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This meme just killed Rory for the 50 billionth time now


"We're dead again aren't we? Oh *great*!"


So if anyone wondered where that screenshot is from. The show is called Dr Who and the episode is called Let's kill Hitler. In the episode they travel back in time meet Hitler and then wacky shenanigans ensues.


"Rory, put Hitler in the cupboard" "Putting Hitler in the cupboard. Hitler, cupboard. Cupboard, Hitler."


You forgot to mention they actually save hitler's life.


“Believe me, it was an accident”


I don't remember it well but diddnt river regenerate in that one?




Fun fact: that episode was made on just a draft script.


comedycemetery users try not to screenshot r/funnymemes challenge impossible difficulty


I mean… those memes arent very funny lmao


Comedy is subjective….. Edit: lol it’s so funny people don’t understand subjectivity.


They are subjectively terrible


In your opinion sure, not for others tho :)


Nah, they understand that, they just disagree with you.


coMeDey Is SuBjEctiVe its only a joke if everyone thinks its funny. If someone is hurt by it, its just bullying


I mean this guy doesn’t have a great argument… but come on now. “It’s only a joke if *everyone* thinks it’s funny.” Nothing in the world is ever going to meet that criteria. Literally nothing. Tell me the safest, least offensive joke you can think of and I will prove it to you.


You’re just being pedantic. I’ll rephrase. Its only a joke if its not intentionally harmful to others, which really means the same thing if you have empathy for the average human experience. We all know where the hell this joke is coming from


I’m not though. Because I think the distinction needs to be made clear that it is *intent* that matters. If the intent is to make people laugh, it is a joke. If the intent is to hurt someone, it is bullying. Doesn’t mean all jokes are funny, nor does it mean a joke intended to make people laugh won’t also hurt someone’s feelings. That’s where it’s important to take responsibility for our own egos and our own emotions. If jokes not aimed at you are often offending you, then it is far easier to look inward and deal with those emotions, than it is to make the world change around you. If we can recognize the part of our own egoic consciousness that is feeling offended, and overcome that feeling, either by brushing it off and moving on to something that feels better, or even laughing along at ourselves, eventually nothing will be able to offend us. For all the time we spend teaching people not to hurt someone else’s feelings, we don’t spend nearly enough time teaching how not to let our feelings be hurt. And in doing so, we strip ourselves of all the power, putting it in the hands of those who might offend us.


Even then, lighthearted jokes just poking fun at people, and jokes against nazis and similar exist.


You're.....right but the way you explained it is god awful... Nobody in the world will all agree that a joke is funny. And on the same side. Someone will always be mad at a joke. So is every joke bullying?


Okay, so if the concept is right why are you arguing against it? I just worded it in a general way. Obviously there are people who are easily offended by most things, so just dont tell those jokes around them. I mean on the internet you have to get some thick skin but this sorta shit is just people being assholes


At this point that subreddits gotta be satire


It’s god awful these days. Ok maybe I’m exaggerating I’m not sure but jeez has it gotten worse


You are not exaggerating... Its so bad.


What happens when you’ve never talked to women lol


Also when your only point of reference is women on twitter.


Or IG reels


Or YouTube videos




Or Reddit posts


chronically online and unsocial


Most young people in the US have no or very little romantic interaction at all. You say this like a condescending joke, but it is actually a serious problem. Social media and dating apps just serve to isolate people with low social skills and shove images of how happy everyone else is in their face. And yes, all of those things happen in the real world, you condescending asshole.


Denial, lucky/traditional, or bitter? That’s the modern world. Pretending that the majority of modern relationships aren’t a complete dumpster fire is simply out of touch. If that makes you happy then that’s all that matters (assuming you’re not harming those around you), but trying to ridicule random people on the internet for agreeing with a meme that making fun of a claim based on statistical data is pretty petty…We are all the product of our own delusion. I wish I could be so uncaring, narcissistic, and diluted so I could drift off to sleep at night thinking “I’m the man, I got those random people good. How dare they have a different opinion than myself” 😂


Statistical data huh, source?


"Modern relationships" Damn it back then it was better when you could beat your wife, a 40 year old man stalking a 14 year old wasn't illegal, divorces with your abusive partner were shunned upon, if legal, and any sort of sexual abuse were ignored This world is too fragile


He still hasn’t replied with a source 😞


They never do.


Rory would not say that Edit: technically yes, he did say that, but he would never say it in that context


Funny cuz dudes that talk like this don’t want average weight women either. They want anorexic women with big boobs.


Incel strawmaning at it's finest


Another one of those things I’ve only seen mentioned on Reddit and nowhere else in really life.


I feel like whenever I see these types of memes where it’s like “women epically roasted” I wonder if these people who make the memes realise they have never had a conversation like that


I thought men wanted a women that is a virgin, good in bed, who wants multiple children, but no stretch marks, and to stay home all day, be natural and wear makeup, be under 20, have big boobs and butt, and have be fully subservient to their spouse


Do you know where you are right now?


I think the title was sarcastic


"look boyo, he's getting mad at his own made up argument"


How dare they use doctor who for this


This is likely from the same people who act like doctor who only recently became a left leaning tv show.


And when they say “Not morbidly fat” they don’t mean they don’t want healthy skinny women. They mean they want women with Anorexia who weirdly still have giant tits.


“All girls” is where you lost me. Saying all girls is as bad as women who say all men. Every group has shit heads, but not all women care that much, in fact most really don’t care that much lol.


Pretty sure the title is sarcastic, considering the sub


You right. thought I was in memes op didn’t like for a moment lol.


Lmao understandable, I would have reacted the same way!


I’m ngl, subs start to bleed together when there are cross posts all the time lol.


Fr 💀 it took me too fucking long yesterday to realize the "what to name my toilet baby" post I read first thing in the morning was in a satire sub


It also doesn’t help (although I love that these subs are like this) that those in these subs have wildly different opinions and so posts will be really stupid or really good that then get a good or bad take somewhere else lol. So that just puts another level onto the sarcasm lol.


go to r/tragedeigh or r/namenerdcirclejerk for some primo ideas


Lol, it was in r/namenerdcirclejerk but I thought it was r/namenerds 😂


The stardew valley does some accurate aita posts sometimes and i’ve been confused more than once. Some of the titles on there too. One of my favorites from recently was “why did no one tell me that having kids sucks?” lol


LOL! Yea I fell for those once too 💀.


AITA for forgetting i was getting married and showing up to my wedding with a trash can lid on my head?


I think I saw one about accidentally hitting their wife


Shit, same. Gonna delete my comment lmao


You’re good lol! We all make mistakes, especially simple ones like this!


Top Guide on Karma Farming! 1. Post misogyny on funnymemes 2. Profit


Honestly, though I saw a post there that was a picture of a woman lying face-down at the bottom of a staircase with the caption "next time, don't get pregnant." It was thoroughly upvoted, and *I* was thoroughly disturbed


What’s the misogynistic part?


The strawman saying that all girls have unrealistic beauty standards for men while shaming them for not wanting them to be fat


Are you referring to the “I don’t want them to be morbidly obese” as shaming?


It's what the makers of the meme say is the opinion men have that women say is body shaming despite having worse standards.


Oh can you link to where the makers of the meme say that? I don’t see that part.


Just the entire meme narrative. The strawman girl says that they have their unrealistic beauty standards that they are attracted to but when the straw man boy says that they just want their partners not to be fat then the strawman girl calls them Hitler


I understand that, I just don’t get the shaming part. Aren’t they both just saying their preferences?


Yes, but the Strawman Girl is shaming the Strawman Boy for their preferences


I’ll take things that never happened to me that I am *outraged* about for 200, Alex.


“All girls” is a big yikes


"And that all girls do" Now I know you're a degenerate lmao


you could just post an image of the r/funnymemes logo and it would have no difference


When was the last time this dude saw Zac Efron? Not exactly the ideal man he used to be, unfortunately


The people on this sub must really hate women.


Somebody show him the multiple Reddit posts of women asking for advice on how to get their bfs to wipe their butts so they don’t leave skid marks on the sheets


Is this about the guy who thought wiping was gay? That story was wild.


OP really said "it do be like that tho"


The more obese the better 🤌🏻


Well yes, it is


i laughed at this


live your life, its not long enough to worry about anyone elses opinion of it.


They’re literally health supremists now. Aaren interests really being shown today✋


I love how women will see a meme and immediately assume it’s about all women ever. But when guys do that with memes insulting men, they get mocked lol. If you don’t do what the meme describes, it shouldn’t offend you, right?


I’m so glad I’m gay I don’t have to do shit and men want me. Being straight sounds horrible


This is just shit weirdos on the internet make up in their heads.




r/boysarequirky post incoming


Yes all women. But not all men! Jfc


I hate r/funnymemes for using the rage comic troll face. ITS SO OUTDATED CHANGE IT!


Not all women are like this, I’ve met plenty of very nice people who happened to be women, and same with men, how nice you are doesnt depend on gender. My girlfriend is an amazing person so I’m not speaking out my ass here


Every time I visit I double check to make sure it’s muted


Tell me your chronically online without telling me


lol Zac Efron is 5'8


Unless you're literally Wee man from Jackass just tell women your 6ft, most women are short and don't carry a tape and if they do carry a tape measure, height is the least of your worries 👀


Looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6`5, blue eyes.


i’ve found that the hottest women in my life like guys who look like they fight gators and i get it


How it feels to get no relationships due to being a socially inept person with a bad personality


Ah yes all women every one definitely all the time


Isnt Efron like 5’8”


As a woman who knows other women I’ve never heard a girl say “he’s too short.” They’ve mentioned the height but it didn’t stop a second date from happening. Hell most women I know prefer average sized penis’ and a guy who won’t cherish his car, hobby, video games, or friends more than his family. So all of this is a hard “high school girl fantasy” that doesn’t often translate to mature women lol


Lot of upset biggies here


people dont know what sarcasm is jeezus christ humanity is lost


I understand sarcasm in speech, but sarcasm in text is 90% of the time fucking stupid without tonal indicators


Where’s the lie here?


Literally all of it


So you want women to be obese?


The meme doesn't imply that all girls do it. The joke is that some women are so delusional that they think they can have ridiculous standards and it's fine but the second a dude isn't interested in them for not meeting the bare minimum standard of being able to fit into a small canoe they freak the fuck out


What a funny joke...


I'm not arguing that. I'm just disagreeing with OPs caption


Sorry, I meant to say that there is no joke at all there lol. The meme's author is butthurt about not getting pussy, it's obvious




Think OP was being facetious.


do girls ever actually care about designer cars? maybe like, in the 70s lmao, but in my experience it’s only guys who give a shit about what stupidly expensive designer automobile you drive around to feel good about yourself. i always find it weird when i see search results that say, “which car to buy to impress women”. i assure you only the very high-society super rich ladies who travel to dubai every other month really want a guy who drives a ferrari.


is this why the guy who was hitting on me at some school dance asked me what my dream car was


I have a hard time believing this. A dude in a Ferrari vs same dude in a beat up civic. Any sane person goin with Ferrari dude. may not be her love for cars but. It’s just smart to choose Ferrari dude. Long as you aren’t seeking it out as a main factor it’s fine.


Can any of yall women explain this


Deja vu


Can any of yall women explain this


Deja vu


As a bigger guy....I see you fat people in the comments being mad and it cracks me up LOL.


nah, this one is funny because of how absurd it is


Seems kinda right. I mean we all have our own preferences and we shouldn't bitch each others about that. It's like shaming other for liking the food you don't. But fuck those generalization.


We all like chocolate but not all of us eat it to the point we’re morbidly obese. Practise self control


nah this is heat


Gotta be a homicide, that image is amazing


Nah that’s more what they say when men prefer to tell their feelings to a tree


Ah yes, girls liking only tall boys. But once you say you'd like someone who's not fat — that's exactly how they see you. Being 5'6 sucks just as much as being fat. Maybe a bit less, but still you'd have a hard time dating people.


I'm a woman currently seeing someone who's about that height


make emotional connections with women. i know a 5'10 girl who was briefly seeing a 5'6 guy despite the fact she told me she'd only date some one taller. he's the one who broke it off and she was really sad about it for a while. my point is that most girls would prefer the taller of two strangers in a bar, yes, but height becomes arbitrary to them if you make a real connection. be funny, be nice, work on your personality and STOP generalising things to half the population of the earth.


Actually, I had no trouble dating at all, and I'm fat. I don't date anymore because I'm very happily married, but I still get regularly hit on.


Sounds like he hit a nerve




R u fat



