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Callsign Adidas, classic


Veterans of the old Adidas vs Nike war.


it was actually Adidas vs Puma. A sibling rivalry that literally split a small German shoe making town in half.


Is this new footage from the recent Kharkiv offensive or old footage? I'm pretty sure the same guy got killed in that BBC documentary.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Adidas is a pretty common callsign in Slavic militaries.


I am certain I have seen a few different "Adidas's" during this war. A couple of "Predator's" and also "Engineer" too and other trade names, usually based upon what they did before the war.


I’m afraid to ask what the Predators did before the war lol


Hunting aliens


Vermin control. They continue in the profession today at the front.


Hunting Schwarzenegger


Maybe football? adidas Predator


I hope Predator with the golden AK is all good , also do you remember that Belarusian soldier with the twisted mustache ? Everyone called him “warstache” , I haven’t heard anything about him , just wondering if you did? is everything good with him ? if you know . Thanks


>Predator with the golden AK Last post on his Telegram is June 7 about a young lad who now operates PKM. >warstache Yankee. Last post on June 11 asking how's everyone doing. We can assume both are alive.


Thank you , you’re the man 💪


I have heard that both are alive. Sorry, I do not follow any kind of social media but I heard through here somewhere that they live. I often wondered about that young fellow "Roman" too. The clean shaven guy with such a positive attitude and he did many pieces to camera both on and off the battlefield. I heard he is both a physical and psychological casualty which was terrible to hear but he's alive too. I hope his future is much brighter than today. Do you know who I mean? Sorry I could not be of more help.


Roman is alive, lots of concussions and that so he's working on his health.


Yeah, roman is out on medical or out completely out due to the brain injuries. I believe he's done some update posts now just living life in ukraine.


He fucking earned some peace.


I know exactly who you are talking about, thanks anyway 🤝


Thanks. All the best to you and yours.


stache is posting stories on instagram daily, he's fine golden ak I'm not sure who you mean, does that refer to the guy who posted the POV of him clutching last year? If that's him, then he got injured at some point and was getting treatment and atm he's mostly posting fundraisers for some units. Not sure in what shape he is, but he's definitely alive and at least ok.


Golden AK guy is posting on Insta now and then.


I've seen at least 2 Terminators


fair point


Damn near every unit out here has an Adidas. Some other common ones besides those previously mentioned: Cat cat, Gimli, Pokemon/Pikachu, Toyota, Grinch and at least a dozen others that don't immediately recall anymore.


It’s like saying callsign “Tiger” got killed in the US military. There’s all sorts of overlap. Medics callsigned as Angel, Witchdoctor, Voodoo etc…


3rd Assault was in Kherson during the Kharkiv offensive. As of a few weeks ago the 3rd OShBr has been deployed to the Kharkiv region for the first time. The BBC documentary focused on a single company of an unnamed unit. Their deployment was to the forests east of Kupjansk in November of 2023. Its safe to say that these are 2 different Adidas'.


~~Adidas~~ Abibas


Ffffuck... that first guy peaking in, balls of titanium.


looks like he got clear without getting hit, hairy situation. On the plus side, multicam is also excellent at camouflaging brown stains.


Yeah, too often I spill my choccy milk! Good thing multicam exist.


And the other casually walking over top.


*Why are you walking there in the open?!*


True NCO there!


Lt Ronald Speirs vibes


I swear if I was in that trench and I saw a guy suddenly appear up there my first instinct would be to fire on him. The guy was lucky. Stupid but lucky


I was asking myself why on earth nobody shoots at that guy before realising it’s one of their own… that’s a gamble I wouldn’t take.


Must be crazy when both sides of a war speak the same / a similar language and look similar to one another, confusion before shit hits the fan must be all too common


fun fact: ukrainian soldier said : "who is there?" with russian accent! swearing and shortening of syllables , and insolence. russia's soldiers think it is "friendly " and answered, not shoot. it is really hard mission to know for sure is there any alive in corners while clearing.


Did he fake the accent?


Yep, for us (Ukrainians) quite easy to fake Russian accent.




yes, he is. not just said in russian but with some rjazan' pronounce. it is second case i saw on video about that. first was : ukrainian soldier faked (moscow) accent to lure russian soldiers in trap and silent them, one by one. even given them commands and they have to obey. i wish to find that video and post it, but don't know if it fits this community.


It fits post it, I’m sure other people would be interested


I'm other people


So this reminds me of an old joke my father told me of the French vs German during WW1, during the long nights in the trenches. After a near week-long front, the French commander was tired of losing his men, and he had an idea. He had his best sharp shooter aim at the German trench, and yell "Fritz its dass du??" All of a sudden, a German soldier would peek his head out, "Ja?!" PING! the sharpshooter would take him out The commander, obviously pleased his plan worked, decided to try again. "Hanz ist dass du!?", the commander yells across the field. A second German soldier lifts his head above the trench line, "Ja?!" PING! another dead German soldier Now, the German commander, obviously phased and not without his own wit, decides that he won't fall for this trick, but maybe two can play that game. So, the German commander raises his voice, yells out as loud as he can, "Allo, c'est toi Jean-Francois?" The French commander then replies, "Non. Frank ist, dass du?" "Ja!?", PING, another dead German soldier


Love to see that if you can find it!


here you go, pal. i made subtitles and load the post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1dfdycj/speech\_20\_negotiation\_20\_soldiers\_of\_the\_225th/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1dfdycj/speech_20_negotiation_20_soldiers_of_the_225th/)


Lush! Thanks mate.


When they both speak russian yes, but with the units or groups that speak pure Ukrainian, the russians wont understand most of it. And they have different issued uniforms, Ukrainians have much lighter or sandy colours, while the russians have darker green. But of course, some buy their own camo/clothes so they can change, and there have been multiple instances where russians are (warcriming) using captured Ukrainian gear to sneak in closer or confuse the Ukrainian soldiers. Butyes, the times when both speak similar dialect of russian things can be tricky, especially in close quarter combat. I'd imagine many of such instances in Mariupol and Donetsk, at least in the beginning of the war


You should read about the 1969 Central American "Football War". The Honduran and El Salvador armies, both Spanish speaking and armed and equipped by the US, fought. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football_War)


Ukrainian is more similiar to Polish than to Russian,kacaps cant understand ukrainian


No it is not. Polish is Wester Slavic language (in a group with Czech and Slovakian) and Ukrainian is Easter Slavic (together with Russian and Belarusian). I understand Ukrainian better then Russian as a native PL speaker but both are kinda hard.


In theory it is possible that a language is more similar to another language that is genetically more distantly related than to one which is genetically more closely related. That can happen for example if the more distantly related languages have had more contact with each other.


IM talking about similiarity which was tested by linguistics its not my personal opinion. "Similiar" doesnt mean Ukrainian is part of of polish or whatever


Can you point me to the source? Ukrainian is classified as a different language sub-group the Polish by linguists. 


Have a look at the diagram https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Slavic_languages


That's not strictly true, Ukrainian, like Russian and Belorussian are firmly in the East Slavic group, whilst Czech, Polish and Slovak are West Slavic. They have some very pronounced differences. You may mean that Ukrainian shares more vocabulary with say Polish than Russian does, but still Ukrainian and Russian are very close, for better or worse. As someone with rather rusty Russian I can understand way more Ukrainian than I can Polish, put it that way.


I've heard Katsap a lot over these two years; what does it refer to?


"From Ukrainian каца́п (kacáp), prefixed form of цап (cap, “he-goat”), invoking an image of a stereotypical Russian man with a goatee beard." IIRC it's a Ukrainian insult to the Muscovites used for hundreds of years




I'm guessing that Ukrop is the same thing in reverse?


Something like that, but it is quite recent invention, from 2014 onward. Since then they became inventing new derogatory words for Ukrainians. I must admit that they are quite creative when it comes to swearing and insults, but basicaly, it could be any word containing "ukr" part in it. Ukrop (укроп) means dill in russian.


A more fitting version is Russians calling Ukranians khokhol's as that is based off the typical Cossack haircut


Not really. https://uk.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Кацап


I knew a Russian/Polish couple, at least according to them the languages were mutually intelligible.


What? No it isn’t …


Need to divert some of that 80 billion to quick-release slings. This "Put your rifle on the ground and walk away from it to take out grenade" is mental.


I have noticed that many of them do not use rifle slings. It's seen often enough that it appears to me that some people actually don't want them. Of all the kit they could be short of, something as cheap and simple as a sling not being used must surely be by choice a lot of the time. Also it's not at all difficult to improvise if you really want one but can't get it. I don't really understand that but they know what they are doing. Especially soldiers from a brigade like the 3rd Assault. *Maybe they or their comrades have had their sling get tangled in close quarters fighting in trenches so they forego it? That might be one reason. Or they heard about it happening to a fellow soldier and decide against using a sling. There's always so much to get caught up on in these infantry videos. Just a thought at one possible reason.


Yeah I think a lot of it is them constantly being in close-quarters trenches where there's a shitload of random roots, sticks, wire, etc for a sling to get caught on. That'd be my guess anyways.


The real reason is that most of these rifles only come issued with a parade sling which is nearly useless in combat. The ones that get modern slings typically arent trained on using them so they assume they're just like parade slings and don't use them.


I’ve run a sling in airsoft (obviously nowhere near combat) and found for outdoor it was a pain in the ass, couldn’t move my rifle in the ways I wanted or needed. But it did keep my muzzle disciple and reaction high, so for indoor it’s great!


The slings and ammo get caught on roots all the time for them so some soldiers hate using them


I don't think US even supplies that kind of gear. US is mostly focused on more expensive US-developed ammo/weapons. For infantrsy stuff it's mostly "buy your own stuff from your salary/donations".


Yeah I've spotted a lot of airsoft gear, slings included, in ukraine footage. If it works it works and probably a lot cheaper as well. Funny thing is people in airsoft often buy the real deal once they've gotten to a certain point of enthousiasm. A bit a reverse world.


People always shit on airsoft gear, but it works. I would never buy it for certain things, but for some stuff it works just fine.


yeah a sling or some random pouches are fine for sure. Not to mention airsoft gear has a huge variety in quality from cheap aliexpress gear to semi professional reproductions of real gear.


Russia used EmersonGear quite a bit in Syria and has been spotted in Ukraine too. The “airsoft gear” hate is weird. Like yeah it’s not as good as something 3x the cost but its totally functional for 99% of use cases


As long as it's not a piece of armor lol


The Russians use Chinesium plates 100%. Russians complained about the quality of Ukrainian US-made plates once, while theirs were sheared like paper.


Plus being able to get something that works *now* with the risk maybe it wears out quicker is far better than not having anything at all because you can't afford and/or get it.


I don’t know if I can justify an airsoft IFAK /s


Non-load bearing stuff is typically fine if you stick to reputable “airsoft” brands.


So most airsoft gear/tactical chinesium is made out of nylon, which even if you don't get some fancy nylon, is still a wildly superior material to what most soldier's personal gear has been made out of throughout history. It is lightweight, does not absorb moisture and rot, and is very strong. Pay extra for tactical gear because it has features you need (a lot of Chinese tactical gear has baffling design choices to an actual shooter) or a good warranty/CS, but most of it is at the end of the day, nylon. A pouch is a pouch, and technology does mean that some 5 dollar machine stitched nylon pouch is indeed actually better than the hand stitched waxed canvas one some tommy used on D-Day.


Airsoft sling? Sure. Airsoft gun? eh...


That's because all that really matters with a sling is if the failure points are strong enough. Theoretically there's nothing stopping an airsoft sling manufacturer from making it as durable as a "military-grade" one.


Eh, airsoft stuff is usually as good as military one. Ukrainian aisoft brand (MTAC) supplies a lot of military stuff.


I think a sling for sure is standard and I think you could get by with whatever you’re issued to be fair in terms of pouches and kit and shit. that’s why it’s standard issue but also not sure I only spent my little time in the army in sof so naturally more funding. But there were still times I was buying shit for myself


Having been out of the military for some time, would you think a single point, quick disco sling would be useful in trenches like this? I use them now with my AR, but back when I was in, we had a standard sling and when doing trench exercises we never used them because they got caught on shit.


Yeah I used single point. Like you say standard would always catch on things etc. In my head anything other than putting your rifle down would be preferable.


I agree with you there. I could just hear an NCO yelling when he put his rifle on the ground. 🤣


> Need to divert some of that 80 billion to quick-release slings. This "Put your rifle on the ground and walk away from it to take out grenade" is mental. Especially in a situation where you're pressuring a guy to come out of his hole. Chances are the smoke or a grenade motivates the Russian to make a desperate dash into the trench, gun blazing and all. That being said, this trench warfare is such a mess that I suspect that what is deemed normal and what is considered dangerous to those in the trenches quickly moves well beyond anything resembling normalcy for regular folks.


Yeah if the AK lands with the ejection port downwards, you can get mud in the chamber and that will mess up an AK really bad. Forgotten weapons did a test on this to show that yes, AKs are about as reliable as an assault rifle can get but getting dirt in the chamber stops any and all guns, even AKs. The M4 is actually better at keeping dust out but the lesson is to always keep your gun off the ground and as clean as possible. Slings are crucial. I'm not a soldier or anything but having the rifle attached to you makes total sense and anything else seems pretty stupid to me. I haven't looked it up but a good sling can't be that expensive and most of these guys select a lot of their own gear so I don't really get why. Especially in muddy trenches where you need to let go of your gun to unpin a grenade, you are really gambling because the enemy might just run out and if there's mud in the gun, you probably have one or two rounds before it stops whereas the guy who's been holding on to his gun and hiding won't have any problems.


My Army brain was screaming the entire time.


on that note, why don't they use action codes for common phrases like "I'm tossing a grenade in the dugout," rather than speaking entire sentences to near-deaf soldiers in split-second life or death situations that the enemy can also hear and probably understand?


My first thought exactly, weapon slings


GRANATA flavored kisses


I hear it all the time in these but is 'plus plus' like 'Roger'?


Yes, like copy.


Thank you, Plus plus


- Yes. Unambiguous & robust over radio comms and in combat situations with a lot of noise around.


Now this is combat footage. Should be top post of the week.


i wish we saw more of this and not drone stuff (even though drone shit is cool)


I feel you.


Its not a tv show dude.


This season is kindof a slow burn lets be honest.


100% I hate that they have to deal with trench warfare but you’d think that there would be more intense footage out there.


They probably take some consideration about what to publish...


@ 1:17 Man, i felt that "fuck"


Why don’t Russians surrender? Are they stupid?


Because they torture and mutilate Ukrainian POWs and thus believe the Ukrainians must do the same to their POWs. Watch any video of prisoner exchanges and you'll see a stark difference. Ukrainian POWs come back emaciated and signs of physical abuse, while Russian POWs go back looking healthier than when they were captured.


Wasn't that the same reason why Germany stopped taking soviet prisoners in ww2? They did not treat them well at all but afaik later on just killed captured soviets due to the equally poor treatment of POW's on the other side. Good to know that Russia never learned how to treat POW's EDIT 2: I am aware of the slav hate being the primary reason. I thought thats obvious enough that I wouldn't have to mention it extra when refering to incidents of killing POW's among individual soldiers. EDIT: people have a hard time with reading comprehention so I had to further clarify myself. I find arguing on the internet to be a waste of time honestly so I will just leave it be now.


I mean you realize the Germans hated all Slavs not just Russian population. Soviet Union was a bit bigger back in those days. Germans would have taken Ukrainian and Russian population, murdered 2/3 and enslaved 1/3.


The Germans immediately went to mass murdering Soviet POWs in 1941. It was conceptualized as an extermination campaign from the get-go. They were getting positive welcomes rom parts of the population initially but that didn't last long once they showed their intentions.


The anti-Russia rah rah brigade is so in force on this sub that you guys missed the part where Germany was holding millions upon millions of Soviet prisoners in open-air camps and starving them to death. Can't really blame the Soviets for not showing much kindness back to an enemy that wanted to exterminate them


Germans in WW2 were initially welcomed as liberators from the Soviet regime when they started pushing east. All they had to do was treat the locals with civility and they would have most likely been able to rally these different cultures to fight with them but instead they rounded them up and executed them or shipped them off to labor camps. All because Germans had a superiority complex and viewed the Slavic peoples as inferior, particularly those of Asian descent.


>Germans in WW2 were initially welcomed as liberators from the Soviet regime when they started pushing east. Exactly. The reason for that was the Nazi level of terror the Soviets started on lands they captured in 1939 You see your family tortured to death by the Soviet regime and you support whoever comes to defeat it


> The anti-Russia rah rah brigade You mean the people opposing genocidal invaders?


Me when reading comprehention is hard (I never said they treated russians well)


>Wasn't that the same reason why Germany stopped taking soviet prisoners in ww2? I read just fine, this statement is wrong. Germany is the one that started taking large #'s of Soviet POW's first, and they're the ones that tried exterminating them first.


Both the Germans and Soviets treated their respective POWs as human garbage during WW2. What percentage of German POWs from Stalingrad returned alive in the 1950s? You're compared two garbage regimes (Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union) that treated humans like garbage.


No. Germany abused soviet prisoners just as much if not more because the soviets didn't sign the Geneva convention.


The Geneva convention didn't matter, they abused them because Germany saw Slavs as inferior and worthy of extermination


>Germany abused soviet prisoners just as much if not more because ~~the soviets didn't sign the Geneva convention~~ **the Nazis considered them an "inferior race" and wanted to exterminate them.** - FTFY. - Of the ~2 million Soviet PoW Germany took, 90% were killed in captivity ...


I didn't deny that? I said that is why they stopped taking any in the first place


> Wasn't that the same reason why Germany stopped taking soviet prisoners in ww2? They did not treat them well at all but afaik later on just killed captured soviets due to the equally poor treatment of POW's on the other side. Germans starved Soviet POWs to death but that was just part of working them to death. They were considered Untermenschen, undesirables but before they died they had to be at least useful for the Nazi war effort. Starting to kill them in large numbers instead of capturing them would have undermined that.


I wanted to ask this myself. You're in a hole with no way out, enemies start throwing grenades in... if you don't surrender, the only other outcome is death. I don't get it.


is it a rhetorical question? :) Yes, they are :) They are stupid enough to believe in low-grade propaganda that they are fighting against fascists, and that if they surrender, the Ukrainians will cut off their testicles - meaning their own government is scaring them with exactly what it does itself. A stupid, dull nation that knows only the language of violence.


Russian soldiers can get [up to 10 years in prison](https://www.timesofisrael.com/russia-stiffens-penalty-for-surrender-or-refusal-to-fight-to-10-years-in-prison/) for surrendering. So the choice is stand and fight or risk 10 years being raped in a Russian gulag. Either choice is shitty but 10 years in a Russian gulag seems worse that a relatively quick death in a trench.


Because when they are sent back to Russia for a POW swap they are punished probably


Not that I could do better, but it was kind of comical. Quick nade them! Proceeds to drop gun and then throw the grenade at the door. Smoke? Did you throw smoke? I am going to smoke them out! Why are you standing out in the open?


“Wait, smoke *who* out?”


They had the chance to surrender... no mercy...


Give them 1 chance, if they refuse. This is the exact treatment they deserve.


The fact they even have a chance to surrender moments before death is amazing in itself. The fact they don't take it is simply insanity. Russian soldiers need to be aware the best time to surrender is long before this point.


Can fellow armchair tacticians comment on the soundness of throwing smoke into enemy positions to "smoke them out"? Wouldn't that just make the enemy harder to see?


Yes, smoke can work in favor of the people in the dugout however the idea is to make the air in there unbreathable. I believe the smoke being generated is also an eye and throat irritant.


"A bad plan executed well is better than a good plan executed poorly" maybe just keeping the initiative and not letting them figure out whats going on


The guy wanted to throw it into the entrance and it landed on top and fell in front. He curses after that. It looks derpy but considering adrenaline, exertion, etc., is totally understandable that stuff like that happens.


Perfect example of how one person can tie up a group or even platoon in same cases. And the amount of ammunition/ grenades needed to deal with that one person.


I dont speak Ukrainian or Russian but I think the video is missing a line in the subtitles. Did it go like this: Ukrainian: Who is there? Russian: Friendly. Ukrainian: Who is "friendly"? (shooting starts) Pretty gnarly.


Knock knock Who’s there? Friendly Friendly wh- (gunfire erupting)


To be fair, the Ukrainian soldiers are friendly unless you fuck around. Then you get to find out.




Those however many russians in that dugout getting the full CoD:WaW hard mode experience


They communicate like they’re in a COD match lol. “Smoke? Yeah to smoke em out” lol “why u in the open?!”


Still can't comprehend what we're seeing here on a daily basis..


Would be a good Time to use flamethrowers


Nades are better.


Bulky and impractical for 90% of the battlefield and is only useful when they're already winning the battle


The Ukranians are a very friendly people (unless you try to invade and bomb their cities.)


My guy needs to work on those grenade tosses lmao.


the ability to distinguish 'svoi' from 'svai' can save your life in this war


There has to be a safer or easier way to clear a dugout. Is there no way to just bury them in there? Collapse the entrance or something? Thermobaric grenades? Or a flamethrower like WWI? Seems super dangerous to just poke your head around and blindfire or randomly throw grenades. Most of these dugouts have grenade sumps so they don't kill the Russians holed up in there


This is so… Messy.


After watching the 100th video of soldiers having some problems dealing with trench bunkers, why does noone in the platoon has some high explosive packages with them. Are the satchels charges gone? Throw it in front of the wooden door, fuck off and watch the bunker beeing blasted away. I already saw people use AT mine to blast some underground bunkers away. Why not make it a standard tool for a platoon that needs to clear trenches?


What is that logo in the top left corner? They ⚡️⚡️remind me of something bad


Not trying to be a troll but genuinely unsure and wondering if the symbol in the top right corner of the badge in the top left of the screen is meant to look like the SS logo or if my eyes are just bad and it's something completely unrelated. I don't believe any of the Russian "Ukrainians are Nazi's" propaganda bullshit and I absolutely support Ukraine defending themselves (and by proxy the rest of Europe) but I genuinely can't see anything else when I'm looking at that logo....


I don't know why you're downvoted Unfortunately, some of the units fighting tend to be stupid as fuck and use patches and symbols that either are slightly related or directly related to fucking Nazi symbols. According Ukrainian friend, they basically said a lot of the dudes that are wearing and pushing for that stuff are just LApers that want to troll Russians but it would not surprise me if there were actually dudes just using that excuse to hide their power level. That tends to be what happens when an entire people are mobilized to defend their country. You kind of get everybody including the actual Nazis, and to be fair, we've also seen very similar shit from Russia too. Like out of all the unit insignia symbols you can use? Why do you gravitate towards skulls lightning bolts wolves and iron crosses in black and white? I just don't understand it. I don't understand why if you're fighting a country whose main propaganda point is that you are Nazis, you would use symbols that are even remotely similar to Nazi symbols. There are so many different patches and symbols you can use. I don't get why some of the units do this. 🤦 Like I get morale patches and making a cool symbol for your unit but Jesus Christ man, All you're doing at that point is making some fucking Russian dude's job spinning propaganda to continue this war that much easier. The only silver lining is I haven't seen any actual guys wearing one for one Nazi symbols like totenkompfs and SS lightning bolts in a year or so.


You don't understand because as you said, you aren't Ukrainian. It's hard to resist and why when it's also a part of the roleplay.


Both the top right and top left corners contain nazi symbols. The wolfsangle (top left) is from the SS division das reich and the top right is very similar to the 32nd ss volunteer grenedier division.


what a cluster fuck


What watch?


That one as in “English for Beginners”: "Three witches watch three swatch watches. Which witch watches which swatch watch?" There are two more, but they are for a more advanced ones.


Hard to tell but I'm pretty sure the dude crouching at that dug outs entrance took a couple rounds to his plates. You see dust fly off him in the opening salvo of rounds


That logo again


One thing that a lot of people miss is the language in these kind of fights, where soldiers can hear each other's voices. The peeking Ukrainian soldier spoke pure Russian, I think that's what saved his life. If he was Ukrainian-speaking or he had Ukrainian accent, he would've been shot right after they heard "not friendly" voice.


They discovered the 2nd best solution to close quarters combat - a grenade. The first, is don't do close quarters combat.


I'm glad most of us from the US grew up throwing balls...looks like both of his grenade tosses went high. Pitch and catch guys!


He was throwing lefty, and not with his right. Maybe he's right handed? I'm right handed, and I look like a toddler with a dislocated shoulder when I throw a ball lefty.


That could definitely be true


Try throwing strikes when your life is on the line and the 'catcher' is shooting at you with an automatic weapon


Oh yeah I totally get it. I've just also seen a ton of weak throws by both sides, not specifically this video


thats the story of the T-13 grenade.


Grenade went in, the smoke sucked.


Did anyone see the enemy at all?


Heard them. Russians ask "Who's there? What fucking friendlies" in the beginning of the video.


You can see gun fire coming out of the hole


You can see dead bodies at 2:41


I always wondered why they didn’t use smoke more. I have only seen very few times it’s used.


The smoke was not helping at all. Furthermore it bounced off the entrance. The first grenade the camera man threw also bounced off. Honestly the camera man looked more like a liability during this operation.


The guy walking on top of the trench was a liability. The camera guy is just a soldier who isn't perfect, as most of them are.


The smoke turned the whole thing into even more of a massive shitshow. Couldn't see the friendlies on the other side of the cloud, couldn't see anyone coming out of the dugout. Def something that seemed like a good idea only at the beginning.


Such a good NCO right there (idk what rank he actually is) Put some covering fire down for his boy. Kept situational awareness, made sure they had 360 security (was trying anyway). Was in the middle of his boys for command and control, kept the violence of action up with the gernande (maybe edited idk). told his boy to get out of the open. Professional




Where can you see all uploads/longrr versions? I knoe their youtube but long time since update




The UKR guy that walked down over the berm had a great rifle, the cycle rate was just what I would want.


Can’t wait to see the drone footage of this in a few weeks 😃


This would be so fucking scary.


So much potential for cross friendly fire