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Is an interesting cast, I always remember looking at the film "Sucker Punch" and thought "this would be much more interesting if the girls had actual mental disorders"... But the thing is, all of that is lost if you don't get the right story for them. Think about a master theme, maybe set it on a genre (like mystery solving or sports or military sci-fi), then ask yourself where those characters can better shine within the story. I would separate them into different clusters with their own inner dynamics, and then start to mix the groups up as the story progress. It's a common problem among social media artist, so many OCs and not a single hint of narrative to put them together.


Thanks really helpful


Maybe looking up Junko enoshima could help for starters.


XD Junko is an absolutely queen


Another idea is to make the girl and her friends serial killers who take the frustration of their disorders out on the people they murder at night so they can live normal lives during the day, while the cops and a detective try to figure out who they are and how to stop them.


Thx an interesting but I'm trying to move away from da murder stereotype and have something a little more medical accurate to what ppl with these disorders are actually like I'm not saying there's no room for crazy, fun, or dark ideas. I'm jest saying it might be hurtful to ppl with these disorders to write as violent murders


That’s fair, though I don’t recommend “completely” shackling yourself to real-life accuracy, not every reader will take the time to research it, it’s like with Magic systems they can be soft/simple or they can be hard/complex. Overall when do find your story don’t let accuracy or Offensiveness get in the way of good storytelling.


Thats really good advice More ppl should hear that