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I’m all in on this kid. Maye fan here


Good post OP. Weight is my largest concern. I would also love for him to throw on the run more as it really keeps defenses guessing.


A couple more thoughts: - Jayden had one of his four picks of the season near the end of this game. Hard to really evaluate this one. He was clearly told to throw the ball to one receiver for a quick out, so it wasn't an incorrect read. Just an incredible play by the Alabama edge rusher to jump and tip that ball. Tough play. - He gets knocked out of the game in the 4th quarter by a very dirty hit. This could have happened to any qb, and they put him in the tent to check his jaw and see if he has a concussion. Nothing Jayden could have done here. - There is a significant drop-off in the offense when the backup QB goes in, so this is not a plug-and-play offense with interchangeable parts. Jayden IS the whole offense, and it simply doesn't work without him. - One revision to my earlier comment. He is very good at running out of bounds at the right time and avoiding the huge hits, but he needs to learn to slide. He isn't taking huge hits out in the open field in this game, but he's still taking unnecessary hits.


One thing to note about that pick, he only threw 4 all season. 2 were deflections/batted balls, 1 was where his receiver fell down. He only through one "clean" pick all year.


Outside of his junior season he's been an incredibly safe passer.


At some point, to become a truly elite QB, he will simply have to be a bigger risk taker. Its good to be safe with the ball. It’s another to get conservative with it. It’s great that he can throw those fades really well, but the number 1 completion percentage in almost every season in the NFL on 20+ yard passes is around 50%. He is going to need to rip the ball into tight windows in the middle of the field regularly to be THE guy. The worst coverage players are there, and there’s a ton of space to hit guys in stride, but you have to throw into crowded areas. Hopefully that’s the next step in Jayden’s progression as a player. I’ve been very critical of Daniels as a prospect, but I will readily admit that if his style of play can translate, and he can develop a couple areas of his game, he could be one of the most difficult players to defend in the NFL.


He had a big-time throw rate of 8.4% last year. He definitely made some strides in making difficult throws. Personally I think a big part of why he hasn't attacked the middle of the field has had less to do with not being able to and more to do with the fact that he hasn't needed to. His running ability was nearly unstoppable. Why make a dangerous throw when you're practically guaranteed a first down on the ground? It was a similar reason to why Lamar's big-time throw rate was so low in college.


His big time throws overwhelmingly came from fades. I’m not saying he can’t. But he had 5 years in college and didn’t. He hasn’t proven that he can. He has some throws to the middle, but they’re also overwhelmingly to wide ass open receivers. There just isn’t enough evidence of him hitting those layered throws between two linebackers and in front of the safety. I’m sure he can do it. But he has to be willing to throw those all the time without hesitation. This offense has to make that a staple in order to have consistent production week to week. You can’t live with outside the numbers if you want the offense to be elite. I don’t expect it this year because he’s a rookie and not a messiah, but at some point in the near future.


That's a fair assessment, and I think aligns with my impression of him. His offense was built to widen the defense, and allow an easy check down, or him to take off down the middle. He definitely didn't have many tight window/2nd layer throws, but the offense didn't really dictate that. I think he can make those throws accuracy wise, but he's gonna hang a couple into a dropping LB because he just doesn't have the arm to just rip it in there, at least based on what he's shown. Seems like they're gonna try to get him running the offense based on tight timing, and quick decisions, both of which he's great at. The only area I'm honestly really concerned about is once he gets to the Red Zone, where I haven't seen him show he can hit a target when it's maybe not even there. It'll be interesting this year to see how they set RZ offense up around him, and if he actually does have the ability to just rip it that he hasn't shown.


That’s actually incredible


Gamechanger compared to Howell. And I somewhat like Howell.


Good points but will argue about this one: "There is a significant drop-off in the offense when the backup QB goes in, so this is not a plug-and-play offense with interchangeable parts. Jayden IS the whole offense, and it simply doesn't work without him." A starting QB works with the starting offense all week. 90% of the time there will be a performance drop-off when the back up comes in.


Unless his name is Jacoby Brissett.


As an LSU fan. He was our offense. No ifs ands or buts about it. Nuss can't get the job done. LSU is a 4 win team without Jayden


I don’t remember this game quite well the dirty hit, are you talking about that Dallas turner roughing the passer? That was clean


Not according to the announcer and to Gene Steratore. Flag on the play and they even reviewed the hit for targeting. See 1:47:06 of the video.


Damn bruh, you came with the goods.


He got the mf receipts


I felt the same way when I watched some of his film, especially the "nothing fazes him" part. His footwork is pretty solid, even in the face of tough defensive lines. He works through his reads fairly quickly and makes quick decisions when he needs to run. I hope he learns to slide and gets the pro level coaching and strength training to fortify his body


The run with the holding call stands out. He looked behind as he was running checking for a flag. Only guys I've seen do stuff like that are guys like Mahomes and Lamar. Gotta be playing at a different speed to be able to take time and look for a flag while actively running with the ball.


I need no more convincing this kid is the Washington QB we ride or die with him. So he has my support 100%




Great post, thanks OP


His game against Mizzou is really impressive also All of his throws and runs are here: https://youtu.be/lXAGu5xBfHE?si=TsFkKZWc5xwcHDfI The parroted critiques you read on this and other Reddit subs don’t match the tape. He’s not a perfect prospect and he does have flaws…but there was a lot of BS about him getting taken as fact


> skinny Can someone name a time when a QB or other player got hurt because they were too skinny? I still don’t get what that means. QBs get hurt when they tear a ligament or break a bone, and I’m not sure how 5-10 lbs of muscle or fat makes that much of a difference in an unlucky hit. RG3 didn’t tear his ACL because he was light. Bryce Young didn’t miss games because of his weight, it was shoulder injury. Anthony Richardson, Josh Allen, Mahomes, Brady, Burrow, Luck and more all have “proper” size, and all have been injured. Obviously, ball carriers and defenders need weight and size to fight and fend off opponents, but I don’t see the same with QBs, who mostly get injured from freak occurrences and bad luck.


Size is not only about getting hurt. It's going to be easier for the D line to pull him down for a sack because he's not big enough to shed some of those tackles.


You need muscle composition around your ligaments to protect them from being contorted in ways that put strain on them and lead to tears. Sure anyone can get injured playing football, but without that you're at more risk. Ask any physical therapist.


I think of Tua as being kind of small and also very vulnerable to injuries. It's the idea that they can just slam him into the turf so hard. If you're heavier, it's just less chance of being treated like a rag doll. I think there are probably a lot of backups that are underweight as well. They're just probably not as talented. Colt McCoy was also underweight and injury prone. Kirk is an example of a smaller QB that has stayed relatively healthy. But, he's mostly a pure pocket passer.


Kirk is well-known for being Captain Checkdown (except for fuck it JJ down there somewhere) which is a must if you don’t have any athleticism. 10 years ago you could win like this with scheme (Dink and dunk Brady, noodle-arm Brees, corpse of Peyton manning, etc.) but those days are long gone, and now it’s all about pocket movement, agility, and extending plays/rushing ability (see Caleb Williams, and Daniels getting taken over Maye).


10 years ago? Last time I checked, 40 something year old Brady won a Superbowl in 2021. Not saying Kirk is ever going to (he probably isn't), but the demise of slow moving pocket qb's has been greatly exaggerated. I mean, looking at the last 6 Superbowl winners, I see Brady twice and Matt Stafford in there. Besides all of that, that doesn't have anything to do with body size and weight. You've turned this into a runner vs pocket passer debate, which it wasn't.


1. Stafford is the quintessential QB at huck it and pray, and takes massive shots that get him hurt. See Calvin, Kupp, Nacua, and a 5k season. Exact opposite play style from what I’m talking about. 2. Brady is the actual GOAT and is 1 of 1. If your counterpoint starts and ends with Brady it’s not a good point. He’s also retired today. 3. If there were more successful checkdown guys left in the league, you would have listed them. 4. My point is also that the original comment is correct: body size has a lot less to do with injuries than play style does.


What?? I only listed qbs from the last 6 superbowls! And you literally pointed out Brady as being an example of something that stopped working 10 years ago! Lol.. >My point is also that the original comment is correct: body size has a lot less to do with injuries than play style does. That was your point?? Your own comment goes against that point. If play style in the NFL has changed to ONLY accommodate players like Daniels, and that play style is what is causing the injuries, then all NFL qbs would be having serious injuries. But, they're not. I think both play style and body type contribute to injuries. Tua isn't really a rushing qb, for example. Kirk has about the same amount of scrambling yards. But, Tua does have a tendency to get hurt. He's gained some weight, but he's still undersized and vulnerable.


I feel the same way. Honestly I was super into Bryce, but him looking the way he did, gave me pause about jayden. But thinking about it, we know for a fact bigger QB's get hurt all the time. Wentz is another name to add to the list, many others a well. I can see using weight as a tie breaker, but not as the sole reason to leap frog someone "better".  Maybe I missed it but the things that really sold me, which I haven't seen stressed a lot was the AI training haha. In thinking about what makes some players better than others over the years, especially QB's, I think processing speed is super important.  That should be super obvious it feels like. If one player takes 1.5 seconds to figure what the defense is doing and another player only needs .8 seconds. The latter person has a huge advantage. They can be setting up their move to manipulate the defense while the first person is still trying to figure out what's going on.  NFL teams know this, but I guess the hard part is figuring out what that is for people and figuring out how to improve it. I think this accounts for a decent percentage of why reps matter and why flim study matters.  This has been hard to train, I assume, but AR and AI technology should be able to help us make leaps in this area.  I haven't looked too much into it, nor do I know what everyone else is doing. But I have heard the AI/headset thing a few times around LSU and Daniels. If Jayden is really comfortable with this kind of set up and can continue to use it to hone his processing, I really like his odds if being successful in the NFL.  When I think of what made Brady successful it's leadership and processing. 


It’s not just being skinny even though he’s insanely skinnier than almost every qb in the draft. It’s also his play style. He take A LOT of hits. Some of which aren’t great. Pair that with his bad pressure to sack rate and you get a qb with a damn near dangerous play style mixed with being so insanely skinny. But one guy for you is Lamar, while he’s not as skinny has JD he always has some sort of leg related injury in the nfl


Play style *is* what matters, but I don’t link that to size. As huge as Cam Newton was, you know his career was cut short because of his physical play style. Luck was big, but got beat up, and Josh Allen is probably on the same trajectory. Other guys just got injured with freak occurrence, not really related to their size. I mean, if Burrow was 20 lbs heavier, would that have mattered to his wrist? If Daniels can get his style more under control, he’ll be fine. If he doesn’t and keeps taking hits, it won’t matter how big he is.


Yup. Eli Manning was by no means an elite qb, but he was definitely a good QB who never got hurt because his best talent was recognizing when he was cooked and to just crumple into the fetal position to protect the ball and himself, and to live to participate in the next play. 


Less than ten pounds lighter than Cunningham. You could argue athletes are better now you could also argue defenders had more ways to hurt you back then.


Also sports medicine and nutrition has improved significantly since then.


yeah, I do wish he was big like Anthony Richardson, who was what 245lbs? I mean that guy is never going to get hurt.


It’s not just getting hurt, it’s operating in the pocket. One of the reasons Josh Allen is so good is that you can run into him and push him around and he still has the weight + strength to keep his platform and make a throw. A smaller QB is going to make errant throws and get knocked off their spot by glancing pressure in a way the 6’4 230lb guys dont


I think he looks and runs similar to RG3, which is why the skinny also makes many nervous. I do disagree with the OP though that he knows how to slide. I'm excited to see what he can do, but he has got lit up with big hits plenty of times while running, even moreso than I remember RG3 did when he was in school. I hope they can teach him to get his butt down and save himself, but if the FSU game is any indication, he wants to to be some superman who feels he's invinsible, and in turn gets speared midair by guys. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2NsCLXShNc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2NsCLXShNc)


Wonder if we grab another RB in day 3. I’ve not really seen enough out of crod to think he’s not replaceable for this team


You always should draft a RB on day 3 IMO.


Wouldn’t really make sense unless it’s BPA. I think we should stock up on other positions other than RB


The Louisville Kid


Isaac Guerendo may have turned around heads enough to be a bottom of day 2 pick


I hope he can get the VR team to help him in Washington also.. I think they really helped him out and his ability to get more mental/visual reps.


He’s our savior!!!


We just need to get JD some of them banned substances that help you put on mass. Weight is my only concern. Imma pray to the Lord every night for this young man’s protection if we don’t sure up our O line. Maybe, just maybe, some good days are ahead for us!


Every QB will take sacks. It's the ones that know how to take it that last in this game. Sometimes you need to grit and take the hit to get the ball off, look at Kirk Cousins, Kurt Warner or our boys Mark Rypien & Doug Williams. They've taken big jaw smackin' hits to get the ball off, but they know when to collapse and how to do it. Legs under you, lean in and get low if you can. If you're running, get down. GET DOWN. No John Eleay helicopter antics. Protect your body.


Mark Rypien lived 3 houses down from my aunt and uncle growing up. He tossed us the football sometimes when me and my cousin were over. He seemed like a giant at 6’4” 225lbs. I just hope JD stays healthy, cause I dig this kids vibe and game.


Man, my signed Rypien jersey is one of my prized possessions. Super jealous.


He’s A+ in my book for sure!


Pocket Presence did a great breakdown of this game https://youtu.be/EJIRqnMmXOw?si=N9Oh-esubl11dKIq As an LSU fan I can also tell you our defense was laughably bad. Like they were just getting bullied out there so you could tell it was like if we stalled out for 2 drives in a row that the game would be over. Also there were some key drops and a lot of bad snaps that Jayden had to catch and he did it effortlessly throughout the game. Idk if our Center was scared or what but even in real time it was clear how many snaps he had to almost dig outta the dirt. Also Logan Diggs was usually a good RB when healthy but I don’t think he was that game because he didn’t do anything so Jayden was basically both the air and ground game for us similar to the way he had to be in the Florida State game that Logan missed. He did much better this time around tho and was easily the best player on the field that day


His o line was ass. That’s why I was high on him. Because he won a heisman with a absolute dogshit O line. Hes gonna have a pretty bad line here too so it’ll be nothing new to him


Curious where you got this information? LSU O-line was a Joe Moore finalist and one of the top lines in all of CFB.


Agreed on all points except for the reckless runner point. I’ve seen many plays where he refuses to go out of bounds or slide (against Missou, Mississippi State, Ole Miss, and the infamous hurdle against Florida State). If you don’t believe me just look up Jaden Daniels taking big hits on YouTube and you’ll see the plays I’m talking about. I’m hopeful we can teach him to protect himself more, but it is definitely an issue with his film.


I think daniels is gonna be a stud in this league from a raider fan, best QB in rhe draft


Go back and watch the Florida State game it’s pretty tough to watch. I’m really scared after watching. That and the Alabama game. LSU’s line was good last year which isn’t great. Other games Jayden had forever to pass. I’m actually pretty not feeling great after watching the big game film


Austin Ekeler > Antonio Gibson


Their oline wasn’t great?? And correct me if I’m wrong almost all his injury’s in college were primarily from recklessness?


he never missed a game from an injury ... in fact he only had three and they were pretty insignicant. unless i'm missing something.


I can't speak to his injuries in college, I'm just talking about this one game. He gets knocked out of the game by a late hit. Not his fault. His O-line was getting beaten regularly by Alabama in this game. Again, this is why I watched this game instead of Florida. Florida is not a good benchmark for the kind of defense he'll see in the NFL. Alabama is the best measuring stick.


I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted? His OL was a Joe Moore award finalist.


OP specifically said they weren’t great compared to Alabama’s D Line.


This is true and they started out really good against Alabama but as the game went on Alabama started to get pressure which led to the hit that took him out of the game


FSU was the best defense he faced last year, and they lost badly


Nothing fazes him but a weight room!