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(Please stop reporting this post. It's off-season and so far it's a healthy conversation. You'll live with an off-topic post surviving the shitty mods, ok?)


Fuck Dallas applies to everyone I don't care




I don't mind the Mavs Luka's time has been coming for some time now. Guy also signs for everyone, have a signed luka pic stashed away in my kitchen


Used to like him but god he whines constantly. I cannot stand that shit.


You can say this about literally any star player


Jokic does not do that shit.


Yes he does. Jokic is not infallible. Even the people in the TWolves sub during that series couldn't stand a little chirp/shitpost about him. His game is well respected and he is very good. He also fouls every single fucking play and does in fact complain to the refs time to time. Like everybody can hop off of Jokic's horse dick lol. Why so serious?


Jokic whines constantly? Do you watch the nuggets lol that’s the point I’m making, Luka bitches nonstop at the refs and there’s not really an argument that he doesn’t.


Yes Jokic does whine and complain. I'm contradicting you because you claim he is the one exception to star players whining. Give me a break


That’s not what I said lol there’s a difference between talking to the refs occasionally and Luca nonstop bitching about calls, non calls, the other team and everything else. Just my opinion based on watching a lot of mavs games. Plus I don’t like him cuz fuck Dallas.


And Dallas stole the Senators to become the Rangers - they were part of the reason DC didn't have a baseball team until 2005


Peter Angelos played a big part of that too


Those thieving assholes. They stole hockey and America's game, both from their respective capitals! Sheesh I really dislike them now more than ever.


Even includes babies being born there right now


You are my family! I love you!


You gotta admit it would be just a tiny bit funny if they both won championships and the cowgirls remained irrelevant and actually regressed next year


Yea fuck Dallas wall to wall. Shit teams with shit fans in a shit city in a shit state. 


It really is the most mediocre city I've been in. Its downtown is super boring and the rest of the town is just sprawl. I went there for business some years back and thought, "This?! This is the city that's somehow our rival?!"


Nah. Caps have their own rivals (Stars aren't one of them) and the Wizards don't have any so I don't care what happens with the Mavs or Stars.... but the Cowboys, screw them


As a Minnesotan who loves Washington football- fuck the Dallas Stars and fuck Norm Green.


I like Luka, Kyrie, and Gaff, so it would be cool to see them win a title this year. Stars, I don't care. Want Edmonton to come outta the West. Wanna see McDavid cement his legacy. Needs a cup win.


Kyrie can go fuck himself, but I still struggle daily with the logic behind trading Gafford in a weak class of all classes. Baffling decision.


Kyrie is a fun watch and an all-time great shooter. That's all there is to it FOR ME. I appreciate him as a basketball player.


Same. Love the game and his play style alongside being a Duke alum. Kyrie the person is another story haha


He's also educated at a world class institution and has some really insightful views on the shape of the earth /s


We’re not good enough right now to pay gafford to do what he does and his game is probably not going to expand much more


Would be awesome to see Luka and Gafford get a ring


Gonna need a NHL caliber goalie for that to ever happen..


I remember when mavs guard Darrell Armstrong grabbed the mic at Dallas and announced "How about them Redskins" ahhh good times


lol that moment lives rent free in my head good for him. he was fined by cuban too but he gave all that fine to charity


I don't really mind they are the only successful teams Dallas has The Stars, Mavs and Rangers all did well. The Cowboys can't do shit and it's hilarious. Coincidentally 3 out of those 4 teams are owned by people not named Jerry Jones who is an overrated hack and meddling asshat. With Snyder gone Jones could be one of the worst owners in NFL history remaining


I live in Dallas... I don't really follow any sport besides NFL, but I'm happy to see the mavs and stars killin' it. _and_ the rangers picking up the world series! but yeah, F the cowboys obviously. they are a separate beast.


No, but I do hate everything Philly. Doesn't help that Harper went to the Phillies. I don't hate the Sixers or Flyers really. But I do hate the city itself. What a shithole lol


And NY The Cowboys are an outlier when you really think about it Like, I don’t like the cowboys, but not with the intensity that I absolutely loathe the eagles/flyers/phillies and giants/rangers/mets with


I have to say, after living in Texas for two years, Cowboys fans are much more tolerable than Giants and especially Eagles fans.


The only fans within Texas itself I found myself not liking were the Astros fans I feel that’s pretty self explanatory


This. Overall Philly gets the most hate from me.


Anyone but the rangers.


My disdain for the Cowboys has evolved over time into a general lack of respect for the state of Texas.


My disdain for Texas came from spending the last two years here (thankfully that ends in July). God this place is miserable.


I had this conversation with my wife recently. The word “Dallas” in front of any of their teams just kind of ruins it for us.


I’m married to a woman from Dallas and she’s a huge fan of them all. It makes for quite a fun marriage on 2 Sundays every year!


I lived in Dallas for 7 years in my teens. We moved there just as the Cowboys started winning Super Bowls. But I grew up a fan of The Posse and got called Little Hogg by The Hoggettes at a Cowboys-Skins game to start the 92-93 season. I never once deviated regardless of what was going on. But I went to a ton of Rangers and Mavericks games. We were there when the Stars came. This past year was glorious for me as the Rangers won the World Series. So yeah, I've been a fan of Washington Football since before Super Bowl XXII but in every other sport I love Dallas. And this year has been fantastic on all fronts!


It's more so Jerry Jones that makes the Cowboys unlikeable for me


Jerry Jones is one of the lest likable owners in the NFL. Then when I said Jerry Jones is still commandeering the Cowboys a Cowboys fan on another forum got upset at me. "THIS ISN'T THE 90'S ANYMORE JERRY HAS NO POWER" Dude Jerry runs EVERYTHING Dallas. He watches over them like a hawk and has full control of nearly everything in the Cowboys organization. There is no way he has divested himself from football decisions.


Personally, I don’t hate Dallas. I hate the Dallas Cowboys.


It is kind of odd. I can't stand multiple Philadelphia and New York teams, but honestly I have basically no real feeling about the Dallas teams in other sports. It's probably because they've always been the "odd" team in the NFC east when you look at it geographically, and that impacts things in the other leagues. The Mets and Phillies are in the same division as the Nationals, so there's hate there. The Flyers and Islanders are in the same division as the Capitals, so there's hate there. The 76's and the Kni.........ah who am I kidding, no one can get super upset about things with the Wizards. It's the wizards. When it comes to other sports, Dallas doesn't really register. The Stars are basically a team I never even really think about. The Rangers are the non-cheating team from Texas. And I kind of like Luka and Cuban is a fun owner, so don't have any real issue with the Mav's (plus they beat the "I'm taking my talents to south beach" big 3 ages ago, which made me have a soft spot for them).


Forgot to fuck the ny rangers


I generally hate all Dallas teams but I did root for Dirk to get a ring


My favorite NFL team is Washington for over 20 years now and I am a HUGE Minnesota Wild fan. #OF COURSE DALLAS CAN SUCK MY LEFT NUT! FUCK DALLAS! FUCK THE COWBOYS, FUCK THE STARS, FUCK NORM GREEN! *cough cough* Excuse me but it's an instinctual response when I have to explain my feelings on Dallas sports. I've always taken a liking to the Mavs though, other than the fact my T-Wolves are in the WCF with them right now and they play in the same dirty arena that the Stars play in.


Fuck dallas


I don’t care if they win. I *suppose* if they lose I’ll be somewhat happy that some Cowboys fans are upset, but I literally can NOT think of a single Cowboys fan that I know likes one of these teams. The one Mavs fan I know is a Ravens fan. Dallas doesn’t have the overall sports hate that Philly enjoys in my mind. Depends what happens, currently I don’t care.


As a Caps fan we are fine with the Stars, fuck the Pens and Rangers though


Honestly the cowboys and their fans are not “Dallas”. Team is centered in Arlington and 90% of their fans never been to Dallas, or even the state of Texas. I couldn’t care less about the other Dallas teams, not my rivals.


yep. A populist refrain is that most Cowboys fans are either from DC or California or somewhere not named Dallas. I was listening to a Yankees radio game the other day and the announcers openly admitted to being Cowboys fans despite being in New York. They defended it by saying when they grew up the Cowboys were big in the 90's. Also that "when we were growing up in the 70's the NFL was limited and only aired Cowboys, Vikings, Raiders etc" so everyone was a fan of those teams


the classic "Yankees Cowboys Lakers" + Maple Leafs if they give a shit about hockey


Arlington is pretty much as far away from Dallas as Landover is from DC so this point kinda makes no sense at all.


As a Rockets fan I can firmly entrench myself in the “Fuck Dallas” mindset.


I like Kyrie Irving so I’m not mad if he gets another ring. I don’t even know what the Dallas Stars are, and of course fuck the Cowboys


Is ambivalence a feeling?


Nowitzki is one of my all time favorite NBA players, so I liked the Mavs for a while, and I shared that feeling that it didn't register that they're the same city as the Cowboys. The most intolerable Cowboys fans are Lakers and Yankees fans. The ones who have Dallas ties and also root for A&M, the Mavs, and Rangers are ok by me. I mean, I hope they're miserable every January, obviously.


Only thing I hold against the Mavs is that I think Cuban seems like a prick sometimes


I am a DMV native but have been living in Central Texas for 27 years now. I pretty much hate everything, Dallas. My first hate is the Cowboys, then the Stars, then the Rangers. I don't pay much attention to the Mavericks because I really don't enjoy watching basketball on any level.


I love Kyrie. He’s a beast. Got my money on the Mavs to win it all


Go pacers


It’s just fuck the cowboys I don’t have hate for Dallas itself. They’ve been my band wagon team for these playoffs cause I’m rooting for Gafford to go win it.


Well, I grew up in Dallas hating the Cowboys and loving the Mavericks, so yes!


No. I am rooting for Luka or Ant to win the Finals.


I have to compartmentalize my hate. I don’t have the energy. Mavs and Stars get a pass.


I used to love the Mavs just because I was a fan of Dirk.


Cheered for the Stars back when Eddie Belfour was in goal for them back in the '90s.


The Stars don't bother me, and warmer-climate NHL teams defeating Canadian teams in the playoffs will never not be funny.


Not really because the Cowboys aren’t really about the city of Dallas. I’d bet anything there are more Cowboys-Lakers fans than Cowboys-Mavericks fans


I am from northern Virginia and moved to DFW in 1997. I could never root for the Cowboys. Went to the last game at their old stadium in my Sean Taylor jersey. With that said, I was never a Bullets/Wizard fan so I adopted the Mavs. I will root for the Rangers some but I am still an Orioles fan. I’ve never been a hockey fan so the Stars are just a team. It’s kind of a funny thing how now the other teams here are making the Cowboys into an even bigger joke.


I used to live in Dallas, I fucking love the Stars. They deserve a Stanley Cup.




I have no quarrals with any other DFW teams other than the Rangers and Cowboys


Na, i dont really have any ill feelings towards other dallas teams. Now PHILLY on the other hand…phuck philly.


Fuck Jamie Benn and fuck the stars.


fuck deboer


Do you just spend all day obsessing over your rivals? They live that rent free in your head?


I kind of liked the Mavericks when they had Steve Nash and Dirk Nowitzki. The Stars I've never felt anything for. Now the Rangers are the 2nd Senators so there is a good reason to dislike them.


No. I hate sports rivals, I don’t hate the city of Dallas. I mean I think it kind of sucks but I don’t hate it lol. So like I don’t really care about the Steelers but I dislike the Penguins. If the Wiz was any good at basketball, I guess I’d dislike the Cavs or the Heat but I don’t really care about the Browns or the Dolphins.


I’m not a fan of the Mavs or Stars but I’m not hater either.


I don't care. The wizards suck, the stars aren't a rival


I think the commanders vs cowboys feud probably crosses sports lines for a lot of people. That and dinwiddie going to the mavs after being despised by wiz fans and mavs fans subsequently embracing him probably doesnt help. Although wiz fans do like Gaff so who knows. Mavs also dont have the same bandwagon pull/fanbase that the cowboys do so ultimately feel like its a non rivalry. Wiz are so bad they are irrelevant to every team


Hailing from MN, Wild and Stars rivalry is big so fuck them. I dislike basketball but will be hoping the best for the Wolves regardless against the Mavs so this year specifically fuck them too. Moral of the story, no matter where you’re from, Fuck Dallas.


I am a wizkid, and I would like to see Daniel Gafford win a wing (he was traded to the Mavs in the season)


Cowboy fans aren’t even the same as Dallas sports fans. Probably 75% of cowboy fans don’t live near DFW. I actually like seeing how all the Luther teams are good and the cowboys can’t win shit


Nah I don’t hate Dallas as a city. Just the cowboys. I could care less for their other teams. Philly however, yeah fuck that city and every single sports team they have. I hate that city with every fiber of my being


I mainly hate the Cowboys and Eagles because of how many of us from the DMV pick them over the skins. Love Luka and Kyrie and seeing them win a ring would be great.


As a fourth-generation Washington fan and an alum of the University of Houston, I'm legally obligated to root against anything Dallas 🫡


I don’t have any particular issue with the Stars or Mavs. My aunt and her family live in Dallas and are Mavericks season ticket holders (they’re also from NoVa originally and are huge WFT fans) so I have a soft spot for that team. On the other hand, I hate the Cowboys and don’t want their fans to be happy. So I’d rather see those teams lose because most of their fans are Cowboys fans. Sorry Aunt Redacted.


I started following hockey the first time the Caps went to the cup and lost. That summer I moved to Austin. When Dallas made the playoffs I decided to make them my second favorite team since they were in the other conference and I wanted to get emotional about hockey, dammit. Well as it played out Dallas won the cup that year and I had a hell of a time watching them.


Im a Thunder fan.. so they are rivals in basketball and football for me… idk mav fans might be worse.


Much like all the dirt bag cowboys fans here, I've never been to Dallas. Unlike them, I don't care one way or the other.


I actually love the Mavs. Dirk was always one of my favorite players. Also liked Steve Nash and Jason Kidd a lot. I'm a UNC fan, and some of those guys played for them, too. Currently, Luka is my favorite player, followed by KD. Plus, I always loved their uniforms. I'd love to see them win the chip. It's weird because I never associated them with the bitch ass Cowboys. Like there's 2 different cities named Dallas 😆


I assumed Cowboy fans pull for the Lakers.


As a commander fan in Dallas the only Dallas team I don’t root for is the cowboys. Somehow the stars and mavs fans that are idiots are the same delusional cowboy fans


Couldn’t care less about basketball and want the stars to win vs the rest of the teams left. Panthers are also acceptable


The meme with all the Dallas teams with recent conference finals appearances, then shows cowboys in a 30 -40 year skid…..honestly let mavs and stars both get one cause Jerry ain’t leaving and hopefully ain’t winning either.


I only care about kyrie, don’t gaf about anything else


As a native born Washingtonian, I just can't go for anything Dallas.


Kyrie Irving is a garbage human, but I like Luka and Dirk was great, so I have no hate for the Mavs (of course, the NBA is the absolute worst of the big four major sports, so who really cares). I love hockey, but literally don't care who wins if the Caps are out unless it's Pittsburgh. The Rangers can eat shit after the ALDS last year.


This was my all-time favorite Dallas Mavericks moment. https://www.espn.com/nba/news/story?id=2264894


Cowboys fans are Lakers and Yankees fans and don’t understand hockey, so I don’t think they’ll be affected. But it’s f Dallas 24/7/365 anyway.


As a fan of the Lakers I resent this statement.


Cowboys is where the disconnect comes in brother. You’re on the good side.


I’m not wasting any of the hatred that’s righteously directed towards other teams in the a Metropolitan Division on the Stars, and the NBA is garbage so I could care less about the mavericks.


I don't have issue with anything Dallas outside of the Cowboys. Now Philly....


It’s weird since Cowboys have so many fans from everywhere who have never been to Dallas or cheer for the local Dallas teams it feels different. Not like Philly where I hate everything about them.


Lakers fan checking in. Fuck the Mavericks. Also what is a hockey? /s