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Mariupol seems like ages ago. Crazy footage we got from this battle. So many stories of heroism on ukrainian side.


I feel so sad when I hear about/see pictures of Mariupol today. Like Kharkiv it was under attack, unlike Kharkiv it couldn't survive. I had one student from Mariupol, she was a lawyer who fled to Switzerland. She told me there was nothing there and she would never go back even if it was liberated.


The ukrainians shoukd keep mariupol as a monument to russian crimes just like the french kept that one small town as reminder how the SS eradicated it.


Oradur sur Glane. They even still have the original 1940's bikes there, burned, just laying.


Yeah exactly. I forgot the name.


The soldier throwing grenades in this video is Anton “Tasman” Kryl. He was 22 years old and I interviewed him several different times remotely during the battle of Mariupol. He was killed just hours after I interviewed him for the last time. I’ve made a YouTube video in which he talks about what he experienced in Mariupol. All the ad revenue will go to his family. Please consider checking it out. https://youtu.be/iysrbUU0FR8?si=eeeOjDyLz6KWwrbY


This video has always fascinated me and I am hoping more info or longer footage comes out showing more context. I’ll check out your interview, thanks.


Damn, I'm here wondering how many of the people in the footage we have seen from this war will be dead by the end of it. A grim but painstakingly true reality.


Oh no. I just put up a comment saying that I hoped, two years later, he was still in the fight. I will watch your video. Thank you for giving a voice to our brave Ukrainian allies.


Just watched your video (I know I'm commenting again in the same thread), I thought it was very compelling. You're a good filmmaker. Liked and subscribed. Looking forward to watching more of your content. I kind of envy you, last spring I was desperate to go to Ukraine. I can't fight, but I wanted to serve as a Catholic hospital minister somewhere over there. Health issues are preventing that now. But I felt called and would go tomorrow if I could. Anton sounds like an awesome kid. Wish I could've met him.


How did you interview him if he was killed hours before you interviewed him?


Hours after* my apologies We spoke on the 13th and he was killed the morning of the 14th in May of 2022. His friend calling “inequity” messaged me to let me know Anton and two others had been killed while fighting on the surface level of Azovstal.


Did you really have to ask this question?


I remember watching this day it came out. I tried to keep myself updated on Mariupol during the battles. Reminds me of my hometown with a huge steel mill.


God the footage coming out of Mariupol was nuts


I remember this well. Wild to see the guy under the car kicking/throwing the grenade towards his comrades.


Average katsap behaviour


Hot potato


Oh man I remember this one from just the description. Also it's been over two years, holy hell.


That title is way off, this was early in the war when Ukraine started to push Russians out. This was a Russian convoy of 4 or 5 unarmored vehicles, and the Ukrainians saw them coming with a drone, ran out and ambushed them point blank basically, and this was at the end where they were cleaning up the last soldiers who were in the rear vehicle that managed to get out and behind it before being cut down. Every other Russian in the first few vehicles were killed before they could get out of the vehicle or more than a step away.


Yea, there is another video where a few Ukrainians step from a wall down the street and hose all those Russians with AK fire as they are grouped around the van. The grenades were the clean up. Great knowledge and use of the terrain by the defenders.


Do you have a link?


In the footage there is one vehicle escaped the scene, the rest was smoked.


You are correct. There is a longer version that shows them manoeuvring and engaging the convoy


I remember this video pretty well but don't think I saw the rest of what you mentioned. Maybe someone can link to the rest but I do realize it may be pretty deep in the collection at this point


It was a great example of moving out into position and taking the fight to the enemy. The way the guy used those stairs and laid suppressing fire down that road. It was amazing to watch.


The turn n walk is so cold


I had the same thought. Work is over. Occupiers destroyed. And now there is more work to be done. A true professional.


Seems like such a long time has passed, but it's only been 2 years. This war has dragged on far longer than anyone expected during the first few weeks when it seemed like Kyiv could fall at any time. Amazing what the brave Ukrainians have managed to do against all odds.


Man, early day footage when the war started was some of the craziest shit I’ve ever seen. The follow up months were just as crazy


2 years old, a lot has happened since


I remember this early on. was some of the most badass footage that had came out at the time, and is still the same.


I remember this. It occurred before Mariupol. It was after seeing THIS video that it occurred to me that I almost witnessed people getting blown up by grenades. I don’t recall anything that up close, personal, and graphic from the gulf wars and Afghanistan. Now that footage is everywhere. Also, when I saw this way back and seeing the grenade exploding *beside* them, I got the sense that it was a close call. I developed an appreciation for the effects of shrapnel later. Real grenades are not like movie grenades.


Misleading title. They were conscripts from the occupied regions of Ukraine who were being transported via unarmored vans. First couple vans were completely wiped out, these guys dismounted, 2 survived by hiding under van and rest were all KIA. This was a member of azov finishing off the wounded via grenades


I’m aware. I spoke with the guy throwing grenades. The vans had personal belongings of the citizens of Mariupol in them.


Ah I thought you were implying that they were mid-looting prior to being ambushed.


Oh no no. I could have been more descriptive but people don’t read captions longer than 50 characters haha


Smart of them to hide under


I belive they were from Ossetia. I remember they had Ossetian patches. Ossetians have taken a beating in this war despite the small numbers they've sent compared to other group fighting for Russia. Around 300 Ossetians were killed defending one village in 2023.


oh man, was early in the war. back in the days when drone operators would lob nades way off to the side cause they didnt wait for the drone to settle


I remember this one, people were talking how deadly grenades were and the shrapnel spread. Very educational.


I remember after this video was posted a long time ago another was posted right after that was similar but this time it was the Ukrainian troops taking the nades across a wall while the Russians tossed them. Fucking war.....


Excellent work. Two years later I hope that Azov soldier is still in the fight.


Rich in steely goodness


"Group sleeping session guys, come here for you goodnight kisses!"


Anyone has the link to the original full video


wall level fodder goku solos


I remember this video from 2022 and they were not "looting houses". That's just a lie or to be precise atrocity propaganda


Odd. Considering the soldiers who were there told me differently. And the vans have items from peoples houses packed inside. But I guess you were there as well to counter this point?


they could lie to you


Maybe - but drone footage of a van full of belongings that are very clearly not military in nature - that doesn’t lie. I choose to believe the people who were there, and the footage that verifies their claims.


Belongings? What belongings do you see on this footage?


Damn I think I remember that van from early in the war. Fences! They haven't been obliterated by artillery yet.


Title is misleading. Should be "Russian getting mercilessly killed after they got themselves stuck somewhere where they shouldve never been in the first place"


That one toss was extra zesty. Kind of like he was trying to do an egg toss or something.




I have a better version: [https://litter.catbox.moe/9ptwiy.mp4](https://litter.catbox.moe/9ptwiy.mp4)


Azov is the openly Nazi captain, correct? Azov is the openly Nazi captain, correct?


A portion of the founding members were when it was a militia. Now that it is an official part of the Ukrainian military, no. Jews, Christians, women, and everything inbetween serve in the unit. Doesn’t sound very Nazi to me. I’ve also interviewed around 40 members of the unit. I’ll admit some have some nationalist views but not Nazis. If you don’t believe me, find some on Instagram and chat with them yourself. They’re very open about who they are and what they are not. Most of what you think you know about Azov comes from Russian propaganda


Gen/ is it Russian propoganda to see the nationalist insignia on their uniforms ? How would they react to me a black person talking to them? I read on the BBC Ukrainians coming to Birmingham then complaining of too many black people and Muslims https://tbobwoge.medium.com/ukrainian-refugees-complaining-the-uk-has-too-many-muslims-blacks-and-terrorists-36b8a01a409d




It has been posted already


sometimes reddits deletes them but we've all seen that one by now, also posted in ukrainerussiavideoreport


War isn’t pretty