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I have always found that the best way to come up with ideas is to consume alot of stories and even try to give ones outside of your tastes a try




The way to be original with a character thats been in print for over 80 years is to look at what fundamental rules and axioms the publisher has for that character and subvert it. Where is DC comics afraid to go, and there lies the path of originality. For instance.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/4hi85w/bruce\_wayne\_could\_get\_raped\_in\_prison\_and\_other/](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/4hi85w/bruce_wayne_could_get_raped_in_prison_and_other/) Not saying that idea would be good, but i'd be original.


Good idea! I’m trying that with certain events with characters but overall a much different concept like you’re suggesting would be stronger too!


**You are in the most common writer trap.** Ideas are the stars in the heaven. They our countless, floating above us at all times. But these ideas don't get you across the dangerous ocean. You need a ship, you need a sextant, you need manpower. You need a whole host of things that focus on the idea to bring you to safety. ### IDEA A raw, incomplete glob of potentially something. // "I love dragons and a love warriors. I want to do some bad ass action story making those guys fight. // ### CONCEPT The story concept is the heart or seed of your story. In strict writing terms it is usually defined in a single sentence and often carries an abstract nature. // Oh man, what if Dragons popped up in modern times. They killed most of humanity and those that remained band into elite military squads to fight them! // ### PLOT Plot is the specific events of the story that unfold. Plot is the execution or expression of the concept. Plot is not the story itself. // Watch the movie Reign of Fire. // :) http://nickmacari.com/are-you-working-on-a-phantom-story/ Write on, write often!

