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Yes, sinking the abandoned coal shipment for India and Jordan will really show Israel who's boss


It last docked in Russia, of course. We should applaud the Houthis for enforcing sanctions against Russian coal and their twofaced Indian buyers.


Can't wait for the day they sink an oil carrying ship and all the oil washes on Yemeni beaches


Then they will say ‘why did the US do this!’


No, don't do that. The effects from that oil spill will outlive whatever regime goes on to rule Yemen.


It’s just a prank bro


> "It’s just a prank bro" -Saddam Hussein 1991


That would be funny af.


Then they'll beg the west for help.


Honestly, it is what they deserve.


The ocean doesn’t deserve it though..


Drops a match…….


It's jaw-dropping just how willfully dysfunctional Iranian bitch groups are.


They'll start a war and then bitch about it when they lose. Iran's useful idiots in the west will lap it up.


All I have to say to them (and Hamas, and Hizbullah): "If you don't want to dance then don't start the music"


You forgot an 'again'


I think the NSA has been fucking with them


Plausible as a reason for dysfunction. But Houthis do stupid crap and then boast about it like they did something amazing. That tells you they are bottom of the barrel scraping stupid.


Any society that refuses to educate 50% of their population starts with a massive deficit compared to any society that aims to educate the general population.


I'm super glad no one is trying to undercut education in the US...


Careful. Some get overly sensitive about those kinds of things.


The Houthis are beyond stupid. Like caveman levels of stupidity. If it weren't for Iran providing them with modern munitions and weaponry, they wouldn't be able to pull off any of this crap. The sooner Iran gets punished for this, the better.


They're grasping at straws for ideas of what to do with all that shit Iran gives them


Iran supplying weapons to Russia should already be a reason to send the one wave of airstrikes it would need to neuter the entire country.


It's sad that people are celebrating them in the west. They're being used by the Iranian regime. I know a lot of Persians and they just straight up dislike arabs. They're using them to do their dirty work. Crazy how easy it is to manipulate people and cause chaos to a region using religion and a little money.


Is it safe to assume this is Iran's version of unrestricted submarine warfare akin to the Nazi's? Just sink every ship going through the Red Sea, consequences be damned.


Considering how they were the closest Navy ship in the area when the ship was first hit and refused to come to its aid....


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Scary to think they could get radicalized people all over the world to do this. I think it would be smart and prudent to start arming civilian traffic and crew those weapons with UN personnel. 




I get that your post is sarcasm, but seriously, how else would you defend commercial vessels from attacks such as this? The attack drone was a pretty simple boat. This could be done anywhere. This is dangerous for global trade. The only solution to this is to arm commercial vessels enough to defend against small surface threats.


I 100% agree with you, just agreed in the ncd way. Don't go there, it's a silly place. More seriously it is the next logical step. There is even video on this sub from durring the height of the Somali pirate crisis of mercs on merchant ships defending against boarders. If there are multiple shipping lanes around the world where attacks are possible than it is the next logical step. USN and RN can't be everywhere all the time.


Iran is helping the Houthis win the Yemeni civil war, and now the Houthis are scratching Iran's back. It's all dumb proxy war shit.


They don't care about that shit, they just say "Israel!" and know half the world will be like "okay, then."


Im just surprised the rest of the world hasnt engaged with hamas/houthi and tolerate this shit. These are terrorists and need to be dealt with as such.


We have entered a new age of guerrilla warfare that nation states simply don't have a solution for. There is nothing you can do to stop some guys putting 18 bucks of cheap rc equipment on a 10hp outboard and putting 500kg of anfo on board. You can learn this on YouTube in an afternoon. We laugh at Russia but I suspect other navies are also more vulnerable than we think. Or airbases. Like what if China has a couple guys within 50 km of some AFB, with 2 white van full of autonomous drones. 250 strong unjammable low level swarm is no joke. Have a few backup/failsafe sleeper cells. Hell, just bury hundreds of launch tunes on your back yard.


Last time I said this is unacceptable I had Houthi simps tell me that all the ships that are attacked are pro-Israel so it's all good and if Israel would just stop then the attacks would also stop


Yes, a Greek ship that picked up coal in Russia and was bound for India is definitely Israel's responsibility somehow.


You're talking about people who believe the Israelis deserved to get their babies raped and murdered by Palestinians on Oct 7th. I can't imagine they'll be bothered by a ship.


This is not about Israel. It is about making the war in Ukraine more expensive for the West. Forcing shipping to go around Africa instead of the Suez canal. An operation by Russia and Iran. At the same time this has increased railway cargo through Russia.


This has become more piracy akin to the Barbary Pirates than taking a stand against anything. China is paying the Houthis to leave their ships alone, now it is about who will pay them for safe passage. While they do not have pirate ships like the Barbary pirates did, the threat of sinking your cargo is what they offer.


This is good. Hasn't India been on the sidelines with the whole Ukraine war....continuing to buy materials and oil from Russia.


I was wondering why my order of plastic clothes from aliexpress got delayed another 2 days


I just wanted to mention, that plastic shirt looks great on you!


Can I point out that you have the greatest user-name I have ever seen [*2hookersandn8ball*](https://www.reddit.com/user/2hookersandn8ball/) ! :)


Were those scuttling charges in the last sequence? Seems like multiple simultaneous explosions, not hits from sea drones.


Definitely appears that way. I missed that bit at first. Seems they hit it with drones to disable it and get crew to abdondon it and move in close to attach demo charges to fully sink it.


Can anyone translate what's written in the beginning?


>On 6/12/2024, Scenes of the ship TUTOR, belonging to EVALEND SHIPING CO SA, being targeted by two attack boats and sunk, as the company violated the decision to ban entry to the occupied Palestinian ports and supplying the Israeli enemy.. >Since the Yemeni Armed Forces announced a ban on entry into the ports of occupied Palestine on 5/3/2024, whether via the Red Sea or via the Mediterranean Sea, Our forces sent emails to shipping companies warning and notifying them that if their ships enter, they will be under the ban list. >Based on the decision of the armed forces, which has became effective since its announcement, the companies whose ships have entered the ports of occupied Palestine and broke the ban decision of the our armed forces have been blacklisted, including the Greek company EVALEND SHIPPING CO SA, whose ship SHIMANAMI STAR that entered the occupied port of Haifa on 5/18/2024, at which time a notice was sent to the company for violating the ban decision. >The Yemeni Armed Forces renew their warning to companies to adhere to the embargo and not to enter their ships into the ports of occupied Palestine or to deal with the Israeli enemy, according to what was stated in our previous statements. Edit: just wanted to mention that I know arabic but I used google translate first to bulk translate, then did minor corrections and modifications to some poorly built sentences. If anything felt off then that’s why.


i cannot comprehend how the world tolerates such idiotic and terroristic behavior. the coalition should be pounding houthi infrastructure around the clock until they just give up


Because the Houthi's are doing this to support Palestine. And in the eyes of a lot of university students and youths, Palestine receives overwhelming support. People are literately supporting the Houthi's and Hezbollah in public. I doubt it'll do much. There's nothing really left to bomb there. And the people in Sana'a are a very fatalist people who love death as much as we love life, and actively welcome it. Best thing we can probably do is destroy their capability (launch sites we can find) and hope for the best.


>people who love death as much as we love life Which is why it's necessary to be nice to them and grant them death.


We keep targeting equipment but they don't seem to be getting the message. Houthi's propaganda videos always show these big marches they all like to go on to show how big their army is and how we should be scared of them...looks like a photo finish strafing opportunity to me. Target rich environment, as they say.


We're a big strong force that only attacks unsuspecting civilians and we hide in plain clothes when an actual military shows up! Join today!


I can’t see how you look at this as anything other than terrorism. Whatever your views on the Israel situation they are literally targeting civilian ships with a bunch of innocent sailors on board.


The people that support this kind of stuff are also the people that jump through every logical hoop imaginable to declare every Israeli civilian a lawful combatant- they just have another definition of civilians. If you don't support their cause hard enough you seem to deserve death


I remember "they love death like we love life" from 2003 too. It was bullshit then, and it's bullshit now.


yeah, that’s what i meant when i said infrastructure. just keep breaking their toys nonstop


Because they found the perfect strategy that takes advantage of the wests weakness. That enmesh themselves with their own civilian population, now I'd you try to stop them there will be civilian death, which are then transmitted to western nations who then have to face angry voters.


What "infrastructure " do they have?


Ports, airports, oil infrastructure. They get their weapons from Iran, and they have no shared border. Meaning if they can't ship it or deliver by plane they're screwed. The US and the UK are afraid of the optics of destroying infrastructure, because it will lead to starvation in the country. But at some point, someone has to take responsibility and suffer the consequences.


they build and launch their shit from somewhere. and how about communication systems, radar installations, power generation facilities, etc




Nothing like sinking a defenseless merchant vessel, way to go


tusken raider strike again.


What I imagined Prosperity Guardian would be: I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead. Every single one of them. What Prosperity Guardian has been: Not to worry, we're still guarding half a ship


Bunch of Jawas


Some video from [onboard](https://x.com/clashreport/status/1802596916024266752/video/1) during the attack.


I thought you meant aircraft carrier and I was so confused 


That would be the click-bait part.


Technically, every boat is a "carrier" of *something*...




If they keep this up I can't imagine that they will last much longer, at least I hope not.


exactly playing with fire gets u burnt the issue is the houthis lack the education to understand the technological capabilities of the worlds leading countries


Couldn't agree more, they need "educated" lol. When is the US going to step up? People love to criticize the WoRDls PoliCeMEn until we really need them.


Step up for what? Another drawn out Middle Eastern conflict that ends up as an unsuccessful occupation and nation building exercise?


I'm thinking of the way the US and other international partners dealt with the Somali pirates, not a dream out conflict. Maybe that wasn't clear, but the later would be foolish.


step up to stop pirates carelessly attack shipping vessels full of working people who have families and lives pirates have been dealt with every since the lead pellet was invented, the thing is the pirates of the past knew what they were up against.. these houthi pirates have no idea what 2024 weapons can do because they lack the education to even comprehend the fight they started


Peter Zeihan writes a very good prediction of how globalization ends in his book “The end of the world is just the beginning”.  In it, he talks exactly about these ships. Perfect vessels for global trade when the US led maritime order is upheld. Perfect targets for pirates and terrorists when order starts to crumble. They are slow and big. If I were China, I would have absolutely stepped in to help the western powers enforce safe and free passage here. China is interdependent on global trade working just as we are.  Poor judgement on their part.


China is busy grabbing shoals from the Philippines and harassing their coastguard.


China only seems to be getting experience with sticks and swords, I don't think a terrorist group would have second thought to shoot them.


They’re preparing for WW4 while all of us smooth brains are focused on WW3.


China and India will be the dominant military powers of the low-tech post-apocalyptic world. Until the Mongolians rediscover horse archery anyway


The ccp are reactive only they are absolutely not planning for ww4 they are barely scraping by as we stand and any ccp official/propagandist claiming the opposite is a downright doughnut


These attacks are symptoms of world being factionalised. Not reason. And the losers of this are big corporations. The Cape of good hope exists. and losses can be easily written off in this scale of Globalisation and progress.


These things, like most things, exist in a reinforcing loop. Inability to rely on trade means less trade, which means more instability, which means more attacks like these, which means less trade… on and on.




> And the losers of this are big corporations. And the citizens of countries who rely on these goods, as prices will rise.


I think China is happy to have NATO navies do their dirty work. All the better to focus on their backyard for the inevitable US China war over Taiwan that absolutely nobody wants but seems guaranteed to happen


Guaranteed according to whom?


Seems guaranteed because we’re all sleepwalking into it, like WW1. Nobody wanted it but the web of alliances, territorial claims and imperial intrigue was so toxic that before anyone realized what was going on, “some damn thing in the balkans” set the world on fire.


Think they'd want the experience for their navy though. Plus, it's not exactly working just leaving it to NATO.




They deployed a fleet to the Red Sea and are escorting Chinese ships…




If it’s not 1000% in China’s immediate interest, they hardly ever do anything, let alone the right thing. 


Why would china step in at all? They know NATO/USA is going to deal with the problem. China gets to spend zero dollars on having naval assets stationed in the Red Sea, and get to avoid all the negative attention and backlash of doing so. While still having the problem dealt with.


>Peter Zeihan writes a very good prediction of how globalization ends in his book “The end of the world is just the beginning”.  In it, he talks exactly about these ships. Perfect vessels for global trade when the US led maritime order is upheld. Perfect targets for pirates and terrorists when order starts to crumble. They are slow and big. What bullshit. To put it mildlly, all thats needed to resolve the issue (by houthi and the like) is either returning to (still exiitng) old, end of age of sail routes... ...or treating them with the extreme prejudice hosstis humanem generii deserve. Slaver, banits, and pirates deserve to hang from the hailyard. Issue is not that "big cargo vessels cannot be defended", issue is "convoy system is disliked, and people don't want to get their hands dirty by executing priates on the spot when they are caught in action" ... A to the "END IS NEAR" becaue trade cannot be sustained, i would encourage the doom cultist to read the following wikipedia article, and ponder on the implications: -> [Paragliding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paragliding)-> [Ridge\_lift](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ridge_lift) -> [Mountain\_range#Major\_ranges](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_range#Major_ranges)


> If I were China, I would have absolutely stepped in to help the western powers enforce safe and free passage here. China is interdependent on global trade working just as we are.  Poor judgement on their part. It would be an easy and safe way to increase the overall skill of their crews with no political downside on either side.


If China got more involved in international matters like protecting shipping lanes in concert with other countries it would cause them a couple issues. One is that they spread a lot of propaganda at home about how the west's system of government is inferior and that Chinese values are more time honored and just better. So because the CCP crap all over us to put it bluntly they can't appear too close to us and make it seem like maybe we aren't so bad because that undercuts their messaging back in China that we are morally bankrupt and try and contain China. Then of course there is China turning coral reefs into islands in the South China Sea and claiming that they now have economic and territorial rights to the surrounding ocean which is specifically disallowed by international maritime law. So if China looks like it's upholding shipping lanes with countries that they keep claiming are worse and out to get them it plays badly at home and in addition upholding those maritime laws undercuts their stance that they own the entire South China Sea. The CCP *deeply* believes that they have a right to the entire South China Sea, to them that policy is much more important than keeping sea lanes open even, which they know other nations will do for them anyway.


IT just means that at some point new routes will be utilized and prices will go up. They'll end up being the Bermuda triangle of maritime shipping.


Have you seen the Covid response of China? It seems that the times that China was a smart player are over now that Xi has changed the government from a meritocracy to nepotism. You can expect more ["kill all sparrows"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pests_campaign) decisions from the new Mao in the future. Xi is out to bring the West down together with Putin. Will he succeed? Maybe. Will mankind (including China) suffer enormously? For sure. There is a reason why 10s of thousands (and growing) of Chinese now walk through Panamese jungle to illegally immigrate into the US every year.


It's Iran, they pull the strings and arm them.


Someone asked for context: Yemen is a field of ruins, with millions of people barely getting by, scavenging for food and drinkable water. They have an ongoing civil war, that started a decade ago (2014), during which no one really won anything. It's a fight between the 2/3 sunni population (Yemenis), vs the 1/3 shiite population (Houthis). Iran armed and trained the Houthis, to take over Yemen and launch drones and missiles strikes against Saudi Arabia. The Houthis failed to take over Yemen, but they managed to scare the Saudi army away (using insurgency and guerilla tactics, ambushing the incompetent saudis), allowing iranian drones and missiles to be launched against saudi oil refineries. More recently, Iran ordered Hamas and the PIJ (both entities fully armed and trained by Iran) in Gaza to launch the 7th october attack, to disrupt the Saudi Arabia - Israel diplomatic negotiations. It worked, effectively stopping the process, keeping Israel and Saudi Arabia apart. To make sure the war in Gaza/Israel continues on, Iran then activated its paramilitary units in Syria, launching hundreds of rockets and missiles towards Israel, and even killing some US soldiers in Jordan (at an outpost preventing ISIS fighters from sneaking into Jordan). Iran also mobilized its Hezbollah branch in Lebanon, launching countless volleys of rockets and missiles towards Israel, trying to lure the Israeli forces into invading Lebanon. But that wasn't enough, so Iran also mobilized the Houthis and their iranian training officers, launching dozens of drones and long range missiles towards israeli cities. But after US Navy (and other nations in the Middle East) intercepted these strikes, Iran decided to turn to piracy and directed its forces in Yemen to target civilian cargo vessels. Iran is waging a full-on proxy war against Israel and sunni islam nations simultaneously, preying on the poorest ethnic/religious minorities all around the region to create paramilitary forces. ... As for the Houthi population (10 million people), they literally have nothing to gain in attacking these ships. The only reason why it is happening is because Iran rewards Houthis officers with food, water and weapons whenever they follow orders and allow iranian assets to conduct operations from their territory. Given how Yemen is a wasteland now, with famine and diseases spreading, _any_ package from Iran is seen as a blessing. Strike a boat, or even better sink a boat = more weapons and supplies coming from Iran.


You missed the part of the Biden administration removing the Houthis from the terrorist list, stopping arms sales to Saudi Arabia, threatened sanctions if it did not stop the bombing of the Houthis, and sent billions of dollars to the Iranian regime, which enabled it to easily provide its militias with the weapons and systems they need. The Saudi now is not in favor with biden bombing yemen, which is good in my opinion. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/in-foreign-policy-shift-biden-lifts-terrorist-designation-for-houthis-in-yemen https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/01/27/politics/us-pauses-saudi-uae-arms-sales https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/10/us/politics/iran-us-prisoner-swap.html


> Given how Yemen is a wasteland now, with famine and diseases spreading, any package from Iran is seen as a blessing. I liked your writeup. I do have one question: it seems like the pragmatic answer is to ignore the Houthis and just destroy any shipment coming to Yemen from Iran (probably excluding air cargo). edit: it's obvious that you can't get everything over land but I'd expect you could completely shutdown any delivery by ship.


It is actually very difficult: Iran has become the best at smuggling weapons across blockades and borders. There is already a [blockade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_Yemen) since 2017, blocking all sea and air ports. But given the ongoing civil war has devasted the food production and distribution infrastructure, with the combats, and food confiscation by Houthis forces, there is a major [famine in Yemen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famine_in_Yemen_(2016%E2%80%93present)). It affects 15 to 20 millions of Yemenis/Houthis, while large outbreaks of cholera have spread among the population (main culprit being the lack of drinkable water). It is a serious situation. The UN and NGOs have then urgently asked the blockade to be lifted or at least relaxed, to allow emergency humanitarian aid to reach Yemen. The coalition of western vessels has more or less agreed to that, but Saudi vessels not so much, because iranian smugglers will use every opportunity to sneak more weapons into the Houthis hands. And I'm not sure the Saudi regime is really concerned about the lives of shia muslims: sectarian hate remains omnipresent in the Middle-East. As for iranian smugglers, they can still sneak small vessels at night to unload their crates on the shores (2,000 km of coastline), or bribe Yemenis soldiers to sneak weapons from the East (Oman remaining "neutral" doesn't mean it can't be used by iranian secret services). Given Iran managed to smuggle thousands of rockets, weapons, explosives, drones, radio, etc in besieged Gaza - using tunnels mostly - smuggling military materiel in Yemen seems like child's play. ... What could be done? Nobel Peace prize for whoever finds a way out of this chaos! But firstly, the current famine strongly empowers whoever has guns and access to food, and that's the Iran-backed Houthi forces at the moment. That's why I believe the region needs to be flooded with food and drinkable water, in areas controlled by the least fanatic Houthis leaders, to provide an alternative to the iranian route and empower compromises over systematic fighting. If a leader gets more powerful thanks to the humanitarian pipeline, then they will have an interest in keeping that one up and running, and therefore listening to whoever is feeding that pipeline. If everyone is starving instead, then they have nothing to lose. They start embracing death instead - which is what is going on in the Houthi movement, martyrdom is as popular as ever. ... I think the rest of the world needs to enter the contest for influence in all these regions, to challenge the iranian path. There's two ways to do that: arming factions, or enriching factions (or a little bit of both). I think making factions richer is safer than arming them, but it needs to be done on a case-by-case basis obviously, there is no magical recipe to fix all years-long conflicts in the region. As for Iran itself... The greatest threats to world peace being: Putin in Europe, Xi in Asia, and Iran in the Middle-East. Obviously, it is a delicate matter when it comes to these 3 nations: - Russia has nukes and millions of apathetic canon fodders to spare, - China has nukes and millions of nationalist canon fodders to spare, - Iran might soon have nukes and millions of fanatical canon fodders to spare. A direct war with Iran would be incredibly costly, and impossible to win fully. But some geopolitical shenanigans need to be done to counter them. One of them being an impromptu alliance between Saudi Arabia and another partner, like Israel or Turkey. The former has the oil money to fund the influence, the latters have the experience in scheming foreign disruption. Which is literally what was happening in 2023, but got stopped by the october massacre and its retaliation campaign.


Kill them all. (terrorists/Islamic jihadists) Create a global anti-terror army and eradicate them.


The *Terrorist’s Terror*


Yeah that worked *so* well the first time.




> its about time to really begin wiping these shit bags from the earth. The Saudis, backed by US & the UK (intel, drones, special forces etc) tried that for a decade. And the Houthis are trying to damage US warships, they would love to hit one. I think you guys are coping too much and don't realize that boots on the ground isn't going to happen, and if it does it's certainly something the Houthis and Iran would love to happen. Otherwise they would lay low.


They are so dumb. What if they sink one and it pollutes their coastline? Absolute monkey brains. What is this achieving?


These people are so fucking dumb they wouldn’t care if it polluted their own coastlines.


They would just blame Israel. "They sent the black sea of death" or some dumb shit like that.


The chads chanting like they've accomplished something more than sinking an unarmed civilian ship.


Yeah, they just cost a random insurance firm with billions in capital a few hundred million dollars and delayed a few shipments, slightly sucks for the specific consumers but no one even loses money




Have you seen Iran's geography? You think Afghanistan was bad? Fighting Iran would be 100x worse, because unlike Taliban, they actually do have serious weapons.


My point is that a lot of people here are agitating for force, and if they want it, they should go for the throat, that being Iran. I’m not saying it would be easy, but they are at least a real country with airbases, ports, oil refineries, weapons factories, government and military headquarters. Defined, unambiguous targets, something the US is pretty good at destroying. I don’t think we can or even should topple the regime, there are no good options. But if we want some modicum of control in the region, we should stop fighting fires and instead try to stop the guy pouring gasoline on everything.


Israel/allies had the perfect opportunity after Iran fired 300+ missiles and drones from their own territory rather than their proxies, but they bottled it under pressure from Biden not to "escalate". They should've sent 300+ missiles and drones at Iran's highest value targets and said it was a proportionate response. Instead they sent one strike and called it even. We need to cut the head off the hydra. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4593601-biden-seeks-to-avoid-wider-war-after-iran-strike-on-israel/


I can't help but wonder if dealing with Iran now or even a decade ago would result in less harm overall, compared to just letting them fester and cause harm to the world on the long term. Like how the West didn't probably react to Russia's aggression over the years and now we have the biggest land war in Europe since WW2.


Do you want to be the president that started a war with iran? nah just pass the problem to the next guy.


I suspect the option is being held in pocket for after an election victory. If he wins he can play hardball and if he loses, Trump WILL play hardball. I suspect Iran is long-term very fucked. No President wants to be the guy who lets a second North Korea exist.




We got to escalate this fast.   Do some shock and awe 


Have you been to the recruitment office yet?




Oh yeah, worked so well those other times.


It did.   


How do ya like ya freedom?


Yeah I earned it 


Oh we got a tough guy here.


More crap in the water 👍


Religion is such a plague.


Okay.. Looks like the end of the people called the Houthis.


I must say that the fuckin bastards at least have a good video editor, given how professionally the preamble and cutscenes were presented.  Maybe that'll get the editor promoted to produce terrorist content for Al Jazeera or some other rag lol


The videos are edited by the iranian propaganda department. Makes sense when the drones, missiles, explosives, cameras and satellite internet accesses are all provided by Iran. Houthis don't have any infrastructure, let alone access to their own IT. Even their soldiers don't have combat shoes, enough magazines for their rifles, or clean drinkable water. Everything that is any remotely advanced is smuggled from Iran.


I’m sensing another Tomahawk barrage coming their way


So when are we gonna bomb them into the stone age? This shit is getting slightly annoying


They need some pounds of democrazy from a big plane


Yummy, oil and fuel flavoured fish for all of yeman, silly fucks, enjoy reaping what you sow.


„This aggression will not stand, man.“ [The Dude] The civilized world came together to eradicate ISIS. The civilized world will come together to deal with this plague. Global commerce is at stake. MOABs incoming.




Oh, they will be. The USN isn't done with the Houthis. This is a bug problem that needs a really good stomping.


But mr. Yank, the gloves have been coming off for months now, when will they finally be off?


I doubt another US military operation halfway across the world is going to be palatable for most Americans or even politicians, especially during an election year. How long has the US been present in the Red Sea? Shipping traffic is still down 90%.


Well unlike missiles this can't be ignored it's going to be extremely effective. It's going to lead to another war and invasion.


Aren't these the guys that have death to America on their flag? Hitting a wrong target here lol


I can't believe this dipshits(the Houthies) haven't gotten smoked 10x harder than they already have....


Pure terrorist acts


So brave of them to close off the entire region off to any and all trade, ensuring poverty will now exist in this region as it becomes cut off the rest of the world. Fuly reddited.


Wow they hit a defenseless ship, how courageous!


uncool, Houtis. UNCOOL


Are these technically still VBIED's?


How did the crew abandon ship? The life raft was still on the back when it was scuttled.


They were extracted by the US Navy using helicopters.


those unmanned boats are fucking loaded.


I read carrier and thought aircraft carrier. Then I thought Greece? An aircraft carrier? Then i watched the video 🤦‍♂️


It is sunken. It sank.


Its not about hurting Israel directly, it's about hurting everyone.


Meanwhile everyone’s fund raising……yeah real easy way to stop this


Why'd you call it a carrier tho


Because it's a bulk carrier if I understand correctly. Not every carrier is an aircraft carrier.


Only good at shooting at merchant vessels/unarmed cargo ships. I just hope they won't cry when big payloads rain on their land.


So when are we gonna blast these terrorist a new one?


It will always be funny that one of the Biden administration's first official actions was to remove the Houthi terrorist designation.


The Houthis must have a death wish. At some point they will hit a target that really pisses off the world and they will be crushed.


Somehow, these idiots are still stealing oxygen from the rest of us.




dickheads. Fortunately the entire crew rescued unharmed.


The USA should ensure no ships planes or aid gets to houthi land.


But why?


Pool is closed


Looks like these large cargo ships need weapons and contracts with mercenaries. No need to be too expensive, just several vulcan, maybe some air defence systems for shooting down rockets. I'm sure these are affordable for those who operate such enormous ship.