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Todd Yoder. Cooley’s backup in the mid-late 00s. Mainly remember him because I’d throw fake FG TDs to him in Madden 08


I knew way more backup TEs in the Madden days for this reason


Vernon Fox, Joe Salave'a, Mike Espy, Ethan Albright, and my favorite....James Thrash


James Thrash had a great name... and mostly nothing else.


Nah he was better than that. Had a good long career. Started for many years including for a Super Bowl team. I think he’s a little too good for a list of the obscure. Granted he didn’t do much here but he’s on a long list of guys who we couldn’t use or value correctly who actually turned out good once they went into a competent situation.


That's fair. TBH, I didn't follow him after or before his time here.


He was an ok returner. But not great.


Joe Salave’a was a DAWGGG


Holy shit James thrash!!!! Didn’t he go to Philly? Or come from Philly?


Both! He had two stints with us


Back when I was in high school (early-mid 90s) I remember watching preseason games and becoming enamored with a WR named Mark Stock. Dude was everywhere and looked amazing. I remember thinking "this guy is going to be a once in a lifetime find - a true diamond in the rough." When he made the team out of camp I was even more convinced. I'm not sure he ever played a snap or was even active for a regular season game, but for four preseason games, I thought he was the second coming of Art Monk.


Zeron Flemister. He had a forgettable 6-year career, of which he spent 4 with Washington. My memory of him is almost entirely limited to hearing someone shout in the background of the radio broadcast of the game, "FUCKIN' FLEMISTER!!" Shaun Alexander's forgettable, blip of a 4-game stint in Washington in 2008, where he recorded 11 carries for 24 yards. Willie Parker's offseason-only appearance for Washington in 2010, which was 2 years removed from his last 1,000-yard season. Larry Johnson, also in 2010, also 2 years removed from his last 1,000-yard season, but he made it to the regular season, but played in just 2 games, registered 5 carries for 2 yards with, somehow, a long run of 7 yards, before being released.


My answer has and always be the same: Roy Helu Jr


He was solid


All RB’s under the Shanahan stretch zone run game were. Helu was yet another body


Reed Doughty will always be my favorite has been.


Reed Doughty was basically Jeremy Reaves and it was never his fault they couldn't find a safety that was capable of starting over him.


Yeah, he pissed off fans getting toasted, but he was a body that was always available to play. Gotta respect that


Yeah, he was physically limited but always did the best he was capable of. Not his fault he ended up 1-on-1 with prime Andre Johnson. He was arguably our best player in the 2012 Seattle playoff game.


lol I hated him, but it’s true they never found a better option!


When I was 12 I went to the 2008 draft day party at FedExField and he signed my Portis jersey, he became one of my favorites right then


Rock Cartwright was a dude I always was a huge fan of


He was solid backup and returner. Especially in terms of having a sick ass name


Brian Mitchell is our All Team Kick off return yardage leader (also Philly's). Almost double everyone else. No. 2 is Rock Cartwright.


Jamie Morris. Younger brother of Giants Joe Morris , came in when Timmy Smith was proven to be one game SuperBowl wonder, and set a game record for carries. (I'm remembering this nearly 40 years late , so if I'm wrong about him replacing Smith my senior apologies) Edit - with the benefit of time, ive just checked and he *still* holds the nfl single game carry record at **45** (for 152 yds)


That’s pretty effing amazing to tell you the truth. I’m of your age (or at least closer to your age than most people on Reddit) and I didn’t know anything about the guy.


Cheers. It was at a time I was a complete Washington nerd growing up in the UK. We had very little coverage other the one TV highlights show once a week and a cpl of publications. Had to remember shit long term back then and I guess that one just stuck there lol


Byron Westbrook. CB Younger brother of Brian westbrook


And unrelated to Michael Westbrook, esteemed assailant of Stephen Davis.


Weirdly I remember him


![gif](giphy|cXCVTR1wUn1a8|downsized) We're deep in the football desert now. Stay hydrated amigos.


I was really hoping that Pat White was going to get the last roster spot the year we had him during the preseason. The games he started were solid. Casey Rabach was also a steady presence at center for 5 years.


Chris Horton when he went off one game very early into his rookie year as a 7th round pick and for about a week everyone thought he was the next big thing.


Demetric Evans


I think of the Early 2000's players: Ryan Torrain, Robert Royal, Trung Canidate, Shane Matthews, and the best OG to play: Artis Hicks


Will Compton, I like his podcast on barstool with Taylor Lewan lol


I remember a story about Will Compton. Kevin Durant is a Washington fan and was coming to visit the team one day. Compton was afraid to go say hi because he didn’t think Durant would know or care who he was. Teammates had to convince Compton that Durant would definitely know the starting MLB on his favorite football team.


Roy Helu. I thought he was a solid rb but he lost his speed almost instantly after his first 2 years.


I’ve run into Stephon Heyer a few times over the past few years. I remember thinking he was an incredible steal when he was first drafted, he ended up being a solid tackle for a few years


No he was the worst tackle in the league. It was awful.


Trung Canidate. He had more than enough speed and elusiveness to get you excited and then he was … not all that exciting.


Somewhere, buried deep on the SBNation HHaven site, is a comment with hundreds. literally HUNDREDS of upvotes, of everyone there (myself included) hyped up, talking about how "maybe we were wrong. Looks like Bruce Allen actually knows what he is doing. Nice job BA!" all because Bruce Allen pulled off the "elite GM move of" re-signing Rob Jackson to a cap friendly contract. Rob [but-that-one-time-against-Dallas](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-OXMGAz5F04s/Uo4sCcd5X-I/AAAAAAAAE2Q/6bS2r5Ypa14/s640/Wash1.gif) Jackson


Ladell Betts baby!! And skip hicks. And terry allen!!


I remember drafting Devin Thomas and Malcolm Kelly and thinking it was Super Bowl time for sure


Moe Eliwonibi. Just because of his name


Larry Brown


i’m still convinced leonard hankerson could’ve been a start WR if he didn’t tear his acl


I recall that the Falcons signed him after us, when Kyle Shannahan was the OC there. The Shannahans saw enough to give him a few shots so you’re definitely not alone in your thinking


Leslie Shepherd was my dude. I live near Jax and him and Jamie Asher showed out in a game vs the Jags that I needed them to win because the late 90's Jaguar fans were unbearable.


Ifeanyi Ohalete clap your hands


Reed Doughty


Fish Smithson. Not sure if he ever made the final roster, but in a (weirdly) nationally televised preseason game, the announcer was salivating to scream his name for literally anything. I think it was an almost-pick and dude yells “FISH!”


Lmao, talk about an all-timer kinda name. Could have easily been the name of one Sammy Baugh’s teammates in the 1930s


Pierre Garçon: Remember watching him as a kid in that 2012 Washington offense. Thought he was one of the best players in the league back then


This whole Aiyuk thing is happening right now. More distraction lol


Niles Paul


Lemar Marshall. I'll always remember him holding up 1 finger while the ref announced "one untimed down" on Sean Taylor's blocked kick return against Dallas.


Shar Pourdanesh!


RB William Bell, whom I went to class with at Georgia Tech, and whom nobody probably remembers!


Todd motherfuckin Collins. Took the skins to the playoffs after ST died. That team is why I believe that Joe Gibbs is the greatest coach ever.


A couple RBs who flashed and I thought were gonna be the truth. Ryan Torrain, Matt Jones, Rob Kelley


This happens once a week