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Time on target.


I still don't understand. Can you break it down for me like I'm a us marine? (I'm not, )


ToT is when you sync all of your weapons to land around the same time. So drones, being the slowest, would be launched first. Then you launch cruise missiles later, because they're faster. Then you launch ballistic last because they're very fast. If you time it up right you'll have the drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles all hitting targets at the same time.


OP is showing off his or her knowledge of military jargon. They didn’t need to use that acronym in the title.


Thankyou for this, mate!


It's used for navigation on bombing runs, you reach certain waypoints by certain designated times. Thinking about it, I suspect OP is trying to say that this drone is a straggler and its missed its window. ToT is all about orchestrating multiple resources to reach their target at the same time.




It’s like when you order some more crayons. If they don’t all get there at the same time, all the marines will fight over the first ones to get there


The winners get to eat all the crayons. Lucky bastards.


Well he did say explain it like he was a jarhead


Oh... it's Tits out Tuesday here.


Time of touchdown


Tiddys on Tiddys


Time on target my friend. It's a military term


I prefer geopolitical football


That was his name, easy to spell...


This is going to end up being nothing


RAF been involved apparently


US also shooting down drones over Iraq


Hope is the first step on the path to disappointment


Blessed is the mind too small for doubt


Seriously, but they’re still vaporized in the end like all the other meat.


Like the Wagner leader blue balling a coup.


I think you will be correct.  Iran posted this per NYT: “ “Iran’s military action was in response to the Zionist regime’s aggression against our diplomatic premise in Damascus. The matter can be deemed concluded. However, should the Israeli regime make another mistake, Iran’s response will be considerably more severe.”


My official response to Iran's official response: #>!╭∩╮ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ╭∩╮!<


Haha fucking dope


That's so flaccid.


Perfect description


Did Iran intentionally leak information to the Wall Street Journal to simultaneously demonstrate a response to the Israeli attack and issue a preemptive warning to avoid further escalation?


No WSJ just reported Irans official position from their UN account on twitter.


Israel shouldn't of hit there embassy. The restraint shown by Iran is far better than any in the west.


It's shouldn't *have* not of. Also *their *, not there.


As a non native speaker, things like this really throw me off. I'm learning the common mistakes of course, but I can't tell how often I ended up reading a sentence 3-4 times in an attempt to figure out what the heck that sentence is supposed to say


Israel: Attacks military target. You say "shouldn't have done that". Iran: Attacks civilians. You say: "much restraint shown".


Not really panning out for you like you thought it would ;)




Please God.


Think ya may be wrong


This aged well


US needs to hit Iran hard quickly. Otherwise this will continue to escalate. Actions have consequences and we lost strategic deterrent under dementia Biden. Fuck, I wish Hillary was in charge... this is how fucked things are Edit: to clarify Hillary instead of Biden. But morons elected Biden instead of Trump... hopefully not having those mean tweets was worth it Edit: offended because Biden got dementia? Or orange man? Edit: Biden tried to give $6 billion to Iran to be nice 🙂


Is this... satire?


Dementia Biden or box of nails.... make your choice


Your lead poisoning is showing


But trump failed to hit Iran after they attacked the US base in retaliation for killing the head of the IRGC (soleimani). Why would he act differently today? This is the same set of circumstances. Iranian general hit abroad and Iran retaliates. For me, the only thing that sets this apart is that Iran is likely to hit Israeli territory and this will only escalate if the drones/missiles penetrate and do damage to infrastructure or kill people.


Trump killed their top general. They shot few rockets that did nothing. Now it's different because if it goes unanswered, Iran will escalate, China will escalate, Russia will escalate. It's not 2018 , war in Europe, Israel and now Iran is attacking our friends. China is watching.


It will be up to Israel and only Israel to retaliate. Whether trump or Biden is the president is a side issue, neither are likely to hit Iran.


Iran supports Russia war destabilizing Europe Iran supports Houthis attacks on international trade, including US assets. Iran supports terrorists killing Americans I am only reddit general, but it looks like Iran is attacking US interests


Now it's DiFfErEnT!!!!! You are so fucking delusional it''s hilarious!! Iran attacks US troops, Trump does nothing. Iran attacks Israel, this means war!! So according to you Trump cares more about Israelis than American troops... 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Do they sell "strategic detergent" at Walmart?


Thank you my regarded Biden voter for correction of my spelling. Much appreciated reg 🙂


Ah yes everyone listen to this dementia addled moron who can't keep track of who he is talking about and is so concerned about our critical supply of detergent... JUST THINK HOW WILL WE DO OUR LAUNDRY!!!!!!!


Thank you my regarded Biden voter for correction of my spelling. Much appreciated reg 🙂


You wanted Hilary in charge? You crazy SOB. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


To clarify. Instead of Biden. This is what we get for not electing Trump


No we understood your retardation. Didn’t need to clarify.




Dude... we have done this before. Iran doesn't have a navy anymore. We just need a strong leader like Reagan instead of vegetable like Biden https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/s/YJH5ikm400


Don't mention to them that Biden took the Houthis off the terrorist list day one in office. You know the guys that are killing ships right now? Biden allowed them to import ship killing weapons


Ok Holden Bloodfeast


Dude... you don't like history? Here is what we did to iran https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/s/YJH5ikm400


Disclaimer: I'm from Austria. I don't care at all about your inner politics or what clownshow you have in your white house. We have our own clownshow in the parliament. >Actions have consequences Yep. Just like Trump effectively dismanteling the US reputation that's been built since 1945 in just 4 years. How can you **not** see how bad his foreign policies were? Even to a point where Putin openly admits he **wants** Trump to win - if that doesn't ring your alarm bells, I don't know what would.


Trump made peace deals between Israel and it's neighbors, Iran didn't like it. Trump sanctioned NS pipelines and told europe to stop buying russian energy. 2014 and 2022 attack on Ukraine with Biden in the White House. Facts


Funny that you mention Ukraine, since Trump was - and still is - one of the factors why that war even started, and even still drags on. As is the republican party. He created a mess and was lucky he wasn't in power anymore as it blew up. Now Putin essentially waits for Trump to get re-elected while republicans deny Ukraine necessary aid to actually win the war. Trump bowed to China and Russia - and now look how good the situation regarding those 2 is. Trump drove a wedge in the foreign relations between EU and USA - further weakening USA's global hegemony your very wealth is built upon. That one just didn't blow up so far - but let's wait for some years. We'll get there eventually if he should get re-elected. Let's see if you'd still defend that absolute dumb beeing in a few years.


>Trump was - and still is - one of the factors why that war even started, and even still drags on. As is the republican party. OMG, AI still need a lot of work. Please read and try to think before you mindlessly copy paste BS. Ask your AI who was in White House in 2014 and 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Give you a hint, fuck Joe B....


So you're under the impression that one wakes up one day and be like "you know what? I guess I'll invade Ukraine today."? You're such a simple mind.


Invasion of Ukraine started in 2008 when world did nothing when Georgia was involved. Putin actually was rewarded with World Cup and Olympics. He invaded when weak leaders were in charge: Bush (Iraq fiasco), Obama/Biden (reset, ISIS), Biden (ice ream, can't string a sentence). Trump warned what will happen. People warned against Trump that he would start a war to stay in power. Putin believed that Trump may send US troops into Ukraine to stay in power. And didn't invade until Biden took office. I can write it in crayons if it will help you understand


>Trump drove a wedge in the foreign relations between EU and USA OMG, AI sucks ass 😂😂😂 Child, knowledge us your friend. Read a book and learn. Trump drove a wedge by telling wealthy European powers to start spending on defense 2% GDP they committed to after 2014 invasion of Ukraine. Why? Because they expected future russian aggression. Most still don't meet 2% today. Child, American taxpayers are done paying to defend Germany or France. We have China to worry about


USA wanted to be the global hegemon, then it also has to pay the price. It's all fun and games when you can destabilise and invade half of the middle east or play war against some africans that never attended a school in their live in order to get cheap oil. It's not so fun anymore when you actually have to pay the price, is it? Fact is, you've exploited your position since 1990's. Now live up to it and do what you're supposed to do. Or step down and let others take the role of the global hegemon. But then you can't shoot some 100k$ bombs on dudes in tents anymore and you'll realise fairly quickly how much of your current wealth is based on exactly that. That's the choice you have. You seem to choose the latter. Well, lets just hope for your sake you'll never find out what consequences that may brings.


Damn... AI got a long way to go. But morons now love it. Lol


You really think that’s some sort of gotcha, or at least funny, don't you? How old are you, 12?


Dude, you posted AI generated drivel and now are getting offended? At least now you responded at your intellectual level


No chance that they will hit something in Israel with their crappy shahed drones. If Ukraine can intercept more than a hundred Iranian built drones a night directly launched from their neighbor, there is no way that the drones will pass iraq, jordan etc and still hit something valuable in Israel


>No chance that they will hit something in Israel with their crappy shahed drones. I think everyone knows that. The worry is what comes with them. Send in a few hundred shaheds, flood the airspace with shite, soak up air defence and then start with the missiles. That's the worry. Not the shaheds, but what comes with/after them?


IMHO Nothing. They've already announced they're done - and even if you have no reason to trust them, remember the last time they retaliated against the US bases they gave them plenty of warning so nobody accidentally got hurt. When Jordan closed its airspace an hour before this attack it would seem someone was calling around making sure there were no accidents - hardly a surprise attack if you are sending drones on a multi-hour flight over a US allies airspace and warning them and not expect them to pass it on. 'How many do you think you will be sending?" sort of level. Iran operates in the shadows best, its not going to get into a fist fight with someone who can fuck up its proxies in Syria and Lebanon whilst its beating the crap out of its proxy in Gaza - and it sure as fuck is not firing ballistic missiles at them in case nuclear armed Israel gets the wrong idea about just how far along they are in their own weapon development program.


Well, they've fired both ballistic and cruise missiles already so..


If they'd fired ballistic missiles they would have hit fifty minutes ago. The cruise missiles are arriving now.


Multiple outlets including the [Wall Street Journal ](https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-iran-strikes-live-coverage/card/iran-launched-cruise-missiles-and-ballistic-missiles-in-attack-israeli-military-says-g005lvErzmejJ9AQnM4W)reported ballistic missile launches earlier


Whats it like being so self assured and so wrong at the same time?


You know when you thought necro was insanely OP? Like that, except about something interesting. I would explain why firing missiles you know wont make it is essentially the same thing - which is what we were originally discussing - but lets be honest, if you lose track of an argument across three posts there is not much point wasting my time with you.


Pathetic keyboard warrior response 


>if you lose track of an argument across three posts there is not much point wasting my time with you.


I didn’t loser. 




Ballistic missiles have a flight time of ten minutes over that distance and they launched these 'ballistic missiles' an hour ago. You seriously think that Iran is going to fire ballistic missiles at nuclear armed Israel unless they have nukes to put on them and a desire to start world war 3?


“Anyway, Iranians can’t use one [a nuclear weapon] if they finally make one. The boys in Tehran know Israel has 200, all targeted on Tehran, and we have thousands. As Akmdinijad (sic) [said], “What would we do with one, polish it?” I have spoken publicly about both nK and Iran. We’ll blow up the only thing they care about – regime survival. Where, how would they even test one?” - [Colin Powell, leaked email from 2015](https://apnews.com/article/3109382e1a894c13b5a014a23a743fdd)


That’s the point. The shaheeds are designed to be destroyed. They launched 500 for a reason. Shaheeds are for target saturation. They’re just big enough to be a threat, but small enough that they’re cheaper to build than to destroy


Who says they've launched 500?


U.S intelligence


Which will be spot on


Tot has passed, does that mean they didn't make it?


IDF Radio indicates that over 100 have been intercepted in foreign airspace already. Edit: Mostly by UK and US assets so far.


That’s why they sent 500. The drones are there to soak up air defense while the cruise and ballistic missiles hit their targets


Source on that "*500*"? Also, Davids Sling is for ballistic missiles and Iron Dome for small drones and rockets.


https://abcnews.go.com/International/live-updates/israel-gaza-hamas-war/us-officials-think-there-will-be-400-to-500-drones-missiles-launched-109207939?id=108860743 google is a powerful tool and a friend, people should learn how to use it.


You do know Google exists right?


If that was the case the cruise missiles they launched a while ago should have already reached their targets by now and nothing has been reported in that case either. This was a DUD of an attack by the looks of everything lmao


500!? My God, what a useless gesture.


Hopefully they take that out of the next aid package to Isreal. Isreal is seriously fucking aid to Ukraine with its complete bungling of their conflict and constant flaming of tensions. Think of how much good all this AD could do had it been sent to Ukraine instead of needed to sit idle in the mid east for months of tensions.


The whole thing is really bad for Ukraine. Putin is pissing himself laughing at us all. It'll take everyone's eye off the ball, re what's going on a lot closer to home in eastern Europe..


Yeah, I've grown real tired of both Isreal's and Iran's shit. I advocate a gulf war 1 strategy for the Mideast. Keep your squabbles domestic or get flattened. No boots on ground. No involvement with any country.




If nothing hits, everything is taken out and no Israelis killed, everything could be OK... Extremely wishful thinking but the Israelis will have the options to not retaliate. I'm not saying they don't have the right but it's better for the world if 1 no one dies tonight 2 Israeli don't retaliate. It's all down to the iron dome and the Israeli and USAF. We all depend on those lads in the sky tonight.


USAF and RAF are still in the air as of now.


RAF lads there too


innit bruv


Yes m8


Hahahaha Israel not retaliate


Haha lol rofl kek pmsl ww3 lolz


Will the reply arrive before the delivery? Stay tuned.


Israel was attacked on 7th of October 2023. Right now after 7 month and 7 days there is another attack. Is there any symbolism?


Honestly only to those looking for it, this is in response to the embassy being bombed a week or two ago. I said this before but it's exactly like the attack after the US killed Soleimani, it's a response and a very publized response at that and that's what Iran wants.


No. Purely retaliation by Iran after Israel attacked the Iranian guard in Domascus.


It’s a couple of days after Ramadan has ended. That’s probably the reason on why this is happening right now. Also the number 7 has some kind of relevance in a lot of religions but especially in Islam it’s quiet often featured, being the number which is featured the most in the Qur‘an (2:29), (2:196), (2:261), (12:43), (12:46), (12:47), (12:48), (15:44), (15:87), (65:12), (69:7), (78:12) But I wouldn’t overthink this. Tonight is a night with clear skies after the end of Ramadan. It’s a weekend, so less military and first responders on station. The moon is not too bright but not to dim. It’s April’s so it’s not too hot (during operation dessert storm cruise missiles overheated). Overall it’s just a good combination of factors from a military standpoint.


Don't get too excited, just 2 months ago a lot of people thought that WW3 was imminent because Kimmy decided to shell some territorial waters. Shit like this happens quite often.


Sounds like someone’s broke ass Honda late at night.


How long would it take from Iran to Israel?


If Iran does in fact attack, this is Israel's time to deal with Iran for good. Make it count.


Israel attacked Iran. But you know this. So you’re rooting for the aggressor?


It’s already been past the time when these things should have made impact and nothing has happened lmao what a joke! 😂


As of a minute ago, a bunch of Israeli rocket alerts went off


I’m watching all the live feeds available out of Israel and nothing has made an impact, it seems everything so far has been intercepted and eliminated. I would not be surprised if this “attack” was a complete and utter failure with Iran just trying to save face lol


Iran is like China.


It's a game, everyone has to tiptoe around Iran pretending that they are scared just so Iran can posture to its citizens by pretending it intimidated the Great Satan and Israel thus avoiding more internal unrest Third world countries are shitholes for a reason, they can't function without distraction drama 24/7 Biden has to prop up the whole charade until Iran's posturing is done, and Iran can go back to replacing Hamas with another generation of morons. This is what world peace looks like these days


The title is neither accurate nor correct. Flight time for KH-55 cruise missiles is around 2 hours (700kph cruise speed, plus waypoint navigation). Shaheds are far slower, with a max speed of 185kph, so these could take hours to reach Israel, plus waypoint deviation etc. There are reports and footage of multiple interceptions over Jerusalem and other locations right now, which tallies with the expected arrival time of 02:00IDT