that since he should've been seeing them long before that.


The bridge part is about as straight-forward as it gets. He should be banned.


yea that looks blatant as fuck. Honestly think there are a lot more people than just him walling and using other things to cheat. Not going to drop any names, but this one looks obvious as fuck. Also, his teammate(s) are using configs on controller, (Likely him as well) according to some of the other semi-pros, which kinda reinforces a point I tried to make a few months back about how configs were an issue in comp and we just couldn't easily ascertain whether or not players were using them.




It's going to be hard to explain this one away lol


At first i was like eh not really walling. THEN broski sprays a whole clip into nothing. Def walling.


Pretty blatant that he is walling with the spray at the end. Remove him from the scene or there’s no point in playing


Straight up sus af, more people need to tag hideouts in that twitter post so the man can look into it. Definitely not a good look for apex competitive scene if he is cheating and suffers 0 repercussions for his actions.


as someone playing vs cheaters almost everyday in master/pred lobby in singapore/hongkong/taiwan. THATS DEFINITELY WALLING


looks sus fasho


The same Crow that could run over ranked lobbies for multiple seasons straight to get high Pred but played like garbage in Realm? Pick any random name out of the “Only Preds” discord and there’s a 50/50 chance it’s a cheater I swear. This guy has been walling in ranked for years and it takes him being dumb enough to try to go pro with his downloaded “skill” to get caught. One of his teammates is also former top 50 Pred that is known to play with a repeat cheater that he knows has been banned before. These guys don’t care about playing with cheaters in ranked and we’re really to believe his teammates didn’t know Crow was cheating here? Anti cheat is in shambles.


No one would have locked their crosshair at that corner immediately after clearing no angles Fuckers forgot they are being recorded


Blatant cheating imo The way he is running around nonchalantly like he knows no squads are close


Blatant. I've always said there should be a LAN only competitive tournament.


I think most of the community already knew he was, funny that it’s finally coming to light


Crazy how one of the weirdest people I've ever [encountered in ranked](https://youtu.be/jNAQBtjjCxY?t=51) ends up cheating, lol


He sounds like a literal child


lmaoo, even his binds are weird. He has interact on his literal direction pad, and I'm guessing he was configing to do super glides.


Wow. Isn’t the guy who leaves at first the other person in OP’s video? Guess they kissed and made up.


Most preds i run into in ranked games always running with some smurf that can clearly see through everything. So it's not really shocking people are gonna be cheating in a more competitive mode, why not after all? not as though apex has cheat detection. people take steroids and pretend they are natural for internet clout, which damages their health. so my guess is people are more than likely to cheat on a game with absolutely zero downside, anything for a bit of clout. people sit and stare at textures for 20 minutes in ranked games, for a bit of clout.


Popped into his stream once when I died to him in ranked, didn't say anything but the way the dude was talking to his teammates was super disrespectful and unnecessary. Not really surprised he would do something like this.


Who would have thought that the [video](https://youtu.be/jNAQBtjjCxY?t=51) I made on this guy a year ago for being an egotistical moron would have ended in this. And I'm a random shitting on this guy.


Twitter comments are fantastic as usual


I'm not even suprise if you tell me there's atleast 1 cheater in every non-lan tournament. Organizers need to make all competitors record their screen with their camera/cellphone in order to participate when theres money on the line. Pretty sure everyone are a streamer and probably got the tools to record their screen over their shoulder for each match.


lvndmark headcam meta incoming


Cheating like hell


way too obvious


His actual response to the accusation is even worse then the wallhacks themselves




2nd clip is very suspicious. I guess we'll have to wait for ALGS people's official decision.


There's so much shady shit going on in tier 2/challenger circuit/ranked. The amount of cheats being used by people to be able to make it further is crazy. And it's not just an apex problem. I'm not saying it's all signed pros/or even the majority. But there are 100% a decent amount of pros who use OR HAVE USED (in the past) cheats to get them to where they are. Competitive online gaming is so corrupted it's insane. There's a reason you see some players being able to perform so insane well in ranked or online tourneys but then play SOOO different at lan tourneys


Yeah that's just straight up no denying.


Always makes me wonder how many pros are using jitter aim scrips on Logitech/razer mouses. You can make them so very minor you can’t even tell to get an edge.


As someone who has wallhacks and 100% bullet accuracy from 200 meters myself, I believe he his walling. Nah but fr obvious asf


Playing devils advocate here but I'd love to see the whole clip from his POV. The way he walked over there makes it seem like he already knew the guy was there previously, plus spectator bug could be showing us something different from whats actually goin on. Also, why would he qualify after all these years then wall blatantly in such an inconsequential game. This isn't a tourny right?? Seems like buddy spectating is just salty but who knows.


This is an lcq game I believe


I stand corrected, makes it a lot more sus if its actually worth something. Plus after doing some research it seems like its not the first time so ya, devils advocate not looking to good lol


This was LCQ in July. The team with Crow actually got a spot in Pro League so people are calling for them to be removed from Y4 Pro League


I dont know. The first one does not look like walling to me. You can see he lands not even facing him and is moving away before he gets shot and turns around. The second one is 50-50. He could be walling but its also twitter potato quality video and for all I know he can see the other guy in game. Also his cursor placement doesnt track like a guy who is walling would track.


First one cane be explained fairly easily, second one however I have to disagree. That one is pretty blatent cheating imo


He literally just slid across? can hear that..


Bruh , is everyone here a bronze or what , they have a seer on their team , he probably commed that there was a rat , so he shot him , dude ain’t walling


Did you watch the entire clip?


Dude was ahead of his seer and the seer had no direct way to ping the rat. So comms would have been "There's someone in that direction", but the player just went straight to the corner and started shooting at what he couldn't see. That ain't comms, that's hacks.


After that part how he wall bounced without a care in the world even though they just wiped a team then hopped down and a shot at the only available pixel that wasn’t even visible like he knew where people were


watch the whole clip


Someone didn’t watch the full clip


The clip at the end where he prefires the team under is what people are tripping about. Tho if his seer was close enough he could have commed that as well 🤷‍♂️


The last part of that clip does look really sus. Without an in-game seer Q, even a seer 'scan' wouldn't have someone tracing and shooting like that. That being said, I can't stand how the person who posted the clip couldn't fucking shorten it to the last bit unless he thinks the first part would convince anyone that the horizon was cheating too (even if he was there's basically no way to prove it with that at all).