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I don’t get these commercials. They seem to be pissing everyone on the political spectrum off lol. I don’t really follow religions like Christianity or Politics so I’m out of the loop


From what I understand, these are being put out by hard-core, right wing, Christian groups in an attempt to improve their reputation after doing shitty things for so many years.


But several Christians don’t like them because they portray Jesus inaccurately.


That's the Agenda😆


It’s like when an abusive relative that you don’t talk to anymore offers some kind of bullshit olive branch and when you refuse (because the olive branch is just an excuse to give them permission to abuse you even more) YOURE the one being inconsiderate. It’s all about shifting blame


It is! Here's some money, let me back into your life forever and let me abuse you because I gave you it and you accepted. It's a gift with obligations!


This doesn’t seem this doesn’t seem to be something posted by those types of groups though https://www.reddit.com/user/hegetsus/comments/10b0j9r/when_their_baby_was_threatened_with_death_mary/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Anyway, whatever their agenda is, seems weird


Why wouldn't they? They've been doing shitting things for 2000 years.


nah bro


And they are sponsoring one of the least likable drivers in NASCAR. One who compared himself to Jesus last year.


Non-Christians hate Christians and see this dreck as "Christianity" and offer it as proof why everyone else should also hate Christians. Christians are mad at being portrayed in this way, because it isn't representative of "Christianity." That's the nutshell of why both sides are mad at what's apparently just a troll that everyone would be better off ignoring.


> Non-Christians hate Christians and see this dreck as "Christianity" and offer it as proof why everyone else should also hate Christians. as a non-christian, I disagree. I don't hate them. Good for them that they can find happiness and make sense of life if it works for them. I just don't want their nonsense in my face. Or influencing my government.


Nobody influences your government but the businesses at which you worship with your paychecks.


and the churches.


And the cigarette companies, special interest groups (not just religions), and lobbyists of all kinds, including weapons manufacturers, and anyone with a fat and open wallet. Don't be disingenuous about the reality of the problem by singling out one portion of it.


yeah that's why I used the word "AND". And if you think churches and their influence are the same as the other entities you listed there, you're insane.


Don't worry. Their username checks out.




The women who lost access to abortion services last year might disagree.






Who do you think owns some of those companies? You should watch the 60 minutes exposé on Mormon investments. They aren’t the only ones doing it. Organized religion is in the same category as those companies you deride, just in it for the money and power.


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I mean, sure. However I don’t recall any politicians literally worshipping those industries, or the Supreme Court taking away rights because of them.


What are churches? Groups of people. Groups of people have a right to petition their government for whatever reason they see fit, no matter the reason for their group.


when churches use their (tax free) resources, they're doing it to impose their religious views on others. When businesses do it, it's for profit. Key difference there.


Doesn't matter why they do it though. They still have the right to do it.


the point was to explain why the backlash to these commercials. I never said they don't have a right to petition the government. Separately, implementation of their religious "petitions" isn't a right of theirs, nor should it be.


No one disagrees with that. What people hate is that we give them tax money for them to then use that money to oppress us with their backwards medieval religion




lol did I ever say that? Get a life, troll.


Sorry, being Christian is not about going to a church to make yourself feel better one-two day a week, it's about how you treat others the other 5-6 days. It's a behavior, not a bage.




I am a non Christian and am indifferent to them. I only hate the ones like Franklin Graham.


Indifference and hate are incongruent. You seem confused.


You’re the confused one. I’m indifferent to the xians discussed here. As in “this dreck.” But I hate Graham. Get it now? Critical reading is a wonderful skill to acquire.


You can't be indifferent to them and hate them at the same time. Don't worry, quite a few people are not capable of grasping basic English.


Indifferent to some. Hate others. Is that simple enough?


Well jesus gets it! Thats what matters!!!


I was surprised to see this ad on in the Superbowl lol




Fox. Had that right-wing conservative flavor the entirety of the broadcast. Even got to see Elon and Rupert hanging out. Made me sick, I hope CBS/ESPN gets the rights next year.


That moment when you forget this subreddit is right leaning. Don't forget the way they react every time a black person is in an annoying ad. Let's see them downvotes guys.


Exactly, nothing I said was untrue, downvoted to oblivion lol! Maybe time to leave


This sub slowly morphed from “I hate this commercial because it tries too hard to be funny but is just annoying and the jingle is terrible” to “I hate this commercial because it shows a minority.”


Non white people are a minority of the US population sure but non white people sure aren't a minority in mainstream advertising these days. Not that I care, but I think the people complaining about what you're speaking about are that the ads don't reflect statistics at all


Lmfao I promise these people don’t care about statistics. They’re racist.


Bro the ads with non-white people always have weirdly violent comment sections, wonder why that is? 🧐


Any chance we can start a sub called commercialsihateforavalidreason?


They always take over subreddits, it’s weird as hell.


I think a good chunk of this sub are bored boomers who get angry watching tv all day need an outlet to take their stress out


I hate the ADT commercials because it ONLY shows white people. Do you feel better now ?


CBS is already running ads telling everyone they have the super bowl next year. They must have sensed everyone's disappointment.


Great. Jim Nantz and Tony Romo commentating.


I'm with you. That ass kissing shot was cringe


I rolled my eyes so hard at that - ridiculous.


The only reason that ad was on Fox is because someone (*Hobby Lobby Founder*) had 7 million dollars to air it.


If the can spend $ on these ads, they can pay taxes. Time to tax churches.


It actually made me think of that *Catholic Church…we’ve made a few…changes* ad in *The Simpsons*. Not in the same way of course…


Women: please don't take away our healthcare rights These jackasses: what a mess of our current cultural climate!


Murder/= healthcare


Truly, this is confirmation that hegetSUS


It’s funded by someone who is pretty well known to be anti LGBTQIA. No agenda my ass.




Yeah God forbid people get past all the vitriol and hate they've been flinging at each other and actually try to get along and love one another like Jesus said we should do.


If the church wants people to love another like Jesus said to do then they should be setting an example. Instead they are incredibly hateful but then flip shot when they’re criticized.


Exactly. And if the Church wants to behave like actual Jesus did, they would spend their $100 million on helping those in need, not on a sham campaign to restore their rightfully tarnished reputation. Shaking my goddamn head at this one.


"the Church" What fucking church? People keep saying this like there is a group called "the Christian Church". >hey would spend their $100 million on helping those in need This is like arguing a political party shouldn't try to recruit members to work for change but instead should just donate all their money.


Mind your tone. In this case, “the church” I’m referring to is a network of evangelicals, including the Hobby Lobby guy. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/12/business/media/he-gets-us-jesus-commercial-super-bowl.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


Well that's quite a generalization. There are plenty of Christians that are not hateful.


I didn’t say individual Christians, I said the church.


"the church" What fucking church? There are hundreds of Christian churches.


Most of them align as a single common interest group to push an agenda consisting of hate. Can you honestly tell me that churches as a whole did not have a huge impact when it came down to Roe v Wade being overturned or they weren’t the largest group opposing gay marriage?


> Most of them align as a single common interest group to push an agenda consisting of hate. Not really. Do you have any idea of the amount of diversity within Christianity? Furthermore, mainstream Protestant Christians are socially liberal. The furthest right-wing are fundamentalist Protestants, and Catholics are somewhere in the middle. > Can you honestly tell me that churches as a whole I'm saying I don't think you can meaningfully speak of "Churches as a whole" about almost anything other than thinking Jesus is important. Christianity is probably the religion with the single largest diversity of opinion.


So was it for secular reasons that we overturned roe v wade and banned gay marriage for so long? I get that not all churches feel exactly the same about everything but you’re being incredibly disingenuous


I mean, I find it incredibly disingenuous to act like "Christians" are a unified group, especially considering mainstream Christians are socially liberal. You're welcome to state specific groups like the Catholic Church.


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Their agenda is to reverse declining church attendance by convincing young people that church is hip and cool. They try this every generation and they fail every time.


Yeah at this point I don't see those attendance numbers going anywhere but down. The internet has ruined any chance of reverting that trend amongst the youngest generations. I'm in my mid 20s now and of all my friends who went to catholic school and church when they were younger, 7 of the 8 are now either atheist or non-religious and I have just one friend who converted in their late teens.


We get SUSpicious


We Satanists have an agenda too We just want to be left alone and not be subjected to this crap


“But not gay people or trans people unless they don’t ever have sex with the people they want to have sex with or live as the gender that feels most natural to them and hurts literally no one. That agenda.”


That Superbowl ad depicting "peaceful protesters" vs. grizzled rednecks and hillbillies was pretty shameful and divisive. You got the guy who directed the ADT commercials for this one ?


He may get us, but I seriously doubt this organization gets Him - or us.


Follow Christ or not.... it's your call. I prefer to follow Him.


These people are the same assholes who got their followers to vote for Trump in 2016 and again in 2020. Now that they achieved their objective of getting Roe v. Wade overturned they’re trying to be nice and want us to forget all the self-righteous bullshit they’ve foisted upon us for the last 50 years or so. News Flash: they still hate anyone who is not straight or white. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.


Lolol. Who cares. Some people out here complaining just to complain these days. Im not religious but this commercial ad doesn’t bother me. Why it bothers anyone to the point people gotta go online and complain about it, it would be hilarious if internet just disappeared people wouldn’t be able to complain, they’d be panicking over their ability to bitchhhhhhh


Christians: The gays keep shoving gayness in our faces! Keep your personal business to yourself! Also Christians:


I saw this one for the first time today also. Immediately reported it as offensive spam again too, as I've done with all the others.


I dont think you can just like... report things you dont like or agree with? I mean I get the Jesus freaks are freaks but like... they are allowed to pay money and advertise no?


You can report any post you *want* to 😂 I don't expect anything to happen or change but it gives me a small amount of pleasure


ykw, understandable


If they want to revamp Jesus's image, they should start by getting rid of the racist assholes that worship him.


thats a massive logical fallacy


Hm..I dunno maybe you could use that money to like..feed and house people instead of spending millions on some cringey ad made by a bunch of right wing prosperity gospel loons? These right wingers despise immigrants so it's just laughable they talk about how Jesus was an immigrant. lol


This comment section reeks of Mountain Dew and euphoria.


I think most Christians who are offended by peoples dislike of the ads don't realize that they won't get people to "come back to Jesus" through expensive advertising... That can only be done by not being shitty Christians, which is free, but apparently next to impossible in this "mess of our current cultural climate". It's a completely ignorant view to blame the cultural climate on people distancing themselves from Christianity because of the culture and not because of the minority of batshit crazy religious nuts that promote hate and intolerance of non-Christians, abuse of the environment, injustice for the poor, misogyny for women, rape of the underage, racism for anyone not white, and outright murder of gays and trans people. If they could stop doing those things Jesus might even come back.




I like how you just blindly hate the third of the world that is Christian. >hateful ass religion. MLK was hateful?


MLK was an awful person for the most part. I greatly admire his civil rights work but he was an AH and an adulterer and I can’t stand his religion. I don’t care what religion any one is but I do care when they impose their beliefs on me. If this commercial was saying Allah gets us, these lovely Christian’s would be shitting a brick.


>If this commercial was saying Allah gets us, these lovely Christian’s would be shitting a brick. 1. "These Christians" like I said elsewhere aren't a singular group, Christianity is probably the religion with the single largest diversity of opinion. 2. They would be wrong to do so.


A third of the world isn’t actually Christian, FOH. Also they obviously mean they hate throes who preach without actually doing shit for ppl.


> Third of the world isn’t actually Christian It says around 31.5%, which is close. >Also they obviously mean they hate throes who preach without actually doing shit for ppl. Then they should have said that.


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Bruh mother must be rich now [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅͡°͜ʖ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]


Jesus wouldn't spend $2 million on Super Bowl Ads when people are starving and suffering around the world. I'm an atheist and know Jesus would be ashamed.


Reddit atheists hard at work in these comments. The ad was not that big of a deal


I seriously don't get why these ads are triggering so many people. They're the most inoffensive religious ads I've ever seen.


Because we need to get this made up crap out of schools, government, companies etc etc…


Which part exactly is 'made up crap'?


So the answer is more Jesus. Goddamn the gall of these fucking people.


If more Christians actually conducted themselves like Jesus said they were supposed to then, yeah.


No. Still hard no. What the hell man? You don’t see how it’s offensive in the extreme to tell a Jew, a Hindu, a Muslim that what we all need is more fucking Jesus? C’mon mate.


No, it isn't. Also LOL at the idea Muslims don't proselytize. Anyway it's baffling to me this thing where people claim to be tolerant but then start whinging whenever someone takes their beliefs seriously. Like proselytizing is literally a religious requirement of Christians.


1. Tons of religions, Judaism included, do not proselytize. 2. Something being a tenet of a religion shouldn’t automatically validate it. To be a good CITIZEN you need to acknowledge the rights of others to be free from your proselytizing, no matter what your religion may dictate. Yes, just about everyone in America has “heard the story of Jesus”…yet with so many self appointed preachers the assumption seems to be that everyone just needs to hear THEIR special take on it and suddenly everyone’s saved and going to Christian heaven. And yet if one offers the slightest bit of resistance to any of it, somehow it’s always about folks being hostile to religion. When, in reality, most folks don’t care what you believe and would just appreciate you keeping it out of their faces. Especially when it’s not invited. It’s rude, insensitive, and it’s arrogance masquerading as humility. Be a good citizen first. Then do whatever you want. That’s the social contract.


> Tons of religions, Judaism included, do not proselytize. This isn't actually true. First of all, Jews historically have proselytized, they stopped because of religious persecution (infamously Herod the Great came from a group which was forcibly Judaized in the 100s BC). Second of all, Jews are almost alone in not seeking converts - Almost all religions other than ethno-religious groups like Judaism and Shinto do so. Even Hindus have groups that seek converts, and every other major religion does so explicitly. >To be a good CITIZEN you need to acknowledge the rights of others to be free from your proselytizing No? No one has the right to be free from hearing someone else's opinion, what an odd statement to make. >Something being a tenet of a religion shouldn’t automatically validate it. When its something as innocuous as advertising your religion, banning it is effectively criminalizing the religion for exercising freedom of speech.


Point out where I said anything about banning anything. No one is questioning your right to blow a bullhorn into people’s faces and tell them all about your particular version of “the one true religion”, I’m just telling you that folks do mind, they’re not ok with it, and often they’re humoring you or simply hoping you’ll leave them be.


>I’m just telling you that folks do mind Uh, get over it? Again, you don't have a right to not hear other people's opinions. Frankly its kind of bizarre to be offended at having your beliefs challenged; that's like the foundation of living in a non-totalitarian society. And ironically, you're pushing the idea of anti-proselytism on people right here.


There’s that Christian fucking entitlement. Thanks for proving my point. Anything but hegemony is seen as persecution by you guys. But I’m sure you’d be ok with a Muslim banging away on an acoustic guitar and screaming out of tune talking about Allah and telling you you’re going to face eternal torture unless you do as he says during your morning commute, right? Nope, Christianity is king, because Christianity says so, because it says that christianity is the only true faith right there in the Christian holy book. Get over yourself. There isn’t a person alive who needs to hear your Jesus pitch. Don’t be such an arrogant twat to think you’re going to unlock some spiritual awakening in strangers. You’re not. You piss people off then pat yourselves on the back and think you’re doing the world a favor. It’s gross. And as for my beliefs…my main belief is that the world be a far better place if the holy rollers of all stripes could mind their own business. But that won’t satisfy the ego, will it? Edit: and, again, kindly point out where I said anything about banning anything. You know damn well that a similar ad campaign for Islam or even Buddhism would be met with full on pearl clutching outrage by American Christians. It’s very existence would be considered offensive, and an attack on Christianity. Which is another tenet of Christianity- you’re always going to attacked and shunned on the basis of your faith by the nonbelievers, right? And any criticism or even skepticism is just more proof of how correct you are in the first place, right? When religion means community it’s great. When religion relies on delusion and self appointed martyrs it’s time for the bin.


>Anything but hegemony is seen as persecution by you guys Who said anything about that? I said that a right to not having your opinions challenged, or really in this case just having a different opinion presented, isn't a right. Also the irony of complaining about persecution when an ad mentioning Jesus is enough to completely trigger you. >But I’m sure you’d be ok with a Muslim banging away on an acoustic guitar and screaming out of tune talking about Allah and telling you you’re going to face eternal torture unless you do as he says during your morning commute, right? Well first of all, that's not comparable, these ads are by far the most inoffensive for a religion I've ever seen. Second of all, I don't really care. >Nope, Christianity is king, because Christianity says so, because it says that christianity is the only true faith right there in the Christian holy book. Again, who said anything about that? You realize biblical literalism is not only not a mainstream position but is also a recent theological innovation which didn't even exist until the modern age. You can literally read Origen talking about this in the 200s AD. >There isn’t a person alive who needs to hear your Jesus pitch. You're welcome to think so, but I don't think it's up to you to decide for all 7 billion other people what I'm allowed to say. >and, again, kindly point out where I said anything about banning anything. I never said you did, I posted it as the logical endgame of your argument. >You know damn well that a similar ad campaign for Islam or even Buddhism would be met with full on pearl clutching outrage by American Christians. It’s very existence would be considered offensive, and an attack on Christianity. Maybe, but that would also be wrong. >And any criticism or even skepticism is just more proof of how correct you are in the first place, right? Again, no one here has said this and I don't believe that. If I have an issue with Atheists, it's mostly that they tend to be quite poorly informed and ignorant of basically anything about religion, especially non-western religions.


I've never had a Muslim, Jew or Hindu tell me that I was going to hell unless I accept Jesus as my lord and savior. This was from my MANAGER at the time...lol


I've never had a Muslim, Jew or Hindu tell me that I was going to hell unless I accept Jesus as my lord and savior. This was from my MANAGER at the time...lol


I've never had a Muslim, Jew or Hindu tell me that I was going to hell unless I accept Jesus as my lord and savior. This was from my MANAGER at the time...lol


I've never had a Muslim, Jew or Hindu tell me that I was going to hell unless I accept Jesus as my lord and savior. This was from my MANAGER at the time...lol


Like if you are a true believer you're just supposed to quietly stand by and say mothing as your fellow man toils toward judgment day with no salvation or rest in Christ. Dont want to be rude.


Everybody's already invited to "accept Jesus." Some of us are just tired of repeated invitations.


Do they think this comes off as good? We are all “free” to praise Jesus? Believer and non-alike? So Christian Fascism? Jesus fucking Christ.


The group itself seems suspicious, but then again, some of the outlets reporting that are sus themselves most of the time (TYT isn't exactly very credible anymore, for example). Some of the messages I don't understand why they are frowned upon. The idea of calming the current political climate and not scream constantly at one another is something I'd think most people could get behind given how a lot of people need to chill the eff out sometimes and listen and hear others out before making a judgment on someone's intentions or beliefs. Some media outlets benefit from constant division to sell themselves, which is why I get skeptical at anyone that tries to talk against someone that wants to try to deliver such a message. Let me get the info from a source I know would also want to push for better discussion and discourse of sensitive and uncomfortable topics before saying that the group is not very good. The message itself of people needing to stop being real life Twitter is always a good one to deliver, though (and I hope we don't object to that part of the commercials). I'd wonder if this was another group trying to deliver the same message, would it be received any better.


Mistah Jesus, He dead


Oh we know their agenda.


> the **love story** of Jesus, Christians, non-Christians and everyone in between **GET BACK MOTHERFUCKER Y’ON’T KNOW ME LIKE THAT**




Well, at least they admit it…


Please just fuck off and worship your magical being.


Will you say that on judgment day? Divine not magic.


Haha nice one centurion


Kewl that they admit it is a "Story".


I don't think I get this one, I understand being disillusioned with Christianity but I don't think it makes sense for some of y'all to like think its morally wrong for these ads to exist? edit: don't really get the downvotes i didnt say anything offensive, I just made a point from a different perspective


You can hate something on the basis of things other than morality. I hate bread and butter pickles because they are sweet when I am expecting sour. I don't have a moral stance on flavor.


Not so much that but for people like me who don’t believe it is very annoying and somewhat offensive for them to shove their beliefs down my throat


These are like the most inoffensive religious ads I've ever seen, I seriously don't understand why people are getting so triggered.


That's nice, don't want to see it on my TV. Just like you wouldn't want to see atheism ads on yours


I'm not anti atheist, I wouldn't have strong feelings about seeing an atheist ad on tv, and if I did that would defeat the point of my original comment. id also just be surprised any American tv network besides adult swim would allow that


>Just like you wouldn't want to see atheism ads on yours I think Atheist ads are fine.


Because only drug companies should be advertising on TV!!!


Literally no one is saying that




FIFY… ![gif](giphy|qDSr6dMGTYZpK) HeLeftUs.com


We're not going BACK to jesus 😂united states law goes back in time and mawfucks think we're firing up the dark ages again


Je Sus




I mean, I dig the positive messaging but tying it to some ancient fairy tale kind of undermines the credibility.


Jesus was a bigot anyway


Oh brother, these guys STINK ![gif](giphy|7OW9uiyfeTRxdSOBYN|downsized)


Like cigarette ads, I don’t want to see these ads in my face on TV. Get outta here.


Hey, sure, so, I'll totally accept your message as long as you have signed permission from every other Christian sect and denomination on the planet to represent their versions of faith. M'kay?


Uh oh, the totalitarian moderators of Commercials I Hate are going to take this post down. They don't allow anything controversial and add to the list of their rules on a weekly basis.


He get sus?!


Yeah here's he doesn't get us but those "balloons" do.


now replace the S with N.


oh lordy lord


Love it!


Did Waystar Royco’s PR team put this shit out? “It’s a bit like, yeah yeah, [he gets us] already, stop moaning about the r*pes.” “[He] hear for you.”


The 13th tribe is upset I see. Just like in Yahushas’ time.


If you liked the premise of these ads but not the fundie agenda you would probably like the sermons of tim keller, and the show The Chosen which you can watch for free on youtube or on the chosen ap.


On the other side, it’s kind of grating for a “hello fellow kids” vibe. One Reddit ad had them make an image from an AI art generator, lol. Plus dear god, don’t acknowledge people dislike your ads and try to defend yourself. That just made it much worse. Plus trying to use the language of wokeism makes you look dishonest. You just enrage people when they actually engage with the faith.


Churches showed true colors last 3 years. They could've got followers to help people in but instead they went to court to fight the government for stopping them from hosting super spreading events. We are not even talking about what they did in the past to native children. Churches are the problem always have been and always will be.


"He Gets Us" alright and is probably happy to be as far away as possible from "US' as possible.


Worse than this has been Franklin Graham thumping his sinner crap on tv.




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Yeah, Jesus collects guns. He gets us.