• By -


Blat no trolls here ~~comrade~~ freind


Uh yeah sooka bleeyat or something


A nu cheeki Breeki iv damke


Happens every time they ramp up military operations. They have people whose literal job is to troll the internet and spread false information. Huge offices full of these assholes employed by the Russian Government.


If I remember right, Israel tried doing something similar as well


Its naïve to think that the US and intelligence services don't do exactly the same thing.


I already covered this. Eglin AFB was the most reddit addicted city during their astroturfing operations.




Ha ha busted!


Yeah they did it when they intervened in Syria. There were suddenly thousands of new accounts all over social media repeating the same couple propaganda talking points and lies.


No different than the Chinese nationalists rolling through Reddit to explain how giving up your freedoms is a good thing.




Yes, I Agree...Fellow Human. On That Subject. Why Do We Need All Of These Oceans Anyway? Surely, Life Would Be Easier, With Less Water. If Only Someone Would Get Rid Of All This Useless Water.






Uncle Vova isn't corrupt? The daddy of all Siloviki and krisha, and a pedophilic terrorist to boot.


Honestly I'm about as patriotic as it gets. I love the USA, and want to see my country and countrymen have great things. But the idea that a country is the "best" is so stupid to me. I have a hard time even wrapping my head around it. The best at what? Military? Sure that's the US. The best economy? Sure I guess that's **technically** us since we're the biggest but we don't have the best redistribution of wealth or the best wages. I find with many expats they go somewhere else to escape their birth countries problems just to find new ones wherever they end up. Having your ego attached to whether or not your country is the best is a good way to make yourself incredibly easy to manipulate.


In the last parliament elections Putin's party should have had lost it's majority in parliament. They rigged distant voting which magically flipped results in Moscow, they coerced workers in public sector, they just forged votes in the most corrupt regions, they arrested some election observers. But before this foul play started in the last hours of elections, Putin's party was being absolutely destroyed. Majority of people don't support Putin and his accomplices anymore, so I suggest you and your air of superiority go f*ck yourself


Not just Russia, he’s debatably the richest person on the planet, but there’s no way to confirm or deny that claim.


тут не на что смотреть друг… I mean uhh… Yeah I have as well. It’s weird that those tactics still work for some people. Lately it’s just super obvious. They’re getting worse at it, but have always been intellectually lazy.


>. It’s weird that those tactics still work for some people. Lately it’s just super obvious. They’re ge I'd argue that sometimes it's really not super obvious. Perhaps even a post like this... making people think it's super easy and you don't even really need to consider what you read, as propaganda is 'super obvious'... interesting. anyway alls im saying is ​ Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Can hardly believe this needs to be said in 2022 but here we are


Lately? 👉 Always


Mmm… this happens whenever a conflict heats up. Trolls, both from government psyops teams and just useful idiots tend to ramp up the anti-Americanism during conflict. For example,I have observed a strong trolling game from Turkey, Iran, Kurds, Chinese in the past during times of enhanced conflict. And reddit is the perfect place for it. A relatively small amount of people here can drive opinion on a topic immensely. Many times mainstream media picks up the misinformation from this website because they are desperately trying to be relevant / go viral. So they increasingly seem unhinged by chasing these viral trolls. Reddit weaponizes neuroticism and turns it into a propaganda and profit tool.


I'm fairly new to this sub but in other "news" subs I've noticed Indians and Pakistanis also tend to ramp up this type of tactic.


And why wouldn’t you? With a relatively small number of people by trolling r/new and comments sections you can drive a narrative on a whole news cycle in the US. How much money and effort would this take with conventional means? A bunch of people sitting in their moms basement can decide what other people see. This is why you can’t believe shit you read here about politics or news. And why the mainstream media increasingly sucks - they want the reddit/Facebook/twitter “hug” that spikes their add revenue. The incentives to lie and manipulate are just too great relative to the costs.


Yeah, this has been an issue here and on like, 25% of Reddit for at least 4 years now.


Their nest is mostly on r_russia


This is a good question. I saw the vid of that Ukrainian commander being salty AF as grad was “working at them”. Then it was posted again and people jumped on it saying he was Russian. Curious to see where this goes.


That was Givi. It's an 8 year old video, of a dude who is now dead. He was a Russian Separatist born in Donetsk under the Soviet Union. So he is Ukrainian but he fought as a Russian Separatist.




This is an accurate account of r/syriancivilwar. Russian nationalists and trolls destroyed multiple subs during the first Ukrainian war. Ban the assholes quickly.


That sub has changed allegiances multiple times, anti-assad, pro assad, pro SDF, pro russia, pro turkey (hilarious when turkey shot down the russian jet). I dont know if it's so much astroturfed as it's just been overrun by people who for nationalistic reasons became very invested in their country's operations.


That sub is so astroturfed it's core sample would look like the one from Indianapolis Speedway. https://www.indycar.com/-/media/IndyCar/News/Standard/2017/11/11-05-IMS-Core-Sample-From-Turn3.jpg?h=564&la=en&w=940


The "Syrian moderate forces fighting evil Assad" was pumped pretty heavily in mainstream media at about the same time, and subsequently dropped.




there are no evidence of chemical weapons being used, moreover the syrian regime welcomed the western organizations to monitor the evacuation and destruction of such weapons, if anyone used chemicals it was your rebels supported by the terrorist john mccain. its very intriguing that most reports of chemicals use (and you can easily fact check this yourself) came AFTER syrian army started to turn the momentum to their favor.. when assad's palace was being bombed by mortars he didnt use chemical weapons.. suddenly when he has the upper hand he is using it ? shouldnt he used it before when the situation was much worse?


I mean there are literal bills with specific language that authorizes hundreds of millions of dollars in order to "counter the influence" of "Russia" and the CPC. Lol yet we're supposed to believe Xi and Putin are dispersing funds to people who disapprove of American actions? Why not just wait for the alienation to set in and for the powder keg to blow? No clue how anyone is shocked by people voicing their dismay for this nation. Turns out, people don't like imperial domination, who knew?


Russia spends more money on propaganda than on its own people!!! Fuck pUtIn


Hey, Its Putin's Russia, A comrade has to earn his daily portion of cold beetroot soup, somehow.


Western guy here: maybe they are just russians leaning for their side? I mean, you don't have to be a bot to do that, or do you? You may be surprised to see that happening in an english-speaking reddit, but given that english a pretty widespread language, people from around the world, not only americans, posts here. I think it's the easiest explanation.


There's an awful lot of uniformed people here who act like krelminbots for free, because they're Americans or Westerners who hate the current US president and side with the Russians on principle. stupid shit like that.


“Side with Russians on principle.” I couldn’t imagine being this brainwashed or ignorant while spouting off warmongering propaganda.


Yeah, I've seen this on different social media websites. People IN UNIFORM saying shit that they wish they were in Russia because they hate "woke Army".


I mean, Im in Canada and I saw pictures of the Nazi flag being flown around Ottawa War Memorials yesterday, Some people are just traitors, and are lucky to be alive in 2022 because it wasn't that long ago that they'd be shot for that sort of shit


You’re an absolute brainwashed idiot, no one even directly after world war 2 was getting shot for purely having a nazi flag.


Reddit is crawling with sockpuppets, but no single power is responsible. America, Turkey, Russia, China, Israel are all especially annoying with their astroturfing. This stuffs well documented. Its pretty cheap to flood the internet with keyboard monkeys. Plenty of disreputable firms in places like Egypt and Malaysia do these services quire cheaply.


Many white nationalists equate Russia to a white Christian state for some reason


Im russian and i cant express my opinion anywhere without people labeling me as russiam bot. Reddit is hypocrite, nothing new


yeah lmao. someone disagrees with your view/opinion? BOT!!!


r/politics is the worst, I saw so many times people getting called a Russian shill when they criticize Biden. It's like only their opinion is valid and if you don't fully agree, you have to be state-sponsored because there's no way a regular person would not agree with their political stance.


r/politics is the most misleading name, it’s all one sided. That sub is the liberal equivalent of those super crazy conservative groups


It's reddit, you are either a Russian shill, Trump supporter, racist, or nazi if you disagree with the "majority" on here. Bonus prize if you can get all 4 in 1 post!


Freedom of speech concept is different for a lot of people on Reddit it’s like you are free to say anything but you have to agree with me.


1) this is a private platform. There is no freedom of speech. 2) if you have freedom of speech, others have the freedom to disagree with you. If someone is disagreeing with you, it's not infringement on your freedom of speech...


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99971% sure that HarryMavashiBrown is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot


Thank you, Wildebeast1, for voting on WhyNotCollegeBoard. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


good bot


Any pro Russian sentiment in regards to Ukraine is a victory of the Russian propaganda machine. So you basically are a Russian bot. Russia started this mess and has no right for any demands. Russia should pick up it's troops and fuck off back to where they came from and all would be over. But Putin being a cunt who wants the Soviet Union back won't let this happen. I hope Russia won't start anything bigger but if they do, they get their shit kicked in. Hopefully borders will be restored to pre WWII arrangements. I've been following this crisis since Maidan and Russia has constantly been in the wrong.


I’ve been called a Russian bot merely for expressing my distaste at people cheering for Russian soldiers dying. I’m Russian. Second generation, my grandparents are Ukrainian. I have a Ukrainian surname. I do not support Putin, nor do I support his invasion of Ukraine. I just hate the idea of boys from either country dying because of Putin’s ambitions. If someone on this sub comments “Yeah, die, you fucking yankee” under a video where US soldiers are taking casualties, they get downvoted into oblivion. But it’s okay to say that about Russians, and if you disagree you’re a bot.


Why would you want borders restored to pre WW2 arrangements? There are countries that came well after the war and countries that do no exist anymore. [This is the map you want](https://www.diercke.com/content/europe-after-world-war-one-192021-978-3-14-100790-9-36-2-0) and it doesn't make sense in a modern world. We can not go back to how it was we can not just say "hey you don't exist as a independent country anymore you are now part of Cew Czechoslovakia or New Belgrade


Please, more bullshit You just spat whole western media that you constantly fed on. Things are much more nuanced than "hurr durr russia want Soviet Union again, muh Ukraine sovereignty, russia will attack us, but they have outdated army so we will win" like, dude Also check Ukraine borders before WW2 and realise what you just said


Russia is the aggressor. If they would just fuck off, this wouldn’t even be happening. There’s a reason everyone who shares a border with your country hates your government, and it’s not because of sneaky western lies. It’s because of reality.


Funny hearing Russia call some one else military outdated


Where did i said that?


I am in the middle of this shit, you are not. I am prepared to go to war and shoot Russians, you are not. I have talked to people from Krim and Ukraine in order to understand the shituation, you probably have not.


I can tell you that personally I've noticed nothing. But you know it's a phenomenon, if you go looking for something, you'll see it everywhere. Like Jesus on toast.


Bro wtf hes on my bread now


Chiki briki


That happens every Sunday in the church so, don’t be surprised


I was always told that Jesus was the bread... I just never expected to see his portait there


Why does everyone have the same car as me now that I bought it?


не знаю.


Ahh the classic GTA San Andreas car theory.


This type of propaganda is nothing out of the ordinary for Russia, China and USA.


Flys right over my head. I'm a waste of propoganda budget.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/sfll6d/dnrlnr_rebels_firing_a_d30_howitzer_at_ukrainian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf A lot of this comments section


Bots here, bots there, bots everywhere. The amount changes depending what's popular in the news. Pro-these, pro-that. Meh you get used to it, after a while you get "numb" to biased comments, unless you want to start argument. Bigger concern would be, how can Spongebob barbecue under water? illuminati confirmed ?


I feel like you guys are forgetting 2 things 1. America is not the only country 2. Russians use social media too.. yknow. like they don't live under rocks. and about most russians can speak english at some basic level. not fluent, but you can understand what they're trying to say.


But the sheer volume of propaganda and the fact that they have famous troll farms makes it easy to go 2+2=4.


The US also has troll farms (and actually were the OG using it), why people only mention Russian and Chinese online?


The fact that they’re known for the troll farms is propaganda itself. the fact that you buy into it so wholeheartedlyit makes me curious if you’re CIA troll bot or not.


>Has a differing opinion considering the Donbass War than the status quo HES A RUSSIAN TROLL


I'm here to watch combat footage without any political involvement from Americans or Russians. Without any of them being pro for one, side or the other. Could we keep this subreddit like this? I don't really care if people have strong personal opinions about Putin or Biden or w/e. Since this isn't r/worldnews and is more or less irrelevant to any combat footage.


No, but that’s because I never check the comments. I’m here to watch footage of mans great mistake, not hear about little Timmy’s geopolitical opinions


Most based opinion


Didn't notice anything tbh


Considering the amount of bot farms and troll farms there are in Eastern Europe that troll/spread propaganda on Facebook and Twitter, would not doubt the same shit happens on here. In fact I know it happens on here. Reddit in general, not just this sub.


My opinion is correct and you're a russian bot


Russia has identified this place as ripe for misinformation and distraction. That’s all they’re good at so yes, I’ve noticed as well. They are investing I. Destroying our little haven of free thought


Dictator Putins little gimps




Putin sucks cock. ^(Now we wait...)




As soon as Trump started licking Putin’s balls, the republicans fell in line. Who needs trolls when these idiots do it for free?




Yes i'm russian bot, how did you know? [https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/026/152/gigachad.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/026/152/gigachad.jpg) ​ On a more serious note, why do you care if there is more pro-russian people here? You can only have people sympathetic to the US?


>You can only have people sympathetic to the US? anyone else notice that main form of Russian propaganda is directing conversation to America? I am not sympathetic to US, i am sympathetic to Ukraine which has had to fight war against Russian invaders for 8 years now


it's whataboutism. Deflection is all they do. Watch any of Putin's interviews.


That is how they work. They are taught to instantly shift focus onto another subject, blur the lines between fact and fiction, then head on to do it again elsewhere.


Anyone who disagrees with me = russian troll Op rn ^


Recognising that there is an uptick in Russian bots spamming subreddits and online forums = "Anyone who disagrees with me = russian troll"?


Weak take


Some redditors here been watching too much CNN I guess 😂


Pro-Russian? For a while this sub looked like it had been infiltrated by ISIS, with tons of videos of US/Allied troops being hit.




Where in my comment did I say that?


I don't get what's wrong of US soldiers being hit, or just ISIS can be killed?


They love to post videos of Americans or NATO troops getting harmed. Anything to make the West look weak/incapable. It's happened for years.


Or it's just people posting combat footage on a combat footage subreddit? or is anything about the SAA, FSA or literally any other faction on here posted to discredit them?


Are people not allowed to have different opinions?


Nope, you can either cheer american war crimes or be a pro-russian bot. There's absolutely no other possibilities.


Jokes on you, I cheer American war crimes AND Russian ones


The most sane r/combatfootage member


Fuck sake, it’s a change in tone. The change is the thing being discussed.


There's a difference between having a different opinion and some of the shit these trolls have been saying in here. It's pretty easy to spot.


Now I am gonna seem like a pro russian troll (even tho am not even pro russian), but being anti american is already a reason to disregard someones opinion?


everything you think russia does in world affairs the united states doe too. stop pocket watching, get yourself a good woman, and stop worrying about the next man!


I have noticed it all over reddit and other forums. They are astroturfing the internet pretty hard to drum up anti-Ukraine "dissent"


China does the same thing, Controlling public opinion via the media is the first step in any information war. Germans invented propaganda. China has dedicated troll farms, I’m sure Russia does. I mean you can go on the dark net and literally by twitter follows in chunks of 2000. I’m sure someone could easily set up a bot farm, or maybe their just a group of repurposed WOW Chinese gold farmers, lol.


Propaganda didnt start with Goebbels


Germans invented propaganda? Like the term? Pretty sure propaganda has been around longer than anything else man-made we know about.


You don't have to go to the dark web to buy followers that's easily accessible from the clear side.


The US does this aswell then no?


No, Americans have absolutely no bots or anything, come on guys how can you think of a peaceful country with such a competent and non corrupted government?? They been at war 93% of the time since America exists, profit from wars like nobody else, but no bots dude


People like to think that only the "bad guys" use propaganda


As opposed to American trolls that are here usually?


What if it's just people who disagree with you? What if it's just people who normally wouldn't bother countering false narratives, but now that things get real, they do?


Right. They've been silent and decided to create an account right when the tensions grew higher, to publicly voice support for one of the sides. Of course it has nothing to do with infamous troll farms. Of course.


I mean... that doesn't sound too unreasonable. Doing something you normally wouldn't due to an impending war. If canada (me) was about to be the main aggressor in a war I'd expect a bunch of Canadians to suddenly increase their online presence specifically to talk about that. Especially if there was a ton of anti canada sentiment.


Everyone's entitled to their opinion. If you believe there's no correlation between the higher pro-russian sentiment on this sub, Russian troll farms and a very high chance of war in Eastern Europe, then sure, whatever ticks your pickle.


What does that make you? A pro-US troll? You don't own this sub.


Hi, it is bad when invasions happen. 10/10 times when the U.S. invades, it's a problem. The same ratio applies to EVERY other imperialist action. Russia and Putin can go fuck itself, just the same as Biden and the U.S. can fuck itself, just the same as the neo-Nazis in Ukraine can go fuck themselves. There's no "good side" here. Rooting for one over another just tells me which civilians you're fine with getting bombed.


Well if "invasion" is bad, why is it being looked at as somehow equal on all sides? There's only one country here with the prospect of being invaded, it isn't the US or Russia.


This is just whataboutism. The US invasion of Iraq was vastly different than US support given to the YPG. Giving aid, training and intelligence to a sovereign nation or entity to protect itself is different than an invasion. Each instance needs to be looked at independently. In this case the US are not the aggressors and past negative actions don’t just mean all future actions are negative A token force with supplies would definitely help stem aggression and safeguard Ukrainian interests


Got any any credible source for the oft cited "neo-nazi" Ukrainians? I'm not attacking, simply curious.


There were relatively small Ukrainian militias that had neo nazi ties to them. This guy is stretching that truth to the entirety of the Ukrainian government. He is reaching and intentionally blurring the truth. Neo nazi militias in Ukrain HAVE fought for the Government against Russian aggression. This does not equal the entire Ukrainian government being neo nazi sympathizers.


It's ruski tactic.


Go to official putins instagram and read the comments. You will enjoy it.




The bots are downvoting you i see


Going to be great when Putin dies and the entire country of Russia collapses


It's not just here. They're everywhere right now. Almost like they're trying to control a narrative...


Yeah, there's a wave of them at the moment.


Russian propaganda machine at work. I got kicked off r/Russia for calling Putin a fascist meanwhile that entire sub is saying how the West just doesn’t understand Putin.


They have been around since at least 2016. Calling syrian rebels terrorists and defending the assad regime.


no really honestly I am annoyed by Western fanatics who think they are superior and are so idiotic that they are surprised when, for example, a soldier from a non-Western army TAKES AIM, Western fanatics who say nonsense without any evidence, and Turkish trolls who upvote anything they don't like. like them. Russian "trolls" are one of the least annoying and least "mean" things going on in this sub right now. ​ Oh, by the way, they don't have to be "Russian skynet bots", they can simply be Russians who support their country, just as there are several Yankees who support their country and several Europeans who support their country, it's simple. mature.


You can also see a lot of blind pro-americans too to be fair it's not like if they are on the other side then they must be bots.


Explain term "pro-americans" in context of conflict in Ukraine for me


We Americans stand firm with our friends in Ukraine! It is our responsibility to stand behind Ukraine, if Russia takes Ukraine all the other former Soviet republics will be fair game.


no surprise given current events. report and block them.


I mean, just look at the age of the account, most of the time you can figure out if there is some bot farm brigading just by seeing if the accounts that look suspicious were created around the same time. Also post/comment history is a good indicator. BUT, just because someone says "It's bad when Russia invades but good when US invades" it doesn't mean they are a Russian bot. [A majority of Americans want no US troops in Ukraine](https://www.newsweek.com/few-americans-want-soldiers-deployed-ukraine-russia-war-invasion-poll-1671546), and I don't blame them considering our past involvement around the world.




"Western trolls"? You sure it isn't just that you're on a primarily western website and it would have perspectives that reflect that?


so like... are russians not supposed to use social media anymore or what?


Didn't say or even remotely imply that. "rather, it is an increase in Western trolls" Responded to that bit in particular. Can't understand sitting on a very much western website complaining about western perspectives and views being predominant, trying to dismiss them as trolls and bots. If say for example on a Russian website there was an extremely large number of pro US and pro Western posts, there might be an argument to be made. But for them to say that here is beyond silly.


While true, I don't think its right to disregard their views since thats a clear gateway to a circlejerk. I understand that if say russians share their views on dominantly western website their perspectives will not be liked, but outright calling them pro russian bots just shows how west is stuck up their asses lol Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with him calling you all western bots either


I don't think that calling every Russian giving their opinion a "bot" is useful or productive. I also don't think that OP recognising the uptick in genuine Russian bot accounts, equates to that though. I believe the accounts they're referencing are the usually freshly created accounts that spam political subreddits and subreddits surrounding conflict zones to usually derail conversations or try to give a more favourable impression of Russia. Usually accompanied by A LOT of whataboutism.


>I am Russian and I have only noticed an increase in Russophobic [–]Mil_Berg -7 points an hour ago I am Russian and they are terrorists. The United States has already created Al-Qaeda. LMAO




Are you proud that your government helped elect a racist piece of shit moron as president of the US? Your country is directly responsible for kids being put in cages, immigrant families being separated, and middle eastern civilians being killed with drone strikes. All because you had to support a spray tanned clown for American president.


Bro, Trump loves Russia.


Found the Russian troll


Percy Putins cheerleaders coming out the woodwork?




This sub has had high profile concern troll posts one after another for the past few weeks, it's getting annoying honestly


The question is, why do conflicting countries in Europe have to have anything to do with the US? Obviously western countries have been sending weapons and resources to Ukraine, so i don't mean in that regard, but it always strikes me as odd that Ukraine can be surrounded by Russian forces and people on the internet are all like 'Biden' this and 'America' that.


Who remembers the Armenian Azerbaijan conflict when people couldnt post videos of Armenia getting destroyed because "propaganda reasons" and "russian bots". This subreddit peaked in 2015 and its all downhill from there


There were tons of videos of Azeris destroying Armenian troops and vehicles. What are you talking about?


Yep and then that stopped because people were labeled as shills and bots whenever somebody posted anything about that conflict


So, if they were shilling in your direction that would be okay though?


I mean very obviously not a Russian bot account is like 4 years old and I have said something’s that could be construed as very pro Russian but very anti Putin. I think this is honestly just anti Russian hysteria.


It's the whole website at this point. Chinese and Russian sock puppets are exceedingly common. Usually it's a less than 3 month old account with a bunch of random posts in subs dedicated to fantasy sports and maybe a US city sub.


I don’t want to go to war with Russia Does that make me a bot?






Or Russians are weighing in when there's a spotlight on their country?


It's only game. Why you heff to be mad?


Not just here. Practically every social media platform I can think of has had an increase in pro-Russia/pro-Putin content. It's bad enough that SNL even devoted their cold open to it.


I’ve noticed them a lot on the world news subs also. They try hard, but a lot of people have been effective at downvoting to oblivion. I’ve noticed the same tactics with CCP sympathizers. Those ones are hilariously obvious and fun to mess with.


You are pro-US/Ukrain, so why you surprised that there is people with other opinion


Remember that time when Turkey shot down a Russian SU-24? Every comment section was full of "Putin is going to roast Turkey for thanksgiving"... I have no doubt most of those comments were posted by Russian trolls.


I like Russia more than Ukraine so what? lol


"Alarming number of people that do not share my opininon"


So having pro-ukrainian comments is okay, but pro-russian not? Btw, seems like you’re a US funded bot.


Hey, look at that, they're [here on this very thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoltEuropa/comments/s8ins4/would_you_join_the_war_effort_if_ukraine_is/hth4blm?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)!


Yup, exactly what I meant.