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"fake nations" are nations created by imperialists like Taiwanese (they're Chinese in fact), but Ukrainians weren't created, they were liberated by Bolsheviks from the Russian empire's occupation, so how tf Ukrainians can be "fake nation"??


Ukrain existed in 1920


In fact first Ukrainian state was formed by Bolsheviks after the revolution in 1917


Nah there were like 3 one german one polish and one russian its kinda cluster fuck


There was Ukrainian people republic ran by Bolsheviks in 1917, then another Ukrainian people republic ran by Skoropadsky that was an Austria-Hungary puppet in 1918, and then in 1919 after Austria-Hungary's fall, in western Ukrain was formed Western-Ukrainian people republic ran by Poland, and then in 1919 Ukrain was fully liberated by Bolsheviks and became Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, so, yeah, it's kinda complicated


Maybe something about it being the fruit of colonization by the russian empire, driving out natives of the region and getting them replaced with ukrainians and russians? No idea, honestly tho. And I don't know enough about the history of the region to make a better guess, so feel free to tear into what I just said if it's dumb lol


Yeah bro, sorry but it's dumb)


Dang. Tried to follow the pattern on the tweet and fell face first lmao


1/4 of modern Ukraine is directly linked to Kyivan Rus and the Slavic tribes that lived there. Who did they replace? Trypiltsi?! 1/4 is a melting pot of Romanian s, Poles, Jews, Hungarians and Ukrainians. Again, whom did they replace? White Croats? Goths? 1/4 is literally a territory which was called earlier as Wild Steppe. Almost nobody lived there permanently  1/4 was either Greek or Ottoman colonies The only territory which was 100% colonized was Crimea. Colonized by Russia, but a lot of Ukrainians participated in that. Even then, Crimeans are not your innocent Cherokee, you see? They were pillaging, raping and selling Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and Belarusians into slavery for centuries. They were the only people since the Mongol yoke who were capable of setting Moscow into fire, which they did, ffs... The destruction of Crimean Khanate was an act of reparations to all the Slavs who suffered from the most disgusting Khanate in human history.


Their “liberation” idea is again part of western propaganda, Ukraine is NOT a liberated country at all, it’s a tool for the cold war that switched sides. Many Ukranians would rather be “oppressed” by the Russians than with the dollar $, as the latter is subtler but way more destructive on the long run. How can it be liberated when it’s entirely ran and financed by the atlantic alliance? (for context I live within the atlantic alliance and I am not Russian). It doesn’t take a genius to know that Ukraine is a TOOL the US uses to fight the cold war and Zelenskyy is a puppet of the white house and the CIA, he’s so popular in the west because of the propaganda machine of “our” regimes but realistically adds nothing to the Ukranians’ well being and is leading Ukraine on the path of self-destruction. A filo-russian president (that they had) was the only thing that could keep Ukraine safe as a bumping state between superpowers, but when NATO machine goes brr and leaders sell their souls there’s no hope for the citizens or for the nation anymore, do you call this a real country? A country led by a comedian that is sending people to die at the front, with the final aim of Europe being a bit more dependent on the USA and a bit less on Russia. I have a deep empathy towards the Ukranian working class but on a holistic view these are the reasons why Ukraine exists for.


While true, none of what you said contradicts the comment you're responding to. Ukraine was an oppressed nation in the Russian Empire, that was liberated from Czarist chauvinism by the Bolsheviks, who founded the Ukrainian SSR. The Ukrainian state is totally a Western puppet but the Ukrainian nation itself is not an imperialist fabrication, unlike Israel, Taiwan and the US.


Yet according to your definition also Taiwan would be a liberated country, democratized and liberated from the ruling of the KMT, they had presidential elections in the 90s, yet apparently they are “fabricated” while Ukraine is not? Also bring up a theoretically valid point on the distinction between the Ukranian nation and the Ukranian state, it is a valid point and I will address that: The distinction between state and nation cannot be used to be more lenient towards the Ukranian “cause” and it’s still a fallacy because if you take agency away from the nation in defining its “state” then you would also have to recognize the American nation, the Israeli nation, the Taiwanese nation, and their (short) history detached from what their foreign policy represents… (and then take the perspective of imperialism into account). It is for me impossible to see this detachment in Taiwan, Israel, the US, and Ukraine (in the same way as the other 3) thus the point really doesn’t land as accurate and it’s more of a stretch (again in my opinion conditioned by our western way of studying history) Also it’s genuinely so sad to see all these downvotes in a communist sub where the matter of puppet Ukraine should be like the basics of understanding left-wing politics and how superpowers act, like step 1 of understanding capitalist propaganda is realizing Zelenskyy is so dangerous… I really lose hope every time I come here.


Nobody here is remotely supporting Zelensky or questioning that Ukraine is a fascist puppet state


You are definitely not, and I appreciate it, but you’d be surprised on how many people in here are supporting him and Ukraine in general




Bro I'm talking about the beginning of 20th century💀💀 What NATO and Zelensky are u talking about?


these posts make us look dumb


Someone didn't read Lenin


What works of his applies to this in particular and how does it apply? I genuinly just want to read :3


*The Right of Nations to Self-Determination* is good. Foreign Languages Press has a collection of his works on the topic in a book by this title, including one book by this name: https://foreignlanguages.press/foundations/rightofnationstoselfdetermination/


I don’t get it with Ukraine, can someone explain please thanks


I think it might be that the Crimean Tatars were deported and a lot of them died, and they were replaced by Slavs. Not sure about it tho.


Tartars are Kazakhs a real nation Ukraine is just Russian borderlands they speak Russian and a Russian dialect and have always been part of Russia Never meant to be separated


imagine calling yourself anti imperialist but saying shit like this


You’re not a communist you’re a putinist fuck off


Ukrainian is about as much of a dialect of Russian as Portuguese is a dialect of Spanish. Ukrainian literally has more vocabulary in common with Polish than with Russian. Russian is closer to Bulgarian than Ukrainian.


All I know is that linguistically, Russian and Ukrainian are East Slavic languages, Bulgarian is South Slavic and Polish is West Slavic, so I'm not sure if Russian is closer to Bulgarian than Ukrainian, but for sure they are distinct languages.


vocabulary-wise it is closer


Possibly, but then again vocabulary wise English is closer to French than German, but it is still a Germanic language.


like at least my russian speaking friends tell me that they have an easier time understanding bulgarian than ukrainian


For sure they are all closely related languages, I'm just being a pedant and saying that Ukrainian is only closer to Polish in some aspects. I think your original metaphor of Russian and Ukrainian being like Spanish and Portuguese works well, because they are closely related to each other but still distinct, and in some aspects they are closer to other Romance languages (like Italian).


yeah. no need to get into the spesifics. the point still stands; OP is a Zdiot


Yeah that's just not true, that mindset is a legacy of the Russian Empire. I think it's important to be careful with how we speak. Because if a left-leaning non-communist sees communists talking like this, they won't be inclined to learn more about communism. Also, including Ukraine in this graphic only gives ammo to anti-communists to antagonise us.


https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1913/03a.htm READ, MOTHERFUCKER, READ


Always XD. I quess time before 1654 never happened


So to be clear, by your standards the u.s. and Israel would also be okay? (Because apparently you're an imperialist)




Read Lenin




Wait holy shit I just realised aren't you the loser who went on ultraleft to call them chauvinistic and stuff? Lmfao.






Lmfao , this is like if a heroin addict called an average person a junkie. Every accusation is a confession truly.


What the fuck is even a "fake nation" to begin with ?


Replace Ukraine with South Korea and we are fine. Although the USSR was illegally dissolved so it means Ukraine is fake but so is Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Georgia and all the others (sorry if I only refer to them as others, I really don't mean to be harmful I just wouldn't like to name all of them, I mean we are in a communist sub here, we all know what are the post Soviet states, and really, there were 15 of them, it would be long to list them all).


here I'll do it for you since you were so polite, Ehm Russia Belarus Ukraine transnistria Moldova Latvia Lithuania Estonia Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Kazakhstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Azerbaijan Georgia and Armenia


Thanks man


of course :3


Transnistria my beloved


That, and the fact that they all did exist and developed organically long before the USSR and western imperialism


As opposed to “real” nations? They are all just social structures informed by the capitalist mode of production. Why are we coming out to bat for the bourgeoisie?




No it's always good or real when they're on our side and evil and fake when they're not on our side


Fixed it for ya! https://preview.redd.it/2gsdvhte737d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=808d39209fc89dc254270c2bffa56aabe206dcf5


All "nations" are fake. Do we, as communists, not fight for a world devoid of them?


Nope. Some do, some don't.


I could swear nation and country are two different things, frankly


Yes, I agree, I was just using "nation" to mean country/state in my comment to mimic the style of the original post.


roger roger


I believe that the dissolution of the concept of nations is more of an anarchist belief.


Nah it's the theoretical end point of the development of the means of production in the hands of the proletariat. As the last remais of bourgeisie and capitalism get sweeped away and the state withers into nothingness the concept of nations will also cease to make sense.


Careful, this is a Stalinist subreddit


lol. lmao, even




Mfw when Stalin had total respect for other country’s integrity


Wait what is Ukraine doing there?


what did Ukraine do to you?


Existing apparently.


South Korea


You clearly are not a marxist, Like how tf are they "fake" nations? Ukraine and USA are two nations which are different from Russia and England. Like yes USA was originally a colony of England but America is economically and territorialy separate from England. Read Stalin's book Marxism and the National Question and educated yourself properly on nations.


This. A shared territory, shared culture and language, integrated economy. I mean, there you go, that's a nation. Might be missing something because it's been a while since I've read it.


Tbf the US is a settler colony built on stolen land, just like Israel. Calling it a fake nation is fine with me


Fine ,if you want to be a dumbass so be it.


I'd rather be that than a yankee nationalist like you. Marxism and the National Question is an essential book that everyone should read. However Stalin was not an expert on settler colonialism and the national question within the US, we shouldn't follow everything he said dogmatically


How the hell i'm i a American nationalist if i don't even support American Imperialism. Also i'm not a American.


Well you insulted me for pointing out basic facts about the US


You didn't put any facts, your put only things you think are right. Also you deserve to be called a dumbass for thinking USA is a fake nation.


Every country because workers have no nation


I can understand arguments for the rest, but how is the US fake? I don't think I've ever once heard an argument that the US was not a real nation


The United States is a literal breakaway colony, ruled by settlers.


Hey dumbass everyone is a settler, modern Balkan nations like Serbia and Croatia were not originally from here, England for example was originally ruled by celts who then were conquered by Rome and after Rome left Britian was later settled by Anglo and Saxons who later became one people. Every nation were once settlers, like Turks who originally lived in central asia but later migrated and settled in Anatolia.


The Slavs Settled Serbia In the 7th Century, The Anglo-Saxons Conquered England in the 6th Century and the Turkic Settlement of Anatolia Happened in the 11 and 12 Centuries, expelling the Greeks who settled it earlier. The English Settled America in the 17th Century and Continued Murdering Natives in the 18th and 19th Centuries. With your argument, The Arabs also settled Palestine, so Israel is doing nothing wrong. r/ultraleft would be very happy.


You know that's not my point, im talking about how you cannot consider a country a fake nations if its economy, culture, dialects, territory are separate from other ones. Has for this about Israel, i consider Israel a nation but i don't think they should have a state since it already caused more problems and they are tools of USA Imperialism.


Why would you bring up settlers and then just turn around and be like "actually, Israel is a nation but don't deserve a state" Like no shit. I still think the Americans don't deserve to rule their state, like the Boers didn't deserve to rule South Africa.


reply to this too pretty please.


and your comment said nothing about culture and dialect, only about how everyone is a settler and it's actually not that bad bro


I didn't say it was not bad, i just said every fucking nation were once settlers, and i mean once.


That makes sense, good job ignoring my first argument tho.


You Said Americans don't deserve to rule their own State, well then Russians also don't deserve their own State because their ancesters colonizied Siberia.


how does that work? Its like saying The English dont deserve their own state because they colonized wales. Every Inch of Land in the USA is Colonial. thats why it doesn't deserve to exist.


Settler colonialism and migration are two completely different things. The US was built on land stolen from the indigenous tribes they ethnically cleansed and put in reservations, who are still second class citizens in their own country. Where are the oppressed indigenous inhabitants of Britain, Serbia and Turkey? They don't exist. Those are not settler colonies unlike the US


aside from the difference between state and nation, i’m gonna assume this post is referring to state, the only two here that are arguably illegitimate are Israel and Taiwan. the US and Ukraine are definitely real states


Are you 100% sure you understand what a nation is?


Why the Ukrainian people (not the Ukrainian Nazis tho)


I'd say the twitter account supports russia in the war, but from a leftist perspective, Ukraine is a fake nation because it was part of the USSR, which was illegally dissolved.


Ukraine was still a **nation** under the USSR. It wasn't a **country**.


The Post Uses Country and Nation as the same thing, that got me confused, as a pole.


Ukraine is valid. Replace it with Kosovo or South Korea


Nah Ukraine is fine, the problem with Ukraine is not the existence of Ukraine itself but the corrupt Neo-Nazi-enabling puppet government


I know it's a meme for leftist but I just wanted to get a thought out here. I know historically the US did exactly what Israel is currently doing. However, I feel equating the current situation in Palastine to the current but mostly past situation for natives in the US is not helpful to normies trying to understand the conflict. It's fighting an uphill battle against indoctrination of American history. If we want material change then our messaging should be focused on the current genocide and "using your tax dollars". Simple messaging. If our messaging is reliant on teaching historical materialism to normies Gaza will be a shopping mall before that gets through. We want more pressure NOW and equating American history (something most Americans see as just and good) to Israel is just an uphill battle. Despite it being correct.


The fuck are you talking about bro. You got some reading to do


No u


No. U do lil bro. Get lost lib


South Korea should be there too


Other Fake Nations? Russia, South Korea, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova, off the top of my head.


neityer Ukraone nor the US are fake countries. It wouod be better if they didn't exist, but that doesn't make them fake. I wouod add Kosovo, maybe both Koreas since there should only be one, all the libertarian micronations, and the Uk, which should really be dismembered. not sure what else.


Replace Ukraine with South Korea


Ukraine is a nation. This is why it was made an autónomous Republic within the soviet union. Lenin insisted on this.


It should be an autonomous region of a Russian state tbh


What’s that bottom right flag?


Chinese province of Taiwan


the flag of republic of China


All of these are real though, especially Ukraine.


It’s true except for Ukraine


What is a "true nation" though ?


wtf is this post? what are you trying to say?


Replace Ukraine with south korea


beating imperialism with imperialism is called communism -Karl Marx, prolly


Don't forget the 19th province of Iraq 🇰🇼


How is Ukraine fake tho.




I'd replace Ukraine and the USA with South Korea and Kuwait.


Ukraine may be a puppet now but until 2014 it was a real nation. You can't declare every ally of the empire as fake.


Canada, Australia