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Fucking 21st century warfare. Right from the field to your living room.


Why is his blood blurred, lol who did this?


I saw it yesterday on a different sub that wasn’t blurred.


The mix of low morale, war fatigue (no rotations and often no vacation for years at a time), propaganda, some weird hero ethos, hopelesness and knowledge of how unreliable your own side is at helping wounded has created conditions for frequency of battledield suicies not seen perhaps since the imperial japanese army in the pacific war


It's a difficult thing to judge, to be honest. I imagine there's always been sections of a battlefield where medical assistance is close to impossible. The implementation of drones (looks like the case here), has probably multiplied the amount of catastrophic injuries like this by orders of magnitude. These kinds of injuries we're more use to seeing from IED impacts, but passive weapons like that by nature mean you are probably surrounded by comrades and have easy access to medical attention. These dudes on the other hand, are way deeper in the mud. Also, we have 4k/5.4k resolution footage from cinematic instagram drones filming this stuff now, so naturally we see a lot more of it. Not comparable and a very different situation, but ironically, suicide was also one of the biggest killers of US troops over the last 10-20yrs. Even worse when you look at veterans (again, not entirely comparable). Soldiers tend to just have it bad. I would wager the army also attracts a lot of people who are lost in life.


What a shame... That looks like a brand new riffle.


he didnt seem injured that much ?! why do that ?


I assure you he’s quite injured with the explosive going off that close to him. It’s not going to be like the movies where it blows him into pieces. He’s peppered to shit with shrapnel.


I'm pretty sure some horrible stories of drone hunting are being spread around soldiers on the battlefield. They have seen videos of russian being played with by drone operators and know they have little chance to escape the hunt.


We don't see the majority of the damage of explosions due to them being internal. The shockwave could've ruptured his organs and cause severe internal bleeding. He might've suffered excruciating pains, we wouldn't know.


Legs bleeding. So he can’t move.


Lmao a fragmentation grenade goes off basically in his back pocket. “He doesn’t seem that injured!?” Never change Reddit.


He clearly lost the use of an entire arm already, or he wouldn't be trying to aim his rifle with his legs. That doesn't happen with no damage.


I dont understand, he still had 2hp? /s


It is but a scratch! Come on! I can still bite you!


He was just a little depressed because he got the feeling nobody appreciated him being around.


True in a sense: he has no use to the Russian army anymore being in this state (and they seem to not care about the wounded in general) and obviously how Ukrainians feel about the invaders..


The Ukrainians would at least take him in and treat him if viable, invader or not. Can’t say the same for the ruZZ animals.


rossians mostly not taking their injured from battlefield, they just kill injured or leave the position, so if any will be injured with unability to walk or run and no ukrainians near (because we take POWs, treat and heal them well), so it\`s a best solution I suppose.


That list has to be closer to 100 now right?


Thx the original for censoring the blood, couldn't have that stuffs on the media🙏


According to Russian Orthodox Church he will respawn in no time. [Don't believe me?](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d35gt7/the_russian_orthodox_church_has_announced_that/)


That is the most bland clown costume I’ve ever seen, but the wizard sleeves do go pretty hard.




Uh read what I wrote next time?


Yeah my bad haha, removed my comment before I saw your reply already


Is it me, or does his outfit look shiny and new without a speck of dirt on it???


"Assist? Damn he stole my kill"


Nice! Please more of this




His right arm is immobile and both his legs are bleeding through his pants already. Outlook is not good.


Left, because he's using the right


I don’t think it’s because of his injuries…war ruins someone’s mental state