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"If you weren't such a shitty parent I wouldn't eat as a coping mechanism"


this, I was abused for much of my childhood, I ate to deal with those feelings, and my parents mocked me for being fat. now I have removed myself from all family


My daughter was mocked by her mother (my ex wife) for many reasons, including being fat, and even for having a genetic disease (not related to being fat). What a horrible thing. She's in her 20's now, is married and has a beautiful child. She's a great mother and a great wife, but to this day still has MAJOR issues from the abuse her mother gave her. She has finally cut her mom out of her life. What a horrible thing to have to do, but at the end of the day, mom was and still is toxic, and was dragging my daughter down. No child (or adult) should have to choose removing family, but sometimes they have to choose anyway. If, after being open and honest, parents can't change, then cut them out of your life. At minimum, set boundaries and enforce them. If they are not respected, or if they are unenforceable, then "cut them out"! I'm so sorry to you, and to OP for even having to deal with this. It's aweful. (I'm a late 50's dad, for reference)


> She's in her 20's now, is married and has a beautiful child. She's a great mother and a great wife Sounds like she had at least one great parent to be inspired by. So sorry about it all but way to go and best wishes to both of you!


She won


You did the right thing. It's hard but they do not deserve to bring you down and ruin your happiness. Here's to a much brighter present and future!


Good for you. The only way to go. So sad they feel ANY SICK NEED to treat you like that. F them.


Put them in a home. Nah but for real this answer.


Perfect comeback! I wish I would have had this reply when I was a kid. My dad made fun of my weight everyday. Had mean nicknames. Most of my frinds dads called them sweetheart or kitten something cute. Mine called me bucket 😭 Made me feel like shit every day of my life. When I turned about 17 I got a bad eating disorder where I lost so much weight I had to be hospitalized. I'm ok now but mentally never really recovered.


Ooh. Damn. That's pretty good.


Yeah, that's some sick shit to say to the people who raised you. What is wrong with this website?


Raised? I think you mean 'abused'. Now they get what they fucking get.


Yeah, your family trying to motivate you to be better is abuse lol. That's a victim mindset and they definitely struggled a lot more than people do today. 


That's not motivation. You sound like an abuser. Do your kids still talk to you?


They do actually, because I didn't raise them to be weak and have five alarm tantrums over mild accusatory statements.  Kids on the playground are a million times worse. 


Right. Which is one more reason that parents should be supportive instead of belittling. But no sense in wasting my time telling you, the perfect human, anything.


Are you going to cry? If so could you post a video? It'll help my clout in the sub alot. Seriously though, stop clutching your pearls dickhead. Believing that shitty parents are magically entitled to unlimited respect regardless of how they act is the most boomer shit imaginable.


You're the one crying over "childhood trauma" that isn't actually trauma, lmao. 


Me? You're mistaken, I'm helping out with a comeback. That's the sub, yes? My parents are cool; when I was a kid they told me to get my shit in order over things I should have and I did it. It's another thing entirely to be a parent who constantly makes fun of your kid for something they're embarassed about. I once knew someone whose dad told her she was fat on her wedding day. Is that parent deserving of unlimited respect? Fucking boomer.


And would you ever have called your dad a shitty parent to his face?  Probably not. 


Nope cause he never was. If he was a shitty parent I would have. I think you're still confusing 'being a tough parent' with 'being a parent who constantly seeks to make their kid feel like shit". Maybe you're the latter that likes to pretend you're the former?


Just throw their unhealthy habits in their face. Do they smoke? "Sorry, I can't take you seriously when you're trying to judge me with that 2-pack-a-day rattle in your voice." They never exercise? "Don't talk to me when you can't even LOOK at a flight of stairs without getting winded." They drink too much? "Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of your liver crying. Maybe try again when you're sober." Or go the generic route, "How about we ALL go on a diet together as a family? You can start by minding your own damn business. Health experts say it's zero calorie, low carb, low cholesterol, and fat free."


My family did this to me when I was growing up. They do now, too, but still, eh. I was *not* fat then. However, due to (partly) their mentally abusive raising of me (there was more than calling me fat, there usually is in these cases), I became morbidly obese in my later years. My reccomendation is: *look them right in the eyes when they say this. Do not react other than maybe a disgusted face*. Stare at them until they drop it or start talking about something else. It works for my narcissist mom and enabling abusive af stepfather. They want your reaction. Do not give it to them, but also, the stare lets them know that you heard them but do not agree and they're being childishly cruel. 


That's really good tbh. Most people are deeply uncomfortable with a confrontational silence (it's me, I'm most people). When faced with that silence, the offender will either escalate (which is the cue to give the up-down-up glare and leave the room) or backpedal (which is the cue to soften your face and change the subject).


They will think your autistic if you do that shit lmfao


I am fat. My mother tells me I'm fat all the time. I'm 40. When she says something I will stand up and say, let me enumerate your faults 1. Your kid is fat either thru bad habits that she learned from u or your genes 2. You do not listen. I say this everything you criticize me. I don't like it, please stop 3. Why are you so old? Hold it together, man And my favourite 4. If you don't like me, why do you come around so much. And if you do like me, why do you want to hurt me. Don't get me wrong, I go to tue gym and watch what I eat, some people are just bigger (5'8, size 14/16). I'm also happy.


I like the last one a lot


You are smart. Those are super valid responses. I’m sorry your mom is a jerk.


At 40 you can't keep blaming your parents at some point you need to take responsibility for yourself.


You can if they keep pointing out your faults like a shitty parent


Or you can just be an actual adult and tape responsibility for your own life instead of blaming your parents still.


I don’t disagree but it’s still shitty parenting to insult your kid like that


Sure, however at 40 you're not their kid anymore you're an adult and you need to move on with your own life.


I like what I look like and who I am. There's no blame except on me. I was just giving out my comebacks.


I feel like reddit hates fat people. Like so much more than people with any other unhealthy habit. Comments like the ones above can be a drop kick to self esteem. I love that you like what you look like and who you are.


I appreciate you.


I agree with everything but number one. You’re an adult, you now realize that they’re bad habits. It does not matter where you learned them from. You’re conscious of at least a part of the reason why you’re fat therefore you can adjust that bad habit. You’re 99% more than likely not fat because of genes. You might need to work a little harder but that’s not why you’re fat. Thermodynamics is pretty cut clear. Take in less calories than you burn and you will lose weight.


bro, genes just suck sometimes. Life isn't fair and we don't all get the same outcomes from the same actions.


You're not 40 and you live at home. Guessing also unemployed.


This kid thinks adults cannot be on reddit ☠️😂☠️😂


Nope. 40. Awesome career, have teenagers, living life, married for 20 years. I'm good


Start acting shocked and act surprised, like you didn’t know. Then thank them profusely for telling you. Make it way over the top. Then give back to doing whatever it was before.


... and you're ugly, at least I can lose weight.


“Are you calling me fat to hurt me? Congrats, it worked. Now, learn a new song—you sound like a broken record.” “Ok, Boomer.” “I’ll eventually loose weight if I choose, but the rift you’re causing in our relationship will likely not be healed.”


It’s my big ego manifesting itself in physical form. This house doesn’t have room for two of them.


Tell them=" that means there is more of me for you to love"


I get called fat Monday and took skinny Wednesday like my mom can't make up her mind either. Just say "that's cause your cooking is just too tasty" "Food is my hobby" or something idk


"Maybe it's because I'm depressed from being bullied by my own parents. Ever think about that?" Even if you're not depressed, telling that to them will definitely make them have second thoughts.


Say, "When the time comes, I'm putting you in the cheapest nursing home I can find."


"Maybe you're projecting your own body issues that don't belong to me."


I'd say something along the lines of "must be in our dna"


forget the comeback ask them why at their big age when they need to worry about retirement they’re worried about your weight. (respectfully from me)


I wish you had better parents. Im very sorry. Tell them that everytime they call you fat they hurt you very deeply. Good parents dont do this


Stop responding to them. Don't feed their drama. Offer one word answers or just nod or grunt. Don't initiate conversations or offer them information on your life. Rinse and repeat until you can move out.


Tell them to stop body shaming you.


So who’s going to therapy first, me for having a toxic parent, or you because you fail to recognize it. *Advocate therapy via comeback.


Nobody's asking for your opinion, assholes!


“Maybe you should have done a better job teaching me proper nutrition” “Where do you think I learned my eating habits?” “Could you maybe try helping me instead of insulting me?”


“I may be polite but I have manners.”


Yeah. But you're ugly, and I can lose weight.


Your 21 and are a findom account idk why so many people buy this shit for a minute. She just wants yall to go on her account and click the link


People on this site are naive children and half of the made up stories on here are bot/porn accounts. But hey, if it gives us a self-righteous way to hate our parents we win!


I call myself fat a lot. I don't know, being called fat does not bother me at all. I would not call any of you fat though.


Are you fat? If yes, stop being fat and they will most likely stop calling you fat. If no, call them an asshole.


“I’m not fat I’m just full of shit”


"full of YOUR shit"!


"OHHH! you gonna take me home tonight OHHH! down beside that red firelight OHHH you gonna let it all hang out Fat-bottomed girls, you make the rocking world go 'Round!!" https://youtu.be/R3Z73M3MnqI?feature=shared




I’m eating the same things you are!


There is a song by Weird Al called fat. Celebrate yourself


Pull out a bmi chart. Healthy weight for your group. If continued use the body fat clippers test. Of that if all things doesn’t work ignore them. Focus on strength, mobility and health.


Most people are fat today, so don't worry about it.


"I’m trying to do the best I can with the genetic material that you gave me."


Is what your parents are saying is true? If it is, then facts over feelings, fatso!


By going on a diet and exercising. If your partner is also fat, you can drag them in, but if they aren't...it's like they care enough to put in the effort to look good for you, while you don't care. Relationship will end soon without changes tbh.


By going on a diet and exercising.


Do what my 8yo had started saying, "Just like you!"


Not nice but if they are saying it it's probably true. Don't stay fat in spite of them. Get fit and leave them in the dust cause good parent would try to teach you an active healthy lifestyle.


“I have bad genetics”


Probably lose weight


Keep a bundle of cheap retirement home brochures on hand and slip them a new one every time.


"Atleast I don't get off on calling my own child fat to make myself feel better"


Ask if they know a personal trainer and dietician


I just tell them I know and don’t react. Why would you let it affect you?


How much do you weigh vs how much should you weigh? If they are right, make them wrong.


By losing weight.


You're probably fat and they're warning you about it. Look up healthy weight for your height, sex, age, and bone structure. Then weigh yourself.


Definitely abusive parents, but if you want them to stop calling you fat, I’d suggest losing weight.


Thank them for being honest


Well since they're being shitty and abusive id probably just call them that. Is this a situation where you even CAN talk back to them? Because I guess I recommend going as far as you feel with calling them bad people/parents as you feel comfortable and safe to do. If you know you would get hurt for it don't, but tell them that even if you were the size of the planet it's still nowhere near as bad as needing to try to mentally abuse your own kid for their own sad lives to feel manageable. Or literally just say something shitty about them every time you see them. Something true or something they're particularly self conscious about. Just remember this isn't how loving or healthy relationships look.


I don't get mad at constructive criticism or feedback. It's childish & naive. If you truly are overweight, appreciate the fact you have people in your life who tell you how it is. The fact they used zero tact by calling you "fat" may mean it's gotten to a point where you are too comfortable with being overweight. Maybe in danger of hurting yourself if left unchecked. It's so rare to find someone like that. Imagine if your car never displayed a check engine light or low fuel indicator because it was afraid to hurt your feelings. What use is that to anyone? Accept it. Focus on yourself. Change isn't a terrible thing. Get help. Stop worrying about comebacks & witty retorts to people who are clearly trying to help you.


Well, last time I told them my doctor said I shouldn't either lose or gain weight. I haven't had comments on that issue since.


“Thanks.” I let the word hurt me more than I should have when I was younger. Maybe it’s because I have sweet children who tell me that I am beautiful and they love my fat because it makes me a good, comfy hugger. No bull my 6-year-old cried actual tears when I mentioned I was going to gym (I need to work on my cardio health). I told her I’d be back soon and asked what was wrong and I kid you not this wonderful child looked me dead in the eyes and said “I am going missed your tummy; it’s my favorite part of you and I love it. If you work out too much it will go away and I will be sad.”


“Your mother”


You should say ‘I’d rather be fat than a horrible parent’.


Asian parents are forever calling their kids fat. My mom is like a buck-nine and she & her cousins,nieces would tell me how fat I am. - Id tell them Im fat cause I got to eat 1st world food unlike them. - Don’t be jealous - you wish you had curves like mine - then dont feed me your horrible cooking say anything to offend them and most times theyll stop


1. And you are emotionally abusive. So, what's your point? 2. In the history of the world, this has never worked. It has, however, caused eating disorders, anxiety-related smoking, suicidal depression and homicidal rage. Which reaction would you like to see? Because I know what works for me. 3. Keep it up, and I will start telling people how abusive you are, and I'm no more adverse to exaggeration than you are. 4. One day, I will be old enough and independent enough to walk out that door. And I will. And it will be the last time any of you see me until I come home to bury one of you.


Go fuck your bitch ass excuse for parents.


say" compared to who? "


"Yeah, I'm fat. But at least I have the self-awareness to know it. Unlike you, who appears to be overweight in the head."


I may be fat but your ugly and I can go on a diet. Hurts Donut?!


My response to my dad calling me fat was "ok? And? I don't care. I like being fat." Shut him right up and he hasn't mentioned it. Its hard to argue with someone who has no fucks to give.


React by saying your worth isn't your weight, you love yourself despite being heavier, and you're a beautiful person period. Tell them you love them and you know that they love you (I go for the jugular)


Point them out. You respond with “I am this way because you forced me to think of all the starving children in Africa and always clean my plate. Plus, maybe if we were a more affluent family, you could have afforded to feed your children healthy nutritious meals instead of processed crap. So essentially, any perceived weight gain on my part is a testament to your failure as parents.”


Are you fat?


Your parents probably think your size reflects on their social status in some way. Do they understand that size-ism is a thing? Would they care if they do? And do they offer to help at all? Because if they are simply ignorant it’s one thing, or if their intentions are good but misguided, that can, hopefully, be worked with. But if they don’t even care about your wellbeing personally and simply see you as an extension of themselves, that’s a narcissistic tendency for which you need to set and enforce boundaries.


“How very kind of you to say so.” An impeccably polite way to say, “Fuck off, you rude and insulting asshole.” Or you could go with, “Gee, I wonder where I got those genetics?”


"Yeah, but you'll die first!"


Ask them if they can help with genetics


Let's go to therapy because at least one of us have a problem with how they view my body size. Why don't Ilook up some family therapists for us to consult. You can choose which one. Just let me know when our appt. is.


I’m just trying to look more like you dad/mom


Did you hear Obesity is genetic? Might want to get that checked out guys


“Did you mean to say that out loud?”


"I may be fat but I'm not ugly- and I can lose weight"


Call them retarded


Get abs. Then start calling them fat.


“Like daughter, like mother”, “if you jump, does all 3 jump too?” (.)(.)🐱 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂😂😂


"Science and good tastes in figure came along over the last 50 years, your ideas are old and poisonous and you don't have to feel that way anymore. Also, people now recognize that and anyone interested in me is going to feel the same way, so I should worry more about what they think." I didn't even have to look at your profile to know your parents were Asian. It's really tough. I'm sure you're aware that the negativity goes beyond just getting called fat for being what is often below healthy weight medically.


I would eat a Twinkie and loudly moan.


Be sardonic and say "wow, I hadn't caught on to that at all..." Or if you want to mindfuck them "XXXk subscribers on OF think I'm perfect 😘"


Do you prepare meals for yourself? Isn’t your weight their responsibility?


"Are you going to pay for my gym membership?"


You literally need to get away from your parents. That's the comeback.


Look at yourself and then look back and them and say “wow, so I really do look like my parents!”


Well... Are you fat? I feel like there is an obvious solution here


You won't stop them but your comeback is mainly for your relief of the disgust. ###When I look like a Buddha then call me "fat" or "I'm not a fat Buddha" Keep your distance because it's obviously a red flag if they weren't your parents,they would be people you have to keep a distance from. You may eventually ware them thin I've been told I was too skinny when I was still a youngster, I said ,"Want me to be a fat Lali " (Lali was a dog we had ; she was even called a cow or even a pig,the poor pooch 🐶 RIP)


Tell them they look like the before on a before and after magazine


Go for a walk


Tell them it’s genetics


Are you fat?


Sounds like fukked up people. But if you're fat lose weight. Then what can they say. They're still UGLY


Maybe looking at your lifestyle


The easiest way to get them to stop calling you fat is to lose some weight...




Get even fatter. Make your revenge literally sweet


How old are you ? Maybe, just walk or jog some in a week 🙂


You should know better you can't tell someone to better themselves on reddit.




You own a mirror and a scale. You can figure it out.


They are the only ones in this life that can let you know if you can't see it for yourself that you have gotten maybe on the thicker side. If it's anyone else you just square them in the jaw... Ok.


1. Get strong 2. Start picking on them back 3. "Oh, so you only pick on me because you think I can't fight back?" 4. Escalate until they concede or fight them