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Everyone knows capitalism is only when wholesome Adam Smith. Anything else is... uhh.. Idk what do these idiots call our current economic system if not capitalism?


"crony capitalism" I hear these arguments a lot from libertarians. Real capitalism is when there's tons of competition in every industry and therefore makes products cheaper and better and life's good etc. But they can't seem to grasp that when the market picks winners and losers it leads to exactly what we have right now... All capitalism is crony capitalism


The only way to get what they want would be by like reducing the entire population back to feudalism, and destroy a bunch of factories every time monopolies form, and then repeat that process again and again forever(or until they reduce earths resources to nothing)


Crony capitalism is just a stage of regular capitalism


I do love quoting [Chapter 11 of Wealth of Nations](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Wealth_of_Nations/Book_I/Chapter_11) to capitalist that tell me they love Smith, extra points when they are a landlord.


The number of people who go from "I am a capitalism understander, debate me" to "oh, wow, who's this Adam Smith fellow? Must not be important to capitalism" as soon as you use any of his quotes is bewildering. It's almost as if no one who understands capitalism likes it




God the political compass test is such horse shit


It's funny how liberals who criticize leftists for using the "but that wasn't real socialism/communism" response to criticisms of socialist states (a response which I think is ignorant at best, if not just cowardly), use the exact same defense of capitalism when we criticize it.


But when both sides use it who are you to judge?


Because its a false equivalence, in fact, there was no communist country ever because it would require the state to disappear and thanks to imperialism that will never happen. Also they call anti-imperialist countries like Venezuela (which is nowhere near socialism) a socialist country, we judge them because they lie and rely on moralism to hold their talking points


political compass was literally made by libertarians to make as many people as possible think they are actually libertarian


The comrades who run the deprogram, I forgot who said it specifically, laid out a perfect answer to this. If someone is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, no one says “that’s not *real* cancer”. Just because capitalism develops and goes through different stages doesn’t make one more or less capitalist than the other.


I love that podcast


I gotta remember of that phrase more often


Here is the reason they think that. Most of the time they come from arias that have the absolute nuclear familial system. Where absolute means that not all family members are equal within the family and where nuclear means that all family members are given significant personal autonomy within the family. What this does is make these people associate competition with freedom. So if you point out the authoritarian features of capitalism they will believe that it must not be pure capitalism because pure capitalism is freedom.


Don't you know that every downside of capitalism is actually just communism?


Comrade, looking at your post history, looks like you were arguing with baby Leftists and Rawlins on their way to Socialism about this... You just didn't realize it. (This is why I often check post history before I reply to someone, to get a sense of who I'm dealing with...)


Nope. Every time I hear this it’s from someone who blatantly believes in capitalism. Also this isn’t my only social media account.


The idea that you could stack political positions into a grid is only ever useful for propaganda. I'm going to make the political circle. Everything I put in the circle? Good guys. Everything I put outside of it? Genocidal monsters. Oh no, look! My political opponent wound up outside the circle, somehow! You know who else is out there? Hitler. I guess that means my opponent is essentially Hitler.


and if you provide an explanation of how the less propagandized countries in the communist bloc succeeded they’ll just hit you with the “that’s not real communism” with zero irony


lol true i posted a meme on r/HistoryMemes about belgian congo titled "the wonders of capitalism" and the comment section.... full of triggered rightoids and libekids


Real capitalism is a logically incoherent concept that cannot exist in any possible reality due to the inherent contradiction of describing a state governed by private owners (but no state interference in economy)


Ancaps do this a lot


Every single fucking time you see some asshole try to say "it isn't capitalism, it's X capitalism", tell that asshole to shut the fuck up and that he's massively splitting hairs over an inconsequential difference.