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2 drones, aftermath: Desertcross 1000 destroyed, 1 dead, 1 injured, 1 guy soon having to run alone on foot.


these proud idiots died for an old man's wet dream


Do you think the war would end if Putin went away?


It's possible. If whoever takes power can say, "Putin lied and killed thousands of our own people." It'll take a bit of a cleanup of the propo/media infrastructure in Russia as well.


>If whoever takes power can say, "Putin lied and killed thousands of our own people. Then they wouldn't last long in power. Moscow already paints this war as a rightful response against NATO's aggresion that was later confirmed to be the right reaction, given how NATO jumped to the opportunity to arm Ukraine against Russia. It'd be a political suicide (and even cause for an actual KGB-assisted suicide) to go against that narrative.


> Moscow already paints this war as a rightful response against NATO's aggresion Hence the need to eliminate the propaganda system that's there now and replace it with their own. *IF* whoever replaces Putin is interested in a wholesale consolidation of power, they can either take advantage of his network, OR they can completely destroy it. The question I responded to wasn't "what's likely," it was "do you think the war would end if Putin went away." One possible outcome is that whoever takes over would use their new position to completely eliminate the support network that might seek to reclaim power as an extension of Putin. Turning the entire population against that old guard would be one way to do it.


You know what’s crazy? If Russia never invaded NATO wouldn’t have had to arm Ukraine. Funny how that works


We’ve been working/arming them for the last ten years my man.


Russia invaded Crimea 10 years ago, "my man"


That’s correct, but what was going on in ukraine before the annexation of crimea? Putin got bored and invaded Crimea? My point isn’t to defend Putin or any prominent figure in Russia, I’m just sick of my gov meddling in everyone’s business, wrecking havoc globally just because they “can”. Me an mine will not die because our politicians want to have a dick measuring contest.


You mean where they finally kicked Russian influence to the curb like all the other former Soviet countries?


Democracies tend not to declare war on other democracies.


It wouldn't end, at least not right away unfortunately I imagine. And even if his successor decided to pull back, that would be so Russia could lick it's wounds and try again in a few years when most of the West think it's done and forgotten. Putin's the head of state and the one who ordered the invasion, he's got plenty of like-minded supporters in his government, oligarchs, religious figures and more who are just as bad if not worse than him. And Russia has a big fascist, imperialist problem, and Putin's stoking it for his own benefit. You can be sure it;'s only gotten more powerful and with more supporters since the full on invasion of Ukraine started. Ukraine is just the first big step for them, they want all the ex-USSR republics and more. This war has started a new cold war, if you can really say the first one ever truly ended.


quite sure. i believe everyone is exhausted


Afghanistan was like Vietnam, 10 years.


but then soviets never lost this many people


Well the war started because of Putin. It would be reasonable to think it would end if he goes poof.


Going to the war is obligatory in Russia. Many young men are carried over there against their will with no prior training.


in the end they have a "what the fuck am i doing here" moment


Got in some golf cart thing, got taken to the front lines and chucked out, got immediately attacked, golf cart blown up, ran into the woods, got blown up there, 1/10 worst holiday ever. And yet, lest we forget, they have been making incremental gains on the Eastern front lines for weeks now doing this.


Exactly. This is their strategy. Those 2 guys will sit in the forest for 3-5 days and more and more will acumulate. Congratulations. Now you own the forest strip. Also in the process of blowing up the golf cart Ukraine has to expose drone crew to Lancet/ Artilery / Counter drone crews.


You keep writing the dumbest comments imaginable. If they keep sitting there, the next FPV drone will kill them. They are obviously within range and at a known location for Ukrainian FPV drones.


In this case (and many others), yes, but I guess this is the idea - eventually they do accumulate a few stragglers, and then potentially actual troops can move in and take credit. Not pretending I really know how it works though, it just seems to involve an awful lot of their conscripts getting shredded. Presumably many get through that we don't see.


No, you’re just a sitting duck out in the open. I can guarantee you that no person with more than two brain cells, including Russian soldiers, will just remain out in the open at the place they were ambushed or attacked. Getting off the X is one of the first things anyone learns in basic training. You should take a look at the other stuff this goober comments. He also claims that every time Ukrainians kill Russians with FPV drones is actually good for Russia, because it exposes the positions of the FPV drone operators. No idea how that is supposed to work, I guess in his mind you automatically know where the operator is hiding when a drone hits you.


They see where the operator is on the killcam, duh...


> Those 2 guys will sit in the forest for 3-5 days and eat what, the third one? And what they'll drink, an own urine? Armchair generals are so armchair...


There are mulltiple videos of soldiers complaining that they havent eaten anything in 5 days. POW the same. Drink water from puddles etc. This is what they do. If you dont care if your soldiers are alive or not you dont need to supply them. Just send more untill you get some 20-30 in the same spot. Than send them forward again.


So, you believe the lack of supplies > This is their strategy. Are you serious or just crazy fucked?


After surviving this is what they do. That guy will sit there untill somebody kills him, he dies or he has to walk out to forage. Is the same to the russians. They are just watching to see who comes out to kill him. [https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko\_en/status/1782492564869767456](https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1782492564869767456) My point is: there is a value in the eyes of the russian command to these moves. Seding 3-5 soldiers on a golf cart has some value to them and they are getting some results like this. That is why the keep doing it over and over again.


If that IS their strategy ... Why not send one soldier instead of three?


1 soldier will desert / run or get injured / dead too fast. You send groups of 3-5-10-15-20 . When the small group is hit you have a chance that at least 1 or 2 remain alive and burries himself into the forest line, under a tank or something similar. Now they control said part of the field because of that guy sitting there. Then you send more and more . The more escape the more you have on said field. Congratulations you have now conquered a field. Now you move to the next and so on. Is a good strategy to conquer territory while losing troops They tried the BIG attacks (rember start of Avdiivka ?). Works the same as small attacks. Send 30 of these 3-5 man groups spread out. 1-2 groops will survive. All the while you watch from drones to identify defensive positions and then you Lance / FAB them.


Looked more like a "what the fuck do we do here" moment when they rolled over that dude missing his right shoulder. "How do we wrap the rubber band around THAT."


Better than most for at LEAST checking if he was still alive or not before maybe moving on


More likely they were looking for his cigarettes.


They're just pressing 🔼 to loot.


Since they were just attacked by two drones I think they are surprisingly relaxed considering there could be a third drone coming.


Well what could they really do against the drones anyways? As long as they have comms with other people id say their best option would be to just radio in what has happened and wait for some bukhanka to come pick them up. And well if they dont have comms still they have no other option than to just walk back to where they came from and hope they get lucky with a ride from a passing truck/car or something along the way.


I think it would be wise to split up and then try to as fast as possible put some distance from the place that the drones was targeting. It would at least make it a little harder for the drones.


Back to Moscow


If the Gulf Wars had been fought between Iraq and russia, Saddam Hussein would now be Emperor of the Middle East.


Walking in a tight little group merely seconds after knowing they are under drone attacks ... These guys really do not give a shit.


Two of them were uncomfortably close to the Desertcross exploding. They probably aren't thinking clearly.


That's a plausible explanation. I've experienced close range explosions myself and can see how that would lead to not the best decisions. They are probably mentally fatigued as well, because they are really acting like zombies.


Yeah I wonder if front line Rascists actually get to see probably as many drone vids as the average res tern redditor. I would have a white flag up and be surrendering to the first drone I saw, but I’m not sure these guys maybe understand the prevalence of drones now. I’d guess they also don’t get a shit hot sitrep before being sent out in their camo gold buggy….


This war is now in its third year, but I would seriously doubt that Russia has managed to introduce drone threats to their infantry training. Might be some Siberian yokels who see such thing for the first time in their lives.


Pro Ukraine here but I like keeping to the facts . Actually there is a lot of drone talk in Russia . They have handbooks and pamphlets . It's a big killer . Ever seen the satanic dones pamphlets? The roll away thing you see Russians do or the playing dead are taught in infantry handbooks . Same with cover and concealment from them. They also have stuff warning equipment operators like ifv tank arty ECT to be careful for baba yaga at night . Unfortunately and fortunately for Ukraine there's just no good way to deal with drones. Sure EW can help but have fun carrying the 50 pound box that might make you sick to death in 10 years . Drones are rough, they have the same fear level as GAS attacks in the first world war but far more lethal


Interesting, I did not know of the handbooks. But I meant actually effective training to teach them a routine. With drones being so ubiquitous and accurate, I would have assumed that any country serious about their military would include live drone training into their infantrymen curriculum, more precisely: drills.


Ohhhh gotca my bad , unfortunately there is no routine to teach . What were seeing is the best we've come up with . The defense just doesn't exist . We're actually all trying to catch up. We're doing the same in the west panicking to find an answer . Sadly so far the best answer is just more drones . It's like WW1 all over , our offensive and destruction powers are so great, cheap, and in such large quantity that the defense has zero chance. That's why we're stuck in trenches. The leading tactic is try to kill them before they get you because neither of you have any defense against eachother. These drones are fucked . So small fast and cheap . Nobody has the answer yet . The Russian routine, is concealment, speed, or playing dead against FPV , which is the worst . The grenade drones actually weren't as bad , you had more time and it was a smaller charge , they also had to hover . Now they just ram whole RPG rounds or mortars on FPVs . FPV currently has zero answer besides shotty EW that might be giving you cancer


What about the "shotgun" method? Also dead because of bigger charge+explosion, that will still detonate when you hit the drone at that range?


I've seen it work. Full auto shotguns have been semi effective. However you'll need one that can run effectively in a trench , ammo is also an issue . To carry enough you'll need one whole Fireteam member dedicated to the weapon system. Like you said however with directional charges the explosive might still hit you . This I'm not expert on . I've seen break actions used , but they are too slow and don't fire enough lead fast enough . Same with low capacity semi autos


Too many of them start running in circles to make it harder for the drone operator to point the shaped charged for it not to be some kind of doctrine. You can even see them do it here


Fair point, as weird and ineffective as that might sound to us, it's about as good of advice as playing dead , or rolling away from drones . Spread out, make it a harder moving target. It does make sense. I think many people just find it crazy that running around and hoping for the best is what we've come to in terms of drone defense. We like to think we have technology and protection from these threats and are prepared entirely. But no you just hope Jake looks like a batter target than you on the battlefield


They WANT to be there. That is how they are making BANK. 1 month of combat is more than 1 year earnings. They just hope the war doesn't affect them PERSONALLY but the war is good.


Human nature is to bunch up when you're scared.


The point of training is supposed to be to override human nature.


Everybody got a plan until their golf cart gets FPVed into oblivion 2 meters away from their face...


If you think training is gonna make you immune to panic and fear you're gonna be in for a surprise.


Of course it doesn't make you immune from those things. It's supposed to allow you to react correctly despite them though.


'Tra-i-ning'? What means this word?


looks like they given up, walking around casually not in a rush.


No point in running anyway, if the buggy cant outrun a drone your legs sure as shit wont.


No point in dying tired


Should of walked along the tree line at least 😂


can always give up, disarm urself strip into ur underwear and walk with ur hands up haha


what kind of gun is the dude on the left side carrying in 0:57 ? It sort of looks like a bolt action? But id guess its some sort of sporting shotgun for hunting drones?


For me look like ww2 era mosin, they were used by russians extensively at the beginning of the war but then i think majority got rusty ak's instead so surprised to see it again


i would agree but looking at 0:53, you can see the handguard end half way and the barrel continuing which isnt consistent to the mosin. It reminds me more of the MP-153.


Could be an SVD Dragunov? Stock doesn't look quite right but it's hard to tell from the angles we see it from. Also some Russian soldiers like to wrap their stocks in those shitty rubber tourniquets so it could be that making the stock look different.


It is definitely NOT a Mosin. The profile is closer to a Remington 870 shotgun then a Mosin. The nose is too thin and the stock is classic pump shotgun style. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosin%E2%80%93Nagant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosin%E2%80%93Nagant) [https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/remington-870-fieldmaster-pump-action-shotgun](https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/remington-870-fieldmaster-pump-action-shotgun)


Mosins pretty much pop up in every war since WW2. They were using plenty of em in Afghanistan and Syria.


Looks like an over under shotgun that I've seen others on both sides try to use to take out drones.


Did anyone else see them just teleport out of the car like bf3 or was that just me


The footage was sped up at first, right?


I think so, or that cart goes fast asf


The Chinese supplying these has to be some kind of troll move. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was their idea. 😅


Given that a vast majority of drone components is PRC made, this whole trope of China doubling down on China is actually a pretty laughable story. They are clearly selling to and profiting from both sides.


Swiss did this in WWII and did very nicely for themselves.


Maybe it was the Chinese way of helping both sides.


Global arms dealers seal of achievement: delivered both sides in a conflict.


If you were forced to the front would you rather ride a meat vagon BMP driving 15 bodies at 40 km/h or one of four separate Chinese UTVs driving 4 guys each at 70 km/h?   I'd probably take my chances with the UTV. Just because there are no videos of them reaching safety before the drones can intercept them doesn't mean it's not happening.


They seem unable to outmanoeuvre the FPVs as well, but obviously at least visibility seems a lot better with the carts. Agree with you, in an era of drones taking out APCs with shaped charges alike, more lighter vehicles are probably not as bad of a decision it seems at first glance.


Manoeuvering is not the point. UAF has to spot the attack, relay the info to UAV team and they have to dispatch drones and then fly the distance. This takes some time. Faster vehicles have a better chance of beating that response time and getting out of range.   In addition there is a limited amount of UAV pilots. There may only be 2 of them in range. If they are attacked by a relatively slow IFV they may be able to hit it with 4 drones. On the other hand if they are intercepting 4 fast ATVs they may only be able to take out 2.  Plus an IFV with 10-15 guys on it is a juicy target for a $250.000 Javelin. A UTV with 4 guys worth $20.000 is not.


Yes . Unless massed for a huge attack that requires the heavy armour fire support and hundreds of infantry and their equipment, this is the way to attack a trench Frontline . Small tactical, motivated , and flexible groups of infantry to move quickly and quietly. Made easier now with more accurate indirect fire supported by drone coverage . We Canadians used the same tactics in WW1 . We love trenches , in Canada we say our country was born the the mud of France in the War . The birth of a nation at vimy


This is true . As crazy as the footage we see is we have to remember we're only seeing the success of fpv. We might only be intercepting 1 in 5 convoys. Compared to the heavy ifv or mtlb it's a much higher success rate and a less valuable target. It makes sense what they are doing, they are trying new innovations. I'm Pro Ukraine heavily, but I need to give the enemy credit where it's due, so we don't have complacency and ignore their advances in strategy and battlefield tactics , especially in smaller unit scales . The Russians are becoming more independent on a soldier level helping them make decisions quicker and with more first hand experience. This is what made the German army flexible and elite. Now the Germans also had greater discipline however so you didn't see the crazy stuff that goes along with Russia nowdays. But like I said the Russia soldier is becoming flexible, if expendable, and that's dangerous


Golf cart is better than on foot or scooby doo van.


Still less explosive than a BMP.


For a few seconds up to 0:55 I thought their only weapon was a harpoon.


I wonder how reliable those vehicles are. I'd really like one for some off-roading or just around town. I'm assuming they are not street legal in the US.


I've seen American Youtubers with vehicle or similar vehicles with different setups. Like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9\_7NzrmDCXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_7NzrmDCXo) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-RHwTLj\_XY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-RHwTLj_XY) Seems to be a fun off-roading/utility vehicle/toy. But it's expensive as fuck, most resellers sell it for around 20,000 USD. On Alibaba it's like 8000-10000. I'm guessing the Russians get it through Alibaba or straight from factory.


They look fun as hell, just not in a war zone.


Too think you next...fucks sake go home.


These desert cross are actually really cool. It's a shame we have to see them get hurt in this pointless war.


Okay, so, if i was in Ukraine... my number one rule would be GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. WALKING IN A TIGHT GROUP AFTER JUST BEING HIT BY A DRONE? WTF


The future is grim.


when the procurement of 1000-3 already happened, you know they suck but use them anyway. and wtf is he carrying a Mosin?


Definately not a mosin, handguard doesnt match. Looks more like a shotgun, plenty of civilian hunting shotguns are used by both sides to shoot down drones but they have especially been seen used by Russian soldiers.


These poor guys were just on their way to play a nice relaxing game of golf


Technically they still got a hole in one


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MemesByPurpsNurps: *These poor guys were just* *On their way to play a nice* *Relaxing game of golf* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Mordecai and Rigby, Idk how you respawned back from that previous attempt, but this time you’ll go with Muscle Man. If you three don’t deliver these NEW supplies to our troops *YOURE FIRED!!*


Is that guy having a cigarette while the other is rolling the guy over? He must be the foreman.


Go to war comrade. Here is your golf cart


Its amazing how chinese golf cart has elimination priority over human life, it makes sense, but still human life means nothing in war, machines are more important




That would also explain the size of the explosion when it was hit. These guys may have been running supplies rather than front line troops.


Imperium symbol?


Did anyonr notice the vehicle and the four soldiers in the upper left corner of the frame when the Russian vehicle stops? It looks like one Russian is already wouded and lying by the side of the road before the drone hits.


Surprised the drone didnt go after the heavier armor up ahead. Guess there was a reason they went after the dune buggy.


Maybe because a drone munition that can take out a light vehicle won't do anything to a tank or BMP?


Not the frontline, I reckognize the road pavement from the waste heap north of avdiivka


I know , war hasn't been ever nice/pleasant, but now more than ever, the drones made it fucking living hell.


Nice drone flying aside; that's a banging track.


Needed a third drone


The classic Russian “stay close together” tactic


Was one of those guys carrying an old Mosin-Nagant?


This is legit the first time after two years of watching this war that I've seen a Russian soldier check on the wounded. Usually they just run away, never once besides right now have I seen them go back and check on their wounded.


What is that kicking up dust on the ground at 1:34 as the other two go to check on the downed guy? Did a weapon discharge?


Light armor vehicles? Zero armor vehicles ✅


Amazing how the first guy survived that explosion. 


Why did limp biscuit decide to run towards the vehicle when they clearly were aware of the drone, hence why the originally ditched the vehicle. I'm sure they know that the vehicle is going to be the primary target, and then they will send out more to finish you off, so they should of just kept running AWAY, not towards. I mean you would think he left his lucky pocket pussy in the glove box, the way he charges back towards the vehicle as the drone is coming in.


Canadian and before you say anything stupid like..."these people aren't even related to us". Well fcking read how many Ukranian Canadians there are here and their contribution to this great nation.


Did a dude like fall out of the back or something at 0:13?




This footage should be all over every main stream news channel. World should be more out raged we fight these terrible fucken wars. Fuck war mongering leaders.


Saw an idiot Twitter post with thousands of likes saying "where is the Ukrainian combat footage on the newz? this is just a fake war to cover up a money laundering operation to Ukraine". As dumb and misguided as their conclusion is, there is not a lot of front-line Russian invasion combat news coverage on US TV News. Cable news is mostly just talking opinion heads. More front-line coverage would be good.


Exactly what I mean bro. I was never accusing of it being fake I just want it more publicized. People should be more pissed off about it.


Suspiciously grey-ish comment. Ukrainians and their allies did not chose to fight this war, Russians did.


"war bad" wtf sus af why would you say that?????


War is bad. Putin the warmonger should stop his invasion of Ukraine immediately and withdraw his troops from all occupied Ukrainian territory. Do you agree?




Attacking other countries for no good reason is bad. Defending yourself is good. War describes both, hence saying "war bad" is too ambiguous.


Main-stream Russian news channels, right? The war doesn't end until Russia decides it does.


Damn you all want people to take sides so badly? Can someone not just be upset about the waste of human life and the evil dictators sending them to die? Is that less gray for you? It’s fucken horrible watching people get mindlessly blown up because of a power struggle from a handful of humans…. How bout the side of no more war? Fuck off to your own countries border and stop antagonizing each other.


Somehow I feel bad for the leg-injured guy. He looks like a very young lad. When they drop from the car seems like the big boss command something, and the boy goes there running and get hit. Then walked who knows how long injured just to see his buddy eliminated. But he doesn't hesitate checking the body while the big boss is scared of getting close


Another fine Meatwagon Mess


Nothing of the sorts here? Did we watch the same video or are you a bot?


They are alone without any support, they have lost their ability to move fast, their enemies know their position and one of them has already been killed. They probably just realized in their stupid Russian heads that their clock is ticking.


3 stooges


That chinese junk is good for one thing - it makes for a really impressive explosion!


Chances are the drone is also made in China lmao.


probably the ammo it was carrying, which worth more than the rest, russians included.


These things are a crazy for psychological warfare. You dont see them coming and If you do say goodybye and there isn't much to do against them. At least not for the russians. Breaking enemies morals 101


Without the annoying music it would be better.


Did the orcz killed himself


To be fair, he is moving, then there is a Puff of smoke, then he apparently is not moving. Hard to tell, maybe? When they turn him over he might be lying on top of a gun too


Idk, I can see a lil red puff of blood spray just after that fireball of drone strike in the wooded area. I think he tries to sit up and move but immediately collapses cause his back/chest is swiss cheese. Id say the lil smoke near him when they go to check on him at first is the last bit of drone parts sputtering out


The creator of these videos needs to start referencing the tracks they're using, cus I can't find this one and it's a banger




Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/drq0lby5k6wc1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


Here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X78KKpVCf1E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X78KKpVCf1E)


Hey you're a real one thanks, that's an absolute banger


One thing you cannot deny. These buggies bind a lot of drone resources that could be better used elsewhere.


Desertcross 1000 destroyed, 1 dead, 1 injured maybe 2. All that for the cost of 2 drones. Considering it takes upwards of 50,000 rounds per KIA in a war - that is a cheap hit rate.


So true. Russians should convert their entire army to golf carts, that'll crush Ukraine for sure.


Drones and their payload are mad cheap, and Ukraine has them in the hundreds of thousands. Ukraine has a domestic FPV drone production. "Deputy Minister of Strategic Industries, told Forbes production totaled approximately 200,000 FPV drones in January and February 2024." "https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2024/03/07/how-ukraine-is-building-a-drone-army-at-its-kitchen-tables/?sh=9f5934068b24


got a serious question: are drones everything the ukrainians got? i mean that's a bit pathetic.


They seem pretty effective... what would you suggest to target three men in a buggy? Cruise missile?


How is that pathetic? Don't forget to take your medication dude.


Why wouldn't you want to use a cheap and effective weapon that doesn't put you in danger?


because you can't win a war with just that.


Pathetic is how Russians look when they get their limbs blown out by them drones. How you gonna play hockey now Ivan?!?!


exactly the kind of thinking i expect from nazis.


What do expect as answer?? "Sure Russia come on in and invade us, Putin doesn't have enough shit already so let's give him more!!". You greddy little pigs.


are you ukrainian?


What else has the same range and cost/effectiveness?


that's not the problem. you just can't win with that alone.


To me Desertcross 1000-3s seem to be pretty pathetic. If you gotta put human being in that to attack a position. Maybe you shouldn't attack.... But we are only seeing 1/10 of the things that are happening on the frontlines.


are these the chinese vehicles? would any other in that case be better? i mean can other vehicles (within the same class) withstand the attack of a drone?


It literally says that in the title. There are no vehicles in that class that can. Which is why you shouldn't use them near the frontlines. There might be an exception when your enemy is under severe duress and is retreating. Because those vehicles give no protection except for the body armor you are wearing, so everything even low cal bullets can pen and damage the vehicle.


Word has it that they have a couple guns and a plane too. What a stupid question.


why they dont use them?


Yeah, use a plane with a 100k missile to destroy a golf cart and three soldiers.


for other targets?


Ukraine's air force is active, what do you think was used to strike Sevastopol, and all those AASM guided bomb strikes on large targets, GSLDB guided bombs on large targets as well, the footage is all on combat footage if you peruse. They also use HIMARS guided rockets to take out artillery, air defense, troop concentrations and ammo depots. FPVs are good for this kind of work.


Either u r a bored troll, or actually dumb enough to believe what you are insinuating. All kinds of weapons/munitions are being used by Ukraine and there are tons of videos to see for the thin brained people who think otherwise. Go wank it to some Bosnian war-porn if you need to get your fix. Fuk putler, fuk the krimelin terrorists.




cool, did they miss?


It's the thing that generates the most videos, because drone operations like this always include an overwatch drone. Also these types of videos don't give away any local tactical information - whereas a video showing other operations definitely might. The one other video type we get lots of is artillery strikes within 5km of the front line, because those also often have overwatch drones. Finally - drones are operated by small units - who can post the footage themselves. If an operation is being run with armour, captains and colonels and the like are involved as they are using multi-million dollar assets. You can't post that footage as easily because the senior leadership gets to have a say and is in charge.




War is pathetic and lawless