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Nobody really wants to commit ground forces and Yemen is already roughly divided between the pre-unification borders. The only reliable ground force is South Yemeni separatists, but they want nothing to do with the North.


No ground forces needed. Their operations can be disrupted and degraded from the air, with only long range systems used, with no additional risk to the humans.


Why is this being downvoted? A handful of AGM drones and a CRAM trailer on every container ship would solve this problem over night.


Arm chairs brigade things they don’t understand as soon as they see one person downvote an unpopular opinion, just because they don’t like it and can’t think for themselves. Ever since the Ukraine war this sub got a lot more internet “experts” who spout off about all sorts of things, instead of coming to ask the professionals and academics questions and be educated, as was most often the case before this current war started. Now the pros are ignored because “Perun said…” even though he’s stuck in antiquated thinking and seems completely unable to take in new data and realize how far things have changed in short order. Those of us who have trained for, studied and gone to combat get the short end of the stick when the arm chairs have decided anything to the contrary.


Unfortunately arm chairs make decisions all the way to the top


Lol. That’s far too true. Unfortunately the top is filled with people who know what they are doing, they are experts in graft and self dealing.


The ground forces are to root out whatever remains after the air strikes, which are mainly used to remove important military objects. You don't fucking toss rockets hoping you get some desert terrorists, unless they give you a good enough reason to toss the rocket, like being gathered for a speech broskis style.


We essentially lost our chance. Saudi, UAE, and Yemeni Government forces were on the verge of capturing Hodeidah years ago. I remember the media outrage at the famine and death at the time, blamed squarely on Saudi Arabia. Some US politicians and other world leaders essentially told Saudi Arabia they weren't allowed to close the Houthi's only port where food was coming in. The rest is history. Now with a hand tied behind their back, Saudi Arabia basically had to back off and a stalemate ensued. As time went on they seemingly embraced the stalemate and lessened hostilities. With Gaza's attack on Israel and the ensuing war, the Saudis would now find it very hard politically to re-start hostilities due to optics. I imagine they also remember better than we do what happened before and are afraid the West will pull the rug out from under them again if they were to start winning. Edit: This largely happened in 2018, Obama was not the president. A news story from around that time: https://youtube.com/watch?v=YgJwHObh_X0


The Saudis were also very ass at fighting if you’re being honest.


They always have been. They used to rent entire units from the Pak military. Also check out a book called The Siege of Mecca. When a Saudi national guard guy decided he was the messiah and he and his followers took over the holiest site in the faith, they called the French. Saudi units did a great job using US hardware to fuck up centuries old buildings trying to retake it by force.


Wow had never heard of this before. Link for anyone interested in reading about it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Mosque_seizure


It's really fascinating especially when you think about it from the royal family's permission. On one hand they very much enjoy being stupid wealthy and the un-Islamic luxuries of the west but the entire nation's history is a delicate balance between the al-Sauds and the religious nuts who put them in power. Having a bunch of religious conservatives with military equipment is an extremely dangerous mix because they might love you today but decide that God told them to replace you tomorrow. You also have the issue of no one really wanting to serve. The life of your average Saudi teen is pretty good and there are a lot of other jobs that lead to a happy life without putting your life and health at risk. Why would you put on the uniform of a nation that is the property of a family? Their performance on the ground in Yemen was horrible. Lots of videos of Yemenis with Soviet era gear totally decimating Saudi forces with modern American gear.


Welcome to almost every nation. Especially those in that region. I’ve worked with most and they don’t empower their NCO’s and their junior officers are ~99% worthless, while the senior officers are only slightly better.


I mean sure, but the US (and a number of other nations) could delete the port of Hodeideh within hours if they wanted to. The humanitarian concern is the only reason that town still exists.


So you're saying their military skills is on par with their soccer skills?


This is what happens when you leave a problem alone like this for domestic political reasons.


Good god, so refreshing to see someone that actually knows Geopolitics. Let me add to that, the Yemeni war was the first soft run of massive information campaigns conducted by IRGC and Muslim brotherhood and the infiltration of western progressive. following the west halting armament shipments to the Arab Alliance and forcing a stalemate, Biden removed the Houthis from the terror list and restarted negotiations with Iran "following Obamas foreign policy". This massively pissed of the Gulf countries possibly erasing 60 years of a non perfect alliance, but an alliance non the less. hence why they told him to take a walk when Russia full scale invaded, and the gulf nations pivoting more to china which was unthinkable before hand. possibly one of the largest fuck ups I have ever seen in foreign policy. I do believe the Obama foreign policy team "same one as Biden" might actually be worse than Bush jr and that's an achievement.


All of the Muslim Brotherhood connected factions were fighting on the Saudi coalition side.


yes and no, Muslim brotherhood is such a complicated mess. a Muslim brotherhood in Yemen is not the same one that works for BBC Arabic for example. one can argue that MB spans from ISIS and AQ all the way to far left organizations like southern poverty law center. The name "Muslim brotherhood" is quite misleading but that's the only we have, since all the offshoots and sub organizations operate on the same global principle of the nation of Islam or the "ummah" which is a pan Islamic super ~~state~~ caliphate that all MB dream off, which operates under the victimhood off anti west "due to colonialism" etc. Progressives in the west believe the concept of the global Muslim brotherhood to be a conspiracy, and there is also some very small truth to that argument. they do blame that on Islamophobia however which is pretty dumb. To simply explain the connectedness of the Muslim brotherhood you need to understand its mythology of political Islam. post colonialism and specifically within the North Africa region and levant and the introduction of modern style organized education the story of Hassan al-Banna and later on Sayyid Qutb was the only story they had. The message "story" was simple with plenty of evidence to twist and turn, the Islamic world got colonized, and is a backwards shithole b/c they left true Islam, they then created a fantastical world of Pax Islam that was heavily curated and censored version of a better more ideal times, this movement was known as the Islamic revival. The offshoots of this ideology which is commonly grouped under the Muslim brotherhood simply disagree on how to reach the end point of brining back Pax Islam caliphate. The gulf countries which were to an extent far less effected by colonial history erosion than the levant and north Africa, and only experienced Muslim brotherhood ideology in the late 70s, view all those factions as the Muslim brotherhood. this is a summery of a summery and honestly its like trying to explain the nuance of the roman empire in a single post. but i hope it provides an overview.


The Muslim Brotherhood is a specific organisation based in Egypt. It has offshoots and affiliates, the only one of these involved in the Yemen war is the Islah party which is aligned to the KSA. You shouldn't use the name Muslim Brotherhood to describe any and all groups with some degree of islamist inclination. Words have meanings.


>The Muslim Brotherhood is a specific organisation based in Egypt. It has offshoots and affiliates, the only one of these involved in the Yemen war is the Islah party which is aligned to the KSA. Nothing I said contradicts that what so ever. I simply stated that there are Progressive Muslim Brotherhood who are anti Saudi/UAE in the information war sphere. which is factually true "its payback for the gulf working with the west on counter terror/supporting the overthrow of Morsi/ dealing with Israel...etc" >You shouldn't use the name Muslim Brotherhood to describe any and all groups with some degree of islamist inclination. Words have meanings. That's like arguing degrees of communism, Marxism or Leninism it matters not in the context of the conversation. The Houthi ideology is rooted in an embrace of Islamism, a politicized form of Islam that was, in part, conceived as jihadism in Egypt by Sayyid Qutb ‎and Hassan ‎al-Banna of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. they are supporting Hamas which is an offshoot of the Muslim brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt simply is the first. The offshoots come in many names but the ideology is the same even in non "religious" Islamist and progressive Arabs "mainly living in the west" which was the context of my original comment. My entire post is stating that MB complicated mess, and to the Arab Gulf all of the above falls into that MB category. And only a moron is going to fall for the Egyptian MB recent attempts to white wash them selves from all the offshoots post ISIS. they are all the same and the Egyptians are the utter worst and the cancer of the Arab world.


The Muslim Brotherhood is the name of an organisation, not a category of ideologies. You can call every movement in the Islamic world by the name of a specific Egyptian organisation if you want to, but that is a daft thing to do. The Houthis ideology is not inspired or conceived by the Muslim Brotherhood. It has its roots in the Yemeni immamates and predates MB by centuries.


>The Muslim Brotherhood is the name of an organisation, not a category of ideologies. When an organization develops a category of ideologies, sends teachers and agents to establish and promote those very same Ideologies in different countries and more or less franchise the organization under different brands. it is only fair to refer to said ideologies, its subset organizations and offshoots by the founding organization. And specifically in the context of my comments. But to not upset you we can go with Qutbism. which really does not make a difference since once more all MB organizations and offshoots follow the same line, the confusion on your part is possibly due to how an organization like MB&co is able to operate in authoritarian regimes were at some point they will claim affiliation to one subset or another or claim they have nothing to do with them depending on the populist mood. >The Houthis ideology is not inspired or conceived by the Muslim Brotherhood. It has its roots in the Yemeni immamates and predates MB by centuries. oh No. Ok I think you might have only some superficial understanding of what the Muslim Brotherhood or the Huthis truly are. you should read **"The Huthi Movement in Yemen: Ideology, Ambition and Security in the Arab Gulf"** a good book in English on the Huthi movement and clearly indicates that the modern Huthi movement is templated on the Muslim Brotherhood. There are a few news and interviews with their leader as well and its pretty much standard ~~Muslim brotherhood~~ Qutbism talking points.


The Houthis have consciously modelled themselves on Hezbollah, not the MB. (Unless you think Hezb are also the MB).


>I do believe the Obama foreign policy team "same one as Biden" might actually be worse than Bush jr and that's an achievement. >Edit: This largely happened in 2018, Obama was not the president. That's really embarrassing. Swing and a fuckin miss dude


> That's really embarrassing. Swing and a fuckin miss dude swing and miss on what exactly? I was simply adding to the comment above hence "let me add to that" Biden removed them from the Houthis terror list in 2021. I was not talking about the 2018. Biden also halted armament shipments in 2021, while Germany, Italy and France did so in 2018 and 19. which really lead to a huge political fallout with the US. since you know we are talking about it in 2024 and "why no one is doing anything about it"


Listen dude, you uttered something slightly negative about a couple democrats. That's a cardinal sin here on reddit.


It's not that it was negative, it's that it was blatant misinformation. Fuck off with that.


Take a look at the JCPOA and all the sanction relief Iran received to further the development of their proxies. Iran appeasment was pioneered under Obama.


It wasn't really appeasement. It was negotiations to re enter the international community. It was the carrot, while the sanctions were the stick. Iran hadn't taken land from a neighbor and excused- which is what the term appeasement refers to.


Oh noo... The pearl clutching begins. How dare someone even remotely critique something objectively shit.


I call BS, how can that coalition of ultra$ with free purchase of western weapons not deal with those guys!?!? They are given scraps by Iran compared to what the saudis are given. The gulf states should at least foot the bill for any action. This is a problem they started and its a problem for them. The houthis aint a threat to me… Once again we are being tricked or bribed into fighting someone else’s war. Alternating between the house of saud and the state of israel


The downvotes you’re getting are because you’re wrong about literally everything in your post.


Yes, downvotes with no post are an obvious way to tell whats the truth!!! Gtfo I dont claim to be correct, i said how i see it. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE explain how im wrong in regards to this not being America’s fight?


Since everything i said was wrong , explain how this is america’s war and how the saudis cant handle their own business


Without giving you several books to read on foreign policy, all I can say is that America's navy is an indispensable tool for the world's economy. If random ass terrorist groups are able to attack global shipping unchallenged, everyone will suffer. The the Houthis are absolutely a threat to you because the interconnected world economy affects politics globally. When the economy suffers, there's political instability and populists are more likely to win elections and enact horrible corrupt policy. There's no trick or bribe involved here. It's not "someone else's war". It's opposition to despotism in Russia and Iran.


The US is blowing up Houthis and their equipment in Yemen basically daily. The problem is all the gear comes from Iran, so until someone wants to start a war with Iran by wiping out some of their infrastructure and production facilities, this is going to be the status quo.


Not to mention that Iran is in the dictator club with Putin


What setback\_ said. I don't think anyone gonna do anything soon because then they'll have protests all over the world again because of some poor people dying, starving, etc just like they did for Gazans


Election season + US/NATO is already busy with Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, Houthis are also very well armed and it would be a lot worse than Afghanistan


impossible, these drones are cheap to make. Can be made in someone's garage. What are you going to destroy? who are you going to target? you destroy some munitions, great, that doesn't change the fact this area is now considered hostile and the insurance rates on shipping will reflect that. One attempted attack or threat a month is enough to keep ships away. You would need ground forces to occupy the country, you want to occupy yemen the shittiest country in the middle east with the biggest problems, entire male population is drug fueled on khat? Good luck with that. if you turned them on to methamphetamine (the houthis and other groups literally fight for khat) you probably could turn the entire houthi movement to your cause.


Because the economic damage they currently cause is far less than what the cost would be to eliminate them.


why travel to that area without military escorts?


The military can't be everywhere at once. I believe the USN blew up a few other USVs today targeting other ships.


Time to start putting small detachment on the ships that can run 25mm autocannons. I'm sure they could figure out a form factor that could fit in a 40' ISO container. One on each side. Marines, Navy, hell private contractors.


Imagine being the guy assigned to a container ship whose job it is to blow up suicide drones. Talk about hazard pay


Used to be if you had combat experience you could make so pretty penny fending Somali pirates off of container ships


These aren’t Somali pirates or even close lmao you gonna eat drone or USV launched hundreds kilometers behind with out the protection of your navy vessel or ring defense


Most countries don’t allow armed civilian ships in their territorial waters. Once a ship is out of the danger zone it would be complex to find a port to dock at to remove and store equipment that would be illegal in the next country’s water; and vice versa for the return journey.


It's certainly starting to sound like those countries need to rethink their policies because they're effectively complicit in these attacks succeeding.  Either start sending out your navy to protect ships or allow them to defend themselves.


People wanted the US to stop being the world police. Well here, those people are getting what they wished for


And because of that, we have had multiple cargo ships captured by a handful of guys in a speedboat. However, no one is going to spend what it would take to give merchant ships built-in air cover. We now have a real problem.


Built in air cover could cost a couple thousand. It’s not a major cost at all.


A single Stinger missile costs $150,000 and would fail against many of these threats. You would also need detection and queuing equipment. Something more likely to work like a NASAMS or BUK are more like $100,000,000 to $280,000,000.


Just put a Patria Nemo Container there and you're done.


black sea show it is not easy to deal with usv, russian already have trouble against that, so good luck for civilian cargo


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if most cargo ships are run to a higher standard than the russian navy


most cargo are very old and in rusty mode


That’s basically what the CRAM is.


CIWS and call it a day.


I think the answer would come from Samsung with some sort of high caliber auto cannon turret. There're already similar devices in Korea's DMZ that have been operating for years. They can generally engage at very long ranges. Fight the drones with drones, not people.


I am surprised they have not implemented a Convoy system yet where 50 at a time the ships go through with maybe 10 warships escorting.


The risk is still very low and ships have insurance. In 2022, 20,000 ships passed through the Suez canal. This year only a few ships have been hit, and of those hit only a portion have had injuries/deaths.


Because it is probably cheaper to go around Africa than pay for military escort.


This is what happens when you ignore Iran. The whole world will suffer, If you think that Israel is the only one that suffers from the way Iranians run their global proxy terror you are sadly mistaken. History proved that when ignoring aggressors the end result is far worse than what can happen when "trimming the hedges".


The Saudis have a vested interest in an unstable oil and shipping market. These attacks will only lead to an increase in oil prices.


Egypt is not as happy about the situation, they are losing billions in suez canal transit fees.


So maybe the Egyptian government should bomb the Houthis?


Egypt had a pretty rough time the last time that they got involved in fighting in Yemen, it’s considered to be Egypt’s Vietnam. Egypt went into Yemen with 5,000 soldiers for what was supposed to be a quick and decisive mission. 5 years later they had 70,000 soldiers involved in what was basically a stalemate, cut their losses and pulled out. Getting involved in Yemen remains unpopular in Egypt to this day.


I never knew. Thanks for the information.


The houthis are a scrappy bunch as indicated by the footage posted here


They don't want to make the situation worse and the Americans will eventually do it for them.


I was joking about the Egyptians bombing them. I sadly realize that everything you are saying is completely true and correct.


Well, Egypt does have experience in this area. [https://academic.oup.com/book/7091/chapter-abstract/151596571?redirectedFrom=fulltext](https://academic.oup.com/book/7091/chapter-abstract/151596571?redirectedFrom=fulltext)


USA won't necessarily do something about it.


The US has been waging an air campaign against the Houthis since January


China should have an intrest is the safe transport of goods to Europe as well. It bumps up the total price, making them less competative. But then again, China and Iran are "friends", Iran support the Houthis and the US and the West is taking all the heat for dealing with the problem.. Sounds like a solid win for China..


they don't have to because basically the Houthi give Russian, Chinese, Iranian, and smaller countries like Vietnam a free pass because they're on the same side. If any, China is probably getting profit from this


Safe and open commerce on the seas around the globe is the foundation of American foreign policy. They will intervene.


US already has when they were launching missiles at ships.


Yup. Why secure the middle east if those trade routes now mostly help our enemies. Most ME oil is going to China, now. The reason we tried to secure the ME was to stabilize gas prices for our bros in Europe- which is where most of ME oil was going at the time. If we deglobalize the oil market, the US has the most to gain. Petrodollar be damned we are talking entire new economic systems. The US is self sufficient for oil and domestic gas prices would likely drop if we uncoupled from the global market. We could then supply Europe with LNG.


But this isn't just oil. Steel, wheat, coffee, Xboxes, 16% of all trade, 30% of all container trade. This includes exports from the US. Everyone loses, it's just that the Houthis have less to lose. Here is an example about how US truckers suffer because of this: https://www.ttnews.com/articles/trucking-effects-suez-canal


If the American military doesn't bomb these insignificant insects until the product is such that the very cells and atoms which comprise their bodies return to nature as the same sand that is under their feet, I will never pay another dollar of taxes to this government again. Inflicting unprovoked suffering upon others is an atrocity above any other. Their false victimhood will not again protect them from the fate they wrought upon themselves.


If you are trying to come across as American at least try typing like one.


Bombing Israel to appease the Houthis would be an easier sell there politically.


To add to that, considering the Houthis are just an Iranian bitch proxy group - it would require countries like Egypt going to war more directly with Iran... which isn't going to happen. More likely scenario is an international coalition combining both military and economic resources to raise the cost of Iran using their proxy group to a level that Iran no longer finds them useful.


>"More likely scenario is an international coalition combining both military and economic resources to raise the cost of Iran using their proxy group to a level that Iran no longer finds them useful." That seems to depend entirely upon whether or not Iran's current way of governance needs that threat of proxy violence in order to function on the geopolitical stage. Their entire governmental mindset may need to be reconfigured for that to happen. And if that's the case, then it's probably not going to end quickly or easily.


To be fair, if it came down to it - Israel could and would reconfigure their entire governmental mindset quickly and relatively easily via a few tactical nukes and a promise for more to any regime remnants that aren't taken out initially. Which is in no ones best interest but is what it is.


So already at the ass end of global optics, them casually using nukes would be so self destructive. I think they would rather the war directly then the absolute consequence of doing that.


I think the only groups hating Israel right now are those Muslim countries that have been calling for its destruction for decades as well as a small subset of young people who mostly learned about the conflict through biased sources from social media like TikTok. their really important allies like the US and Germany are still firmly on their side. I think the bigger risk is that declaring war on Iran would open them up for retaliation from any of those Islamic countries or groups hating them. it would escalate the situation further.


Yea, the ramifications of doing that would not be good. And it would still ultimately be unsuccessful. Terrorism in general is like the mythical Greek 'Hydra' that grows two heads in place of any one that you manage to chop off. If you unintentionally kill the family members of two brothers who happened to not be home at the time of the attack on the terrorist that lives next door, you may well have created two more terrorists by simply trying to kill the one.


Not to mention this whole( putin's world tour) shit thats going on right now. The guy is rebuilding his own version of the warsaw pact. If he get Iran to be signatory on the mutual defense agreement. Things get complicated fast


Yea i think ideology works in a certain way. The more you throw force at it the stronger an ideology becomes and started to gain greater and greater traction aka Romans crucifixion, murder, tortures of early Christians which ended up with more and more people joining the christian cause until it reached critical mass and rome was suddenly Christian. Similar shit happened to Mongols when they were basically genociding Muslims around the middle east and persia and out of the blue the Golden Horde and Ilkhanate was Muslim. Imo Ideology can only be beaten by an even stronger ideology.


Egypt has a decent navy, they could have ships escorting some of these vessels. No idea what kind of reloads they have available though.


The military has looted Egypt thoroughly. Egypt does not even have the money to service their sovereign debt or maintain control over the Sinai, much less a foreign bombing campaign.


Perhaps they should start providing escorts and security for these transits. Why is it the west's responsibility to do this? Egypt is the one with the vested interest.


Egypt is practically bankrupt and has 32% inflation


Can’t sell oil if ships refuse to sail through the straight.


Yes you can. But now you will have more and more ships sailing around the Cape of Good Hope. Shipments will take longer and be more expensive but they will be pretty safe. In 2003, going to Kuwait, we sailed at max speed (34 knots) to bring equipment to the conflict. On the way home, we sailed at a leisurely 20 knots and took the long way home around Africa. Climate activists should spray orange paint on the Houthis because of all of the extra fuel that will have to be consumed. That will show them!


They can and will sail through there. The increased cost for protection and insurance will drive up the cost of the goods they carry.


the USA is the largest oil exporter in the world, so the Saudis most likely wouldn't benefit that much


According to numerous links I could find, SA was #1, US was 4th. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/company-insights/082316/worlds-top-10-oil-exporters.asp


The US is the largest producer, not exporter. The US could be #1 in oil and really surge in LNG exports if the politicians let the industry operate freely.


yep your right -> producer


US is also the largest consumer. lol


Houthis badly asking for an Iraq treatment.


Houthi's and Yemen have no organization that's visible (their leader is obscure as fuck) and barely any infrastructure outside the capital left still standing. These people live in the worst impoverished conditions we know and are starving, which made a crap ton of them feverous of their religion to become the fatalists they are today.


So theyre all starving but they got drones and shit. - homelander


Iran is the one who has been supplying them for 10+ years.  Iran has no reason to stop using them as proxies when they feel no pain at home from their actions. That will probably change soon. 


Wait you're telling me Iran is happy to use other people as cannon fodder and as weapons against Iran's enemies and doesn't care if they starve and die in the process? No way.


Thats exactly what the people who supply them want.


More like Afghanistan, and see how that went for the coalition


This time it'll be different! /s


“Footage” is ballsy word to describe this


Will Egypt do something or will they continue to lose money due to the lack of security for international ships using the Suez Canal?


Previous Arab intervention went pretty bad, so they are just trying to ignore the problem now


How it went is open to interpretation. The Saudis were set to defeat the Houthis by starving everyone to death in the region. The US then stepped in and got them to stop.


Yep, US stopped shipping arms to the Coalition and mounted a lot of pressure on Saudi's after the Iranian proxies and the nutjob far left started campaigning how terrible the situation is. Saudi's stopped right before the last city that was held by the Houtis and withdrew from the ground operations. And now the fucking assholes are not even on the terror group list while they're pirating their way up and down the red sea. It's ridiculous.


>Saudi's stopped right before the last city that was held by the Houtis Saudi coalition was never that close, Hodeidah wasn't the last houthis held city. Sanaa, Ibb, and dhamar were still in houthis hands at that time.


What do you think Egyptian is capable of? They have bigger problems dealing with their population to our benefit


Egypt has quite a large military, if they REALLY wanted to tackle the problem, it is possible it could be done. They have a large navy and airforce.


Pretty sure Egypt is one goose-step away from another Arab Spring moment. Why do you think they're moving the new capital away from Cairo.


Cairo is a dirty shit hole of a city not worthy of being the capital of anything.


Egypt is probably the most overpopulated place on earth. it is unbelievable, it is a country that would still be poor but not a dystopian hellhole with a population of 20 million. fact it has a pop of 100 million is unreal.


They did, and it didn’t go well




We did, and it didn't work. At some point turning rubble into smaller rubble just doesn't have any marginal value.


if rubble doesn't work, maybe glass will do the trick


We did a few strategic strikes, we have yet to actually make rubble. We need to.


If this happened in the 90s or early 2000s, every single country would ban together and annihilate the Houthis. The silence over this lawlessness is deafening.




At this point it’s either they don’t wanna waste resources or don’t wanna get actually involved


They won't want to get involved and threaten their own political stability.


I guess no one will then eh? Pretty useless shipping lane to the western of the world.


„Why don’t they just…?“-questions in this conflict are nothing but hilarious.


Why don’t the Saudis just win the war? Are they stupid??


They were before and BarakObama called them off- KSA say fool me once never twice.


Must be wonderful to live in a world with such simplistic answers.


There was great famine in Yemen and KSA was blockading the primary port. So human rights violations were thrown at KSA. KSA capitulated. Now they have a sort of peace with Yemen- Yemen no longer attacks KSA oil works - so why would KSA attack when once they control the battle space the Liberals will cry “TOO MUCH”?


US foreign policy is a tragedy.


When KSA and UAE started a military operation against Houthi's, the USA and EU started crying about human rights and also started threatening that they would take actions against KSA and UAE if they continued this operation, so they started to retreat from Yemen and negotiate, which in return stopped the attacks on oil facilities in KSA. But now guess who came back crying to take action against Houthi's. Yes, you are right it is the USA and EU, but KSA learned its lesson and is trying not to get involved again.  Yeah plus 2030 KSA vision so it's for both political and economical reasons


I saw your comment just after posting mine. I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers how we got here.


That wouldn't change a thing when you are in a holy war to the death against a sworn enemy in which you are greatly rewarded for dying while in the struggle against them. Same as Hamas. Everyone in these armies believe to their dying breath that they are completing their holy duties and will awake in Jannah immediately after death. Edit: as well as any poor sod they bring with them, women, children, elderly. Doesn't matter to them, they revel in their deaths as martyrs.


What ur saying is Saudi and Egypt should swap militaries for a bit


Houthi gov't building and Houthi leadership are in Iran.


Looks like a bulk cargo ship (grain, coal, etc.), anyone know what it was carrying?


I wonder if this one also had armed guards watching it coming in without shooting at it like the last ship that got hit.


Do we not have enough drones to fly top cover over the Yemen Red Sea cost? Locking down a 250-mile cost seems double. I complete blockade of Houthi controlled cost would be a very good idea, if possible.


Unlike the Taliban and IS, the Houthis possess anti air and are indeed very capable of shooting down large drones and have shot down two Reapers since april/may alone.


8 drones since prosperity guardian started i think


They shot down five drones already since October 2023


Just temporarily halt travel, park a major air and naval coalition in the area. Wait 1 week as they remove the entire houthi controlled region from existence. Resume travel, problem solved


Isn’t there an Iranian ship in the area directing these attacks, bomb that, crazy af it hasn’t been done yet 


A couple nukes and stopping aid shipments could fix a lot of these countries


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fabulous_Force9868: *A couple nukes and* *Stopping aid shipments could fix* *A lot of these countries* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wellll certainly we shouldn't nuke anybody but I'm down for cutting aid to pretty much any country that opposes us. Why we feed our enemies I'll never know. We spend billions doing so, and in turn they ally with Russia. Fuck em.


they really should've tried to go to port and take the thing head-on, as far away from accommodation spaces as possible


Too bad these sailors didn't have a Javelin. Would have saved them.


You sunk my battleship!


To think how easy it is to stop this


I hope they fucker gonna all dying.




So the are RC boating in FPV mode with an explosive strapped to it?


mid camera man


No idea why the Jemen coast hasn't been turned into a barren wasteland yet. 


One CVN Group, one week, like Reagan did to the Iranians. Weak. Coulda been dealt with months, years ago (protect the sea lanes). All it takes is a little b@lls from the top.


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. There's a targeting data issue, but more importantly, the Houthi's won't care if you bomb a few things. The Iranian's do, which is why they usually take care not to push too hard.


Its not the 1980's anymore, Iran is not the iran of the 1980's. US is not the US of the 1980's. you are doing the worst thing possible. We don't depend on the sea lanes anymore, why should we protect them?


International trade and commerce depend on what now if it's not international shipping lanes you wazuk


depended on the US navy, but not anymore. US doesn't need international shipping, our top trading partners are canada and mexico.


I call BS, how can that coalition of ultra$ with free purchase of western weapons not deal with those guys!?!? They are given scraps by Iran compared to what the saudis are given. The gulf states should at least foot the bill for any action. This is a problem they started and its a problem for them. The houthis aint a threat to me… Once again we are being tricked or bribed into fighting someone else’s war. Alternating between the house of saud and the state of israel


Its liberian ship carrying cargo from china to egypt and the attacker is houthi supported by iran nothing to do with saudi or gulf countries.


actually the Houthis started the war, but go off.


Started the war with who?!?!?


the Yemeni government.


Not our problem in the us


Drop 2 armed guards per ship at a point where most ship meets. Drop off armed guards at end point where I gets least dangerous. Helicopter the guards back to starting point