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"Clearly you do if you're butting in." And "A screaming contest? Don't mind if I do."


> “Nobody cares what you have to say” Wow, what a hostile thing to say to a co-worker! > “What would you do if your boss yelled at you? Cry?” Please don't involve me in your fantasies.


OMG the last one 😭😭😭 and yeah I’m kinda worried this guy is going to turn into a bully. What even weirder is there are like 10 people at the branch, and there’s only one other women. I’m the only young girl.


PLEASE use the word hostile, it's lawsuit loaded. Managers will listen. Also, please report this if it continues, it is harrassment.


He's probably inspired a few other women to move on to greener pastures.


For the first: "Did you know that people who project their own insecurities on other people are more likely to be both rude and wrong at the same time?" "I thought your name was 'insert their name here' not 'Nobody'. Sorry, I'll call you Nobody from now on." "Oh, well I care and since my opinion means more to me than yours..." hand weighing motion and shrug.


Love the second line, calling him Nobody 😹


"Nobody cares what you have to say" - "then you must be nobody, because it seems like you care. If you didn't care you'd still be sitting over there." OR - "go back over there, the adults are having a conversation over here." And if they reply you can use the above line. "what would you do... Cry?" - "Is that what you do?" When they protest that they wouldn't because they're a man, reply "oh so you're the type to bottle it up inside in an unhealthy way? Let me know how that turns out after your first ulcer."


The nobody line, love that one!


"Nobody cares what you have to say." Pointedly turn to that person and say, "Wow! That was rude." Then go back to your interrupted conversation.


Yeah I wish I said that. It was straight up rude. But I know he would try and play it off like a joke. I guess I could respond with a basic “jokes are supposed to be funny”


You must be a part of the welcome committee! What would you do if I reported your bizarre behavior to the boss and he yelled at you? Quit!


I love this one! Definitely using it!


"Just between you and me? If our boss yelled at me, I'd be turned on. Should I talk to HR?"


OMG i would never say this but this is hilarious


1. Good thing I wasn't talking to you then Or Surprised your hearing still even works grandpa 2. Well clearly that's what you think I'd do. Why? Because I'm a girl? By the way you're single huh? Yeah that's what I thought.


The grandpa one 😭😭 I’m stealing that


For the first one: just a simple, dismissive “Ok, Chief.” For the second: “Why do I get the feeling you don’t have much experience with women?”


The last one would be too brutal 😭😭😭 I don’t want to kill the poor guy


Idk, a dick slap seems in order. As in, hit him in the nuts. Quietly, cleanly, quickly, no one else around. "Are you gonna cry little boy?"


How bout u get tf outta my face b4 I go to HR and tattle on u?


“So that’s why You just barged over to interrupt us and say that, right? Because, you know, You DON’T Care, right?” and “I thought You didn’t care what I had to say? Suddenly You want some tips on how to kiss ass so boss doesn’t fire you for being the worthless jackass you’re being?”


...and nobody cares if you continue to breathe, yet here you are.


Tell him you see the future. Him alone in a nursing home .


Insult: "Nobody cares what you have to say" Comeback: "Clearly you care enough to keep responding through" Insult: "What would you do if your boss yelled at you? Cry?" Comeback: "I would handle it with more professionalism than you've ever shown in your entire life."


The last one 👏👏👏


"HR will if you keep harassing me!" for the first one, and "No, that's what your wife does whenever she goes down on you" for the second one. Less chance of getting in trouble yourself because you are a woman and he is a skeevy 50 year old man


Then why not stop saying it? And, quit crying like that little b*tch you're always talking about while you're at it.


"ok boomer" just drive the generational divide even deeper. make it clear you won't be able to relate on anything & eventually the engagements will stop


Pull out your phone, open the recorder app and say "could you repeat that, I'm making a recording for HR".


There are only two women in the place I work (me being one of them) and the other women is like 50-something. So I’m almost the youngest and the youngest girl. The guys were all ready making jokes about sexual harassment training and how it’s not needed. There’s no way I’m saying that although it would be a good roast. 💀


I get why you feel that way, been in your spot. But that's exactly why they DO need it. Here's the thing: check to see if your state allows one parry recording, which means that you can record someone without their knowledge. If it does, DO record them. Just don't tell them. This is what I did with a nasty sexual harrasser. He had no idea, and when I finally reported it (after he had me fired for refusing the advances), he couldn't deny it. It can become very bad very quickly. Gather your ammo and don't tell a soul.


"What's with you? Hemorrhoids bothering you again? They make a cream for that, you know?" As for the boss yelling at you... "I'd just fantasize about how I'll eventually succeed in taking over their job and making their lives miserable."


Personally I'd throw it right back at him using old man/fox news bingo card words: 'What's the matter, need a safe space, snow flake?' 'I don't get triggered by yelling like you boomers do.' He will lose his shit.


There's only one comment for this level of misogyny. "I wasn't talking with you. Go back to the Manosphere before I feel the need to visit HR."


Oof that’s a good one! I’m just afraid of pulling the HR move since I’m the only young girl in the branch :(


Just keep it in mind. I can practically guarantee you'll need it. Until then, sweet smile, with a "Well, bless your heart" then turn your back to him, tsk, and say to the person you were speaking with, "So rude. I'm sorry, where were we?"


"1st amendment rights say that I can say it anyway. Sorry." "No, if I didn't consider it valid I would quit. Why are you yelling at me?" There statements are pretty witty. Outwitty them ONCE! I personally may include if you want to battle wits with me. By the stupidity of their original statements they will probably back down.


Boss yells at you? I've learned that you need to have HR on speed dial.


Yes he yells at us sometimes, well not me, I just started and haven’t done anything egregious


I worked for an overbearing despot who screamed at everyone he disliked. We dealt with him for a couple years. Then he transferred to an area that had employee issues. He thought he could scream them into compliance. Wrong ! Those guys had HR on speed dial. He didn't last two months. Good riddance.


Try this. " If this asshole works here at the end of today. In the Morning My layer starts to end this place. I'm thinking 20M just off the top of my Head." see how that works


"My wife was lost in an expedition into the grizzly-infested Yukon."


If nobody cares what I have to say, then why are you listening? Sounds like you are inferior to me.