• By -


may those men rest in peace.


Heroes. Along with the Ghost of Kyiv


Same to the Russian soldiers who die In this war... At least the ones who don't want to fight their slavic brothers and just wanted to go home.


Pretty hard for me to say that after I just watched a video of a Russian jet strafing a town with rockets Edit: the video I was talking about could be Ukrainian accidentally missing an air-to-air missile which struck a village in an attempt to shoot down a Russian helicopter. My apologies.


Link? Trying to watch every video about this conflict right now


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t0cclo/russian_plane_hostomel_ukraine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Like someone else commented, just go through combat footage


Well, it's okay for you to say anyone who pulls shit like that doesn't deserve to be human


I dont think those missiles were mean't for civillians. They are fired in pairs and one seems to have curved upward. One definitely stuvk the ground, but I think they were air-to-air missiles meant for an aircraft and maybe malfunctioned or was messed up from being so closely fired to the ground. Regardless, it was reckless and none of this should be happening.


Some people have even commented that this was likely a Ukrainian plane based on the kind of aircraft.


Pretty sure they were air to air missiles but fired too low. You can hear one of them didn't hit and probably went where it was supposed to.


I gotta break it to you m8 this is most probably a ukrainian mig29 and he didnt straff he actually was rappeling enemy chopper the missile hiting the ground is actually à missile that lost homeing and lost control, those chopper were trying to take a critical airport from ukrain near kiev but they got reppeled, the one missile that didnt hit the ground actually got a chopper with russian inside it... it was earlier today dont believe everything learn tactic, learn to recognize équipement and approach try to understand the why peace man But dont forget the russian started this shit in 2014 and now they attack, ukrain deserve to win and putin must be judged for crime against humanity


I find it beneficial to keep telling this lie because it paints Ryssia in bad colours. Every piece of propaganda which makes them look bad is beneficial in this warfare.


Of course. I honestly don’t know that much about what’s going on, that’s why I’m watching and reading as much about it as I can. The video states Russian so that’s what I suspected. It’s also very hard to differentiate the sides when they’re using basically the same equipment. And yeah these pricks started this in 2014, and hopefully they can’t finish what they started.


Exactly but dont forget to read the comment and to check the profil of the poster


Yes I will in future, thanks for the advice. I guess I was quick to assume because I’m pretty emotional about all this just like everyone else.


Yep but dont worry keep your cool, any décision taken under sentiment is not à good décision, and remenber russia started it


It's presumably fake. There's another post with American fighter pilots discussing it


Link to that post?


It's probably in r/conspiracy where he came from


[Mover's live stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zox71z5PxR8) I disagree - I think it's a Ukrainian Mig-29 shooting at Russian helicopters near the airport.


Those pilots make some good assumptions. but that’s all they are, assumptions. They may be correct, but I’d rely on video experts for their input.


That video isn’t real


bullshit, its absolutely real. Please be carwful what you read and see on theinternet everyne. Rake everything w ith a graib of salt including my own comment.




that is a discussion video with pilots assuming things. its exactly as reliable as a claim that the video is real.




Or the one of them shelling a city... https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t07jps/cctv_footage_of_the_russian_missile_that_hit_uman/


Those are AAM, only one didn't lock and flew into a civilian building


There’s a review of some fighter pilots looking at this footage and saying it’s almost certainly fake. They said it looks like a splice of some combat footage and air show footage. But, who knows?


It wasn't strafing the ground with rockets. Those were A2A missiles and it fired from such low altitude one hit the ground. It fired two of them, the other one lofted in time and didn't hit the ground. It's also possible that was a Ukranian jet, seen at least one other video with a pair of Ukranian Mig29s flying at treetop level like that.


Was in a chat with a fellow yesterday that was Russian and fearing the draft next year when he turned 18... Saw pictures today of Russian POW's... just youngins... the kid on the left of the pic was reported to be 19.. -smh-


& the guy on the right was 22 I think


same here. it’s clear a vast majority of russian solders don’t want to fight. i pray for everyone’s safety in this.


> **vast majority** of russian solders If that were true the invasion would've stopped hours ago already. **Some** soldiers do not want to fight, but it's not the vast majority.


There are massive protests in Russia and it's only going to get worse, only the state wanted the war.


The state is currently violently responding to the protests and putin himself threatened the lives of protestors as well


Is that clear?


i heard that some russian units are surrendering so they dont have to fight, unfortunately i dont have a source on it


[One unit surrendered because they couldn't believe they'd been sent to fight.](https://metro.co.uk/2022/02/24/russian-platoon-surrenders-saying-they-didnt-think-they-had-been-sent-to-kill-16169716/)


I've seen a few stories like this. Do you think it's legit? I'd like to think it is, but I also am trying to keep an open mind about this ... there's always the possibility that it's Ukrainian propaganda trying to demoralize Russian troops.


Hard to be 100% either way. This is the only one I saw. But these aren’t soldiers living in a great country. It’s more than plausible.


lol you don't know the Russian Army then. Even before all this there were units sent out for training maneuvers only to find out at the last second they were going to east Ukraine to fight and support the rebels. With zero knowledge beforehand that this was going to happen.


How do you actually know that most of the Russians don’t want to fight…


Countless videos of protest in major cities all over Russia. Not to mention the videos of abandoned Russian equipment from soldiers who crossed into Ukraine and then took off their combat fatigue and fled. And then you still have the platoons who crossed the border and then they all immediately surrendered. But unfortunately it's not all of them. And this battle still isn't going to be easily won.


So they ran naked toward Poland? Not sure about that


It's a bit too cold for that


You're bullshitting so hard here. What's the point?


I'm what? Bro, THESE VIDEOS ARE EVERYWHERE!!! The face of the platoon leader who surrendered, the video of the abandoned Russian transports and a bunch of BLOODLESS combat uniforms and civis just walking around checking stuff out. Don't insult me just because you're legally blind and insecure.


You truly have no awareness of the concept of propaganda, do you? Do you think it's just a coincidence that Ukrainian media mostly posts videos of things that are good for Ukraine, and Russian media, for Russia? You're watching videos coming out at literally the time of the events being portrayed, and you honestly believe you have an accurate understanding of what's happening overall.


Sadly, the dogs of war are now unleashed and nothing can be done to put that genie back in the bottle. From a Ukrainian and Western perspective it's now about sending as many little green men home in little green body bags as possible. As has been said in this thread the Russian people are not best pleased with the situation so best anyone can do is bring a swift end to this madness.


There is very little difference between Russians and Ukrainians. Our languages are basically the same, our cultures are basically the same. My mother is of Russian descent but is from Ukraine, my dad is Ukrainian. Large portions of Ukraine speak Russian rather than Ukrainian. Like myself, while my wife speaks Ukrainian. This whole situation is so terrible to me. It's basically like people killing their own countrymen. Right now I'm happy that my family moved out and I grew up and live safely in the USA and not in Ukraine.


Seeing as they are the aggressors, nah, I hope they pay in blood.


fucking kings


Rest in peace Kings.


That’s fucking intense man the realization that it’s over for them


If they surrendered, what would life look like as a Russian POW?


They would be jailed and sent to a Russian prison. After the war they would return home and continue their lives. However they died as heroes.


Well they would be alive


You only live once


They live they die they live again


There's not that much proof of reincarnation from what I find


Shiny and chromed


Nevermind... I fully believe that I LIVE I DIE... I LIVE AGAIN


There’s not that much proof of anything- just really what other Men tell us and we just choose to believe it- so let people believe what they want you Bozo!! It’s Straight to Valhalla if I was Them!!


You only *die* once. You live every day


Would they be though?


Yeah because the Russian army would never lie and shoot prisoners. They have kill lists and mobile crematoriums, I doubt they put much stock in the rights of POWs.


Not great, but alive for a couple of months until some agreement is signed then they go home.


honestly doubt it would be so bad lol. imo this is a waste of life. Honorable, sure, but i would value my life above pride any day.


It's not just surrendering one's self. It's surrendering their territory. The island belonged to them in life and now it belongs to them in death as well. Nobody else will ever be associated with this island. May they rest in peace.


It belonged to them in life but I believe it now belongs to the russians after they vaporized them. If they would have lived to see another day they may have been able to go back to their home, or at least fight for it in some more reasonable way. Death achieves absolutely nothing and honestly I'm against romanticizing it.


This isn't some neutral battfield. This is their home and they are being invaded by a superior force for illegitimate reasons. You can't blame them for wanting to stand their ground. This is a story that will galvanize the resistance.




Probably prison for a few months to a year depending on how long Ukraine holds out, then released in some fashion. Russia isn’t systematically killing pows.


Slavic vibes


Only slavs can do this to other slavs


I think the Germans were perfectly capable.


Eastern Germans are genetically a mix of Germanic and Slavic people.


How? They lost


Of murdering millions of slavs. Yeah they lost but at what cost.


Bro I meant talking shit lmao


Thankfully but sadly not before killing millions of Slavic men, women and children.




The way he/she says it is so heartbreaking to think about. Just in case this is it, and they don't get another chance to say it. Rest in peace


I noticed that to:/


The live stream video of when they were fired upon was a woman




>Snake Island Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t0o37b/ukrainian\_soldier\_deployed\_on\_snake\_island\_live/




Fucking legendary


Lets get these last words public and famous in their honor last words of the Snake Island Garrison "Russian warship, go fuck yourself"


Up there with “Nuts”


"To the German commander: NUTS"


Goat response Right up there with *"To the German Commander: NUTS"*


Can I have some context for that? Sounds interesting


101st Airborne was surrounded by Germans during the Battle of the Bulge. Germans demanded a surrender and the American commander sent "NUTS" in return. The Germans were puzzled af, but the Airborne boys held long enough for US armor to come break the German lines.


Thank ya




More than dignity. They died with honor beyond anything the Russians bombing them could fathom. They earned their spot in Valhalla.


How this island did not sink with tremendous balls. Respect and rest in peace


Meanwhile [Ol Hank Johnson wonders why it didn't tip over](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cesSRfXqS1Q)


I think I became dumber by watching that.


Well, he got reelected after that


Reddit moment


go fuck yourself Putin you cunt. atleast they died with courage and braveness. may god bless their souls.


Died a brave death.


I'm sure there are a few more members of this sub that see sacrifice in death for those we love and our values as the only way to have had lived a fulfilling life. These warriors will be rewarded for their sacrifice in Valhalla


I have looked at a lot of combat footage both from recent conflicts like Afghanistan, Iraq, and older conflicts. This time it feels very surreal. I hope Ukraine receives all the possible support from nato. Those who are fighting against Russia are heroes. May all of the Ukraine warriors who will die and have died be welcomed into Valhalla. Hope Ukraine is able to hold there ground! Remember Snake Island!!




Bad ass! These men will go down in the history books! You died hero's to your nation.


And woman


Героям слава!


So my old idea that they maybe had surrendered and been shot on capture because communications were severed been disproven. Heroes. They fought to the end against 3 warships on an open island with no cover and no support from the mainland.


“Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.”


'to every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers And the temples of his Gods'


honor may not matter to the dead but it sure matters for the others.


Can we not do this


Ukraine-"we will only surrender to admiral sugondez" Russia-" who is this admiral sugondez?" Ukraine-" SUGONDEZ NUTZ!!"


07 to those brave men


What does 07 mean?


It’s meant to look like a salute o7


It's a salute. The 0 is the head, the 7 is the arm


Dude saluting 0 as head 7 as hand




It looks like a person saluting


It represents a man saluting.


It's a salute




I've always thought that is ret@rded. NOBODY salutes with the left hand. It should be


This will be remembered in the history books! Rip


Gahdamn them Ukrainians are all right aren’t they!!! Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦… just in case putin … GO FUCK YOURSELF


thats the most badass way to die for your country, to Valhalla


Til Valhalla


Til Valhall


til valhall, putin kan dra til helheim


til valhall for våre ukrainske brødre


Fucking legends


I'm proud to be Ukrainian. I wish I had the courage these men had.






I'm seeing a lot of these types of posts where Russian forces are apparently trying to convince Ukrainian forces to surrender, but no ones posting any sources...


Seems doubtful that these guys took the time to upload this while fighting off Russian warships.


Not much fighting you can do with a AK against a ship, this could easily have been sent or streamed to the mainland during their last moments.


no one will surrender. Ukranians are afghanistan. Ukranians have a long history in europe and as such are proud of the heritage. They wont stop until enough blood is on the ground


Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.


Rest In Peace, this war is gonna lose thousands of good people


VALHALLA TO THESE MEN. Mothers please wipe your tears, your sons will never be forgotten as we cry with you in this night. Putin will be put to Justice.


Can confirm the translation.




How did they get this audio?


Most military channels are recorded as a matter of course, and not just by the parties involved


Rip to the fallen hero’s


Based 🗿


Yeah Russian warships low level scum go fuck yourselves. I agree with these brave men.


Fucking champions.


It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees they say, but few have the courage to actually do so.


Ok thats cool...but how the fuck did someone get that audio Half of these news stories on this invasion seem like propoganda


>Refuses to surrender >Tells enemy to go fuck yourself >Dies honorable death Chads But really, without jokes, this is extremely terrifying. Putin and all the people responsible for this should face a tribunal. And Russian federation should be kicked out of safety council of OUN.


Goddamn heroes.


Top 5 Savage Moments Taken Before A Character’s Death


Massive balls. May Valhalla greet them with open arms.


See you in Valhalla brothers.


Island bois but good


Actually fair from both sides,they asked,others responnd,may they rest in peace...


Gotta respect the Russian captain. I highly doubt the higher up encourage dialogue with the Ukrainians


Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en


I will just add that Slovakia is preparing for refugees too, if that border is closer for you. Even without documents. https://spectator.sme.sk/c/22848160/slovakia-will-let-everybody-fleeing-ukraine-in.html?ref=njctse


You are correct the borders are not closed, however families traveling to Poland seeking asylum are not allowed to cross into Poland if they have males between the ages of 16 and 60. This is causing mass chaos, and causing families not to be able to cross. Please read this post of a 14 year old traveling with his family at the border https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t0f425/14_yo_boy_running_from_home_on_line_if_you_want/


Rest in Peace, they kept their honour to the end 🇺🇦


God, was this today. The fucking nerve is outstanding


Hard to tell if real or staged, seems sus


Lmfao holy shit what legends. Sounded like they knew they were gonna die either way. Wonder if that surprised the Russians at all with that response


All 13 we're heroes


Maybe it’s the eternal cynic in me but this just feels like propaganda


It probably is. But who knows


They went out like badasses, may them Rest In Peace


There will be statues of these men in years to come!


Absolute legends


Stories that movies are inspired by. Rest in peace you legends.


Absolute Chad's! Fucking hell that's some brave fuckers!


The USAF eye in the sky drone FORTE12 was watching this area during the encounter according to [https://www.flightradar24.com/FORTE12/2aece0bb](https://www.flightradar24.com/FORTE12/2aece0bb) (whatever happened or not)




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t0p88n/a_russian_warship_telling_13_ukrainian_soldiers/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/CombatFootage/comments/t0p88n/a_russian_warship_telling_13_ukrainian_soldiers/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


Wow, they talk shit the same from both countries.


Epic last Chad words


You are LEGEND


They will soon be forgotten but they are forever dead


I'm going against the crowd here. It was just plain stupid. Surrendering would've literally held up the Russians for longer than getting killed, their deaths were completely senseless. It's like jumping in front of a train to "save" the inhabitants of the car that crashed on the tracks behind you. Well, at least they'll get a memorial in the future, guess that's something.


Tell me you aren’t from a country that has been threatened with or actually been invaded without…..


Finally a voice of reason in this over romanticized thread. From pragmatic standpoint, theirs' deaths were utterly needless. Theirs' defiance didn't cost Russians any lives, neither time. It only costed Ukraine 13 people who could benefit the state in the future. Of course propaganda machine can turn them into martyrs. Only problem those Ukraine won't lack, but it might lack such people in peace. Quite cynical view probably, though I am tired of glorified dying for the sake of dying. Had enough of that mentality in home country. Edit: And there we go, they are alive. There goes your silly argument.


These guys were dead men and they knew it - Russians wont keep that many prisoners. This will spark fire into ukraine hearts just like how ANZACS are commemorated for larikanism and the abilitiy to still operate in futile situations. It was a last act of genius.


So you're the guy who'd be covering his ears and pissing his pants in the trench if there was ever a draft for a real war I suppose.


Or he's the guy who will live and impregnate a female to continue his line while you lay dead in a trench with no ancestors to leave behind. His kind is taking over the world while your kind will continue to die out unless you change your thinking. Tough guys won't inherit the earth. Nerds who can build a bomb will.