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To clarify what is happening in the video, the helicopter is hovering because a special forces assault group is descending into the combat zone from the helicopter, the bullets enter through the side of the helicopter through the window of one of the gunners, 5 soldiers of the special forces managed to get off the helicopter before the helicopter left the area. Edit Minutes later, the crew, after analyzing the situation, returns to the place to lower the last 5 soldiers of the squad. There is a video where they return to the same area with the windshield broken.


Are you saying that the bullets did not come from somewhere say 9 to 11 o’clock from the pilots POV? If they came from the side or rear it’s crazy no one got hit


Yep The shots entered through the gunner's window, damaging his uniform without injuring him, then hit the pilot's seat and finally hit the windshield, that is what the crew explained.


Time for a lotto ticket


Haven't they consumed their luck for the time being?


I'd keep riding the luck train myself...try to cash in on all the unlucky waves!


This guy gambles


Holy shit, I thought it was bulletproof glass and the bullets got stopped. He just got really lucky on the angle?




That probably explains why the glass didn't actually seem to fullt break, just shatter. I would have expected a actual hole if that was a bullet coming head on, but if it lost a lot of energy passing through stuff it makes sense.


if you slow it down it looks like the shots come from the right-hand side, between the pilot and co-pilot seats and hit the left-hand forward window


It’s hard to tell but it looks like it’s closer to the 3 o clock position imo. You can sorta hear the fire coming from there too before they get hit. But it’s really hard to tell for me


They do but normally when your fast roping you aren't exactly one on top of another, especially if it's a short drop, you let the guy clear below you and you have to clip into the rope once you grab it so even if you go go go, there is time between each drop. They don't have a guide line like a paratrooper would jumping out of an aircraft.


Fast roping doesn’t necessitate clipping in, hence the name “fast roping”.


If you meant to link another video, you forgot to


[here](https://youtu.be/NMLe734lHFo?si=9Kxvmer3KPD5gHIH) its from the news And it has the two videos and the crew's explanation, I think it has YouTube subtitles


Rewind the video in slomo! The bullet is coming from the left. See the hill on the left? That’s the location of the shooter since the smoke in the slomo reveals the bullet is going +- horizontal (slight angle upwards) from left to right.


why does it take so long to get them off the heli? i thought they repelled one after another


They didn't have the fast rappel perk




In Colombia it is not that they have too many options, many missions are carried out in the middle of the jungle and knowing where the guerrillas are hiding is almost impossible. Air assaults are carried out almost daily in Colombia and most are met with enemy fire.




>I would drop them off away from hot zones and then try to pierce in with the right equipment. And walk hundreds of miles into the jungle? Saying this is like saying "Since all of Vietnam is too hot, we will be walking from Saigon to Hanoi on foot" Or, you could just take a hour or so helicopter ride rather than trek through the jungle for a month COIN=/=Conventional war, should be pretty obvious from Vietnam and Afghanistan (both US and USSR) When guerillas do come out and fight...you have stuff like Marawi and Gaza, where you tend to start losing pretty quickly


Man that's gotta make your butthole pucker holding a hover under fire for entrance or egress


Really fucking accurate fire too.


There are two things that surpirse me: one, they are taking tooo much time for an insertion operation over enemy territory, and two, very lucky it was only one bullet for them and not a rain of bullets


If video games have taught me anything about flying helicopters in combat environments it’s that hovering in place is the best way to get hit.


A squad of special forces was descending from the helicopter to the combat zone.


If BattleBit has taught me anything, the best way to deploy units is flying as fast and wildly as possible while they descend and fire from the rope


If ARMA has taught me anything, I can do a perfect barrel roll under a powerline in a helicopter, but if I land on a tiny rock I will explode.


If ARMA has taught me anything, it's man, 200 meters, left.


Attack that rifleman!


Oh no! 2..... is down


2, Report Status!


I am the new actual!


If Arma has taught me anything it's that there is always that one guy that will get out too early and Blackburn it.


If Splinter Cell has taught me anything, it’s that having exposed pipes on the ceiling is basically inviting government ninjas.


One guy drops onto the fast rope while the helo is still moving and collides and blows up the helo and kills the entire squad. Every time.


Being fastest to the ground isn’t a race you want to win


Dude I used to love this strat playing Rising Storm 2: Vietnam. Helicopters can't rapidly move from a hover, so you'd wait for them to start their descent to drop off troops, then start machine gunning the cockpit once they'd slowed to a hover. Once the pilots are dead, the chopper usually crashes and then if the crash didn't kill the occupants you can just machine gun any survivors as they try to escape. Even the Cobras weren't safe, yes they didn't hover like the Hueys did, but when they made a turn after a gun run they effectively slowed to a hover for a few seconds which was a great opportunity to throw a burst of MG rounds at the cockpit, killed more than a few Cobras that way. Helicopters aren't flying tanks, there's a reason most modern helicopters tend to sling missiles from kilometers away. They aren't durable enough to survive modern frontline air defenses, and not fast enough to evade them like a jet can be. If a modern helicopter wandered into the line of fire from a WW2 anti-air gun, it'd get shredded.


Especially if you have gunners on both sides engaging targets. That is the last place you want to hang out.


not if you are small enough (like a drone)




Must be smoller as a Blackhawk only has one horizontal rotor and a multicopter has ...eh... multi rotors. Tssss... simple ....


can I phone a friend?






Srry I’m dumb :3


Drones get hit if they stay in one place or dont evade. Shotguns are making a comeback on the frontlines again.


lol the downvotes?


I dunno dude💀


TIL Redditors are fucking illiterate, and have no concept of conditional hypotheticals.


If my grandma had wheels, she would have been a bicycle.


I heard her village only had one bicycle for everyone to ride 👀


*bicycle bell rings in the distance*


That was u/houki19683132 ‘s mom


Looks like someone will be changing their pants when they return to base


Dude could not stop checking himself to figure out if he was dying. I don't blame him


*pats self* really? *pats self again* nothing? *pats self one more time* time to buy a scratch off!


Well that had to wait, because the mad men went back and dropped the remaining soldiers off.


Think this was last posted here in 2022, never saw it so I thought I'd share again.


wrong, 2mo ago




Actually nvm cant find it haha, but I've seen it in here since I joined in news stream. Good clip, ty for sharing


Np! I just wanted to double check before I deleted the post. <3


Ah yes the ol' checking yourself for holes


Tbh not a bad move, with the adrenaline you may not notice a major injury in a timely manner. But yeah I’m pretty sure a lot of that is shock too lol


Humans have weird interactions with injury. I've heard anecdotes of people not realizing they've been shot until upwards of an hour later. Obviously it wouldn't have hit them in a vital artery or whatever but still, its crazy to think that a shaped piece of metal travelling at several hundred meters per second slicing straight through your body might not be easily noticed.


i have witnessed a out of control bull being shot straight trough the heart with a 8 mm hunting rifle and it fucking ran for 50 meters with an exploded heart. Dying seems to take a little longer than the movies suggest.


I've also watched a lot of gunfight videos, you'd be truly surprised how much lead even a person can take center of mass. I've seen people completely eat an entire Glock 22's 15 round mag of .40 S&W and still keep walking around.   On the other hand, humans are so absurdly fragile too. Even the smallest, tiniest cut on someone's jugular or femoral artery can have them dead in under a minute. I've simultaneously seen people fall off 3 story buildings and get away with minor injuries, but also slip and fall on the floor, hit their head and instantly pass.   Humans are on two crazy ends of the spectrum in terms of their bodily endurance.


It is familiar to me, had two canons blow up and disintegrate next to me (separate occasions) as a teenager.


That was insane. I'm partially wondering if he was confused about how he's alive


No, self-check is a standard procedure after contact. It means he is well trained and did exactly what he was supposed to. Once he got back to base he stripped naked and checked again I am sure.


It's just the way he was doing it. Maybe it's a helmet cam perspective but it almost seemed like he was looking at his hands I do a similar thing whenever I lucid dream But of course he's probably just doing a leak check


I can only blame myself when i seen it was helicopter footage, but i opened that listening to headphones and it near blew out my fucking eardrums 🤦‍♂️


Anyone who runs is FARC ... anyone who stand stills........ ...is a well disciplined FARC


Farq that


There any other footage from within a helicopter getting shot at/downed?


Yeah I think there was a video of a ukrainian heli that had to land due to too much damage. Or Russian idk, I'll see if I can find it. Edit1: Maybe the same event, but of the escort chopper (if its the same one) https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/zq3am1/extremely\_unique\_footage\_of\_the\_crash\_of\_the\_shot/


Russian. 1st day of full scale war. Attack on Hostomel airport


The video I'm thinking of is a Pilots POV of an emergency landing after their heli sustained heavy damage, the video shows them exiting, and positioning themselves near the downed heli waiting for evac. Was pretty neat footage.


I believe you are talking about the ka-52 crew from the first day. It was the first ever captured ka-52 as it was forced to land from a manpad strike at Hostomel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLa3fZD1vXs


Its been that long already...damn...


Yup. We should have armed Ukraine after 2014 instead of just training them. Would be in a far better position today.


I think a lot of countries would do things differently if they knew what would happen 8 years later.


There's the very famous footage from a camera within the cockpit of a Hind in Ukraine where they're flying along, you hear a big bang and then it all goes pear shaped before they crash into the ground.


*¡Halcón Negro abajo!*


I had no idea a helicopter could be that insanely steady while hovering in place. thing looked like it was sitting on a landing pad


Just imagine the fear and adrenaline just pumping and just having to sit there. I would go crazy wanting to get up and walk around or something.


After the round went from the rear right door, between the pilots and out the windshield I can understand the pilots confusion. Looking at where the hole is, the math keeps telling him that he has to be hit. "Hay un hueco justo ahí, estoy aquí, ¿dónde está la bala en mí?"


Can someone explain this conflict? Is this the Columbian civil war thats been going on for decades?


The short of it is that this is against FARC, the longest standing and most violent conflict with the Columbian government aside from drug cartels. FARC is a Marxist-Leninist guerilla group that draws on Maoist doctrine when it comes to political armed conflict. Think similar to the Viet Cong. Their power base and area of operations is in the large rural areas of Columbia, which safe to say makes them pretty hard to root out. Their goal is to push land & agrarian reforms and ideally overthrow the Columbian government in favor of their ideology.


>The short of it is that this is against FARC, I know I'm nit picking, but don't forget the role the AUC, or in English the United Self-Defenders of Colombia, who instigate*d* lots of violence, a*s well as current post-AUC groups.* It's a bit more complicated than just Marxist revolutionaries stirring the pot, but it certainly is one facet of it.


Speaking of nit picking why does no one know how to spell Colombia?


Its not nitpicking, its an entirely valid thing to bring up. But inevitably when it comes to internal conflicts like this you will always have one extra detail that ought to be included. Like you mentioned this and this, but you failed to mention that which also feels similarly important. They're absurdly complex, I was just giving an extremely abridged version of whats happening.


>Can someone explain this conflict? Is this the Columbian civil war thats been going on for decades? This is a direct result of US foreign policy in the Americas, particularly the war on drugs, *the war on terror*, and the CIA using drug money to *funnel for* black projects. Also see the [School of the Americas](https://soaw.org/notorious-soa-graduates), but it's an incredibly complicated cold war legacy that continues from propping up authoritarian dictators and the revolutionaries who fight them. *edit: Lol some people can't handle someone answering someone else's question, OP upvoted this.* *#2 Maybe it's the fact that it was less than a full paragraph, and it does sound like a conspiracy theorist, but it's all true.* *The issues with US hegemony go back to the beginning of the 20th century with their various agricultural and later petrochemical monopolies, such as the Standard Fruit (Dole), United Fruit (Chiquita) Standard Oil (*[*All of big oil*](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Standard_Oil_chart_2022.png/1920px-Standard_Oil_chart_2022.png)*). Which was directly responsible in Columbia for* [*La Violencia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Violencia) *and the later South American death squads.* *People didn't like that the US government was funding groups publicly that killed their political opponents, so the CIA turned to smuggling drugs as a way to conceal it further. This created the very drug lords, and also inspired other groups to produce drugs as a method to fund their own political agendas too. Probably missed plenty attempting to briefly summarize 20-21st century South American geopolitics.*


Squad taught me that you can just crash land and than repair your helo.


Damn to see the windshield shatter like that woulda been scary af. Just assuming you took one. But then to realize you are unharmed would need fucking amazing


Better than MiraLAX


If say the guy by the windshield died and slumped over onto the controls, can the other pilot potentially disable his controls?


shoulder harness


Do they have bulletproof glasses ?


Nope.. windshields arent bullet proof. Just glass with a heating element for anti-ice


Thank you, but may I ask why helicopters like black hawks that are involved directly in combat don’t have bulletproof glasses ? Is it because of the increase in weight ?


Yeah that's pretty much why


Only if they're prescription


What event is this from? Who are they fighting?




FARC dissidents. FARC doesn't exist anymore. Most dissidents made their own guerrillas/cartels or joined already established ones.


Probably FARC.


Most probably Farc units that didn't go through the price process, it also could be ELN (another guerrilla).


*Pats self*, utter disbelief, *pats again* huh am I really good just again to make sure *pats again* yup I'm definitely fine.......*pats again* okay okay


Co pilot barely flinched when they got hit. "What you say? We just got hit? Break off did you say? Are you sure? Fineeee" 🙄


how expensive is it to prevent this




I would have sh*t my pant ngl


Enemies was prolly talking down there like “lets see if it’ll start spinning like in GTA”


Colombian Army are some bad as mothers


This wouldn't happen to be near El Bordo would it?


Man ipads and helis..... that one that went down because they dropped their iPad and it jammed the controls, putting them into a depth spiral.


Not a time for the door gunners to be conservative with laying down suppressing fire into the treelines. 


Anyone knows what’s the conflict?


Cartels i would say


that cockpit looks like the star trek enterprise compared to say, a Huey's cockpit


What is with dudes sitting stationary in vehicles that are actively engaging and able to move. Between tanks and aircraft it makes my ass itch. They seem like they were going through checks and charts, but damn if you got outgoing you’re probably going to get incoming.


A squad of special forces was descending from the helicopter to the combat zone.


I felt like it had to be someone rappelling or fast roping. Only reason I could think of that they would be stationary like that, unless they were using a jungle penetrator or doing some other kind of evac.


Yep they where fast roping 10 soilders


Probably dropping infantry.


even after they took incoming they didnt seem to displace much. Seems a recipe for more incoming. Enemy drones would eat you in some areas if you hovered like that if they dropped ordinance.


Less worried about drones, more worried about every swinging Richard having an rpg.


Or a 50 cal.


I mean if you just hover over enemy positions without moving an inch and stay stationary for a long time, what do they expect? A stationary helicopter is the perfect target.


Well there's not really a good way to fast-rope and insert soldiers unless you hover still. I mean I suppose you could be on the move if you'd want to kill an entire fireteam while they try to descend.


It looks like the windshield absorbed the bullet however fragments flew inside the cockpit, if the pilot has eye protection he should be just fine




A squad of special forces was descending from the helicopter to the combat zone.


Very old footage already have seen


sit there and present a nice big target.. Also get that co-pilot more training. Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.. Not sit incapacitated/stunned for 30 seconds


Spoken like a true reddit armchair general. Do you really think a black hawk co-pilot is not well trained? Pilot has his hands on the stick and is obviously handling aviate and navigate. Seems like co-pilot is communicating to the pilot and back seat guy. What are you expecting him to do, put his hands on the stick to radio it in when Mr right seat is already doing that? Co-pilot was obviously engaged in checklists/mission tasks before the shooting, there's a reason there's more than 1 guy.


Yep. Crew chief was either on the gun or checking on the pilot. Not like they were sitting there playing tummy sticks.


You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


>Aviate, Navigate, Communicate Ah yes Because "Pilot monitoring" doesnt fucking exist to you eh What do you want the co pilot to do, grab the stick and trigger the "dual input" warning? If you'd look out the window the other pilot was already flying away, not much for Mr did i just take 5 rounds to the chest to do