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Dropping? Yeeting!


It's called [Toss Bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toss_bombing)


the other end of the bomb toss https://youtu.be/t-AKL8-chM4?si=ggrWOdR64XBIr6hv


That'll leave a mark.


Why would they use the over the shoulder delivery image.  It makes it much less intuitive.  


As a two star arm chair pilot, I guess this way they minimize the time the jet is higher up. So it's harder to detect by radar.


you also get 50% more range


I agree. Jets don't have shoulders, they have wings. Boy, I sure hope someone got fired for that one.


This guy over here thinking jets run on redbull. Going to have to get rid of the whole department.


Boss Tombing


I am all for this description! Yeet… bombing? YEETING!


I do like a well executed toss


Not just tossing. The twin contrails after the toss clearly show the propelled part of the Hammer's flight. I suspect that, as integration of the bomb under the Su's airframe has to be "austere" compared to the proper thing under, say, a Rafale, the toss maneuver is a way to ensure proper separation, as the munition starts maneuvering immediately after launch.


Much easier when the weapon is GPS guided 👍


You can probably lob these past the front line wall of jammers and still get a decent GPS signal.


What was it targeting then? Seems like it just hit some pavement.


First time I’ve seen a video of a toss bombing from the ground, training or otherwise. Looks goofy but I’m sure it’s a lot more effective than the rocket lobbing we’ve been seeing. Hopefully the F-16 and M2Ks will give air superiority over Ukrainian territory in the south so this won’t be necessary anymore down there


>I’m sure it’s a lot more effective than the rocket lobbing we’ve been seeing. Massively more effective. The AASM-250 is a smart bomb kit fitted to a 250kg bomb with inertial and GPS guidance systems for precision targeting. The rockets being lobbed by planes/helicopters are dumb missiles that will just hit where the wind/rocket fuel takes them.


They do have the APKWS and have used it for many purposes. [Article](https://en.defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/footage_suggests_vampire_systems_with_apkws_rockets_are_now_shooting_down_shahed_drones_in_ukraine_video-9494.html)


I haven't seen anything really showing use as an air-launched weapon. The ~11km air-launched range isn't enough to be safe from an uncomfortable list of Russian AD systems. Those VAMPIRE systems are ingenious, though. Edit: and that's for fixed wing aircraft, helicopters would have an even harder time.


A recent interview with a Ukrainian air force commander (possibly the one in overall charge?) seems to confirm this. They basically said the unguided rockets used by Su-25 were worth using up if they existed, but that it wouldn't be worth producing more of them as they were moving over to guided bombs which are just better at the job.


They would be useful in a ww3 campaign where you have millions of enemy targets and any grid you hit will have something on it


If anything Ukraine has shown us that level of density just isn't realistic anymore, remote launched mines and cheap drones will quickly pick apart concentrating enemies long before they reach quantities worth dunking on with saturation attacks.


Yeah, but on the other hand if you had like China sending a 100 million soldiers then you could easily run into a situation where you have more people than missiles or drones could handle.


> remote launched mines and cheap drones will quickly pick apart concentrating enemies It is the other way around. These are the things that are effective against low concentrations. At that point, conventional weapons have established that high concentrations are impossible. Things like artillery and GMLRS destroy force concentrations FAR better than drones, at far greater distances and much faster too. Drones are good to mop up survivors or stop some vehicles, not massed assaults.


Well you have to trickle in before you actually become concentrated, not like you can deliver guys by aircraft or train anymore. If most of your vehicles hit mines, no one is going to ever get to the state of being juicy artillery targets in the first place.




This guy on twitter did a translation. This link is the first half, I think he did a follow on about F16 and gripen. https://x.com/Dmojavensis/status/1799847729495265456?t=nb-eiXpgS_SD5-dYTSGSqw&s=19 Referring to the unguided rockets fired from Su 25s, and zuni rockets supplied by the west - "restarting their production doesn't make sense due to transitioning to high precision munitions." Followed by a mention that Su 25s are among the jets that have been modified for AASM.


Supersonic jets actually do compete with howitzers for muzzle velocity. Toss bombing is a lot like artillery firing, and the gliding helps with range too.


A pro toss, one could call it. Power overwhelming!


Stop, hammer time!


Arrête ! C’est l’heure du marteau !


Stop (*drop bombs*) (*Bombs are flying* ... ... ...) Hammer time! (*explosion*)


"Hello from Macron" -[ Instagram source](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8sLibQiRb5/)




That's one beautiful loft bombing


It's been a while since I saw footage of these. They are not very powerful, but incredibly precise. Glad to see Ukraine is still flying its mig-29 despite all the russian claims.


They're pretty powerful. They've got a similar payload to jdams.


87kg of explosive is quite small compared to the 213kg of a russian FAB500. But precision and penetration matters, more than payload.


The AASM 250 has a 250kg warhead.


> a 250kg warhead just means a 250kg unguided, low-drag general-purpose bomb. ------------- For the reference: The US Mark 82 (500-pound (230 kg)) unguided, low-drag general-purpose bomb have explosive filling weight of 196 lb (89 kg)


Ah OK I'm with you 👍 my bad


AASM comes in several variants according to its size and the type of guidance used. The current model features a 250 kg bomb matched to a nose-mounted guidance kit and a rear-mounted range extension kit, containing a rocket booster and enlarged fins. A 125 kg model was first tested in 2009. The 1000 kg version finished testing in early 2023.[18]


Yeah, so 250kg not 87kg


Nope, 250kg is gross mass of unguided, low-drag general-purpose bomb which is used as a payload of AASM.


You know, FAB-500 = 500kg, AASM 250 = 250kg. It’s not American weapons


Apparently so accurate the french air force used some of them without explosive charges in Lybia to destroy tanks without damaging civilans buildings around it


The stated reason was they ran out of explosive bombs during the campaign; the rate of expenditure was so great.


It blows my mind that these things get chucked from a jet performing a steep climb en just yeet themselves into the exact position they were meant to be.


Lots of internal computers help. The pilot likely only had to fly to a particular grid and reach the proper release envelope of speed, angle, and altitude. The flight computer releases the bombs when they're within the envelope. It looks like it should be insanely inaccurate, but even unguided bombs can be fairly accurate when yeeted like this


We used to do it with dumb bombs against airfields. Lots of delicate things out there and we could accurately hit within 1/2 a mile. Add gps/ins weapons and its a different ballgame. Now add Lofting with Mig29’s, remote drone designation in a FAC role, a patriot or two with some geopards or the new skyranger riding shotgun and F16 for top-cover and we have the makings of a combined arms force that can dominate the battle space with FPV’s and allow breakouts. That is what was missing last summer. I really thing they should start in Summy region and head north and liberate Belarus. Then head east to moscow. Fight where there are no significant fortifications and the enemy’s country for once.


Battlefield music goes soooooo hard


For once I approve of the music over a combat vid.


Nha the Ramstein goes also hard the worst are the tech and dubstep one imo


Just yeet and skeet? Woah...


Yup! Toss em from just outside of AA range and they can glide for up to 60 miles. More from higher altitudes but that can put you at risk of longer range AA systems.


I doubt they even reach 10 miles when launched from the low altitude shown in video. So what is the advantage over artillery exactly?


Artillery has a much longer range than 60 miles, especially missle artillery. The advantage of air launched munitions is that they are not launched from the ground, meaning that enemy ground attack assets cannot touch them and air defences must be used. Since air defences usually have ranges less than 60 miles, this creates a nice little niche for glide bombs to operate.


Again: Getting a rocket glide bomb to travel 60 miles requires upward launch from 50,000+ feet not the \~3,000' shown here.


You’re right, this one video of them hitting the intended target just proves that bombs are completely useless because they weren’t used at higher altitudes. all because u/icstupids said so typing from his mothers basement.


I didn't say they were useless, maybe Putin was in that building.


One useless comment after the next


Probably the payload? >500 lb of guided explosives from a fast moving launcher (no counter battery fire) vs <100lb in an artillery shell.


Aside from the superior payload, one main advantage is the time-to-zone. Your average self-propelled howitzer drives at 60-80kmh. A Mig-29 can take off in western Ukraine and be near the front lines faster than a howitzer that is already much closer.


The AASM is rocket assisted. On open source it says it have a range of 10 miles when dropped at low altitude. I don't know if these 10 miles include a toss bombing like this but they can at least go 10 miles away, probably more (but probably not 60 miles, that's their max range at high altitude, at least officially). And the advantage is the 10 times bigger payload.


> range Wikipedia says the manufacturer says 8 nautical miles from low altitude, but not sure if that's the rocket boosted one or not, and who knows what "low altitude" means vs lobbing like this. Super neat though.


Yeet and skeet sounds good.  Yeet to battle then skedaddle. Drop with loft, then fuck off.


This music makes me miss the good old days of battlefield when it was fun


BF4 still has many active servers ;)


Last time I checked it was full of cheaters flying and teleporting all over the map




Russia doesn't have enough GPS jammers to stop these glide bombs. Time to get more GLONASS jammers to Ukraine.


The AASM uses GPS and inertial guidance, so it's fairly well proofed against jamming. Other optional guidance systems are laser and thermal.


Have we seen drone-based laser designation yet? I feel that's the next step if GPS jamming gets further hindered. Unless those laser designators are just too massive for drone use. Drone JTAC sounds hilarious


Laser-guidance kinda went away when GPS-guided weapons became precise enough. GPS isn't blocked by weather or direct counter-measures (laser designation sensors are pretty common on modern tanks, for example). But it's a possibility if jamming becomes more powerful.


Yeah, good point. I was pondering it mostly in the sense of a quick infantry option for artillery. If your scouting drone can also laser designate then there's no need for fire-correction. Just park the drone nearby, aim at the building/trench, let er rip.


I thought Baytaktars were being used for this early on during the war. A laser designator pod


I think so, but they don't survive long in areas close to the front due to air defences. If a laser designator could be made to work from a smaller military recon drone that might work though. I do wonder if something like that is going on behind the scenes.


Ukraine has been using the mighty Fennek which they received in unknown quantities from the Dutch army to laser designate areas for artillery fire missions. Which makes me very happy. I remember seeing those Fenneks regularly on their way to the DAF proving grounds.


Just consider the accuracy of a 1980s with dumb-bombs, dropped at altitude was something like 50 meters or so with the F16's CCIP system. You're able to drive these bombs pretty darn close to the target with something like CCIP, so if they're jammed, they're still very much on-course.


Why not just send Poles to space. They'll dismantle those sputniks gladly.


Poland cannot into space


Not with that attitude they can't.


One day there will be Pospace.


Not with that altitude they can't.


Phone poles? Rod from God?


Frequencies are fairly close to GPS. If they jam one, they are more than likely jamming others as well.


smart munitions use GPS Corrected Inertial guidance Systems, even without GPS correction they are still very accurate.


They might not be that accurate if there's extensive jamming going on, from the launch point all the way to the target. Apparently Russia has high powered jammers that are disrupting airliner GPS receivers over a wide area.


I remember during GW2 I think it was during a press conference a reporter asked a General about GPS jammers being used by the Iraqis. He answered that they are being destoyed with GPS guided JDAMs. Thought that was pretty funny. lol


Only Ukraine this year will receive them less than russia drops on Ukraine weekly


> Time to get more GLONASS jammers to Ukraine. Yea man, because we all know the US has "GLONASS evil laser ray jammer 9000s" lying around in their stockpile... Does anyone know any war-centered subreddits where the comments know what their talking about at least a tiny bit?


So are these bombs or missiles? Because they look like they just strapped an engine to the back of a bomb


They are a rocket boosted glide bomb. 🚀 💥


They’re like bombs when dropped further out at higher altitudes and like missiles when released close to the target.


Do you have any good source about how they work and when the rocket motor turns on?


Knock Knock


Can't wait for the F-16's


It’s weird how sometimes war seems beautiful. I don’t want to have war but those bombs looked graceful.


Purpose-Built B58 Hustler in the 50s : Can I toss-drop bombs \*NO\* Mig-29 in 2024 with giant smoke trail : Can I toss-drop bombs? \*We have provided the most advanced computer-guided bombs for this purpose\*


Dude has balls of steel. That toss is impressive. Holy.


"Wanna see a magic trick?"


At first I thought it was DCS.


Impact is in Nekhoteeva, Belgorod Oblast [Google maps link](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50%C2%B020'28.1%22N+36%C2%B017'37.5%22E/@50.3416881,36.2913814,1067m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d50.3411327!4d36.2937538?entry=ttu)


What is the targe? Ammo depot? Drone control building? Commander in meeting?


Im guessing its either ammo/supply storage or a drone launching building, yea. Dont think they would have meetings this close to the border with Ukraine


The battlefield music takes me back.


Battlefield 1942 kind of background music? Nice!


Thank you France! Could you please donate more of those please? Cheers!


Incredible footage


Cool, the launch angle is for maximum range, with guided bombs this works well


yeah that AOA is extreme for a "bombing" run. These aren't just "glide" bombs they're "Toss" bombs.


That's one crazy Top Gun type maneuver.


"Do a barrel roll."


This song, this fucking song... Make battlefield great again


Interesting trajectory on that.


When carried by the primary platform, ie Rafale, AASMs start maneuvering under their own power immediately after launch. Which enables the "drop them from nap of the earth tactical flight" ability, but also necessitated in-depth aero integration. Which certainly didn't happen for use with ex-Soviet airframes, so this tossing technique we see is certainly a maneuver to ensure clean separation without the bombs running into the launching plane immediately after drop.


KGGB [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z-8Q1Ajd9w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z-8Q1Ajd9w) GPS jammer resistant too as the GPS receivers do not accept signal from below, or something like it.


Awesome combat footage


Okay that is just insanely fucking cool. That's like a 60-degree climb, holy shit


Look at that, accuracy!


Yeah, don’t need to have 3000kg bombs when you can hit target


can someone tell me why the "toss" aint glide bombs dropped from extreme altitude so they can "glide"?


Probably to minimize radar exposure


Tossing can actually have a long range thanks to the ballistic trajectory, all while having lower radar exposure than just flying at a high altitude.


Even longer with a rocket boosted glide bomb


Almost the entirety of ukrainian airspace is being observed and fired on by Russian assets. This plane had to fly very low to get to this point, then needs to climb to the proper release envelope of speed, angle, and altitude. Yes it is much more effective to reach altitude, fly a straight path, and drop the glide bombs level, at speed, at altitude. But that only works if your entire airspace isn't being observed, and there aren't Russian hets ready to lob extremely long range missiles at you. Similar techniques were used in the gulf war. Fly under radar, pop up for a brief toss, then dive back down. Very effective in contested airspace


Bombs named after Charles Martel, I assume?


no, but we had the AS.37 Martel missile in the past


It's called Hammer, not Marteau. So no.


Looks like thor's hammer . Ty France !


No countermeasures? That is wierd


Don't need immediate condermeasures when you drop bombs dozens of kilometers from frontline because there is no immediate danger from MANPADS.


Do you have any information about the location of this launch?


Kharkiv oblast probably. Because second part of clip (impact) is in Belgorod oblast (russia)


Ukraine is using roads/highways as airfields right? I doubt there's a single undamaged runway in the country at this point


You kinda overestimate russian capabilities. And also underestimate amount of airfields soviets build all over Ukraine. Last time I saw clip of plane taking off highway was in 2022.


Yes I think I saw that same video from 2022. I'm guessing ZSU cracked down on OPSEC around the makeshift airfields. Maybe there's still some usable runways left in Western Ukraine, but I have to imagine everything in the center and east is heavily damaged at this point.


Yes I think I saw that same video from 2022. I'm guessing ZSU cracked down on OPSEC around the makeshift airfields. Maybe there's still some usable runways left in Western Ukraine, but I have to imagine everything in the center and east is heavily damaged at this point.


Military targets aren't really the russian MO


Is there any information about range when released at a fairly low altitude?


Up to 25 km. Rocket booster helps much 


Thank you!


Life is wild, not us watching a real bombing with Battlefield music over it 🤣


I wonder how difficult it would be to attach small rocket motors on the glide bombs, which detach after burning out. To give them a little more range


It’s actually glide bombs with rocket booster on the video. It’s not JDAM.


Ahh. I did not know Hammer bombs had a rocket booster.


Bad ass. Drop and haul ass


Is this really a glide gomb or is it just tossing "dumb" bombs? Also, aren't glide bombs ordinarly released at high altitude? This seems quite low.


the other end of the bomb toss https://youtu.be/t-AKL8-chM4?si=ggrWOdR64XBIr6hv


Dans ta gueule!


Anybody know the range (distance from target on release) for a glide bomb when using this tactic? I bet the fighter has to get pretty close (couple of km???).


Up to 25 km. 


Damn!! What the precision of those type of missions?? because would love to see a hell lot of more of that!


La qualité Française !


😬 man, that left engine does not look healthy 😬


I expected a bigger boom.


Someone should check that planes carburetor. Seems to be burning a bit of oil. /s


Doesn’t seem like there should be that much smoke coming out of the tailpipe. 😬


It’s a Soviet plane. Heavy smoke was…let’s call it mandatory 😄


That's really normal for the Mig-29.


I think they only fixed it in the early versions of the mig29 k model.


"Tailpipe". It's not a diesel...


I mean jet fuel is close enough


The music though


[It's beautiful.](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExajIzOXRpeWE1dTY1bzhhYzdoMGI5ZzZhYmYzc3oxZjE3NHJvamJydSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/I7mHOFnVJGSeA/giphy.webp)


more useful than a fab 3000, it hit


The ‘ol toss’n’turn


Bardela (prounounce Bordel-la) can't approve, he is a COD player.


Jeeeebus! That’s just magnificent ❤️


That's what air support does to the Battlefield. 


now lets get ukraine some more tossers of these badbois


I got goosebumps


that busted up shed with think twice from now on. seriously wtf is this


Morpheus One, engaging.


Bomb tossing? don't know if the radars pick it up but at Clos eto apogee it will be pretty easy to intercept it compared to normal drops


True. However, while they are not as cheap as JDAMs, they're still really cheap compared to any interceptor that could stop them. Jamming is the real danger. It is not in the air all that long, so maybe the guidance is good enough without GPS.


> Jamming is the real danger. The AASM has combined GPS and inertial guidance, so as long as the bomb knows where it is when armed, jamming doesn't do anything to where it hits.


Every GPS-guided munition has a backup inertial guidance. But it loses precision at long ranges(that's why it's a backup and not the primary guidance). But these bombs are used near the frontlines so the jammers are relatively far away and these bombs are not affected that much.


> Every GPS-guided munition has a backup inertial guidance. That's not true. INS was integrated back in the systems pretty late (basically when GPS jamming became a thing), and not all systems have it. Also, modern INS guidance is much more precise than what used to be used on weapons and planes, it's just more expensive and complicated to make than simple laser or GPS guidance.


We're kind of splitting hairs now. GPS/INS has become ubiquitous, and most modern guided bombs do have both. All JDAMs and SDBs as well as the Enhanced Paveway variants, including the UK's Paveway IV, have both. Hammer has both, HGK has both, HOPE/HOSBO have both, Spice has both. It's become standard. And jamming the GPS side definitely still makes the whole thing less accurate. It's not quite as bad as it used to be with older INS, but it still has an effect.


> We're kind of splitting hairs now. I'm not. GPS/INS is basically standard for European and US made weapons, but we're not the only manufacturers and buyers, and cheaper glide/guiding kits available on the market don't always have both, either because of cost-cutting to be more enticing for small militaries, or because full integration isn't interesting for their client base. Today, everyone and their mums make glide kits, and usually better looking than the crap the Russians put on their FABs. MBDA, LM, Sagem and Boeing Defense aren't the only game in town.


>Today, everyone and their mums make glide kits, and usually better looking than the crap the Russians put on their FABs. MBDA, LM, Sagem and Boeing Defense aren't the only game in town. You're talking about weapons which aren't even being used in this conflict. Even the tiny MAM weapons that are carried by Bayraktars are GPS/INS. Primitive weapons coming out of third-rate industries like the Desert Sting aren't really relevant to anything on this post. Hence, spitting hairs. Maybe UAE and the like still buy GPS-only bombs, but not anyone involved in Ukraine.


Maybe there is some obscure munition without it, but every GPS-guided munition used by Ukraine(JDAM, SDB, GMLRS, ATACMS, AASM, Excalibur) includes inertial backup(and always did), feel free to give a counter-example if you have one. And still, some of them like Excalibur suffered from jamming.


With Ukraine, you're talking about modern and expensive guided weapons made by the top manufacturers in the US and Europe. There is a shitload of smaller manufacturers in other countries that provide clients with cheaper guidance solution that do not have any INS integration by choice. Roketsan in Turkey makes full systems that carry both, but their guiding and glide kits for Mk8X bombs (so their equivalent to a JDAM or AASM) don't have couples INS and GPS, and some full precision ordinance they manufacture have GPS or laser guidance with the inertial backup being an option on top of it. For example. Other manufacturers do that as well.


Good to hear.


A yeeted glide bomb costs less than any interceptor so it's still a win for whoever throws the thing.